fortexorcist 奶骑的法术计时条里有一串红字 clones aren't f...

[插件相关] ForteXorcist如何设置只显示自己的活体炸弹。。。还有关于TydyPlates、POWA、TellMeWhen的小问题。。
如题,[color=red]ForteXorcist[/color]以前暗牧用的好好的,后来重装过一次插件就设置不回来了WLK的时候也有这个问题,10人团还好,多一个火法就蛋疼,我的炸弹炸了就显示他的,但是那时还好,炸弹爆炸前刷新不了,没事按按就行4.1以后用奥法没这个烦恼4.3发现炸弹可以在爆炸前刷新了,25人各种提前补炸弹……后来只好看着燃火助手的活体炸弹提示红了就补,完全失去了ForteXorcist的意义……跪求设置方法……另外,一直看到很多人讨论各种神级冷却提示插件,例如[color=blue]POWA和TellMeWhen[/color],小弟不才,一直在用ForteXorcist+EventAlert+系统自带的技能提示,感觉良好,但这么多人推荐,我总觉得神级插件是有些地方更牛X才是,想请教下POWA和TellMeWhen能做到什么ForteXorcist+EventAlert做不到的事情,跪谢……(POWA能自定义提示图案我知道,我觉得打着BOSS技能触发美少女是很囧的一件事)再另外,我设置的炸弹是鼠标指向那个怪就可以直接给它上炸弹,不需要选中它。但是[color=green]TidyPlates[/color]好像不选中一次就不能在血条上显示DOT,请问这个怎么设置……最后吐槽大脚,以前我舍不得大脚的自动更新,就留了一部分用得着的功能,后来4.3发现DW卡成屁屁踢了,二号黑夜、三号小怪、五号全程、八号绿龙台子各种1帧!1帧!是狂按意志都会掉血的那种1帧!我以为是我电脑落伍,结果网吧依旧屁屁踢,在哪里都不卡,就团队本卡,这尼玛想测试都要冒着做地雷被踢的风险有木有!尼玛10秒一个火球你开场火山急速2005有个蛋用!网上神马做宏按意志、取消BT额外动作条、关闭Recount(话说关了DPS统计还有什么心思打DPS?)等等各种办法都试了,还是卡成屁屁踢,最后终于发现罪魁祸首,把鼠标缓慢地移到内存占用,看到排名第一的叫做“[color=indigo]大脚基本库[/color]”……毫不犹豫地删掉那些带大脚字样的,一个一个从Curse上重新下,而且其实4.3全球同步对于单体插件来说最大的优点就是Curse Client可以自动更新了,再进副本果然重获新生的赶脚 [s:1]嗯,主要问题是解决FX怎么才能只显示自己DOT的问题,跪谢……
POWA我就贴个图给你看,然后你需要我把我的设置导出给你就行图1是FX开起的那几个模块因为其他模块我没用第二张是效果图你可以看到右边那个位置,另外图标是POWA的效果图后面的是 FX的设置我抓图的POWA的批量导入代码为(下面的全部复制,批量导入即可),自己是法师所有只设置法师的SPbuff在右边,火法类在屏幕中下位置。-----我是分割线以下全部复制Set=All@Aura[121]=Version:4.23; b:0.9961; g:0.9412; icon:Spell_Fire_MeteorS buffname:冲击; x:101; texture:6; owntex: mine: exact: combat: size:0.16; y:-52; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:-91; timer.x:100; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[122]=Version:4.23; b:0.051; g:0.9529; icon:Ability_Mage_HotS buffname:法术连击; x:153; texture:6; owntex: mine: exact: combat: size:0.16; y:-52; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:-91; timer.x:153; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[123]=Version:4.23; b:0.9647; target: icon:Ability_Mage_LivingB buffname:活动炸弹; r:0.8392; x:-49; bufftype:2; owntex: mine: exact: combat: size:0.16; y:-53; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:-91; timer.x:-49; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[124]=Version:4.23; b:0.9412; target: icon:Spell_Nature_WispH buffname:临界; r:0.9294; x:260; bufftype:2; texture:44; owntex: mine: combat: size:0.16; y:-52; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:-92; timer.x:259; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[125]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Arcane_B buffname:启示; x:648; owntex: mine: exact: size:0.16; y:-100; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:-137; timer.x:648; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[126]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Lightning_LightningBolt01; buffname:火山毁灭; x:649; owntex: mine: exact: size:0.16; y:128; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:91; timer.x:649; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[127]=Version:4.23; icon:INV_Elemental_Mote_Water01; buffname:月亮井的祝福; x:600; owntex: mine: exact: size:0.16; y:128; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:90; timer.x:599; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[128]=Version:4.23; icon:INV_Misc_Gem_Emerald_01; buffname:强化法力宝石; x:648; owntex: mine: exact: size:0.16; y:-22; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:-62; timer.x:648; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[129]=Version:4.23; icon:Ability_Paladin_SacredC buffname:能量洪流; x:649; owntex: mine: exact: size:0.16; y:52; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:15; timer.x:650; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[130]=Version:4.23; icon:Ability_Warlock_ImprovedSoulL buffname:灵魂之力; x:649; owntex: mine: exact: