
看到了吧里有有爱心的哥们翻译了职业技能,我也来渣翻帮帮忙1楼祭度娘不定期更新本人游戏ID:Michael Jason 美服5.1k死灵渣渣一枚,有想一起玩耍的同学可以在群里艾特我哦~
死灵法师 Ghostly Strike
鬼魅攻击 &Inflicts X - Y damage to an enemy. First attack of the bos into Hellfire or Plague Strike.&
Plague Strike 瘟疫攻击 &Inflicts X - Y damage to an enemy. Second attack in the bos into Plague or Ritual Strike.& 这是左键第二下,后面可以接瘟疫折磨或者仪式攻击 Ritual Strike 仪式攻击 &Inflicts X - Y damage to an enemy. Third attack in the basic combo.Activates Impulse Charge.& 这是左键第三下,激活脉冲充电 Hellfire 地狱火 &Inflicts X - Y damage to all enemies within a 8 yard radius of the selected enemy and X -Y damage for every second for 5 seconds.Second attack in the combo.Activates Impulse Charge.& 对目标8码内造成伤害,持续5秒,这是接在鬼魅攻击后面的连续技,激活脉冲闪电 Plague 瘟疫折磨 &Inflicts X - Y damage to an enemy every 1.25 seconds for 8 seconds. If the target dies, it's body will be picked up to inflict X - Y damage to the next selected enemy.& 每1.25秒造成一次伤害,总共持续8秒,如果在技能结束前怪物死亡,它的身体将会被举起来,对下一个敌人造成伤害 Cursed land 诅咒之地 &Places cursed land at targeted ground.The movement speed of all enemies in the area is reduced by 50%.Enemies that die on the cursed land turn into Carrions (up to 3) and fight for the player for 10 seconds.Consumes 3% of the players health and creates 3 charges for the Lich form if the player is in combat when using this ability.& 诅咒目标区域,减少区域中敌人50%的移动速度,如果有敌人在区域中死亡,则它会变成一枚僵尸(最多三枚),这个技能会消耗你3%的生命,同时增加3点巫妖能量 Wall of Pain 痛苦之墙 &Inflicts X - Y damage to everyone in front of the player.If wall of Pain hits more than one target, it deals 125% more damage.Can be used in Lich form& 对面前扇形范围内的每个敌人造成伤害,如果敌人数量超过1人,则每个人受到125%的伤害,巫妖形态可用 Wall of Souls 灵魂之墙 &Inflicts X - Y damage to all enemies along the line of attack and reduces there damage to the player by 28% for 20 seconds.If Wall of Souls hits more than one target, it deals 125% more damage.Can be used in Lich form.& 对面前扇形范围内的每个敌人造成伤害,并在20秒内减少其28%的伤害,如果敌人数量超过1人,则每个人受到125%的伤害,巫妖形态可用 Skull Throw 投掷颅骨 &Inflicts X - Y damage to a target.There is a 20% chance that the ability will be instantly restored after use.Consumes 10% of the players health and creates 10 charges for Lich form.& 向敌人扔一个颅骨并造成伤害,有20%的几率使用后直接回复该技能CD(回复后再使用还有20%的几率继续回复以此类推),这个技能会消耗你10%的生命,同时增加10点巫妖能量 Shadow of the Past时光倒流 &Creates a magic statue that pulls the player towards it 6 seconds later and restore their health to the amount they had at the time the ability was used.& 创造一个雕像,并在6秒后将自身转移回雕像处,同时恢复至创造雕像前的血量 Ghostly Allies 鬼魅盟友 &Switches to summoning stance, allowing the Necromancer to summon monsters to fight on his side. Goes on cooldown if a monster is summoned.& 这个就是召个小弟,点完之后出来4个选项,分别是下面三个召唤物和取消操作 Summon: Ghostly Vipers 召唤:幽灵毒蛇 &Summons three Vipers that take 45% of the damage intended for the Necromancer and distract enemies for 8 seconds.Consumes 15% of the players health and creates 15 charges for the Lich form.& 召唤三条拥有NEC45%伤害的毒蛇,并吸引敌人注意,持续8秒,这个技能会消耗你15%的生命,并增加15点巫妖能量 Summon: Ghostly 召唤:蜘蛛女王 Mantide
