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Binding - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2
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Configuring Apache to listen on specific addresses and ports.
Related ModulesRelated Directives
When Apache starts, it binds to some port and address on
the local machine and waits for incoming requests. By default,
it listens to all addresses on the machine.
However, it may need to
be told to listen on specific ports, or only on selected
addresses, or a combination of both. This is often combined with the
Virtual Host feature, which determines how Apache responds to
different IP addresses, hostnames and ports.
directive tells the server to accept
incoming requests only on the specified ports or
address-and-port combinations. If only a port number is
specified in the
directive, the server
listens to the given port on all interfaces. If an IP address
is given as well as a port, the server will listen on the given
port and interface. Multiple
directives may be used to
specify a number of addresses and ports to listen on. The
server will respond to requests from any of the listed
addresses and ports.
For example, to make the server accept connections on both
port 80 and port 8000, on all interfaces, use:
Listen 8000
To make the server accept connections on port 80 for one interface,
and port 8000 on another, use
IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets, as in the
following example:
Listen [2001:db8::a00:20ff:fea7:ccea]:80
A growing number of platforms implement IPv6, and
supports IPv6 on most of these platforms,
allowing Apache to allocate IPv6 sockets, and to handle requests sent
over IPv6.
One complicating factor for Apache administrators is whether or
not an IPv6 socket can handle both IPv4 connections and IPv6
Handling IPv4 connections with an IPv6 socket uses
IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, which are allowed by default on most
platforms, but are disallowed by default on FreeBSD, NetBSD, and
OpenBSD, in order to match the system-wide policy on those
platforms. On systems where it is disallowed by default, a
parameter can change this behavior
for Apache.
On the other hand, on some platforms, such as Linux and Tru64, the
only way to handle both IPv6 and IPv4 is to use
mapped addresses. If you want Apache to handle IPv4 and IPv6 connections
with a minimum of sockets, which requires using IPv4-mapped IPv6
addresses, specify the --enable-v4-mapped
--enable-v4-mapped is the default on all platforms except
FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, so this is probably how your Apache was
If you want Apache to handle IPv4 connections only, regardless of
what your platform and APR will support, specify an IPv4 address on all
directives, as in the
following examples:
If your platform supports it and you want Apache to handle IPv4 and
IPv6 connections on separate sockets (i.e., to disable IPv4-mapped
addresses), specify the --disable-v4-mapped
option. --disable-v4-mapped is the
default on FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD.
directive does not implement
Virtual Hosts - it only tells the
main server what addresses and ports to listen on. If no
directives are used, the server will behave
in the same way for all accepted requests. However,
can be used to specify a different behavior
for one or more of the addresses or ports. To implement a
VirtualHost, the server must first be told to listen to the
address and port to be used. Then a
should be created for the specified address and port to set the
behavior of this virtual host. Note that if the
is set for an address and port that the
server is not listening to, it cannot be accessed.
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How to Boost Brain Power and Memory
Updated: August 29, 2016
During the whole long history of research on the human brain, scientists believed that the brain was not making any new neural connections when the body stopped developing. Which means that since the age of the early-to-mid 20s human memory begins to get irreversibly worse. And doctors knew that neurons, just like any other part of the body, weaken as people age. Loss of brain function due to neural breakdown related to aging was assumed to be normal and unavoidable.
However, in the past few years, it has become clear that things are not that bleak and human brain can still make new neurons starting in your 20s and continuing well into old age. So you can literally rewire the brain with new parts as the older parts wear out. How?
There are lots of things you can do right now to preserve, protect and enhance your gray matter.
1Physical exercise
A healthy body really does mean a healthy mind. In the last decade it has become clear that regular exercise beneficially affects brain function. Exercise boosts brain power by stimulating formation of new brain cells (neurons), the process known as neurogenesis. Also, exercise strengthens connections between brain cells.
Exercise stimulates the area of the brain
associated with memory and learning.
Regular physical activity may even help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Several studies have confirmed that regular physical activity reduces the risk of cognitive decline and dementia in old age.
