
=& Booting WEBrick ... JRuby limited openssl loaded. Gem install jruby-openssl for full support. http://wiki.jruby.org/wiki/JRuby_Builtin_OpenSSL D: / ruby / netbeans-ruby / NetBeans 6.5.1/ruby2/jruby-1.1.4/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.1.0/
Ant's Target &javac/& (Target &batchtest/& is also the case) the default is to call the JVM running Ant's own compiler, but if you want to separately invoke the compiler - for example you want to use a high-level compiler - You can use &jav
Fork / join is mainly used for problem decomposition processing, divide and conquer. Fork / join algorithms divide the problem into several smaller sub-problems for each sub-problem using the same algorithm, when the sub-problem is sufficiently small
Go to: http://www.phpfans.net/article/htmls/200803/MjE3ODY5.html This let us from CU Shell version of an instance of the post to talk about it: Cases in question are: cd / etc / aa / bb / cc can be implemented, but this command when the shell to writ
1.fork activity problem /freshman0502/blog/item/5fbb80f2444bb.html
Process is a modern operating system, a basic concept. Book said: the process is a separate function of a data collection program on first run activities. It can apply and have a system resources, is a dynamic concept, is an active entity. It is not
WEBrick looking like / stylesheets / depot.css?
with a version of such asset id of the document will be reported 500 errors, and not just the css, the request with a version of the asset id of the javascript and image url will be the 500 r
Join fork () the difference (execution result) server2.c #include &sys/socket.h& #include &netinet/in.h& int main(int argc,char **argv){ sockfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); struct sockaddr_ sin.sin_family=AF_INET; sin.si
Because the reasons for business requirements, our workflow system is to call most of the work done by a variety of procedures, without human intervention, so in the process, in addition to functional nodes (ie START-STATE, END-State, Fork , Join, De
Use the fork and vfork functions function can create a child process, then they in the end what is the difference? The main differences are the following two points: 1. Using fork to create the child process and parent share the code, but does not sh
We all know that the use of fork in the linux function creates a child process, but are not always able to successfully use the fork function to create, what is the reason that in the end may lead to the creation failure? Reasons mainly the following
Preface WEBrick is a Ruby standard library with a HTTP server library. WEBrick web applications used to support small or competent. WEBrick recently encountered in the problem of slow response to the LAN, after investigation and resolve the problem.
Today, the active element of continuous learning jbpm fork-join (branch / polymerization activity) When we need to process concurrency (concurrency) the implementation of the time, they need to use the mix of activities to the fork-join, fork activit
As we all know, bash is a very powerful shell, provides a powerful interactive and programming functions. This naturally does not lack a shell &function& of this element to help the efficient modular program development and management. Arose bec
