谁有Ghenos Games出版的桌游《nba全明星赛》(NBA All-Star...

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对我来说在周五,我可以在Spiel 2010展会上试玩更多的游戏。这得归结于我的包包已经在昨天装满了。虽然我还没给我的包包称重量,但是我觉得顶多顶多再放5盒桌游。
&&& 对我来说在周五,我可以在Spiel 2010展会上试玩更多的游戏。这得归结于我的包包已经在昨天装满了。虽然我还没给我的包包称重量,但是我觉得顶多顶多再放5盒桌游。
&&& 今天的更新主要是一些照片,原因有2个。第一,我的确没有什么很劲爆的消息带给大家;第二,现在时间也不早了,我必须要留出足够的时间来打包确保我可以把所有的东西安全的带回去。
&&& 但是我的确有一条小消息,那就是一早我在Andreas Seyfarth那边,他告诉我他正在研发一款类似Puerto Rico的桌游。虽然他没有告诉我。
&&& Japon Brand终于在今天把桌游给运到了,因此很多玩家都为此松了一口气。从下午4点开始,就有一个很稳定的长队,玩家等待着拿到自己预定的游戏。
&&& 在展厅10的BGG/RGG/FRED的展台附近则成了德国埃森的英国馆,几乎这里的所有人都在说一点英文,能够在这里和大家交流并且用母语获取新闻也是一件蛮惬意的事情。BGG的现场直播也很容易让人找到发行商和设计师。如果你没有能够看直播,你可以点击这里可以查看相关视频。
&&& 对于很多没有能够亲自来埃森参加这次展会的朋友们来说,应该和往常一样有一大堆的游戏可以销售给你们。Nick M一直在展馆内走来走去,清点那些要被送回去的游戏。虽然他无法给出一个肯定的数字,但是他拿走了不少的Key Market,因此在接下来的几周内,各位还是可以买到这一批的游戏。
&&& 好了,下面让我们开始我们的照片之旅吧。
&&& 一早我和Bruno Cathala玩了一盘《鳄鱼神(点击查看介绍)》(Sobek)。这是一款收集类游戏,计分的东西则让游戏显得更有趣。
我也试玩了Dakota,由Nexus Games发行的一款资源收集的游戏。
这是《魔法风暴》(Magestorm)游戏中的物件的近照,同样也是由Nexus Games发行。
&&& Friedemann Friese设计的,Huch!&Friends发行的Fauna Junior,这款游戏是SDJ大奖提名Fauna的续作。这款游戏玩起来更直观,我当初认为Fauna就应该是这样&&我回去和孩子们玩耍之后会给大家带来相关评测。
Huch! & Friends发行的Das B&rsenspiel,是一款制作的非常好的股市游戏。
&&& Christophe Boelinger的Skyscrapers是一款3D建造游戏,由Hutter Trade在德国发行。你用卡片进行建造,然后用塑料的东西把所有东西连接在一起。不一样的地方在于,你只能在你的米宝在的地方建筑。
&&&&&& Stefan Dorra和Ralf zur Linde的Ranking和之前Hans im Gl&ck发行的游戏倒有点不太一样,这不是一款很典型的聚会游戏,但是略带这方面的特色。每当一个问题提出之后,玩家从手中选出一个卡片。这些卡片逐渐累加到7。玩家把这些卡片进行排行,根据你的卡片存放的位置,越高获得的分数越高。游戏里面存在一些策略性的东西,哪些卡片放上或者放下等等。
&&& 中午吃饭的时候我又带了一些桌游回来,最上面两个蓝盒子是Prodigy,也是一款由Nexus Games发行的卡牌游戏。
免费的《蒂迦尔2》(Tikal II)展台的Show Girl们。
Caminos (Murmel)的设计师Stefan K&gl。在这款游戏里面你试图用彩色的token连接版图两边,你的每一个token都必须是接地的,很难的!
