
暗黑风格插件rBottomBarlg styler 动作栏重叠
LZ在外面实习,大四了已经 然后没来得及参加考试,想打个电话问问能不能补救一下QAQ 有没有那位... 关于插件rBottomBarStyler 暗黑风格 能量刷新的问题 潜行者能量值刷新速率怎么修改?能不能做到像...潜行者能量值刷新速率怎么修改?能不能做到像BLZ能量条那样的实时刷新而不是几十点几十点的涨跌? 刚刚打到的RT ~~新年帮基友收礼物么么哒~! 创意工坊里边的武器有很多不错的,问下我们玩家有机会使用这些外观嘛?还是说V社选取一部分开卖?oUF_Diablo暗黑风格头像插件这个插件我的动作条怎么把血球和能力球挡住了。怎么把他调整一下_百度知道
入/run MainMenuBar
查看: 1477|回复: 4
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限30积分87精华0UID5864091帖子金钱58 威望0
Lv.3, 积分 87, 距离下一级还需 163 积分
UID5864091帖子威望0 多玩草13 草元宝
&&-- oUF_D3Orbs2 layout by roth - 2009
&&local myname, _ = UnitName(&player&)
&&local _, myclass = UnitClass(&player&)
&&local dudustance, vehiclepower, playerinvehicle
&&-- 0 = off
&&-- 1 = on
&&--size of the orbs
&&local orbsize = 150
&&--font used
&&local d3font = &FONTS\\FRIZQT__.ttf&&&
&&--player scale
&&local playerscale = 1
&&--target and castbar scale
&&local targetscale = 0.82&&
&&--focus, focustarget, pet and partyscale
&&local focusscale = 0.5
&&--activate this if you want to use rbottombarstyler
&&--rember that you need to use jExp2 instead of jExp too.
&&local use_rbottombarstyler = 0
&&--animated portraits yes/no
&&local use_3dportraits = 1
&&--automatic mana detection on stance/class (only works with glows active)
&&local automana = 1
&&--activate the galaxy glow
&&local usegalaxy = 1
&&--activate the orb m2-file glow
&&local useglow = 0
&&--variable to lighten the orb glow. the higher the value, the lighter the glow gets.
&&local fog_smoother = 1
&&--hide party in raids yes/no
&&local hidepartyinraid = 0
&&-- healthcolor defines what healthcolor will be used
&&-- 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue, 4 = yellow, 5 = runic
&&local healthcolor = 2
&&-- manacolor defines what manacolor will be used
&&-- 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue, 4 = yellow, 5 = runic
&&local manacolor = 3
&&-- usebar defines what actionbar texture will be used.
&&-- not really needed anymore, 36 texture will only be used if MultiBarRight is shown
&&-- usebar = 1 -& choose automatically
&&-- usebar = 2 -& 12 button texture always
&&-- usebar = 3 -& 24 button texture always
&&-- usebar = 4 -& 36 button texture always
&&local usebar = 1
&&local orbtab = {
& & [1] = {r = 0.8, g = 0, b = 0, scale = 0.8, z = -12, x = 0.8, y = -1.7, anim = &SPELLS\\RedRadiationFog.m2&}, -- red
& & [2] = {r = 0.1, g = 0.8, b = 0.1, scale = 0.75, z = -12, x = 0, y = -1.1, anim = &SPELLS\\GreenRadiationFog.m2&}, -- green
& & [3] = {r = 0.3, g = 0.4,& &b = 1.1, scale = 0.75, z = -12, x = 1.2, y = -1, anim = &SPELLS\\BlueRadiationFog.m2&}, -- blue
& & [4] = {r = 0.9, g = 0.7, b = 0.1, scale = 0.75, z = -12, x = -0.3, y = -1.2, anim = &SPELLS\\OrangeRadiationFog.m2&}, -- yellow
& & [5] = {r = 0.1, g = 0.8,& &b = 0.7, scale = 0.9, z = -12, x = -0.5, y = -0.8, anim = &SPELLS\\WhiteRadiationFog.m2&}, -- runic
&&local galaxytab = {
& & [1] = {r = 0.90, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, }, -- red
& & [2] = {r = 0.2, g = 0.85, b = 0.2, }, -- green
& & [3] = {r = 0.3, g = 0.6,& &b = 0.9, }, -- blue
& & [4] = {r = 0.9, g = 0.8, b = 0.35, }, -- yellow
& & [5] = {r = 0.35, g = 0.9,& &b = 0.9, }, -- runic
&&local orbfilling_texture = &orb_filling8&