[Switch] http://blog.csdn.net/nash603/archive//6152200.aspx exec bash and source are all internal commands (builtins commands), enter man exec in bash or man source internal command can view all of the information. bash shell command into t
Linux fork of the operating mechanism Questions about linux from a surface under the fork of the operating mechanism to a friend today, a good foreign interview linux development jobs, the interviewer out of a following topics: Given the following C
1. 什么是Fork/Join框架 Fork/Join框架是Java7提供了的一个用于并行执行任务的框架, 是一个把大任务分割成若干个小任务,最终汇总每个小任务结果后得到大任务结果的框架. 我们再通过Fork和Join这两个单词来理解下Fork/Join框架,Fork就是把一个大任务切分为若干子任务并行的执行,Join就是合并这些子任务的执行结果,最后得到这个大任务的结果.比如计算1+2+..+10000,可以分割成10个子任务,每个子任务分别对1000个数进行求和,最终汇总这10个子任务的结果
在Redis latency problems troubleshooting页面中,作者对Redis延迟问题的成因进行了全方位的剖析,其中一项便是fork操作占用时间导致的延迟.最近Redis作者又对fork操作在各虚拟系统中的性能进行了测试对比,得出下面结果,结果表明使用Xen虚拟化的主机由于其fork操作的实现机制,fork导致的延迟会更为严重. Linux beefy VM on VMware 6.0GB RSS forked in 77 milliseconds (12.8 milli
最近在看进程间的通信,看到了fork()函数,虽然以前用过,这次经过思考加深了理解.现总结如下 最近在看进程间的通信,看到了fork()函数,虽然以前用过,这次经过思考加深了理解.现总结如下: 1.函数本身 (1)头文件 #include&unistd.h& #include&sys/types.h& (2)函数原型 pid_t fork( void); (pid_t 是一个宏定义,其实质是int 被定义在#include&sys/types.h&中) 返回值: 若成功
这篇文章主要介绍了Python中的进程分支fork和exec详解,本文用实例讲解fork()的使用,并讲解了exec相关的8个方法等内容,需要的朋友可以参考下 在python中,任务并发一种方式是通过进程分支来实现的.在linux系统在,通过fork()方法来实现进程分支. 1.fork()调用后会创建一个新的子进程,这个子进程是原父进程的副本.子进程可以独立父进程外运行. 2.fork()是一个很特殊的方法,一次调用,两次返回. 3.fork()它会返回2个值,一个值为0,表示在子进程返回;另
今天看到别人的源代码中有 fork 子进程来操作数据.但是由于 fork 之后,没有及时的退出,导致系统中的Python进程越来越多,子进程越来越多了. 自己随手写了Python下 fork 进程的测试代码(来说明这个问题不一定完全合适): def fork(a): def now(): import datetime return datetime.datetime.now().strftime(&%S.%f&) import os import time print now(),
这篇文章主要介绍了如何解决grails2.3.2中不能运行fork模式的异常,大家参考使用吧 升级到grails 2.3.2之后,运行时报如下的异常: Exception in thread &main& Error | Forked Grails VM exited with error java.lang.instrument ASSERTION FAILED ***: &!errorOutstanding& with message transform met
在Ruby的程序库和系统上已经出现了一系列的最新安全缺陷. 其中的一个问题来自safe levels.通过设置safe level,可以禁止操作和定义被认为是污染了的数据.Ruby中的污染数据(Tainted Data)在使用前必须显式的净化.被发现的安全缺陷有: untrace_var在safe level 4是允许的 $PROGRAM_NAME在safe level 4是可以修改的 不安全的方法在safe level 1-3可能可以调用 Syslog操作在safe level 4是允许的 请
前两天有人问了个关于Unix的fork()系统调用的面试题,这个题正好是我大约十年前找工作时某公司问我的一个题,我觉得比较有趣,写篇文章与大家分享一下.这个题是这样的: 题目:请问下面的程序一共输出多少个&-&? #include &stdio.h& #include &sys/types.h& #include &unistd.h& int main(void) { for(i=0; i&2; i++){ fork(); pri
虽然是名义上的开源系统,但如果微软的手机采用 Android 系统,那将是个巨大的错误,诺基亚都不行,因为 Google 把 Android 做得无人可改. 不止一次了,总有人跳出来「建议」微软采用 Android,替换掉市场乏力的 Windows Phone 系统.这种口水文章估计将来也不会停. 说这话的人到底是人笨呢,还是心眼坏.Google 这么多年来,已经把 Android 做成了本质上无法分支(fork)的软件,开源只是名义上的,对于其他手机厂来说毫无意义.没人能再 fork 出自己的
今天,处理器的内核数量在不断增加,以什么样的方法开发程序才能发挥出新硬件的效能呢?这正变成一个愈发重要的问题摆在了开发者面前.IBM Developerworks已经发布了一篇介绍Fork-Join并发类库的连载文章,Fork-Join类库会作为即将来到的Java 7的一部分进行发布.InfoQ以前也报道过Java 7中最初的fork/join提案,其中还包含来自最初创建者Doug Lea的反馈.Doug Lea在他的论文&Fork/Join Parallelism in Java&中
Sometimes the dialog is simple jquery ui display a box. Do not turn off and the button or something. But the dialog does not seem right corner with a cross configuration items (I did not find, there is to know about the heroes of that). Therefore, on
Such as title, ssh connection times such a mistake, but applications can connect, google it with exec reboot the next restart of the. Concerned about. . .
