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8:01:03【 转载互联网】 作者: &&|&责编:李强
&&& &为了解决用户可能碰到关于&高分悬赏50:中文翻译成英文。。不要在线翻译的。可以好的,可以追加悬赏。。&相关的问题,突袭网经过收集整理为用户提供相关的解决办法,请注意,解决办法仅供参考,不代表本网同意其意见,如有任何问题请与本网联系。&高分悬赏50:中文翻译成英文。。不要在线翻译的。可以好的,可以追加悬赏。。&相关的详细问题如下: 人格观念的差异。人格完善是心理健康标准的重要组成部分。首先,主流人格观的差异:中国文化深受孔孟思想的影响,孟子力倡人性本善,强调人禽有别。因此,主流人格观是以孟子的性善论为基础的。如主张“仁”、“礼”、“义”,提倡“忠恕”、“宽厚”等。西方主流文化深受基督教文化的影响,认为人生来就是有罪的,邪恶、贪婪等欲念是生而有之的 1 。因此,主流人格观是以性恶论为基础的。其次,健康人格的差异:传统文化中的健康人格对人的独立性、创造性、反叛性没有给予足够的重视。西方的健康人格注重人格的独立性、创造性、反叛性。如罗杰斯(C.Rogers)强调有高度的创造性和自由感。马斯洛的心理健康标准:有独立和自立的需要;具有创造性,在所从事的工作中,时常体现创新精神;不盲从 。中西方心理健康标准的相似。尽管中西方心理健康标准存在上述的差异,但两者也表现出很多的相似处。正如刘华山指出:通观国内外学者对心理健康标准的各种看法,可以发现共同处多于分歧 1。 。我们认为,两者的相似处主要有以下几方面。 ===========突袭网收集的解决方案如下===========
解决方案1: The differences of personality and concept To perfect our personality is an important part of the standard of mental health. First of all, the mainstream concept of personality differences: Chinese culture is effected very much by Confucius and Mencius, Mencius strongly propones human nature basically good, and emphasis that there iare differences between human and naimals. Therefore, the mainstream concept of personality is based on the Mencius' Original Goodness of Human Nature. He promote ideas such as &benevolence&, &manners&, &justice& , &forgiveness&, &generous& and so on. Western mainstream culture is greatly impactdd by Christian culture and think life is guilty, evil, greed and desire, since born. 1.Therefore, the mainstream concept of personality is based on the evil nature. Second, the healthy personality differences: the traditional culture of the healthy personality to the people do not give enough recognition on people's independent character , creativeness , the sex rebelling against. West healthy personality attaches importance to personality independent character , creativeness , rebel. C. Rogers stressed that there is a high degree of creativity and sense of freedom. Maslow's psychological health standards: there is the need for independence and self- with creativity at work in, often embodied the
not blindly. The similarity of mental health standards in the West and East Even though in Western mental health standards exist above differences, but both also showed a lot of similarities. As Liu Huashan printed out: through various views on mental health standards of domestic and foreign scholars, many commonly differences can be found. 1.. We believe that the mainly similarities between the two are the following aspects.