&&& 《NBA全明星》(NBA All-Star)游戏则是由Ghenos Games发行,并且获得了官方授权,因此游戏上有NBA的LOGO以及球星的名字,但是没有球星的照片或者球队名字。这是一款不错的篮球模拟游戏,如果玩家对规则了解的话则可以很快的进行游戏。Ghenos也同样有官方授权的足球游戏UEFA Champions League和官方授权的Formula 1的赛车游戏。
&&& 在路过B&zier Games的时候,我请Ted Alspach给BGN的读者一个最好微笑,这就是大家所得到的。
&&& Vlaada Chv&til和他的新桌游《旅游博客》(Travel Blog), 虽然和Through the Ages不一样,但是一款地理类的桌游。如果你对美国、欧洲的地理比较熟悉也许比较容易上手,但是你依然会碰到一些出人意料的事情。
&&& 这是晚上6::30的Fairplay的评分表,各位可以看到投票数在增加,但是依然不高。《特洛伊》(Troyes)和《七大奇迹》(7 Wonders)看上去挺强劲。在展会开始之前,我一直赌7 Wonders会赢,因此我在想是不是因为游戏供应的问题导致很多人不愿意去试玩这款游戏。正如我说,这只是我猜测。很多人都玩了并且给Vinhos投票,但是这款游戏根本买不到。我还没尝试Troyes,但是我碰到的每一篇报道都是正面的。
&&& 晚上我带回了这些游戏,也许是这一届我最后带回的游戏。
&&& 本文由Dale Yu发布于。玩桌游网与合作伙伴桌游世界联合发布。
&&& 桌致力于为桌游爱好者提供最新桌面游戏新闻、最多桌面游戏产品资讯、最全桌面游戏资源下载。大家也可在玩家社区内,交流心得,分享桌面游戏的无穷乐趣。
抵制不良游戏,拒绝盗版游戏。注意自我保护,谨防受骗上当。适度游戏益脑,沉迷游戏伤身。合理安排时间,享受健康生活。< - 2008 NBA All-Star Balloting Presented by T-Mobile Third Returns Announced
Steve Babineau/NBAE/Getty Images
NEW YORK, Jan. 3, 2008 ?
of the Boston Celtics and
of the Cleveland Cavaliers remain the leaders in the Eastern Conference, while
of the Los Angeles Lakers and
of the Houston Rockets lead Western Conference players after the third returns of 2008 NBA All-Star Balloting program presented by T-Mobile.
The 57th NBA All-Star Game will be played in New Orleans on Sunday, Feb. 17. The game will air live on TNT, ESPN Radio and in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.
Garnett leads all players with 1,527,963 votes with Cleveland?s James ? the 2007 top vote recipient ? following Garnett at the forward spot in the East with 1,294,019 votes, the second-highest overall tally. The Orlando Magic?s
leads Eastern Conference centers (1,260,987), with the Miami Heat?s
(1,019,582) and the New Jersey Nets?
(743,683) pacing the conference?s guards.
Bryant leads all Western Conference players with 1,234,111 votes, with the Houston Rockets?
following him at guard (809,395). San Antonio?s
passed Denver?s
(1,029,335) to claim the top spot among the conference?s forwards with 1,049,641 votes. Houston?s Yao leads Western Conference centers (1,077,244).
The 2008 NBA All-Star Balloting program, which also includes partners 2K Sports and GameStop, allows fans worldwide to vote daily for their favorite players as starters for the All-Star Game in a variety of ways, including: at each NBA in 20 at more than 1,500 T-Mobile-owned retail locations with custom T-Mobile All-Star ball and through mobile phones at t-zones on T-Mobile phones or
for any wireless carrier. For the first time, an All-Star Balloting widget is available .
