
发布时间: 20:17:01
插件大小: 648KB 对应版本: WOW 3.1.x/3.2.x/3.3.x 最后更新: & 14:00:34 首发日期:
15:56:00插件作者: ckknight 插件来源:
  漂亮的弧形战斗显示插件IceHud,在屏幕中间显示弧形的头像状态,显示自身以及目标的血量,法力,能量,怒气,连击点,状态,仇恨值等,职业是德鲁伊在变身形态下还能监视自身的法力值,如下图所示。插件命令:"/icehud"。第一次使用请在设置界面的"Positioning settings"设置"Scale"值为"1"以上以获得更好的视觉效果。
TGBUS Corporation, All Rights Reserved收藏的论坛
弧形血量显示 IceHud v1.7.4.3
更新日志:v1.7.4.3:- added new option (enabled by default) to have buffs and debuffs in Info modules sorted by expiration time instead of the order the game returns them in (application time?)- ticket #116: first attempt at an honest-to-goodness alternate power bar. i don't raid, so i've only tested this against the alternate power in The Maw of Madness in Twilight Highlands...- GCD bar now stops early if the player aborts the cast or is interrupted (thereby not actually triggering a GCD)- ticket #119: copy alwaysFullAlpha setting to the mirror bar instance- ticket #121 - patch for new visibility mode in CustomBars- added spellids for silence from elemental slayer enchant + unglyphed avenger's shield (thanks Mikk)- respect the user's mod-wide &enabled& setting when changing profiles (ticket #117)- cleaned up some logic that could cause errors when enabling the mod due to a profile switch when the player initially loaded with it disabledv1.7.4.2:- added feature to custom cooldown bars to allow them to show/hide with the rest of the mod instead of having special rules (if desired)- added ability to ignore a spell's range/target castability if desired on a cd bar. this allows the bars to display when a buff is ready even if it can't be cast on your current target, for example- fixed an issue where focusing a unit in combat could cause taint in the FocusHealth module- added new user-submitted bar textures (ticket #111)- &fixed& (read: worked around) crash that IceHUD was triggering in the client by implementing a Lua-only version of UnitSelectionColor(). the crash was triggered by having DogTags disabled, TargetInfo enabled, and leaving an instance while in combat with one of the instance's mobs targeted (ticket #110)v1.7.4.1:- exposed upper text on snd bar since the string specified there is actually used by the module- disabled the potential duration text on the SnD module when the user has duration alpha set to 0- fixed a bug where an error message would pop up when enabling the FocusHealth module while a unit is focused that has a raid icon assigned to it- fixed custom bars not monitoring weapon enchants/poisons correctly- fixed custom bars and cooldown bars drawing at full alpha at all times- fixed the threat bar flickering in configuration mode- added spell ids for holy word: sanctuary and serenity since GetSpellCooldown() is bugged with them by name- converted DHUD skin from blp to tga because it's acting funny as a blp (ticket #106)v1.7.4:- added custom upper/lower text coloring to buff/debuff bars and cooldown bars since they don't have any dogtag support- fixed lower text to be visible on custom buff/debuff bars and custom cooldown bars- re-arranged text settings page so that options are laid out more clearly/naturally- split the &buffs per row& setting to exist in both buffs and debuffs sub-groups instead of being a module-wide setting (ticket #103)- added an option to enable/disable mouse interaction on totems- fixed debuffs on info modules not drawing the proper colored border for the type of debuff- fixed buffs not displaying the stealable border for mages if they were stealable- fixed an error when changing from a profile with markers on a module to one with fewer/no markers on the same module- fixed SnD bar (and potential duration bar) to show and hide much more reliably. previously it would sometimes not display the potential duration or the entire module would be visible when it shouldn't be- fixed SnD duration bonus from glyph (to 6 seconds from 3)v1.7.3.11:- picked up latest version of LibRangeCheck to fix ranges reporting incorrectly for holy paladins- fixed some errors that could pop up with totems and custom bars- fixed low threshold flashing on custom barsv1.7.3.10:- added support for custom buff/debuff trackers to be able to track totems by name- fixed layer ordering such that icons draw in front of bars again- minor performance optimizations in class counter modules (holy power, shards)- changed custom cooldown bars back to never forcefully hide themselves when set to 'always' display mode. they will now respect the global transparency settings instead- added user-submitted CleanCurvesOutline texture which allows DHUD-like casting to be placed on top of another bar and only the outline fills up instead of the whole barv1.7.3.9:- minor performance optimizations- fixed custom buff bars and cooldown bars multiplying alpha values when they shouldn't have been. at low alpha this meant that they were much