getpid directed process where the process ID getppid pid difference 1. Executes the statement immediately after the output is not running, but arranged in a queue until the process before the end of the output 2. Child process inherits the parent pro
We take a look at script / server have done what require File.dirname (__FILE__) + '/ .. / config / boot' require 'commands / server' Cited boot.rb this file. It seems that the file is imported rails start to see how you know. unless defined? (RAILS_
Ruby Web site resources: ruby official website: http://www.ruby-lang.org ruby doc official website: http://www.ruby-doc.org rubyonrails official website: http://www.rubyonrails.org programming ruby online edition (Ruby studying the &Bible&): htt
Ror about the development environment set up, records are as follows. 1. Netbeans6.5 installation download netbeans6.5 address http://zh-cn.netbeans.org/download/6.5/ml/ Ruby can download a separate version that only around 50M. II. Ruby set up the e
Problem: ROR how Axis2 call the web service Currently experiencing this problem, Google and Baidu found at numerous times, both at home and abroad have seen virtually no valuable information, the only help is a call ROR about. Net Services article (h
Posted on July 11, 2006 Installation The installation procedure requires rubygems package and C compiler available. Two notes worth to mention: For Debian users, you must have ruby-dev package installed. For Windows users, I don't have a precompiled
ROR environment structures put my steps down - Memo
ROR online to find some tutorials are ruby 1.8.5, rails1.2.6 to do based on the demonstration I use the version downloaded from the Internet are the latest version at the installation enco
I have been using Lighttpd for almost a year and Nginx for a month on my servers. I know that they were created to be massively scalable, solving the C10k problem . However their asynchronised-IO model and small memory foot-print also make them suita
Glossary: Ruby do not specifically introduce the concept of a word over the &A Japanese invention of object-oriented scripting language&; Rails 1 person R & D Denmark A good agreement, fixed model MVC framework. webrick Ruby default http ser
1, set up the project: rails bookstore-d mysql Add &-d mysql& database
then want to modify \ bookstore \ config / following database.yml, Such as my changes are as follows development: adapter: mysql encoding: utf8 database
Discuz one system, fcgi, their tuning, it is recorded as follows. Mainly watch cgi cache system and the two scheduling methods on properties of At present, there is no caching system, and to fork cgi with lighttpd process. ab-n 1000-c 10 http://bbs.d
Of course, look at the document with details of ri Text base64.rb Deal with Base64 encoding module csv.rb CSV (Comma Separated Values) database ruby 1.8 Characteristics digest.so Message Digest library please refer to [ruby-src: ext / digest / digest
Source article: /blog/.1 create a Rails application $ Rails [_VERSION_] app_name Optional: VERSION: designated rails version (if you have multiple rails versions), VERSION 1 plus underscore before and after, such as
About a rails 2.0 Introduction of the article, a total of two parts. Translate the following article from here, or new Translation not please everyone exhibitions. I am pleased to see my video tutorial rails2.0 widely accepted. More than 1500 people
Rails 2.0 step by step Rails core team in the December 7 release of the Ruby on Rails 2.0. At this version includes a lot of changes, including Rails scaffold code generation approach. This change may be under the old version will make use of the cur
Scenarios: Upload pictures (post / photos), Go to the rails of the create action . Webrick normal use. Observation lighttpd log, forward to the rails of dispatch.fcgi, back are the basic 302 (temporary redirect), which do not have any problem post. H
This section records the local installation of Ruby on Rails @ Windows XP SP2 the methods and steps. Install Ruby From rubyforge Download &One-Click Installer - Windows& Version :1.8.6-27 Release Candidate 2, File Name: ruby186-27_rc2.exe. Doubl
Reference: ruby_on_rails introductory information What new things to play, always point to start trouble, toss a couple of days, today finally teaching materials in accordance with the entry on to say, put examples of ROR entry implementation Share t
I want to use rails agile development, PHPRPC wanted to use the cross-language, cross-platform, cross-environment characteristics. Now that andot have achieved PHPRPC for ruby, why then did I not PHPRPC for rails? Future is bright, the process is dif
Company Leaders Say something personally think that some have said very good, at least not that formalism. The following pick something I personally think will be the proceeds of the number of words 1 deployment of employees Focus on the use of both
Copyright (C) , All Rights Reserved.