Fans can ?grab? the widget and place it on their blogs, social network pages, or personal Web sites allowing others to vote directly from the widget. Select NBA arenas are also carrying a Spanish-language version of the ballot. Voting will continue through Jan. 13, for paper balloting and Jan. 20,
NBA All-Star 2008 is a week-long celebration that enables fans to experience the thrill of the world?s greatest athletes playing the game they love and features a full slate of community-enhancing activities including the NBA Cares All-Star Day of Service and fan festivals such as NBA All-Star Jam Session.
One hundred twenty players ? 60 each from the Eastern and Western conferences ? are listed on the NBA All-Star ballot. Voters select two guards, two forwards and one center from each conference. The 120 players on the ballot were selected by a panel of media experts who regularly cover the NBA. This year?s panel included Ric Bucher (ESPN the Magazine), Rick Bonnell (Charlotte Observer), David DuPree (USA Today), Ernie Johnson (TNT), Jack McCallum (Sports Illustrated), Mike Monroe (San Antonio Express-News) and Sam Smith (Chicago Tribune).
Updated results for the Eastern and Western Conferences will be issued regularly leading up to the announcement of the All-Star starters on Thursday Jan. 24, prior to a TNT doubleheader. Following the completion of fan voting and the starting line-up announcement, the head coaches in each conference will vote to determine the remaining All-Stars in their respective conference, which will be announced Thursday, Jan. 31 prior to a TNT doubleheader.
As the presenting partner of the 2008 NBA All-Star Balloting program, and in support of the NBA?s season-long effort to help the on-going rebuilding of New Orleans, T-Mobile will donate $1 for every ballot cast in T-Mobile-owned retail locations or on t-zones to the New Orleans Recovery School District. The week leading up to the 57th NBA All-Star Game will feature a full slate of community-enhancing activities and fan festivals, such as NBA All-Star Jam Session presented by adidas and the T-Mobile Rookie Challenge & Youth Jam on Friday, Feb. 14.
In conjunction with All-Star Balloting, 2K Sports will give fans the chance to experience New Orleans and the best of basketball by entering the Official Balloting NBA 2K8 All-Star Sweepstakes for a chance to win two season tickets for the 2008-09 season to a team of their choice, a trip to NBA All-Star 2008 and to have their likeness as a digitized player incorporated in next year?s game, NBA 2K9.
As part of the grand prize, GameStop, the video game retailer, will offer a shopping spree.
GameStop will also promote balloting throughout its 4,800 locations by utilizing in-store point-of-purchase materials.
The leaders of both the Eastern and Western Conference players for the third returns of the 2008 NBA All-Star voting program are attached:
(Bos) 1,527,963;
(Clev) 1,294,019;
(Tor) 411,313;
(Bos) 352,243;
(Mil) 291,447;
(Was) 187,396;
(Orl) 172,720;
(Det) 155,502;
(Atl) 143,518;
(Orl) 143,118.
(Mia) 1,019,582; Jason Kidd (NJ) 743,683;
(Bos) 617,123;
(NJ) 612,543;
(Was) 511,763;
(Det) 331,872;
(Mil) 221,777;
(Det) 163,250;
(Atl) 149,367;
(Phi) 140, 292.
(Orl) 1,260,987;
(Mia) 609,597;
(Det) 162,792;
(Chi) 146,332;
(Mil) 132,469; Jermaine O?Neal (Ind) 120,690;
(Clev) 77,350;
(Cha) 74,269;
(Atl) 58,430;
(NY) 53,084.
(SA) 1,049,641;
(Den) 1,029,335;
(Dal) 830,970;
(Utah) 347,899;
(Hou) 297,672;
(Pho) 296,917;
(Dal) 285,580;
(Hou) 279,970; Kevin Durant (Sea) 242,953;
(Pho) 209,057.
(LAL) 1,234,111;
(Hou) 809,395;
(Den) 694,611;
(Pho) 684,813;
(SA) 360,408;
(SA) 316,541;
(NO) 261,169;
(GS) 247,187;
(Dal) 218,052;
(Dal) 192,017.