&&local statusbar128 = &Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar128&
&&local statusbar256 = &Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\statusbar256&
&&local tabvalues = {
& & power = {
& && &[-2] = rPowerBarColor[&AMMO&], -- fuel
& && &[-1] = rPowerBarColor[&FUEL&], -- fuel
& && &[0] = rPowerBarColor[&MANA&], -- Mana
& && &[1] = rPowerBarColor[&RAGE&], -- Rage
& && &[2] = rPowerBarColor[&FOCUS&], -- Focus
& && &[3] = rPowerBarColor[&ENERGY&], -- Energy
& && &[4] = rPowerBarColor[&HAPPINESS&], -- Happiness
& && &[5] = rPowerBarColor[&RUNES&], -- dont know
& && &[6] = rPowerBarColor[&RUNIC_POWER&], -- deathknight
& & happiness = {
& && &[0] = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}, -- bla test
& && &[1] = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0}, -- need.... | unhappy
& && &[2] = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0}, -- new..... | content
& && &[3] = {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0}, -- colors.. | happy
& & frame_positions = {
& && &[1] =& &{ a1 = &BOTTOM&,&&a2 = &BOTTOM&,&&af = &UIParent&,& && && && && && &x = 260,& & y = -9& && &}, --player mana orb
& && &[2] =& &{ a1 = &BOTTOM&,&&a2 = &BOTTOM&,&&af = &UIParent&,& && && && && && &x = -260,& &y = -9& && &}, --player health orb
& && &[3] =& &{ a1 = &CENTER&,&&a2 = &CENTER&,&&af = &UIParent&,& && && && && && &x = 0,& && &y = -320& & }, --target frame
& && &[4] =& &{ a1 = &RIGHT&,& &a2 = &LEFT&,& & af = &oUF_D3Orbs2_TargetFrame&,& &x = -80,& & y = 0& && & }, --tot
& && &[5] =& &{ a1 = &LEFT&,& & a2 = &RIGHT&,& &af = &UIParent&,& && && && && && &x = 50,& &&&y = 100& &&&}, --pet
& && &[6] =& &{ a1 = &LEFT&,& & a2 = &LEFT&,& & af = &UIParent&,& && && && && && &x = 150,& &&&y = 200& & }, --focus
& && &[7] =& &{ a1 = &TOPLEFT&, a2 = &TOPLEFT&, af = &UIParent&,& && && && && && &x = 25,& &&&y = -500& & }, --party
& && &[8] =& &{ a1 = &BOTTOM&,&&a2 = &BOTTOM&,&&af = &UIParent&,& && && && && && &x = 270,& & y = 0& && & }, --angel
& && &[9] =& &{ a1 = &BOTTOM&,&&a2 = &BOTTOM&,&&af = &UIParent&,& && && && && && &x = -265,& &y = 0& && & }, --demon
& && &[10] =&&{ a1 = &BOTTOM&,&&a2 = &BOTTOM&,&&af = &UIParent&,& && && && && && &x = 0,& && &y = -5& && &}, --botomline texture
& && &[11] =&&{ a1 = &BOTTOM&,&&a2 = &BOTTOM&,&&af = &UIParent&,& && && && && && &x = 1,& && &y = 0& && & }, --bottom bar background texture
& && &[12] =&&{ a1 = &CENTER&,&&a2 = &CENTER&,&&af = &oUF_D3Orbs2_TargetFrame&,& &x = 0,& && &y = 100& & }, --castbar target
& && &[13] =&&{ a1 = &CENTER&,&&a2 = &CENTER&,&&af = &oUF_D3Orbs2_TargetFrame&,& &x = 0,& && &y = -80& & },&&--castbar player
& && &[14] =&&{ a1 = &CENTER&,&&a2 = &CENTER&,&&af = &oUF_D3Orbs2_TargetFrame&,& &x = -750,& && &y = 300& &&&}, --castbar focus
&&playerinvehicle = 0
&&--rewrite unit popup menus
&&-- First level menus
&&UnitPopupMenus = { };
&&UnitPopupMenus[&TARGET&] = { &RAID_TARGET_ICON&, &CANCEL& };
&&UnitPopupMenus[&ARENAENEMY&] = { &CANCEL& };
&&-- Second level menus
&&UnitPopupMenus[&PVP_FLAG&] = { &PVP_ENABLE&, &PVP_DISABLE&};
&&--position deathknight runes
&&RuneButtonIndividual1:SetPoint(&BOTTOM&, UIParent, &BOTTOM&, -55, 140)
&&--disable the pet castbar (for vehicles!)