版权所有 黔ICP备号-1
processed in 0.118 (s). 10 q(s)Ant's Target &javac/& (Target &batchtest/& is also the case) the default is to call the JVM running Ant's own compiler, but if you want to separately invoke the compiler - for example you want to use a high-level compiler - You can use &jav
Fork / join is mainly used for problem decomposition processing, divide and conquer. Fork / join algorithms divide the problem into several smaller sub-problems for each sub-problem using the same algorithm, when the sub-problem is sufficiently small
Go to: http://www.phpfans.net/article/htmls/200803/MjE3ODY5.html This let us from CU Shell version of an instance of the post to talk about it: Cases in question are: cd / etc / aa / bb / cc can be implemented, but this command when the shell to writ
1.fork activity problem /freshman0502/blog/item/5fbb80f2444bb.html
Process is a modern operating system, a basic concept. Book said: the process is a separate function of a data collection program on first run activities. It can apply and have a system resources, is a dynamic concept, is an active entity. It is not
Join fork () the difference (execution result) server2.c #include &sys/socket.h& #include &netinet/in.h& int main(int argc,char **argv){ sockfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); struct sockaddr_ sin.sin_family=AF_INET; sin.si
Because the reasons for business requirements, our workflow system is to call most of the work done by a variety of procedures, without human intervention, so in the process, in addition to functional nodes (ie START-STATE, END-State, Fork , Join, De
Use the fork and vfork functions function can create a child process, then they in the end what is the difference? The main differences are the following two points: 1. Using fork to create the child process and parent share the code, but does not sh
We all know that the use of fork in the linux function creates a child process, but are not always able to successfully use the fork function to create, what is the reason that in the end may lead to the creation failure? Reasons mainly the following
Today, the active element of continuous learning jbpm fork-join (branch / polymerization activity) When we need to process concurrency (concurrency) the implementation of the time, they need to use the mix of activities to the fork-join, fork activit
Phenomenon: Quote LSNRCTL& status Connecting to (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp) (HOST =) (PORT = 1521)) TNS-12560: TNS: protocol adapter error TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error HPUX Error: 242: No route to host Reason: / Etc / hosts file to configure the
As we all know, bash is a very powerful shell, provides a powerful interactive and programming functions. This naturally does not lack a shell &function& of this element to help the efficient modular program development and management. Arose bec
[Switch] http://blog.csdn.net/nash603/archive//6152200.aspx exec bash and source are all internal commands (builtins commands), enter man exec in bash or man source internal command can view all of the information. bash shell command into t
WWN of the HBA card with a number, each Fibre Channel device has a unique identifier, called the WWN (world wide name), responsible for the allocation by the IEEE. Use of multiple hosts in the disk array, through the WWN numbers to determine which ho
