I went to the countrysiede with my friends hot mom.

I wentto the zoo with my friend ladt Sunday (用aquarium改选择疑问句) 记住,不要从网上抄袭,靠自己加上为什么写这个哦,_ you _ to the zoo with your friend_ the aquarium last Sunday?
Did you go to the zoo with your friend or the aquarium last Sunday?
i went to the beach with my sister.(对划线部分提问)( ) ( )you( )to the beach(
是对my sister划线吧,答案是 who did you go tothe beach with?对人划线,疑问词就用who,把原句改成一般疑问句照写.
Who did you go to the beach with?
viewers can speculste with their friends about the direction that the plot may take.请问that the plot may take是定语从句还是同位语从句?
应该是定语从句.viewers can speculste with their friends about the direction that the plot may take.观众们能够和朋友一起思考剧情的下一步发展方向.direction是the plot may take的宾语/
是定语从句。你可以这样做一个简单的判断——如果只有that里面的内容,读者会不会知道你在说什么。the news that ......
makes me very happy这个是同位语,那么去掉news,里面的东西读者仍然可以看懂。但是这个句子就不行了,为什么呢?定语从句只起修饰作用,所以一点去掉先行词,读者就不知所云了。...
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PN-ISO 690:2012
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Wplyw zaniku i fragmentacji siedliska na strukture genetyczna populacji susla perelkowanego Spermophilus suslicus - wykorzystanie danych genetycznych do planowania ochrony gatunku
The effect of habitat fragmentation and loss on genetic structure of spotted suslik Spermophilus suslicus populations - the use of genetical data in species conservation
J?zyki publikacji
W niniejszej pracy okre?lono i porównano struktur? genetyczn? oraz zmienno?? populacji sus?a pere?kowanego Spermophilus suslicus w dwóch ró?nych cz??ciach zasi?gu, charakteryzuj?cych si? ró?nym stopniem ??czno?ci siedliska. Dzi?ki temu, podj?to prób? po?redniej odpowiedzi na pytanie czy i w jakim stopniu zanik i fragmentacja siedliska wp?ywaj? na zmian? struktury genetycznej populacji sus?a pere?kowanego. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoli?y równie? na wyci?gni?cie praktycznych wniosków, które mog? by? wykorzystane w planowaniu ochrony i zarz?dzaniu zagro?onymi populacjami sus?a pere?kowanego w Polsce. W analizach uwzgl?dniono 6 populacji z terenu Polski i 4 po?o?one za jej wschodni? granic? (region zachodni), wyst?puj?ce w siedlisku o wysokim stopniu fragmentacji oraz 4 populacje z okolic Odessy, wyst?puj?ce w siedlisku o wy?szym stopniu ??czno?ci mi?dzy nimi (region wschodni). Przeprowadzono analiz? polimorfizmu 11 loci mikrosatelitarnych. Analiza loci mikrosatelitarnych wykaza?a wyj?tkowo wysoki poziom zró?nicowania (Fst = 0,202; p = 0,001) mi?dzypopulacyjnego w regionie zachodnim oraz istotnie ni?szy ni? w regionie wschodnim poziom zmienno?ci genetycznej. Jednocze?nie silna korelacja mi?dzy dystansem genetycznym i geograficznym w regionie zachodnim (r = 0,719; p = 0,0000008) wskazuje na istnienie ??czno?ci mi?dzy populacjami w przesz?o?ci i struktur? genetyczna zgodn? z modelem isolation by distance. Niska zmienno?? genetyczna i izolacja populacji zachodnich wynika najprawdopodobniej z nak?adaj?cych si? efektów po?o?enia na skraju zasi?gu gatunku oraz zaniku i fragmentacji siedliska, które doprowadzi?y do zaniku ??czno?ci mi?dzy populacjami i ograniczenia ich efektywnej wielko?ci. Struktura genetyczna populacji z regionu wschodniego jest zdecydowanie odmienna. Wykazano niewielkie zró?nicowanie mi?dzy populacjami (Fst = 0,032; p = 0,01) oraz istotnie wy?sz? zmienno?? wewn?trzpopulacyjn?. Przy u?yciu bayesowskiego testu przypisania wykazano wysoki poziom migracji mi?dzy populacjami, lecz brak by?o zale?no?ci mi?dzy dystansem genetycznym i geograficznym. W oparciu o uzyskane wyniki zaproponowano dzia?ania ochronne, które przyczyni? si? do utrzymania ró?norodno?ci genetycznej populacji sus?a pere?kowanego na terenie Polski