&&PetCastingBarFrame.Show = function() end
&&--chat output func
&&local function am(text)
& & DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text)
&&local function set_automana()
& & if automana == 1 then
& && &local st = GetShapeshiftForm()
& && &if myclass == &WARRIOR& then
& && &&&manacolor = 1
& && &elseif myclass == &DEATHKNIGHT& then
& && &&&manacolor = 5
& && &elseif myclass == &ROGUE& then
& && &&&manacolor = 4
& && &elseif myclass == &DRUID& and st == 3 then
& && &&&manacolor = 4
& && &elseif myclass == &DRUID& and st == 1 then
& && &&&manacolor = 1
& && &else
& && &&&manacolor = 3
&&--call it once
&&--check function for vehicle manatype
&&local function set_vehicle_mana(self)
& & self.Power.Filling:SetVertexColor(orbtab[manacolor].r,orbtab[manacolor].g,orbtab[manacolor].b)
& & if usegalaxy == 1 then
& && &self.gal4.t:SetVertexColor(galaxytab[manacolor].r,galaxytab[manacolor].g,galaxytab[manacolor].b)
& && &self.gal5.t:SetVertexColor(galaxytab[manacolor].r,galaxytab[manacolor].g,galaxytab[manacolor].b)
& && &self.gal6.t:SetVertexColor(galaxytab[manacolor].r,galaxytab[manacolor].g,galaxytab[manacolor].b)
& & elseif useglow == 1 then
& && &self.pm3:SetModel(orbtab[manacolor].anim)
& && &self.pm3:SetModelScale(orbtab[manacolor].scale)
& && &self.pm3:SetPosition(orbtab[manacolor].z, orbtab[manacolor].x, orbtab[manacolor].y)
& && &self.pm4:SetModel(orbtab[manacolor].anim)
& && &self.pm4:SetModelScale(orbtab[manacolor].scale)
& && &self.pm4:SetPosition(orbtab[manacolor].z, orbtab[manacolor].x, orbtab[manacolor].y+1)& && &
&&--check function for druid manatype
&&local function check_druid_mana(self)
& & local st = GetShapeshiftForm()
& & if st ~= dudustance then
& && &set_automana()
& && &set_vehicle_mana(self)
& && &dudustance = st
& & end& &
&&--do format func
local function do_format(v)
local string = &&
if v & 0 then
string = (floor((v/0)*10)/10)..&m&
elseif v &
string = (floor((v/)*10)/10)..&k&
string = v
return string
&&--update player health func
&&local function d3o2_updatePlayerHealth(self, event, unit, bar, min, max)
& & local d = floor(min/max*100)
& & self.Health.Filling:SetHeight((min / max) * self.Health:GetWidth())
& & self.Health.Filling:SetTexCoord(0,1,&&math.abs(min / max - 1),1)
& & if useglow == 1 then
& && &self.pm1:SetAlpha((min/max)/fog_smoother)
& && &self.pm2:SetAlpha((min/max)/fog_smoother)
& & if usegalaxy == 1 then
& && &self.gal1:SetAlpha(min/max)
& && &self.gal2:SetAlpha(min/max)
& && &self.gal3:SetAlpha(min/max)
& & if d &= 25 and min & 1 then
& && &self.LowHP:Show()
& && &self.LowHP:Hide()
&&--update player power func
&&local function d3o2_updatePlayerPower(self, event, unit, bar, min, max)
& & local d, d2
& & if max == 0 then
& && &d = 0
& && &d2 = 0
& &&&d = min/max
& &&&d2 = floor(min/max*100)
& & self.Power.Filling:SetHeight((d) * self.Power:GetWidth())
& & self.Power.Filling:SetTexCoord(0,1,&&math.abs(d - 1),1)
& & if useglow == 1 then
& && &self.pm3:SetAlpha((d)/fog_smoother)
& && &self.pm4:SetAlpha((d)/fog_smoother)
& & if usegalaxy == 1 then
& && &self.gal4:SetAlpha(min/max)
& && &self.gal5:SetAlpha(min/max)
& && &self.gal6:SetAlpha(min/max)
& & local shape
& & if myclass == &DRUID& then
& && &shape = GetShapeshiftForm()& &
& & if myclass == &WARRIOR& or (myclass == &DRUID& and shape == 3) or (myclass == &DRUID& and shape == 1) or myclass == &DEATHKNIGHT& or myclass == &ROGUE& then
& && &self.mpval1:SetText(do_format(min))
& && &self.mpval2:SetText(d2)
& && &self.mpval1:SetText(d2)
& && &self.mpval2:SetText(do_format(min))
& & if playerinvehicle == 1 then
& && &local pt = UnitPowerType(&pet&);
& && &if pt then
& && &&&if pt ~= vehiclepower then