size:0.16; y:128; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:91; timer.x:649; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[131]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Nature_L buffname:奥术强化; x:599; owntex: mine: exact: size:0.16; y:-22; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:-62; timer.x:599; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[132]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Shadow_ManaB buffname:节能施法; x:-638; owntex: mine: exact: size:0.16; y:356; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:321; timer.x:-638; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[133]=Version:4.23; target: icon:Spell_Fire_Fireball02; buffname:炎爆术; bufftype:2; owntex: mine: exact: size:0.16; y:-53; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:-91; timer.x:-1; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[134]=Version:4.23; target: icon:Spell_Fire_I buffname:点燃; x:49; bufftype:2; owntex: mine: exact: size:0.16; y:-53; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:-91; timer.x:49; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[135]=Version:4.23; icon:spell_fire_ buffname:火焰之王的印记; x:599; owntex: mine: multiids:火焰之王的印记; exact: size:0.16; y:52; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:16; timer.x:599; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[136]=Version:4.23; b:0.9686; g:0.9333; stacksLower:1; icon:Spell_Arcane_B buffname:奥术冲击; r:0.9529; x:49; bufftype:2; stacks:4; texture:44; owntex: mine: stacksOperator:-; exact: combat: size:0.16; y:-52; texmode:1; timer.h:1.91; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:-91; timer.x:49; timer.Transparent: stacks.enabled: stacks.y:-47; stacks.x:65; stacks.UpdatePing: stacks.h:1.38; stacks.Texture:WhiteRabbit@Aura[137]=Version:4.23; b:0.9412; stacksLower:1; icon:Spell_Holy_BorrowedT buffname:窃取时间; r:0.9294; x:205; stacks:10; texture:44; owntex: mine: stacksOperator:-; exact: combat: size:0.16; y:-52; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:-92; timer.x:205; timer.Transparent: stacks.enabled: stacks.LegacySizing: stacks.y:-47; stacks.x:203; stacks.UpdatePing: stacks.h:1.85; stacks.Texture:WhiteRabbit@Aura[138]=Version:4.23; icon:INV_Elemental_Mote_Shadow01; buffname:灵魂残片; x:599; owntex: mine: exact: combat: size:0.16; y:52; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:16; timer.x:599; timer.Transparent: stacks.enabled: stacks.y:49; stacks.x:609; stacks.UpdatePing: stacks.h:1.14; stacks.Texture:WhiteRabbit@Aura[139]=Version:4.23; icon:ability_hunter_ buffname:提速; x:649; owntex: mine: exact: size:0.16; y:128; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:91; timer.x:649; timer.Transparent:true@Aura[140]=Version:4.23; icon:Ability_Mage_StudentOfTheM buffname:战斗意念; x:599; owntex: mine: exact: combat: size:0.16; y:52; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:16; timer.x:599; timer.Transparent: stacks.enabled: stacks.y:53; stacks.x:605; stacks.UpdatePing: stacks.Texture:Digital@Aura[141]=Version:4.23; b:0.9647; target: icon:Spell_Fire_SealOfF buffname:燃烧; r:0.8392; x:314; bufftype:2; owntex: mine: exact: combat: size:0.16; y:-53; texmode:1; timer.h:2.04; timer.Texture:WhiteR timer.enabled: timer.cents: timer.y:-91; timer.x:313; timer.Transparent:true@
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by ratulation ( 17:31):[/b]ICC用过FX4,3虽然更新了不过现在没启用了,不过WTF文件还保存着FX的设置,话说对着目标变打边调整何况还有测试条显示的。你问问题太多,我上下号看下插件吧。我当时也是删除了其他模块只保留了mage法师模块,也只保留了炸弹的计时,其他CD啥的功能也没用了。
POWA我就贴个图给你看,然后你需要我把我的设置导出给你就行图1是FX开起的那几个模块因为其他模块我没用第二张是效果图你可以看到右边那个位置,另外图标是POWA的效果图后面的是 FX的设置我抓图的POWA的批量导入代码为(下面的全部复制,批量导入即可),自己是法师所..[/quote]我靠我靠大哥你吓着我了,感激涕零,我研究一下再来感谢……另外我看图上POWA的功能貌似和FX是重复的呀,监视DOT和BUFF时间?为什么被吹嘘的神乎其神?