Endangered species worldwide exist in remnant populations, often within fragmented landscapes. Although assessment of genetic diversity in fragmented habitats is very important for conservation purposes, it is usually impossible to evaluate the amount of diversity that has actually been lost. Here, we compared population structure and levels of genetic diversity within populations of spotted suslik Spermophilus suslicus, inhabiting two different parts of species range characterized by different levels of habitat connectivity. We used microsatellites to analyse 10 critically endangered populations located at the western part of the range, where suslik habitat have been severely devastated due to agriculture industrialization. Their genetic composition was compared with 4 populations from the eastern part of the range where the species still occupy habitat with reasonable levels of connectivity. In the western region we detected extreme population structure (FST = 0.202) and levels of genetic diversity (Allelic richness ranged from 1.454 to 3.072) characteristic for highly endangered populations. Alternatively, in the eastern region we found significantly higher allelic richness (from 5.091 to 5.815) and an insignificant population structure (FST = 0.032). As we identified a strong correlation between genetic and geographic distance and a lack of private alleles in the western region, we conclude that extreme population structure and lower genetic diversity is due to recent habitat loss. Results from this study provide guidelines for conservation and management of this highly endangered species. In summer 2009 spotted suslik was recorded only in 6 dense and 11 midfield colonies (?mie?owski et al. 2009). Most animals (about 3221 individuals per 53 ha) were found in the “Popówka” nature reserve in pastures near the Mi?czyn village. The population has been stable for two years but in 2000 only 47 susliks were recorded in the area. Approximatively 714 individuals of the species were also observed in the “?u?le Wzgórza” nature reserve in Choch?ów. ThThe population in ?widnik, not far ago the biggest Polish one (approx. 12 500 ind. in 2004), has dramatically decreased for last several years: at the moment only about 175 susliks live in the area. Residual populations persist in Tyszowice village (27 ind. in 2008, 7 ind. in 2009), in the “Hubale” nature reserve near Zamo?? town (5 ind.) and in Grabowiec village (2 ind.). The number of susliks in dispersed colonies fluctuates between 7 and 50 animals.
S?owa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, al.Mickiewicza 33, 31-120 Krakow
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JavaScript jest wy??czony w Twojej przegl?darce internetowej. W??cz go, a nast?pnie od?wie? stron?, aby móc w pe?ni z niej korzysta?.> 【答案带解析】I went to Sydney with my parents last mo...
I went to Sydney with my parents last month. We went there for the summer vacation. I was so excited about the 1. .We did many things there. On the first day,
we 2. Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院) in the morning. Then we 3. some delicious food for lunch. After lunch, we went to Taranga
We saw lots of kangaroos (袋鼠) and koalas there. The kangaroos were very 5.
and the koalas were very cute! In the evening we 6. along Darling Harbor (港口). Then we had dinner at a restaurant 7.
the harbor and next we went back to the h 8.to relax. There are a lot of interesting places to 9.
in Sydney. We went to the beach and had fun the next day. It was an exciting trip. I really
the vacation there! I hope to go there again. 
1.vacation /trip
& & 一、词类转换
& & A)按要求写出该词的相应形式。
& & 1. boy(复数)
& & 2. they(宾格)
& & 3. thin(比较级)
& & 4. dance(v-ing形式)
& & 5. break(过去分词)&
& & (福州市中考题)
& & 这种题型是单词拼写题型中比较机械的一种,主要是考查学生对单词形式变换的掌握程度,要求学生掌握单词的变化规则以及一些构词法。(答案 :1. boys 2. them 3. thinner 4. dancing 5. broken)
& & B)用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。
& & 1. Which is (far) from us,the sun or the moon?
& & 2. The pot is used for (keep) water hot.
& & 3. Mike is ill. His mother feels (worry).&
& & 4. Beijing will be (rain)tomorrow.
& & 5. They are my (friendly).