2Lifelong learning - your brain is a learning machine
For most of us, after we graduate from high school or college, our pursuit of new knowledge bottoms out over time. We may be professionals at what we do, but we aren't learning new things. Unfortunately so, because there is clear evidence that education and learning produce favourable changes in the brain. Researchers believe that intellectual activity plays a neuroprotective role against dementia. Some studies suggest that having a low level of formal education and poor linguistic skills is a risk factor for cognitive decline in later life.
But if you continue to learn and challenge yourself, your brain continues to grow, literally. Recent research has demonstrated that learning over time enhances memory and the survival of new brain cells. An active brain produces new connections between nerve cells that allow cells to communicate with each other. This helps the brain store and retrieve information more easily, no matter what your age.
How can you challenge yourself? Scientists agree that anything that is new and expands your knowledge will be effective:
Learning to play any musical instrument
Switching careers or starting a new one
Starting a new creative hobby, this could be anything like painting, biking, photography, gardening
Learning a foreign language. According to the
speaking more than one language may slow the aging process in the mind
Staying informed about what's going on in the world
Learning to cook new dish
If you let your brain be idle, it's not going to be in the best health.
3Mental stimulation
Researchers found that a woman's memory can be impaired for at least a year after giving a birth, although the effects are minor
Stimulate your brain. The more you think, the better your brains function - regardless of age. So make sure you're actively problem-solving and having to use your memory. Just as physical activity keeps your body strong, mental activity keeps your mind sharp and agile. Without something to keep us mentally charged, our brains, like unused muscles, can atrophy, leading to a decline in cognitive abilities.
The study, conducted by researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, found that mentally active seniors reduced their risk of dementia by as much as 75 percent,
compared to those who do not stimulate their minds. Researchers from the Princeton University found that simple cognitive stimulation such as Bingo can be of great value to the daily management of Alzheimer's patients.
Some good ways to stimulate your mind:
Going to museums
Reading books, newspapers, or magazines
Playing 'thinking' games like cards, checkers, chess, crosswords, sudoku puzzles
Scrabble or doing crossword puzzles
Playing musical instruments
Crafts such as drawing, painting, and ceramics
Ditch the calculator once in a while and forcing yourself to do the calculation
4Social interaction - People are good medicine
"Social interaction" can be measured by how often people talk on the phone with friends, neighbors and relatives, how often they get together with them, how many people they can share their most private feelings and concerns with.
Men are one and a half times more likely than women to develop mild cognitive impairment (the transition stage before dementia).
Socializing has a protective effect on the brain because it's a form of mental exercise. Not only does interacting with people stimulate the brain, but it can also keep you sharp, because dealing with people can be pretty challenging. Strong social ties have been associated with lower blood pressure and longer life expectancies.
And having no social ties is believed to be an independent risk factor for cognitive decline in older persons.
U.S. researchers found that talking to another person for 10 minutes a day improves memory and test scores. They found that socializing was just as effective as more traditional kinds of mental exercise in boosting memory and intellectual performance. They also found that the higher the level of social interaction, the better the cognitive functioning. Social interaction included getting together or having phone chats with relatives, friends and neighbors.
In a study of more than 2,800 people ages 65 or older, Harvard researchers found that those with at least five social ties - church groups, social groups, regular visits, or phone calls with family and friends - were less likely to suffer cognitive decline than those with no social ties.
5Sleep & Nap
Sleep plays critical and sometimes crucial role in brain development and growth.
Science explains the healing power of sleep by the fact that sleep may contribute to neurogenesis, which is the process of formation of new nerve cells in the brain. Research in animals provides an insight about how the sleep deprivation is harmful for the brain - it reduces the number of new brain cells. Without sufficient sleep, neurons may not have enough time to repair all the damage, and so could malfunction during the day.
Sleep is necessary for the brain to process and consolidate knowledge and for memories to form. Neuroscientists say that during sleep the hippocampus (part of the brain where memory is stored) becomes highly active and moves knowledge from short-term memory to long-term memory.