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by 聲聲慢 ( 17:58):[/b]我靠我靠大哥你吓着我了,感激涕零,我研究一下再来感谢……另外我看图上POWA的功能貌似和FX是重复的呀,监视DOT和BUFF时间?为什么被吹嘘的神乎其神?[/quote]POWA可以检测敌对 目标 友方 焦点的各种buff
debuff 层数 血量等各种,FX是多目标
在右边你可以看到他可以显示3个目标的法术计时,而当前目标是亮的,其他2个是暗淡一点。现在火法只能3个炸弹用FX说真的用处不算很大了,FX可以检测技能,其他人的dot,你不会设置最开始打个本,你会发现一排计时条,我只设置了显示自己的而已。现在看目标的dot有另外个插件名字忘记了,就是看在血条上显示dot计时。左边那个也显示目标的是燃火助手,他也可以显示传染出去的炸弹计时,所以我现在没用FX了。POWA是触发的技能,你眼神很好可以在那么多buff上看到自己的,那么你可以无视。自己的话:FX现在火法基本可以不用了,建议放弃,因为就3个炸弹。至于你说的 POWA和FX重复的,POWA只会显示你当前目标或者焦点的dot时间,而FX可以显示多目标的dot时间。4.3因为有了传染这个东西FX可以监测多目标的dot,而POWA必须点到那个目标。POWA神级不是吹的,他可以很多东西,自定义特别强。
我也來幾張,確實是神器 POWA
各種冷卻 及時,敵對的技能提醒 ,音效提醒
我特地用谷歌录了“活体炸弹没了”的音效。。。 [img]./mon_/365_4f.jpg[/img] [img]./mon_/365_4fc.jpg[/img] [img]./mon_/365_4f1003d2dba76.jpg[/img]
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by ratulation ( 17:31):[/b]以上代码全部复制POWA批量导入就可以了,另外那啥你说的其他2个插件自己没用,不敢想象在战斗跑位中要给移动的怪物鼠标指向上炸弹是多么的蛋疼,在说,现在火法就3个炸弹也没那必要。tellmewhen那个貌似是内置CD插件没用过,设置也应该很简单。 PS:如果你打算自己弄插件,每个插件摸索下就会了。你问的设置教程帖子也有的。你伸手,我上游戏然后找自己代码在抓图,在给你打字,哎,别的就不说了。[/quote]误会,真不是伸手,这些我提的插件都是我用了很久但是一直有问题没解决才问的……不过很感谢是真的哈 [s:25] [quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by ratulation ( 17:31):[/b]现在看目标的dot有另外个插件名字忘记了,就是看在血条上显示dot计时。[/quote]就是tidyplates[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by ratulation ( 17:31):[/b]POWA是触发的技能,你眼神很好可以在那么多buff上看到自己的,那么你可以无视。[/quote]我用FX设置了几组计时条,一组是自己的buff,一组是目标的DEBUFF,能看得清。但是这个DEBUFF显示出现了0楼的问题所以才发帖问。具体的设置我晚上上游戏按照你的图试试,顺便发个图解释一下。
个人感觉火法用FX并不是很合适....想想H未眠 黑水阶段A小怪吧...点燃 燃烧 炎爆dot
不设置下 估计会很多吧看到帖子说SS AM用这个效果很不错...火法看dot的话,燃火助手足矣...关于tellmewhen和powa的问题.......这个 得看你个人需求...如果你的机器好,你又喜欢自定义材质,看那个啥各种贴图什么的,就用powa好了...如果你需要的是功能,而不是powa强大的材质,没错tmw就是你的不二选择,功能绝对强大....满足你的要求还有款传说中的插件叫WeakAuras,但是 这个 我真心不会用..看到他的设置 我头都大了....另外关于你说的TydyPlates的问题,这恩的确有...可能是缓存的关系吧.....只能将就着用了
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by ratulation ( 18:05):[/b]左边那个也显示目标的是燃火助手,他也可以显示传染出去的炸弹计时,所以我现在没用FX了。POWA是触发的技能,你眼神很好可以在那么多buff上看到自己的,那么你可以无视。[/quote]我截了个图[img]./mon_/365_4f1033bae54d3.jpg[/img]其实是LUI自带的设置我改了改颜色而已 自己头像上是自己buff 目标右边是目标身上Debuff 我没显示非目标的
comment 4859547
comment 4859547
今天下了一个TydyPlates打一会内存越来越高,放弃了,阿门。现在就buff和debuff 和炸弹
燃火助手+POWA够了。全职业法术助手 ForteXorcist v1.974.7
更新说明:v1.974.7&&& * Fixed options panel frame not opening when you have the Spell Timer installed, but not the Cooldown Timer.&&& * Updated Korean translations.v1.974.6&&& * Spell Timer: added option to show stacks on the icons.&&& * Spell Timer: added option to hide frames when out of combat.&&& * Spell Timer: added option to intelligently adjust countdown text size. This is meant to 'smooth' changes in the width of the text itself and the unit label width, and mostly meant for players that want the duration text on the right side. Enabled by default.&&& * Cooldown Timer: added a more friendly way to enable the cooldown text on the icons.&&& * Cooldown Timer: time format on the icons will be the same as on the Spell Timer. This means that you may have to adjust the font size to fit properly.&&& * Paladin Module: added various optional raid/party announcements, thanks to 'fakeh'.v1.974.5&&& * Spell timer bar name labels have a proper fixed height again (same as the bar itself).&&& * Support for 'special' cast times on the Spell Timer. At the moment 'Improved Steady Shot' is added with a cast time 2x that of 'Steady Shot'.v1.974.4&&& * Some fixes to the new Spell Timer layout. E.g. name/spell tags again have a defined width, so long names stay in the bar and don't overlap places they shouldn't.&&& * Added Sap break/fade messages for Rogues.