& & 这种题型是比较灵活的词类转换形式。它不仅考查学生对单词变换形式的掌握程度,更主要是考查学生对句子成份划分的能力及对各种词类能作什么成份的掌握程度。解答这类题必须先考虑所给词在空格处作什么成份,理解句意,然后采用适当的形式。
& & 第1题,根据句意“太阳和月亮哪一个离我们较远?”,二者比较,应用比较级,故填 farther;
& & 第2题, for是介词,后接v-ing形式,故填keeping;
& & 第3题,feel是系动词,后面应接形容词作表语,故填worried;
& & 第4题,rain的形容词为rainy;
& & 第5题,根据句意,此处应填名词,又因主语They为复数,放这里应填friends。
& & 二、词语释义
& & 根据英文解释,完成下列单词的拼写,每个单词的第一个字母已给出。
& & 1. c (put one thing over another)
& & 2. u (different from;not in the same way)
& & 3. F (the second month of the year)
& & 4. s (not hurt,not in danger)
& & 5. l (not heavy)
& & 6. v (a place smaller than a town)
& & 7. r (having much money)
& & 8. f (of, in or from another country)
& & 9. w (make clean with water)
& & 10. c (easy to see, hear, read or understand) (安徽省中考题)
& & 这类题主要考查学生是否能理解一定的英语解释及掌握某些同义词、近义词或反义词。解答这类题,必须先弄懂释义,再根据提示,写出单词。
& & (答案 :1. cover 2. unlike 3. February 4. safe 5. light 6. village 7. rich 8. foreign 9. wash 10. clear)
& & 三、汉译英
& & 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。
& & 1. Miss Brown taught (他们) English last term.
& & 2. We don’t think their classroom is (干净) than ours.
& & 3. Is it the best one of the (照片) of your family ?
& & 4. I spent an hour (写) the passage last night.
& & 做这类题要从语法的角度,认真检查所填英语单词的词形是否正确。如果填的是名词,要注意它们是单数还是复数;如果填的是形容词、副词,要注意它们是否需要用比较级或最高级;如果是动词,要注意它们的时态、语态以及语气等。
& & 第1题,根据句意,taught后面应接人称代词的宾格形式,故填them;
& & 第2题,根据句意,此处应填形容词比较级cleaner;
& & 第3题,根据句意,此处可填photo或 picture;又因 one of后应接可数名词的复数形式,故应填 photos/pictures;
& & 第4题,根据句意,“花费多少时间做某事”常用句型“spend+时间+doing sth”,故此处应填 writing。&
& & & &短文填空答题技巧&
& & & &这种题型失分较多。首先需要从整体上理解文章,这是很关键的。其次,要知道所给词语的意义和词性,一般来讲,所给的词语以名词、动词和形容词为主,有时也给出副词、介词、连词或代词。然后,通过文章内容尽力分析空白处所缺的部分是什么成分,应该用什么样的词性,实际上这里更多地涉及到了句法知识中的句子成分和简单句的基本句型等语法知识。比如说名词一般用作主语、宾语或表语;动词一般置于主语之后用作谓语;形容词一般用作定语、表语或宾语补足语;副词一般修饰谓语动作,用作状语;介词最大的特征是置于名词或代词之前,构成介词短语;连词一般用来引导一个从句。最后,把干扰选项排除掉,并且把答案都填进空白处检查一遍文章。
(Some classmates are talking about their weekend.)Linda: I stayed at home and studied over the weekend. I studied for my English test on Saturday. Yesterday I wrote a geography paper. In the evening I talked to my pen pal (笔友) on the phone. What did you do?Tim: I had a good time. On Saturday morning I played tennis, in the afternoon I went to the beach, and in the evening I went to Nancy’s birthday party. On Sunday I went to the mountains with my friends.Mary: Oh, your weekend was great. But mine was boring. I stayed at home the whole (全)weekend. I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. I even watered the flowers. And only in the evening I watched TV for a short time. Did you go out, Dave?Dave: No, I didn’t. I stayed at home and watched TV on Saturday. Yesterday I watched a movie on TV, Fearless. It was very exciting.1. Which of the following statements about Linda is NOT true?A. Linda had a pen pal.B. Linda had a geography test on Sunday.C. Linda had English and geography at school.D. Linda was busy with her studies over weekend.2.What did Tim do on Sunday evening?A. He had a phone call.B. He went to Nancy’s birthday party.C. He watched TV at home.D. The passage doesn’t tell us about it.3.Who stayed at home and did some housework?A. Linda.