The memories laid down by the sleeping brain are of two kinds. Declarative memory or the memory for information - facts, dates, and names. Procedural memory is what allows us to do things like play a musical instrument, ride a bicycle, or add up a bill. Scientists think these two types of memory are influenced by different parts of the sleep cycle. Slow wave sleep benefits mainly the consolidation of declarative memories. In contrast, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep seems to benefit procedural memory.
According to animal studies, when you perform a task, the brain cells fire in a certain sequence. If you then fall asleep, the same cells automatically fire in an identical sequence without being distracted or disrupted by incoming visual stimuli.
There is a consistent pattern: Learn something new during the day, consolidate what you have learned during a good night's sleep, then remember or perform the task better in the morning. However, sleep before learning is also critical in preparing the brain for next-day memory formation.
Even a nap in the middle of the day may benefit some learning, according to a recent study. Sleep appears to help "set" the declarative memories and make them easier to recall.
6Stress management
The brain uses 20% of our body's oxygen and 20% of its blood.
Scientists believe people exposed to chronic stress tend to have elevated levels of cortisol - a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in response to acute and chronic stress. High cortisol levels are dangerous to the brain.
Some of the most impressive (in a negative way) effects of the stress on brain are hippocampus atrophy, shrinkage of the hippocampus or prefrontal cortex (the area of the brain unique to humans), and even neural death in some brain regions. The hippocampus, a vital brain region for episodic, spatial, and contextual memory, has many cortisol receptors, which makes it especially susceptible to stress.
Severe stress lasting weeks or months can impair cell communication in the brain's learning and memory region. Increased stress hormone levels lead to memory impairment in the elderly and learning difficulties in young adults.
Short-term stress is also destructive. Researchers from the University of California have found short-term stress lasting as little as few hours can impair brain-cell communication in areas associated with learning and memory. They found that rather than involving the widely known stress hormone cortisol, which circulates throughout the body, acute stress activated selective molecules called corticotropin releasing hormones, which disrupted the process by which the brain collects and stores memories.
Stress is always present in our lives and cannot be avoided. So you should focus not on stress elimination, but rather on stress management. There are several ways to help you manage stress in your daily life:
See problems as opportunities
Get away from the noise
Learn relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation
Cut down on unnecessary responsibilities and avoid over-scheduling
Make time for leisure activities
Get a massage
7Laugh & Humor
Laughter is the best medicine! We've heard the expression time and again. Medical world has begun to take more serious notice of the healing power of humor and the positive emotions associated with it. By having fun and laughing, your stress levels decrease significantly. Humor stimulates the parts of our brain that use the "feel good" chemical messenger dopamine. Also, researchers found that humor improves memory
8Healthy breakfast
It might be the last thing on your morning to-do list, if it is on your list at all. However, many studies have shown that having breakfast improves the ability of concentration, reaction time, learning ability, mood and memory, whereas skipping breakfast reduces people's performance at school and at work.
A recent study done at Cardiff University in Wales found that subjects who ate a high-fiber cereal in the morning showed a 10 percent reduction in fatigue, lower incidence of depression, and better cognitive skills. Fiber helps slow down the absorption of food in the stomach, so you have more energy for a longer period of time.
9Omega-3 fatty acids
High intake of omega-6 rich oils (such as sunflower or grape seed oil) decreases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer disease.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain health - they provide the physical building blocks needed for brain development and for maintenance of its structural and functional integrity. In fact, one of the omega-3 fatty acids, commonly known as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), makes
up a large portion of the gray matter in the brain and is vital for brain cells function. Diet rich in DHA improves learning, while lack of DHA worsens learning ability. Adding more DHA to your brain directly influences cell-to-cell communication, affects nerve conduction and neurotransmitter release, and other processes that allow brain cells to send messages to each other.
French researchers found that people who regularly consume omega-3 rich oils, such as canola, flaxseed, and walnut oil, are 60% less likely to develop dementia than those who do not regularly consume such oils. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables lowers dementia risk by 30%. People who eat fish at least once a week are 40 percent less likely to develop dementia.