首先,小弟不才,尽最大努力给你翻译一下哦~ 1. 对于印尼未来五年的发展,应该有个判断 1 for the development of the next five years in Indonesia, there should be a judge * 未...=========================================== 最近几年,描写&滥用衍生性金融商品&的文章充斥了商业媒体的页面。安然公司于2001年11月宣布破产,衍生性金融商品正是使安然公司在破产之后深陷丑闻的基本原因。在此...===========================================叫它做婴儿车。(它会是什么)这一可能性是无穷无尽的 ps:这是人工翻译的,虽然有用词典查过一些不懂的单词,但是只是查单词,不是整个句子;有些地方不太理解,翻译得不好的...===========================================你好,应准确翻译为:Hello,every respectful judge and colleague,today what appears in front of your eyes is one combined cocktail called &The Star of Ocean&,and it mainly means &...=========================================== 对美国黑人和拉丁美洲人的销售调味品酱 当时桌子一表明,美国黑人相对重用户的把装入瓶中的烧烤和调味品 sauces.Spanish'speaking 消费者是相对光这些产品的...=========================================== GIF(Graphics Interchange Format)的原义是&图像互换格式& 流式网络图形格式(Portable Network Graphic Format,PNG) JPEG是Joint Photographic Experts Group(联合图像专家...===========================================s borken . Comeback to Sorrento, that I may live! 由于英文歌词是由意大利文翻译的,在我国有多种版本,各种版本有一些差异。 中文歌词译文也有多种,所以中英文不仅是读音...=========================================== 翻译;爸爸妈妈,很对不起今天我不能准时回家了,在放学之前,老师告诉我们 ,今晚我们必须在学校上晚自习,所以我不能回家吃饭了。我会在晚自习结束后 回家的,请你们不要担...=========================================== Orient Eagle Electric Appliance 1. orient 可以作为形容词来用,有以下几个意思&东方的;(太阳)正在升起的;光辉夺目的& 2. eagle 名词&鹰&,在许多西方国家的人看来,鹰向往自由,喜...===========================================与你一同分享,希望对你有帮助: &英语其实并不难 平时成绩能考50分 努力那里就能过... 英文歌词(注意不是汉语拼音的),或者写一下李阳疯狂英语里的搞笑句子。 你不要怀疑...===========================================
谁能帮忙提供一篇英文论文+翻译 关于PID的 毕设用 急!!! 高分悬赏!!!论文要英文的,翻译不要用翻译器,因为翻译器翻译出来的基本是中国人都不懂。谢谢,各位高手帮帮忙吧! 高分等着你们!_百度作业帮
谁能帮忙提供一篇英文论文+翻译 关于PID的 毕设用 急!!! 高分悬赏!!!论文要英文的,翻译不要用翻译器,因为翻译器翻译出来的基本是中国人都不懂。谢谢,各位高手帮帮忙吧! 高分等着你们!
论文要英文的,翻译不要用翻译器,因为翻译器翻译出来的基本是中国人都不懂。谢谢,各位高手帮帮忙吧! 高分等着你们!
io of electric heater coefficient K2 = △ θ / △ N = 0.00009, T2 = 50 seconds. 4 simplex optimization method Control system parameters optimization refers to the object known, controls the structure and form have been identified, need to adjust the control system or to find some of the parameters so that the whole control system of performance indicators in a best. Simplex method of thinking is very simple, if the maximum point of a function may be a number of points to calculate the function values, for comparison, and in accordance with their function to determine the size of the relationship between changes in the trend of the reference as a search direction, and then by reference to the direction of the search until you find the minimum value so far. Three-dimensional space in a plane different from the four points constitute a simplex, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 2 Three-dimensional simplex space These four points X0, X1, XX3 corresponding value is a function of F0, FFF3, comparison can be seen the largest, then the corresponding point as almost X3, it can be a good point that in the nearly symmetric point XH Department is most likely to XR , and then calculating the value function XR Department FR, if FR ≥ max, from the XH big step forward, XR is not necessarily better than the XH, the compression step can be in between the XH and XR point to find the new XS point X0, F1, F2 largest note in the situation has improved, but step forward and might not be enough, you can increase the step-by-step look XH and XR point to extend the online XE, if XE corresponding FE function of small while in the FR as a new point of XE, and X0, X1, X2 constitute a new simplex. Finally, constitute a new comparison of the simplex function value point, if one of the largest and the smallest relative difference between the pre-less than a given number of E, then the minimum has been found, otherwise continue to repeat the above steps until you find the only. 5 Room temperature control system simulation Automatic adjustment of the temperature regulation system includes objects, regulators, and the PID temperature controller components. The calculation results based on parameters, and finally to be room temperature thermostat control system shown in figure 3. Figure 3 Room temperature thermostat control system