more transparent than they should have been- fixed pet health/mana modules getting stuck on the player when leaving an instance while on a vehicle- re-fixed a bug causing the player mana module to not update color when a druid left an LFD instance while in a form and was immediately placed back on a mount and not in a form- fixed configuration mode error in the player info module when the player had weapon buffs applied (ticket #104)v1.7.3.8:- hopefully fixed a few error messages that have been reported, though I haven't been able to reproduce the error messages myselfv1.7.3.7:- added a toggle for the &override alpha& behavior that displays class counters at in-combat alpha when out of combat if the counter isn't full/empty- fixed the &debuff size& settings getting reset after every ui reload or log out/in- fixed an issue where the wrong texture could get applied to death runes when changing zones- fixed markers generating errors or just misbehaving when changing profiles (ticket #102)v1.7.3.6:- fixed PlayerInfo module misbehaving with temporary weapon enchantsv1.7.3.5:- minor optimization in the threat bar- fixed secondary threat bar to display properly again- added support for pets to the second highest threat featurev1.7.3.4:- fixed the GCD bar not animatingv1.7.3.3:- maybe fixed an issue where some bars (most notably the cast bar) could get stuck- fixed occasional flickering in the cast bar and threat bar when they are first displayed- fixed custom module creation not displaying a default- fixed markers not updating when a bar's inverse mode is changed- fixed markers not rotating with a bar when the rotation option is set at runtime- fixed the player's health, mana and cast bars monitoring the wrong unit whenever the player leaves an instance while in a vehiclev1.7.3.2:- fixed the eclipse bar turning gray when adjusting settings that caused a Redraw()- added ability to set icon sizes for debuffs separately from buffs in info modules- rearranged the config screen for Info modules- markers are now created at the proper alpha instead of 100%- changed the 'update period' slider to represent number of updates per second instead of seconds between updates. now higher is more frequent and lower is less frequent which makes more sense to users- fixed text staying hidden when disabling and re-enabling a module- ripped ~1.3mb out of IceHUD itself and moved it into an LoD IceHUD_Options addonv1.7.3.1:- fixed markers stuck in inverted mode.- fixed combining expanding & reverse fill options causing bars to position incorrectly.- enabled the &expand& bar fill for the PlayerHealth & SliceAndDice modules.- enabled bar rotation for the CastBar and Eclipse modules.- added support for rotated markers.v1.7.3:- fixed an error message some users were seeing with certain fonts- compressed buffs/debuffs in info modules to take up less vertical space when &buff size& and &own buff size& are set to different values- fixed default Blizzard DK runes being shown when the user had &hide blizzard frame& checked in the runes module but wasn't hiding the player from from the PlayerHealth module- made class power counters continue to display as long as they're not full/empty (depending on the class)- more ongoing memory/garbage optimizations- made castbars always register themselves for updates when shown. fixes a bug where opening the map fullscreen while casting will stop the cast bars from updating (ticket #97)- most modules now support a new bar filling mode: expanding outwards from the middle.- shamelessly ripped off code from pitbull4 to replace &set focus& in drop-down menus with instructions on how to do so- added a check for the player's mana type when PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD fires so that we adjust mana type properly when entering/leaving instancesv1.7.2.2:- fixed the target cast bar to not freeze up and reset itself whenever a UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTIBLE / UNIT_SPELLCAST_NOT_INTERRUPTIBLE event fires- fixed the cast bar to actually use the CastChanneling color when channeling. since this was apparently never hooked up, i also changed the default color for CastChanneling to match CastCasting so that long-time users won't notice the difference unless they've explicitly set a channeling color themselves- fixed an error introduced in 1.7.2 where the playerinfo's dropdown menu was trying to use the target's data instead of the player's datav1.7.2.1:- fixed an error that could crop up when tweaking colors- fixed bars that don't support dogtags in their text blocks to say so in the tooltip instead of telling the user that they can use dogtags when they can't- fixed late registration of textures via LibSharedMedia so that the ToT bar texture gets updated appropriately- made height of the ToT frame configurable by request- extended