Coldwater fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and herring are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids (just be careful to eat this in moderation due to potential contamination with mercury). Dutch studies revealed that high fish consumption may reduce the risk of dementia and cognitive decline.
Blueberries are a real tasty and low-glycemic superfood. Eating blueberries every day was found by the USDA at Tufts University to slow and even reverse age-related brain decline, as well as improve short-term memory loss and help reverse age-related loss of balance.
Blueberries are a major source of flavonoids, in particular anthocyanins and flavanols. Although the precise mechanisms by which these plant-derived molecules affect the brain are unclear, they have been shown to cross the blood brain barrier after dietary intake. It is believed that they exert their effects on learning and memory by enhancing existing neuronal connections, improving cellular communications and stimulating neuronal regeneration.
Eating vegetables appears to help keep the brain young and may slow the mental decline which is sometimes associated with growing old. Cruciferous and green leafy vegetables including cauliflower, spinach, kale, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprout and collards promise to be the most beneficial. Researchers say that may be because they contain healthy amounts of vitamin E, an antioxidant that is believed to help fight chemicals produced by the body that can damage cells.
Increased blood level of homocysteine is a strong risk factor for the development of Alzheimer disease and dementia. Three B vitamins, folic acid, B6, and B12, can help lower your homocysteine levels. Fortified cereal, other grains, and leafy green vegetables are good sources of B vitamins.
12Want to drink? Choose red wine!
People who drink to forget bad memories may actually be doing the opposite by reinforcing the neural circuits that control negative emotional memory
While heavy drinking clearly causes serious problems for many people, drinking in moderation may be actually good for the brain.
Intake of up to three daily servings of wine, unlike other alcohol beverages like liquor or beer, is associated with a lower risk of dementia. This may be due to the ability of red wine polyphenols to protect brain cells against alcohol-induced damage.
There is well-documented evidence that resveratrol, a polyphenol found in
red wine and red grape skin and seeds, has a significant antioxidant properties
and produces neuroprotective effects.
13Care for your heart and vessels
Many risk factors for cardiovascular disease may
also contribute to cognitive decline and dementia.
High blood pressure in midlife increases the risk of cognitive decline in old age.
Diabetes and high levels of LDL
("bad") cholesterol appear to significantly increase the risk of dementia.
14Musical training
A growing body of scientific research finds musical training provides students learning advantages in the classroom. Recently scientists revealed that very poor auditory and memory skills are rare among children with even a short period of musical training.
According to the latest 2014 Kraus's study, learning to play a musical instrument or to sing can help disadvantaged children strengthen their reading and language skills. Musical training appears to enhance the way children's nervous systems process sounds in a busy environment, e.g. classroom.
Also, lifelong musical training
shows benefits in at least 2 important functions known to decline with age -- memory and the ability to hear speech in noise.
15Singing for foreign language learning
A new experimental study provides evidence that a listen-and-repeat singing method can facilitate foreign language learning. Singing in a foreign language can significantly improve learning how to speak it.
Created by Lawrence C. Katz, Ph.D., a professor of neurobiology at Duke University Medical Center, neurobics is a unique system of brain exercises. Using your five physical senses and your emotional sense in unexpected ways that encourage you to shake up your everyday routines. Studies have shown that even small changes in daily patterns induce brain stimulation.
Neurobics can be done anywhere, anytime, in offbeat, fun and easy ways. These exercises can activate underused nerve pathways and connections, helping you achieve a fit and flexible mind:
Drive to work a different route
Get dressed with your eyes closed
Brush your teeth with the other hand
Unlock the door with your eyes closed
Use your opposite hand to dial the phone or operate the TV remote
Listen to music and smell flowers at the same time
Shop at new grocery store
Research has suggested that using your left hand if you're right handed or the other way around more often, can help stimulate parts of the brain that you don't normally use.
17Repeated testing is superior to repeated studying
There is strong evidence that memory is enhanced by repeated retrieval of information. This means that simply learning something new is not the same as learning and using your new knowledge. So try to practice what you have learned to stimulate your brain even further.
Sources & References
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