Kolmogorovnrev theoryy ...

Selected Works of A. N. Kolmogorov : A.N. Shiryayev : 5
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'BI moi...* si j'aYlliI SII COIIIIDeIIt CD n:valir. je ODe semce m"'-"ies bas rendered tbe u'y serais point aD6.* bamIIII 18Ile. It bas pat COIIIIDOD _ bei& JaJesVeme wbae it beJcJup, Oll tbe topmosl sbeIf _ In tbe dnsty c:aniater labeIIccl *clilcardecllIIlIISeIIIe'. 1be series is cIiverp: tberefOle _ may be BrieT.BeO lIbIe In do SOIIleIbiDg wilh it O. Heaviside Mathematics is a tool for thought. A highly necessary tool in a world whem both feedback and nonlincari- ties abound. Similarly, aIl kinds of parts of mathematics serve as tools for othcr parts and for othcr sci- enccs. Applying a simple mwriting ruIe to the quotc on the right above one finds such statements as: 'One ser- vice topology has mndemd mathematical physics ...'; 'One sCIVicc logic has mndcmd computer science ...'; 'One service category thcory has rendcmd mathematics ...'. All arguably true. And aIl statements obtainable this way form part of the raison d'etm of this scrics.
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Table of contents
Papers by A. V. Kolmogorov.- 1. On the notion of algorithm.- 2. On the general definition of the quantity of information.- 3. The theory of transmission of information.- 4. Amount of information and entropy for continuous distributions.- 5. New metric invariant of transitive dynamical systems and automorphisms of Lebesgue spaces.- 6. To the definition of algorithms.- 7. ?-entropy and ?-capacity of sets in functional spaces.- 8. Various approaches to estimating the complexity of approximate representation and calculation of functions.- 9. On tables of random numbers.- 10. Three approaches to the definition of the notion of amount of information.- 11. On the realization of networks in three - dimensional space.- 12. To the logical foundations of the theory of information and probability theory.- 13. The combinatorial foundations of information theory and the probability calculus.- Comments and addenda.- On works in information theory and some of its applications.- Information theory.- Algorithmic information theory.- ?-entropy and ?-capacity.- Tables of random numbers.- Realization of networks in 3-dimensional space.- Ergodic theory.- Kolmogorov's algorithms or machines.- From A. N. Kolmogorov's recollections.- Appendix 1. Report to the mathematical circle about square pavings.- Appendix 2. On operations on sets. II.- Afterword.
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