&&& * FX now also regularly checks arena enemy unit tokens and boss tokens for buffs/debuffs. If you want to use the arena unit tokens to cast on directly (e.g. in macros), you have to add those to 'Advanced Options & Casting & Additional unit tokens' for best results.&&& * Permanently removed the Forte_Shard module.v1.974.3&&& * Spell Timer icons can now be switched on/off and moved to left/right.&&& * Spell Timer spell/unit texts can now be switched on/off (e.g. in case you want to have tiny bars).&&& * Added and corrected a number of ICDs and Powerup Buffs.&&& * Moved the cap for the 'Standard fade delay' and 'Failed display time' (ghost time) from 10 seconds to 2 minutes. Be careful with this though! Lower is better for performance.&&& * Removed a few old (and in my opinion unneeded) settings related to the spell/unit name texts and the countdown texts.&&& * Removed 40 debuffs cap check from the Spell Timer, meaning that targets with over 40 debuffs on them will now have their debuffs removed properly.&&& * Added advanced option to the Spell Timer to change the duration change smoothing.&&& * Some Performance improvements.v1.974.2&&& * Using the time-based filtering on the Cooldown Timer should now work properly under all circumstances.&&& * Pet spells that are added to the Spell Timer should be tracked properly now and the Seduction timer should be working again.&&& * Many small additions and fixes to class modules.v1.974.1&&& * Many small corrections to the additions of v1.974.&&& * FX can now see the difference between the Dark Intent buff and its procc.v1.974&&& * Some class modules were updated, mainly the Hunter module.&&& * A number of internal cooldowns were added to the Cooldown timer.&&& * 'Highest timers outwards' sorting option now works again when 'Group by Unit' is disabled.&&& * Added a confirmation dialogue to deleting Profiles and clones.v1.973.1&&& * Fixed error in the Druid module.v1.973&&& * Changes to the spells in the class modules. Mostly: Paladin.&&& * Renamed &Skull Bash& and &Swipe& for Druids to include &(Bear)& or &(Cat)&v1.972&&& * Fixed problem with the 'Raid Debuff' type in the Spell Timer that would cause them not to show on a quick deselect -& reselect.&&& * Fixed a few unwanted global variable taints.v1.971&&& * Fixed problem with totems not showing up.&&& * When target/focus is changed the spells that were hidden with 'Hide timers if remaining over' will only re-show if they actually are the new target/focus.&&& * Timers that were supposed to fade away instantly, like powerup/self buffs, self debuffs and drains/channels, will now always do so again.v1.97&&& * First version 'clone-able' Spell Timer! When you create a new clone the settings will be copied from the instance you
selected. They can then be edited freely.&&& * This version will still use a lot of the original Spell Timer code. A complete Spell Timer rewrite is plan for v2.00.&&& * Note: I'm not 100% done with the way the animations behave when you change target/focus and 'One maximum' is used. I will smooth this out in the next update. But for the most part you shouldn't notice any difference.&&& * To further improve the functionality of cloning, there are now a few new options under 'Units' to switch on/off timers more easily.&&& * Added an option to enable unit name labels/headers independent from switching between spell names and unit names on the bars.v1.966.8&&& * Changed Soulstone cooldown at the Soulstone tracker back to 15mins.&&& * Font size range is now much bigger (1-64).