simulation block diagram? Room temperature a considerable amount of laboratory equipment, heat stability, available from the computing equipment interfere with heat dissipation capacity θMf = 17 ℃ traffic disturbance is stable. Interfere with the volume of supply air temperature and the main electric heater supply voltage fluctuations and the chilled water heat exchanger, as well as fluctuations in temperature, such as pipeline temperature rise caused by changes in air temperature, its value is 0.1 ℃. Interfere with the volume of air infiltration is the amount of random disturbance, the room with the outside temperature changes in room temperature and the amount of infiltration风风changes, it is the impact of room temperature room temperature the most important factor. When the infiltration of wind interference respectively 0.1 ℃, 0.2 ℃, 0.3 ℃, 0.4 ℃, when, PID control of the simulation curve in Figure 4 - as shown in Figure 7. Figure 0.1 ℃ when 4θIf for the simulation curve of PID control Figure 0.2 ℃ when 5θIf for the simulation curve of PID control Figure 0.3 ℃ when 6θIf for the simulation curve of PID control Figure 0.4 ℃ when 7θIf for the simulation curve of PID control Analysis of Figure 4 - plans can be drawn: When the volume of infiltration θIf wind disturbance is not more than 0.3 ℃, the temperature fluctuations in room temperature of less than 0.2 rooms ℃, room temperature thermostat to meet accuracy requirements. However, when the volume of infiltration air disturbance θIf for 0.4 ℃, the temperature fluctuations in room temperature greater than room 0.2 ℃, beyond the agreed scope of the fluctuations. 6 Conclusion Through the above simulation and analysis, can be drawn: Temperature accuracy of laboratory temperature 27 ± 0.2 ℃, but because of the extraordinary nature of the laboratory, both inside and outside the room temperature volume disturbance, interference only when the cooling equipment of air temperature of 17 ℃ and the interference of 0.1 ℃, wind penetration interfere with the volume of not more than 0.3 ℃, when, PID temperature control to ensure the accuracy of laboratory temperature, to achieve the requirements of use.【这是我在网上找的,希望可以帮助你】
根据语音识别的基本原理,完成相应的动作,语音是人和机器人之间交流的最自然、最方便的手段之一,后退。该系统通过预先的训练即可识别特定人的语音,机器人的发展越来越趋于智能化和人性化,设计制作了一种语音控制机器人系统,发射以及连续发射飞盘等多种功能,使机器了解人的意思从而执行相应的命令,语音播放模块以及机器人动作控制模块。使机器人实现了智能性和先进性,该设计利用凌阳16位单片机在数字信号处理及语音处理方面的特性当今,跳舞,该系统主要包括语音识别模块。 基于以上机器人的发展方向。语音识别的目的是通过语音,从而可以使机器人在语音指令控制下实现前进
Make an intelligent robot and advanced, launch and fired consecutive FrisbeeToday. Speech recognition is through the voice, backward, The system includes voice recognition module, and other functions, The design of the use of Sunplus 16 microcontroller in digital signal processing and speech processing characteristics. The system passed the pre-training can identify the specific voice, so that machines understand people&#39, the development of robots become more and more intelligent and humane voice of exchanges between the robot and the most natural, the most convenient means. Based on the above robot development direction. According to speech recognition to the basic principles of the design of a speech-controlled robot system, which can bring the robot voice orders under control forward, voice and broadcast module robot motor control module,s meaning thereby implement the corresponding order, completed corresponding action
求高手帮忙把汉文翻译成英文,高分悬赏、翻译得好可以再加。请不要完全使用翻译器!! 60
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A poor talker and poor expression is very easy to give the impression that ability is low and lack of thought the impression. Such people no matter in which a social level, regardless of where to go, will not walk easily on interpersonal desk, also won't get enough attention and appreciation, and even be reduced to be of little marginal people. So in order to get rid of this negative situation, we must strive to improve their ability of language expression, let the language became the bridge through the success of the cause, let the language become a bond of grafted life scenery.
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