(Hou) 1,077,244; Amaré Stoudemire (Pho) 583,249;
(Den) 221,527;
(Dal) 184,689;
(Mem) 139,254;
(Utah) 112,434;
(NO) 98,424;
(Por) 93,043;
(LAC) 83,516;
(GS) 81,611.
is part of Turner Sports Digital, part of the Turner Sports & Entertainment Digital Network.');ad_counter++};
Washington Wizards | Guard
Votes: 886,368
Toronto Raptors | Guard
Votes: 805,290
New York Knicks | Forward
Votes: 647,005
Cleveland Cavaliers | Forward
Votes: 1,470,483
Chicago Bulls | Forward
Votes: 974,177
Atlanta Hawks | Forward
Atlanta Hawks | Forward
Atlanta Hawks | Guard
Chicago Bulls | Guard
Cleveland Cavaliers | Guard
Atlanta Hawks | Forward
Miami Heat | Forward
&&* Korver replaced Dwyane Wade (hamstring)
Andrew Wiggins won MVP in leading Team World to a victory over Team USA.
Kyrie's Kingdom
After leading the East to its first win in four years, Kyrie Irving earned the game's MVP honors.
CP3 Owns The Night
Chris Paul dished his way to All-Star MVP honors as the West won for the third straight year.
KD Steals Show
Is Kevin Durant's time now? The Thunder star outdueled LeBron to lead the West to victory.
Kobe Shines
Kobe Bryant felt right at home at Staples Center, scoring 37 to lead the West.
Wade's World
Dwyane Wade took home MVP honors to lead the Eastern Conference at Cowboys Stadium.
Duo Reunited
Kobe and Shaq played together again and led the way for the Western Conference squad.
Golden State Warriors | Guard
Votes: 1,513,324
Houston Rockets | Guard
Coach's Decision
Golden State Warriors | Guard
Coach's Decision
Portland Trail Blazers | Forward
Coach's Decision
Memphis Grizzlies | Center
Votes: 795,121
Portland Trail Blazers | Guard
Sacramento Kings | Center
Oklahoma City Thunder | Guard
Los Angeles Clippers | Guard
Oklahoma City Thunder | Forward
Dallas Mavericks | Forward
San Antonio Spurs | Forward
&&* Cousins replaced Kobe Bryant (shoulder)
&&* Lillard replaced Blake Griffin (elbow)
&&* Nowitzki replaced Anthony Davis (shoulder)
From MJ to Vince and Blake, we're taking a look back at the best of the dunk contest.
Marc Kestecher, Marc Stein and P.J. Carlesimo spoke to Stephen Curry about the All-Star Game and the 3-Point Contest.
Marc Kestecher, Marc Stein and P.J. Carlesimo spoke with Jeff Teague on Atlanta's terrific first half to the season.
Marc Kestecher, Marc Stein and P.J. Carlesimo spoke with John Wall about his development and Washington's chances in the east.
Marc Kestecher, Marc Stein and P.J. Carlesimo spoke with Russell Westbrook about all star weekend and the Thunder's quest to make the playoffs.
Marc Kestecher, Marc Stein and P.J. Carlesimo spoke with Carmelo Anthony on all star weekend, the Knicks tough season and will he sit out the second half of the season.
ESPN NBA analyst Jalen Rose covers Jerry Tarkanian's death, whether the dunk contest should be eliminated from All-Star Weekend, Anthony Davis' abilities and the Hawks' potential.
Israel Gutierrez, Jorge Sedano and Amin Elhassan discuss Charles Barkley's criticism of analytics, George Karl agreeing to become the next coach of the Kings and much more.
NBA commissioner Adam Silver tells Marc Stein about his first year in office, the format for the All-Star Game, the state of labor negotiations and more.