Linux fork of the operating mechanism Questions about linux from a surface under the fork of the operating mechanism to a friend today, a good foreign interview linux development jobs, the interviewer out of a following topics: Given the following C
1. 什么是Fork/Join框架 Fork/Join框架是Java7提供了的一个用于并行执行任务的框架, 是一个把大任务分割成若干个小任务,最终汇总每个小任务结果后得到大任务结果的框架. 我们再通过Fork和Join这两个单词来理解下Fork/Join框架,Fork就是把一个大任务切分为若干子任务并行的执行,Join就是合并这些子任务的执行结果,最后得到这个大任务的结果.比如计算1+2+..+10000,可以分割成10个子任务,每个子任务分别对1000个数进行求和,最终汇总这10个子任务的结果
在Redis latency problems troubleshooting页面中,作者对Redis延迟问题的成因进行了全方位的剖析,其中一项便是fork操作占用时间导致的延迟.最近Redis作者又对fork操作在各虚拟系统中的性能进行了测试对比,得出下面结果,结果表明使用Xen虚拟化的主机由于其fork操作的实现机制,fork导致的延迟会更为严重. Linux beefy VM on VMware 6.0GB RSS forked in 77 milliseconds (12.8 milli
最近在看进程间的通信,看到了fork()函数,虽然以前用过,这次经过思考加深了理解.现总结如下 最近在看进程间的通信,看到了fork()函数,虽然以前用过,这次经过思考加深了理解.现总结如下: 1.函数本身 (1)头文件 #include&unistd.h& #include&sys/types.h& (2)函数原型 pid_t fork( void); (pid_t 是一个宏定义,其实质是int 被定义在#include&sys/types.h&中) 返回值: 若成功
这篇文章主要介绍了Python中的进程分支fork和exec详解,本文用实例讲解fork()的使用,并讲解了exec相关的8个方法等内容,需要的朋友可以参考下 在python中,任务并发一种方式是通过进程分支来实现的.在linux系统在,通过fork()方法来实现进程分支. 1.fork()调用后会创建一个新的子进程,这个子进程是原父进程的副本.子进程可以独立父进程外运行. 2.fork()是一个很特殊的方法,一次调用,两次返回. 3.fork()它会返回2个值,一个值为0,表示在子进程返回;另
今天看到别人的源代码中有 fork 子进程来操作数据.但是由于 fork 之后,没有及时的退出,导致系统中的Python进程越来越多,子进程越来越多了. 自己随手写了Python下 fork 进程的测试代码(来说明这个问题不一定完全合适): def fork(a): def now(): import datetime return datetime.datetime.now().strftime(&%S.%f&) import os import time print now(),
这篇文章主要介绍了如何解决grails2.3.2中不能运行fork模式的异常,大家参考使用吧 升级到grails 2.3.2之后,运行时报如下的异常: Exception in thread &main& Error | Forked Grails VM exited with error java.lang.instrument ASSERTION FAILED ***: &!errorOutstanding& with message transform met
前两天有人问了个关于Unix的fork()系统调用的面试题,这个题正好是我大约十年前找工作时某公司问我的一个题,我觉得比较有趣,写篇文章与大家分享一下.这个题是这样的: 题目:请问下面的程序一共输出多少个&-&? #include &stdio.h& #include &sys/types.h& #include &unistd.h& int main(void) { for(i=0; i&2; i++){ fork(); pri
虽然是名义上的开源系统,但如果微软的手机采用 Android 系统,那将是个巨大的错误,诺基亚都不行,因为 Google 把 Android 做得无人可改. 不止一次了,总有人跳出来「建议」微软采用 Android,替换掉市场乏力的 Windows Phone 系统.这种口水文章估计将来也不会停. 说这话的人到底是人笨呢,还是心眼坏.Google 这么多年来,已经把 Android 做成了本质上无法分支(fork)的软件,开源只是名义上的,对于其他手机厂来说毫无意义.没人能再 fork 出自己的
今天,处理器的内核数量在不断增加,以什么样的方法开发程序才能发挥出新硬件的效能呢?这正变成一个愈发重要的问题摆在了开发者面前.IBM Developerworks已经发布了一篇介绍Fork-Join并发类库的连载文章,Fork-Join类库会作为即将来到的Java 7的一部分进行发布.InfoQ以前也报道过Java 7中最初的fork/join提案,其中还包含来自最初创建者Doug Lea的反馈.Doug Lea在他的论文&Fork/Join Parallelism in Java&中
Sometimes the dialog is simple jquery ui display a box. Do not turn off and the button or something. But the dialog does not seem right corner with a cross configuration items (I did not find, there is to know about the heroes of that). Therefore, on
Startup Log
17:19:19 GMT +08:00& &Error& &Socket& &BEA-000438& &Unable to load performance pack. Using Java I / O instead. Please ensure that libmuxer library is in : '/ opt/java1.4/jre/lib/IA64N: / opt/java1.4/jre/lib/IA
Such as title, ssh connection times such a mistake, but applications can connect, google it with exec reboot the next restart of the. Concerned about. . .
getpid directed process where the process ID getppid pid difference 1. Executes the statement immediately after the output is not running, but arranged in a queue until the process before the end of the output 2. Child process inherits the parent pro
Socket Programming Introduction to depress you? From the man pages is difficult to get useful information? The times you want to compile Internet related program, but for you to call connect () before bind () the structure and know what to do? More .