vertical offset min/max for info modules (ticket #92)- fixed the Eclipse bar not showing up since 1.7.2 (ticket #93)v1.7.2:- automatically replaced Lacerate/Sunder/MaelstromCount modules with custom counters if the user was using them. custom counters accomplish the same thing and are much more fully-featured/configurable than the old per-ability modules were. the only downside to the new system is that custom counters are loaded regardless of the player's class whereas the old ones only showed for their appropriate class- hid the &rotate 90 degrees& option on cast bars and eclipse bars since it just doesn't work very well and looks bad. users keep reporting that these are broken when rotating and since i don't have a good fix, i'm disabling the feature for now- unified the behavior for configuration when a module is disabled. now the sub-configs (marker/text/icon settings) remain clickable but every element inside is disabled when the module is disabled. previously some sub-configs were not clickable at all and others were- removed most of the rest of the garbage that was being generated during combat or when changing targets- reduced cpu usage by 33%-50% across the board (and more in some cases) by changing how updates are registered and how often they run. now the 'update period' slider actually matters. it defaults to 0.033 meaning that frames update about 30 times a second instead of every frame- fixed the &always& display mode for cooldown bars to respect alpha settings (ooc/with target/in combat/etc.)- added level restrictions to shard and holy power class counters since players under 9/10 (different per bar, using constants provided by Blizzard) don't have those resources available yet- finally (for reals, hopefully) fixed the gcd for all classes. gcd is a surprisingly difficult problem as there's no straightforward api for it- fixed the vengeance module not grabbing the player's max health until a UNIT_MAXHEALTH event fired (caused #1.INF to display sometimes and bar to not function)v1.7.1.1:- set AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets to load after LibSharedMedia to fix an error some users were seeing in 1.7.1v1.7.1:- fixed an error some users were seeing on login that caused icehud to not load- changed the pet health/mana bars to monitor the player whenever the player enters a vehicle since the player bars already change to display vehicle info in that situation- added AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets support to the font selection box and ToT bar texture selection- fixed a bug causing bar font size adjustments to not take effect/display until a ui reload- super temp hax to make the custom cd bar work with &Holy Word: Aspire&- added description text to each custom module explaining what type of module it is. it was pretty difficult to figure out what kind of custom module you were looking at in the config after you created it- various performance and memory optimizations- eclipse bar now colors the numerical value to whatever direction the bar is heading- added a 'vengeance' tracking module by user Rokiyo- fixed the cast lag indicator being completely wrong when using a meeting stone to summon someonev1.7.0.9:- no changes in IceHUD; publishing an updated version to get a fixed LibDogTag-Unit-3.0 out there and stop the errors popping up about talents from other modsv1.7.0.8:- very minor performance gain by not doing the per-frame update on invisible modules- nuked the primary offender of garbage generation. there is more to get rid of but finding it is a tedious process- fixed error caused by disabling click targeting on the targethealth frame- added option for non-dogtag users to hide each line of text on the TargetInfo module individually- fixed totem module not resetting totems when going through a load screen (entering/leaving instance, etc.)- fixed 'inverse' mode to work with potential SnD bar- expanded range of class power counters (shards, holy power) by request- fixed lacerate and sunder count modules to work with 3 max charges instead of 5 as per the new patch (these *really* need to go away and be auto-replaced by custom counters...)- yet another fix for text sometimes displaying the unit name for PetHealth- fixed how the 'second highest threat' bar is drawn so that it actually works with all texturesv1.7.0.7:- quick update to correct any click-through problems for Clique users until the new version gets pushedv1.7.0.6:- made several changes to how mouse interaction works with various modules to support new Clique changes available in its latest alpha version. once a new release of Clique is made, then the Info modules not being click-through will be fixed if the user doesn't want mouse interaction to work there.