&Summon a Mantide that inflicts X - Y damage to several enemies every 5 seconds.Consumes 15% of the players health and creates 15 charges for the Lich form.&召唤一个蜘蛛女王,对周围的敌人每5秒造成伤害,这个技能会消耗你15%的生命,并增加15点巫妖能量
Summon: Ghostly Carrion 召唤:腐肉幽灵 &Summon a Carrion that inflicts significant damage to
a single target ( X - Y damage from Violent Attack every 0.5 seconds.)Consumes 15% of the players health and creates 15 charges for the Lich form.& 召唤一个腐肉幽灵,对单独的敌人每0.5秒造成一次伤害,这个技能会消耗你15%的生命,并增加15点巫妖能量 Cancel 取消 Cancels Summoning Stance and causes no cooldown for Summoning Stance. 就是取消操作啊喂 Shield of the Banished 放逐之盾 &Banishes the summoned allies and surround the Necromancer with a shield that absorbs up to 32% of the Necromancer’s Health. Requires a minion to be able to cast.& 放逐你的召唤物,并给自身施加一个能吸收32%血量的护盾,有召唤物的情况才能使用 Possession 所有者 &Increases damage dealt by summoned allies by 66%.Consumes 7% of the player health and creates 7 charges for the Lich form.& 增加你所有召唤物66%的伤害,这个技能会消耗你7%的血量,并增加7点巫师能量 Rift of Horror 恐怖裂痕 &Creates a rift that inflicts X - Y damage.Enemies in the area of effect take X - Y damage every 0.5 seconds for 15 seconds, as well as going into a panic for 4 seconds.Consumes 8% of the players health and creates 8 charges for the Lich form.& 对一定范围内的敌人每0.5秒造成一次伤害,共持续15秒,并使其恐慌4秒,这个技能会消耗你8%的血量,并增加8点巫妖能量
Grave 坟墓 &Pulls the selected target and nearby enemies 20 yards back, inflicting X - Y damage.Consumes 6% of the players health and creates 6 charges for the Lich form.&使目标区域的敌人后退20码,并造成伤害,这个技能会消耗你6%的血量,并增加6点巫妖能量 Ghostly Flow 鬼魂游荡 &Summons ghosts the deal X - Y damage to all enemies along the way. The player receives 11 charges for the Lich form and the cooldown on Lich Form is reduced by 6 seconds for each affected enemy.& 对面前直线上的所有敌人造成伤害,每造成一次伤害会获得11点巫妖能量,并减少该技能6秒CD Lich 巫妖形态 &The player assumes the Lich Form and gains access to special skills that allows them to restore health. The more resources available at the time of transformation, the longer the player can remain in Lich Form.& 巫妖形态可以吸血 Sickening Lightmare 作呕的光球 &Inflicts X - Y damage to the enemy every second for 10 second and restore the Necromancer’s health over time.& 每秒对敌人造成伤害,并恢复NEC血量,持续10秒 Volley of Darkness 黑暗迸发 &Inflicts X - Y damage and knocks the enemies back. The player recovers health in proportion to the number of flies released by Sickening Nightmare.& 对敌人造成伤害并恢复NEC的血量,回复的血量取决与作呕光球叠加的层数 Reaper’s Swing 收割打击 &Inflicts X - Y damage to the enemies around you and restores:• 15% of health i• 18% of health if• 21% of health if it hits three and more targets.The ability also restores 10% of health for every killed enemy.& 击中敌人恢复相应生命值:1个敌人恢复15%的生命,2个敌人恢复18%的生命,3个及3个以上敌人恢复21%的生命,杀掉每个敌人可以恢复10%的生命 &Lich Transformation Time:The duration of Lich Form is equal to 5 seconds base + 1 second per 20% charge.0 Charge = 5 Seconds50 Charge = 7.5 Seconds100 Charge = 10 Seconds&
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…你的名字竟然是两个First Name~好屌~
翻译不错 但大部分人没接触这游戏 一点概念也没有的


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