D. Dave.4.Who only watched TV over weekend?A. Dave.
B. Mary.C. Both Dave and Mary. D. No one.5. Only one of them left home over weekend. Who was it?A. Linda.
D. Dave. 
What do we do when we go camping? First, we make a plan(计划). We take food, clothing, a knife, and things for cooking and eating. We take things to keep us away from insects(昆虫) and the sun.Then we put everything into the car and we drive to the woods. We look for a place for campers(露营者) and we look for a good place for our tent(帐篷). The place should have a lot of moving air(流动的空气). This will keep some insects away. High land with water on both sides of it is good. Then we put up our tent. We put everything into the tent, and we are ready for fun. We can swim in the lake, walk in the woods, climb a mountain, row a boat, or go fishing.In the evening we come back to the tent, and we make a big fire because it can keep the insects away. We sit around the fire and talk. We may tell interesting stories or we may sing songs.At night we lie down on the grass. We can look up at the stars. It is a busy day, so we try to go to sleep early.Everything is dark. Everything is quiet. We hope we won’t hear music from the radio in the next tent. We hope it won’t rain.1. Before going camping we should first ______.A. make a planB. take some foodC. take things to keep us warmD. take something for cooking and eating2. We go to camp ______.A. by bus
B. by carC. by bike D. on foot3.Campers can take part in(参加) ______ activities.A. one or two B. only a fewC. many
D. two or three4.In the evening we make a fire because ______.A. it is cold at nightB. it can keep us warmC. it can keep the insects awayD. it is dark and quiet5.Campers like to ______ at night.A. hear music from the radio B. go to sleep earlyC. have rain
D. be busy 
Do you like playing soccer? If you do, you may want to join the school soccer team. Read on and see how to join the school soccer team.The first step(步骤)is to know the information(信息) about the team. You can find more information by asking these questions. How many students are there in the soccer team? How many new players do they need? How often do they play soccer?The second step is to practice. Practice soccer with your friends or your family. Only good players can join the school soccer team. So you need to practice your “skill.”The third step is to study hard. If you always get bad grades in the exam, your teachers and parents won’t let you join the soccer team.The last step is to relax. Don’t be too nervous(紧张). You can take a deep breath(深呼吸) and keep smiling. Believe in yourself and you can be the best player.1. Which is not the suitable(适当的) question according to the second paragraph(段)?A. How often do they play soccer?B. Can I join the school team?C. How many students are there in the soccer team?D. How many new players do they need?2.Which step is about studying hard?A. The first step.
B. The second step.C. The third step.
D. The last step.3.If you always get bad grades in the exam, ___ won’t let you join the soccer team.A. your teachers and parentsB. your classmates and friendsC. your parents and friendsD. your teachers and your classmates4. What does the underlined word “skill” mean in Chinese?A. 锻炼
D. 方法5.What’s the main idea of the passage?A. It’s about how to join the school soccer team.B. It’s about how to be a good soccer player.C. It’s about how to get good grades in the exam.D. It’s about how to make more friends at school. 
No sports, no life. Sports are very important(重要的) to us. Sports help us to keep in good
and get good grades.Everyone in our class
sports. Our favorite
is P.E. We only have P.E.
a week, but we play sports every day. The most popular sport in our class is basketball. The boys enjoy
it, and many of the
like it, too. Football(足球) is also popular. When the weather is
, we often play football outside. We
play volleyball. We think it is boring.There is a basketball team in our class. Our team often has matches(比赛) with other teams. When there is a match, many of us go to
it. It’s very
.1.A. health
C. fashion
D. culture2.A. meets
D. dislikes3.A. food
C. subject D. fruit4.A. two
D. twice5.A. play
B. playing
D. plays6.A. students
B. brothers
D. sisters7.A. rainy
D. terrible8.A. never
D. usually9.A. watch
D. look at10.A. clever
B. beautiful
D. exciting 
 A: Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?B: Certainly.A:
1.B: I eat them every day.A: Do you like them?B: 2. But my parents say they’re good for my health.A: Do you like junk food?B:
But I try to eat it only once a week.A: Why?B:
4.A: How long do you sleep every night?B:
5.A: Oh, I think you must be in health. A. No , I’m not.B.Yes , I do.C.No, I don’t.D.About nine hours.E.How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?F.Because my parents tell me it’s bad for my health.G.Yes, please.   
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