- removed HungerForBlood module as the ability has been removed from the game- fixed &bar visible& checkbox to also hide/show the solar portion of the eclipse bar- fixed lower text popping back up when it shouldn'tv1.7.0.5:- fixed snd glyph detection on the SliceAndDice module due to new return value on GetGlyphSocketInfo- fixed certain buff types not displaying a tooltip on mouseover in the info modules- fixed ability to set 'max count' to 0 and screw up a custom counter- fixed bar text not properly hiding on bars that use RegisterUnitWatch to control visibility- fixed scaling to affect the text and icons again like it used tov1.7.0.4:- added pulsing to the shard counter and holy power modules whenever they are maxed out- added option to use out-of-combat alpha on class power bars (holy power, shards) when targeting a friendly- fixed icons on the target health bar not always hiding when they should- potentially fixed reported error message though i've never seen it pop up myself- fixed icons rotating with bars incorrectly when setting bar to be rotated 90 degrees- fixed default rune frame showing up sometimes when the player has the &hide blizzard frame& option disabled in the runes module- fixed default runes from being incorrect (showing 6 blood runes) after re-enabling them from the runes module while the game is running- fixed configuration mode not working since v1.7.0.3v1.7.0.3:- fixed CC module spell id's by removing spells/effects that no longer exist, adding some new ones, and updating id's of ones that have changed- attempt to fix ticket #81 /addons/ice-hud/tickets/81-lua-error-in-eclipse-bar/- fixed text getting rotated along with bars when choosing the &rotate 90 degrees& optionv1.7.0.2:- fixed Blizzard's default runes to be properly hidden if desired when the default player health frame is left enabled- fixed gcd module to work for all classes without relying on specific spell idsv1.7.0.1:- fixed a few errors causing the holy power/shard modules to not show up and the IceHUD options screen to not display for Paladins or Warlocksv1.7:- fixed rotation of inverted bars to draw the bar correctly- added ability for spell ids to be specified instead of names for custom bars and cooldown bars. when an id is typed it will attempt to resolve to the buff name- fixed FocusHealth and custom health bars not disabling properly- fixed /icehudcl to actually work again as a command-line interface to the options table- changed all methods of opening the icehud config page into toggles (open the options page unless it' if it's open, close it). this restores old behavior that was lost in the move to ace3- removed the &abbreviate health& option from the focus health bar if the user is using dogtags since it doesn't apply then- fixed the SnD potential bar to rotate properly with the main bar- hid the &Low Threshold Color& option on custom bars and cooldown bars since the option doesn't apply to them- updated the description of a few &low threshold& settings so they make more sense to users (don't reference variable names)- fixed the &low threshold& flash to work properly on rotated bars- fixed incoming heal bar to display properly on 4.0 clients- added user-requested option to specify the space between each buff/debuff on the info modules- now that Eclipse doesn't decay, use the appropriate alpha value regardless of whether or not the user has some power left over. it used to stay at the &in combat& setting until the bar was back at 0- fixed a bug with &hidden& mode for inactive shards/runes where the unactivated runes would show up darkened when changing targets out of combat- added new DHUD bar texture set and alternate elite/rare icons by request (ticket 80). the earliest place we found these textures was in the original DHUD which has no license at all, so it should be okay to use them. they are called DHUD in the mod, so it's clear that i'm not trying to pretend that we made them up or they are unique to IceHUD- added the ability to further customize the shard and holy power modules by displaying all the existing custom counter textures in place of shards/holy runes and colorizing them based on how many are available- added highlighting around buffs on the targetinfo module (and other *info modules) that are spellstealable if the player is a mage- allowed pvp and party role icons to be offset more- fixed a bug where cooldown timers wouldn't always reset when an ability was brought off cooldown early- setup almost all text in the mod to support localization. only English is currently filled out, but all common languages are supported: /addons/ice-hud/localization/- added the ability to duplicate an existing custom bar- setup the toc to properly strip out embeds.xml whenever it's building a no-lib version- added support for automatically changing profiles when changing specs (LibDualSpec)&
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