
其他回答 (2)
QQ三国找窃贼 问题
来源: 按键精灵资源站
QQ三国找窃贼 问题
想问个问题 怎么在 来回跑的情况下打怪 怎么判断跑图的来回呢
一般不找怪 我能做到 跑图
但是打怪以后 就不能 在跑图
Call 注册()
Call 绑定()
Call xulu1()
Call paotu()
Call zxiaot()
Call shiqu()
Call OnScriptExit()
Sub OnScriptExit()
& & dm_ret = dm.UnBindWindow()
Sub 注册()
& & PutAttachment &d:\anj&, &dm.dll&
& & PutAttachment &d:\anj&,&*.*&
& & PutAttachment &.\plugin&, &regdll.dll&
& & Call Plugin.RegDll.Reg(&d:\anj\dm.dll&)
& & Set dm = createobject(&dm.dmsoft&)
& & //创建大漠对象
& & dm.SetPath &d:\anj&
& & //释放文件
& & //& & dm.SetDict 0, &d:\anj\dmsoft.TXT&
Sub 绑定()
& & hwnds = dm.EnumWindow(0,&QQ三国&,&&,1+4+8+16)
& & hwnds = split(hwnds, &,&)
& & cshu=UBound(hwnds)+1
& & For cshu
& && &&&dm_ret = dm.SetWindowState(hwnds(i), 1 + 4 + 8 + 16)
& && &&&//& && &激活窗口&&
& && &&&Delay 500
& && &&&dm.MoveWindow hwnds(i), -10, - 10
& && &&&//& &&&窗口偏移&&
& && &&&dm_ret = dm.BindWindow(hwnds(i), &dx2&, &dx2&, &dx&, 1)
& && &&&//& && &绑定 设置后台模式&&
& && &&&Delay 500
Sub zxiaot()
Rem zhaoxiaot
& & dm_ret = dm.FindPic(0,303,746,428,&10.bmp|11.bmp|12.bmp|13.bmp|14.bmp|15.bmp&,&.8,0,intX,intY)
& & If intX &= 0 and intY &= 0 Then
& && && & dm.KeyPress 68
& && &&&dm.MoveTo intx+10, inty
& && &&&Delay 100
& && &&&dm.LeftDown
& && &&&Delay 500
& && &&&dm.LeftUp
& && && && &
& && && & dm.KeyPress 65
& && &&&Delay 1000
& && &&&Goto zhaoxiaot
//& && && && &&&dm_ret = dm.FindPic(287,7,373,63,&xiaot.bmp&,&.8,0,intX,intY)
//& & If intX &= 0 and intY &= 0 Then
& & dm.KeyPress 65
& & Delay 1000
& & dm.KeyPress 65
& & Delay 1000
& & dm.KeyPress 65
& & Delay 1000
& & dm.KeyPress 65
& & Delay 1000
& & dm.KeyPress 65
& & Delay 1000
& & dm.KeyPress 65
& & Delay 1000
& & dm.KeyPress 65
& & Delay 1000
& & dm.KeyPress 65
& & Delay 1000
Sub shiqu()
dm_ret = dm.FindPic(0,0,806,625,&111.bmp|222.bmp|333.bmp|444.bmp|555.bmp|666.bmp|777.bmp&,&.8,0,intX1,intY1)
& & If intX1 &= 0 and intY1 &= 0 Then
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
dm.KeyPress 67
& & If intx1 & 460 Then
& && &&&dm.KeyDown 39
& &&&Delay&&500
& && &&&dm.KeyUp 39
& &&&dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
& &&&dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
& &&&dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
& &&&dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
& &&&dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
& &&&dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
& &&&dm.KeyPress 67
& & End If
& & If intx1 &340 Then
& && &&&dm.KeyDown 37
& && &&&Delay 500
& && &&&dm.KeyUp 37
& & dm.KeyPress 67
& && &Delay&&100
& & dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
& & dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
& & dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
& & dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
& & dm.KeyPress 67
& & End If
& & If intx1 & 460 and intx1 & 340 Then
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
dm.KeyPress 67
& &&&Delay&&100
& & End If
& & & && & Call pdxl1()&&& & & && &
Select Case pd
& & & & Case 0
& & & && & Call pdxl1()
& & & && & pd=1
& & & & Case 1
& & & && &Call pdxl2()
& & & && & pd=2
& & & & Case 2
& & & && &Call pdxl3()
& & & && & pd=3
& & & & Case 3
& & & && &Call pdxl4()
& & & && & pd=4
& & & & Case 4
& & & && &Call pdxl5()
& & & && &pd=0
End Select
//& &Call paotu()& &
//& & End If
Sub xulu1()
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & Delay 500
& & dm.MoveTo 183,376
& & Delay 100
& & dm.LeftDoubleClick
& & Delay 500
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & Delay 500
Sub xulu2()
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & Delay 500
& & dm.MoveTo 416,280
& & Delay 100
& & dm.LeftDoubleClick
& & Delay 500
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & Delay 500
Sub xulu3()
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & Delay 500