Dates: Feb. 13-15
Site: New York City
All-Star Friday: All-Star Celebrity Game (ESPN, 7 p.m. ET), Rising Stars Challenge (TNT/ESPN Radio, 9 ET)
All-Star Saturday: Shooting Stars, Skills Challenge, 3-Point Shootout, Slam Dunk Contest (TNT/ESPN Radio, 8:30 ET)
All-Star Sunday: 2015 All-Star Game (TNT/ESPN Radio, 8:30 p.m. ET)
Series Record: East 37, West 26
Cleveland Cavaliers | Guard
Golden State Warriors | Guard
Golden State Warriors | Guard
San Antonio Spurs | Forward
Los Angeles Clippers | Guard
Houston Rockets | Guard
Atlanta Hawks | Forward
Portland Trail Blazers | Forward
Milwaukee Bucks | Forward
Minnesota Timberwolves | Guard
Orlando Magic | Guard
Brooklyn Nets | Center2015 NBA ALL
You'll find here all the information about the ballot for the
64th NBA All-Star Game
that will be played at the Madison Square Garden on Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015.More 2015 balloting results:
voting finished on January 19. The fan starters were announced on January 22
and the reserves on January 29 during
special TNT shows.
NBA coaches picked 2 guards, 3 frontcourt players and 2 more players
regardless of their position to complete each conference roster. They could
not pick players from their own team.
Stephen Curry finished as the
over Lebron James in the last returns.
Kobe Bryant is expected to miss the rest of the season with a
torn rotator cuff. West coaches leaded by Steve Kerr will pick a new
starter, presumably James Harden.
Marc and Pau Gasol just become the first brothers as
NBA All-Star starters and also the first time a player named Gasol
starts an NBA All-Star Game.
Dick & Tom Van Arsdale played in
NBA All-Star Games.
Finally Kyle Lowry took Dwyane Wade starting spot. He
is the last player to .
John Wall and Anthony Davis are first time starters
Nikola Mirotic is the only rookie in the Top 50 vote getters.
Players in bold are the
for the game.
Players in blue were selected as reserves.
Kyle Korver was selected by the NBA to replace injured Dwyane
Wade. He didn't figure in the Top 25 most voted Eastern players.&
John Wall (Was)
LeBron James (Cle)
Kyle Lowry (Tor)
Pau Gasol (Chi)
Dwyane Wade (Mia)
Carmelo Anthony (NYK)
Kyrie Irving (Cle)
Marcin Gortat (Was)
Jimmy Butler (Chi)
Chris Bosh (Mia)
Derrick Rose (Chi)
Kevin Love (Cle)
DeMar DeRozan (Tor)
Jonas Valanciunas (Tor)
Jeff Teague (Atl)
Joakim Noah (Chi)
Louis Williams (Tor)
Nikola Vucevic (Orl)
Giannis Antetokounmpo (Mil)
Paul Millsap (Atl)
Al Horford (Atl)
Al Jefferson (Cha)
Kevin Garnett (BKN)
Nikola Mirotic (Chi)
Andre Drummond (Det)
Stephen Curry (GS)
Anthony Davis (NO)
Kobe Bryant (LAL)
Marc Gasol (Mem)
James Harden (Hou)
Blake Griffin (LAC)
Chris Paul (LAC)
Tim Duncan (SA)
Damian Lillard (Por)
Kevin Durant (OKC)
Klay Thompson (GS)
LaMarcus Aldridge (Por)
Russell Westbrook (OKC)
DeMarcus Cousins (Sac)
Rajon Rondo (Dal)
Dwight Howard (Hou)
Jeremy Lin (LAL)
Dirk Nowitzki (Dal)
Mike Conley (Mem)
Rudy Gay (Sac)
Kawhi Leonard (SA)
DeAndre Jordan (LAC)
Serge Ibaka (OKC)
Draymond Green (GS)
Tyson Chandler (Dal)
NBA All-Star Balloting
Some voting data obtained from 'surfing' old newspapers. It's really
difficult to track some info not available on Internet. If you have some
data to correct or complete the ballots, please
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