&&& * Min/Max remaining time and duration settings enabled on Cooldown Timer. Enabling this may still be buggy!v1.966.7&&& * Fixed problem that could prevent FX from loading in rare cases.v1.966.6&&& * Removed DoT-refresh-duration-with-different-haste-bug fix, because it's no longer needed in 4.0.3. Haste (time between ticks) should now update with refreshes too.&&& * '- Bear' and '- Cat' will be renamed to '(Bear)' and '(Cat)' for consistency. Your filters will be renamed automatically.&&& * Option sub-categories are now collapsed by default (basically all but the 'Basic' categories). You can click their header to show/hide them. Mouse over a hidden category to view the options in it. You can disable this behaviour by going to Advanced Options & Options Appearance & Expand all.v1.966.5&&& * Small change that should prevent Corruption, SW:P and some other similar spells from falling off too soon. Note for people on the Cataclysm beta: this behaviour is currently fixed on the beta realm, and refreshing these dots again updates haste as well. This means that FX will not indicate the correct duration because it's trying to correct the bug from 'live'.&&& * Quick fix to 'unknown target' bars staying up where they should have been removed. I added an option under 'Units' to completely hide these bars as well. For more information about the 'unknown target' problem see this v1.966.4&&& * Fixed some core problems with the last version.v1.966.3&&& * Fixed bug with haste being assigned to abilities that shouldn't receive any.&&& * Updated DoT-refresh-duration-with-different-haste-bug fix for the 4.0.1 patch.&&& * The above changes mean that durations of many spells should be more accurate now and not need as much time to adjust.&&& * Countless changes to the spells in the class modules. Mostly: Mage, Priest, Hunter and Paladin. Still far from finished with all the updates.&&& * Removed all code related to old Soulstone types, Healthstone types and Shards.&&& * Reworked the Healthstone Spy and parts of the Soulstone tracker.v1.966.2&&& * Countless changes to the spells in the class modules. Still far from finished with all the updates. If your class hasn't received any changes yet, just be patient!&&& * Cooldowns added to the Spell Timer through 'Customize' will now update their durations properly (for example Metamorphosis and L Burst). Note that this only works when the Cooldown Module is enabled too.v1.966.1&&& * Countless changes to the spells in the class modules. Mainly Warlock, Death Knight, Druid, Paladin. Still a long way to go!&&& * Minimum cooldown duration will be set to 2.99 seconds now, so it still shows spells with a 3 second cooldown.v1.966&&& * Built for patch 4.0.1.&&& * Shard Spy and Manager removed.&&& * Haste mechani changed. Still working on this one.&&& * Damage over time refresh/update mechanics changed.&&& * Made a start with fixing class modules (spells) for this patch, but the modules will be nowhere near complete. Feel free to post missing or bugged spells.v1.965.3&&& * Fixed downgrade -& upgrade problem with the Spell Timer &Show Sparks& setting.v1.965.2&&& * This is a small code improvement update only. You should not notice any changes unless you had problems with one of the previous versions.v1.965.1&&& * Hopefully fixed 'all' errors a number of people were getting.&&& * Added some LUI-specific fixes. LUI v3 users should also check this FAQv1.965&&& * Fixed locale file corruption of v1.964.&&& * Added Clearca warning sounds for Mages and Druids.&1.965- 大灾变职业模块更新- 为德鲁伊和法师添加节能施法音效
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