Transfer from: /my_ruifeng/blog/static// Transfer from: http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/ ~ beej / guide / ipc / usock.html Unix Sockets Remember FIFOs? Remember how they can only send data in one direction, just
HPUX check the number of CPU # ioscan-fnCprocessor HPUX check the host model # model HPUX to view the physical memory size # dmesg HPUX to view system configuration # print_manifest HPUX view the serial number # cstm& sel dev 1& il Got to add some o
I have been using Lighttpd for almost a year and Nginx for a month on my servers. I know that they were created to be massively scalable, solving the C10k problem . However their asynchronised-IO model and small memory foot-print also make them suita
Discuz one system, fcgi, their tuning, it is recorded as follows. Mainly watch cgi cache system and the two scheduling methods on properties of At present, there is no caching system, and to fork cgi with lighttpd process. ab-n 1000-c 10 http://bbs.d
Company Leaders Say something personally think that some have said very good, at least not that formalism. The following pick something I personally think will be the proceeds of the number of words 1 deployment of employees Focus on the use of both
Comparing the content of many, the main are javascript code, the code from Tin's are on the google and under get better Translation: His blog http://www.blogjava.net/iamtin And I used the database to preserve the layout of the framework, procedures u
org.hibernate.MappingException: Named query not known: GraphSession.findLatestProcessDefinitionQuery at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.getNamedQuery (AbstractSessionImpl.java: 70) at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.getNamedQuery (SessionImpl.j
1) Spring 2.5 package jar required: (available through the MyEclipse / Project Capabilities / Add Spring Capabilities to add these jar files) spring-beans.jar spring-context.jar spring-core.jar commons-attributes-api.jar commons-attributes-compiler.j
Jboss cluster in the jBPM workflow engine scalability and performance Author: Szymon Zeslawski Translation: snowfox Original Address: /tt/articles/article.tss?l=WorkflowEngineJBossCluster 3 / 2009 Mission / scope of &br /&gt
Surprise, and today spent more than half a day, read the &test-driven development&, of course, also need time to digest, so why there are several reconstruction, or a bit confused. . To join more than a year, the project has done a few. Not a sa
Ruby thread is false, not nonsense Ruby process - RednaxelaFX provided win / process of the new process can be very good -- In the windows are blocked, which means through the system or exec, or `` or Process.fork, using the above approach to the imp
&! - StartFragment -& boy now learning how Struts2, by SpringSide documents found inside infoq on this series of articles, feel good, but the helpless poor English. So put on this article, I wrote out to understand. Red areas are marked out I have n
JBPM4.3 Use Installation and Integration Directory Structure Download JBPM4.3 Download address: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jbpm/files/a)% 20jBPM% 204 / JBPM4.3 package directory structure as follows: One doc directory jbpm help document contains
Source: 51CTO GlassFish is the mainstream Java EE application server, and was currently a considerable number of Java enterprise applications running on GlassFish on performance tuning for each GlassFish become Java developers on the issues of concer
Tomcat basic configuration tomcat read the configuration file is the first mention briefly how to read the tomcat configuration file. tomcat on startup, first of all to find the system variable CATALINA_BASE, if not, then look for CATALINA_HOME. Then
Learning struts +spring+hibernate, In particular, the process is Appfuse ant use a large number of involved, so I think it is necessary to ant to be a more in-depth study, the following is collected in the learning process the material. More detail,
Google officially released at the end of 2007, a Android SDK, as the Android system, important features, Dalvik virtual machine for the first time into the people's vision. Its efficient use of memory, and in low-speed, high-performance CPU on the sh
Threerings is the company's Three Rings Design a Java-based and fully equipped to develop commercial-quality open-source 2D mmorpg game engine. Three Rings Design is located in the United States San Francisco, California-based developer of online gam
/blog/517446 The main elements are: (1) the establishment of a project (2) the establishment of property (3) the operation of the database (4) javac compilation (5) remove directory (6) create a directory (7) copies of the f
Maven2 build project using JDK1.4 setting.xml &settings xmlns=&http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0& xmlns:xsi=&http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance& xsi:schemaLocation=&http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.o
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