& & dm.MoveTo 586,337
& & Delay 100
& & dm.LeftDoubleClick
& & Delay 500
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & Delay 500
Sub xulu4()
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & Delay 500
& & dm.MoveTo 649,192
& & Delay 100
& & dm.LeftDoubleClick
& & Delay 500
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & Delay 500
Sub xulu5()
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & Delay 500
& & dm.MoveTo 104,157
& & Delay 100
& & dm.LeftDoubleClick
& & Delay 500
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & Delay 500
Sub xulu6()
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & Delay 500
& & dm.MoveTo 679,439
& & Delay 100
& & dm.LeftDoubleClick
& & Delay 500
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & Delay 500
Sub pdxl1()
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & dm_ret = dm.FindPic(157,358,185,387,&110.bmp&,&.9,0,intX,intY)
& & If intX &= 0 and intY &= 0 Then
& && &&&dm.KeyPress 77
& && &call xulu2
& && &&&dm.KeyPress 77
& && &call&&xulu1
& & End If
Sub pdxl2()
& & dm.KeyPress 77
& & dm_ret = dm.FindPic(402,262,457,301,&110.bmp&,&.9,0,intX,intY)
& & If intX &= 0 and intY &= 0 Then
& && &&&dm.KeyPress 77
& && & call&&xulu3
& && &&&dm.KeyPress 77
& && & call&&xulu2
& & End If
Sub pdxl3()
dm.KeyPress 77
& & dm_ret = dm.FindPic(542,322,599,352,&110.bmp&,&.9,0,intX,intY)
& & If intX &= 0 and intY &= 0 Then
& && &&&dm.KeyPress 77
& && & call&&xulu4
& && &&&dm.KeyPress 77
& &&&call&&xulu3
& & End If
Sub pdxl4()
dm.KeyPress 77
& & dm_ret = dm.FindPic(650,173,677,203,&110.bmp&,&.9,0,intX,intY)
& & If intX &= 0 and intY &= 0 Then
& && &&&dm.KeyPress 77
& && &&&call&&xulu5
& && &&&dm.KeyPress 77
& && & call&&xulu4
& & End Sub
& & Sub pdxl5()
& &&&dm.KeyPress 77
& && &&&dm_ret = dm.FindPic(644,417,693,449,&110.bmp&,&.9,0,intX,intY)
& && &&&If intX &= 0 and intY &= 0 Then
& && && && &dm.KeyPress 77
& && && &call&&xulu1
& && &&&Else
& && && && &dm.KeyPress 77
& && && & call&&xulu6
& && &&&End Sub
& && &&&Sub paotu()
&&dm_ret = dm.FindPic(0,0,800,600,&122.bmp|133.bmp|144.bmp&,&.8,0,intX,intY)
& & If intX &= 0 and intY &= 0 Then
& && && && && & Select Case i
& && && && && & Case 0
& && && && && & Call xulu1()
& && && && && & i=1
& && && && && & Case 1
& && && && && && & Call xulu2()
& && && && && && && & i=2
& && && && && & Case 2
& && && && &&&
& && && && && && & Call xulu3()
& && && && && && && & i=3
& && && && && & Case 3
& && && && && && & Call xulu4()
& && && && && && && & i=4
& && && && &&&
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Case 4
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Call xulu5()
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & i=5
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Case 5
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Call xulu6()
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & i=0
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& && && && && & End Select
& && && && &End If
& && &&&End Sub
& && &&&Sub zhaoxiaot1()
Sub duixianc()
Call 注册()
Call 绑定()
Call zxiaot()
Call shiqu()你的位置:
QQ三国 自动修理 源码
来源: 按键精灵资源站
QQ三国 自动修理的源码&&可以自己设定时间去选择找寻小锤子。。。不过要将修理的热键放置在F3上哦CODE:UserVar shijian=20 设置检测的时间空格(秒)
UserVar shijian1=1 设置检测小锤子的时间间隔(分钟)
UserVar shijian3=3.5 设置后一排修理的间隔时间(秒)
VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\修理.bmp&,0.9,intX,intY)
If intX&0 and intY&0
SetSimMode 2
KeyPressS 69
VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\修修.bmp&,0.9,intX1,intY1)
If intX1&0 and intY1&0
VBS a=intX1
VBS b=intY1
MoveTo a,b
MoveTo a,b
LeftClickS 1
MoveTo a,b
LeftClickS 1
MoveTo a-95,b
Delay shijian3*1000
SetSimMode 2
KeyPressS 113
SetSimMode 2
KeyPressS 113
Delay shijian1*60*1000
MessageBox &没有找到图片&
//MessageBox &没有找到&
Delay shijian*1000本文相关搜索}


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