& && && & --am(&ping&..pt)
& && && & vehiclepower = pt
& && && & if pt == 1 then
& && && && &manacolor = 1
& && && & elseif pt == 3 then
& && && && &manacolor = 4
& && && & else
& && && && &manacolor = 3
& && && & end
& && && & set_vehicle_mana(self)
& && &&&end& && &&&
& && &end& && &
&&--update health func
&&local function d3o2_updateHealth(self, event, unit, bar, min, max)
& & local d = floor(min/max*100)
& & local color
& & local dead
& & if UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unit) == 1 or UnitIsConnected(unit) == nil then
& && &color = {r = 0.4, g = 0.4, b = 0.4}
& && &dead = 1
& & elseif UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
& && &if rRAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(unit))] then
& && &&&color = rRAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(unit))]
& & elseif unit == &pet& and UnitExists(&pet&) and GetPetHappiness() then
& && &local happiness = GetPetHappiness()
& && &color = tabvalues.happiness[happiness]
& && &color = rFACTION_BAR_COLORS[UnitReaction(unit, &player&)]
& & bar:SetStatusBarColor(0.15,0.85,0.15,1)
& & bar.bg:SetVertexColor(0.7,0,0,1)
& & --if you like color colored background, use this
& & --bar.bg:SetVertexColor(color.r, color.g, color.b,1)
& & if dead == 1 then
& && &bar.bg:SetVertexColor(0.2,0.9,0.4,0)&&
& & if color then
& && &self.Name:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b,1)
& & if d &= 25 and min & 1 then
& && &self.LowHP:Show()
& && &self.LowHP:Hide()
&&--update power func
&&local function d3o2_updatePower(self, event, unit, bar, min, max)
& & --if max == 0 then
& & --&&bar:SetAlpha(0)
& & --else
& & --&&bar:SetAlpha(1)
& && &local color = tabvalues.power[UnitPowerType(unit)]
& && &bar:SetStatusBarColor(color.r, color.g, color.b,1)
& && &bar.bg:SetVertexColor(color.r*0.3, color.g*0.3, color.b*0.3,1)
&&local function menu(self)
& & local unit = self.unit:sub(1, -2)
& & local cunit = self.unit:gsub(&(.)&, string.upper, 1)
& & if(unit == &party& or unit == &partypet&) then
& && &ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, _G[&PartyMemberFrame&..self.id..&DropDown&], &cursor&, 0, 0)
& & elseif(_G[cunit..&FrameDropDown&]) then
& && &ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, _G[cunit..&FrameDropDown&], &cursor&, 0, 0)
&&--setup frame width, height, strata
&&local function d3o2_setupFrame(self,w,h,strata)
& & self.menu = menu
& & self:RegisterForClicks(&AnyUp&)
& & self:SetAttribute(&*type2&, &menu&)
& & self:SetScript(&OnEnter&, UnitFrame_OnEnter)
& & self:SetScript(&OnLeave&, UnitFrame_OnLeave)
& & self:SetFrameStrata(strata)
& & self:SetWidth(w)
& & self:SetHeight(h)
&&--orb glow func
&&local function create_me_a_orb_glow(f,type,pos)
& & local glow = CreateFrame(&PlayerModel&, nil, f)
& & glow:SetFrameStrata(&BACKGROUND&)
& & glow:SetFrameLevel(5)
& & glow:SetAllPoints(f)
& & if type == &power& then
& && &glow:SetModel(orbtab[manacolor].anim)
& && &glow:SetModelScale(orbtab[manacolor].scale)
& && &glow:SetPosition(orbtab[manacolor].z, orbtab[manacolor].x, orbtab[manacolor].y+pos)
& && &glow:SetAlpha(1/fog_smoother)
& && &glow:SetScript(&OnShow&,function()
& && &&&glow:SetModel(orbtab[manacolor].anim)
& && &&&glow:SetModelScale(orbtab[manacolor].scale)
& && &&&glow:SetPosition(orbtab[manacolor].z, orbtab[manacolor].x, orbtab[manacolor].y+pos)
& && &end)
& && &glow:SetModel(orbtab[healthcolor].anim)
& && &--glow:SetModelScale(orbtab[healthcolor].scale)
& && &--glow:SetPosition(orbtab[healthcolor].z, orbtab[healthcolor].x, orbtab[healthcolor].y+pos)
& && &glow:SetAlpha(1/fog_smoother)
& && &glow:SetScript(&OnShow&,function()
& && &&&glow:SetModel(orbtab[healthcolor].anim)
& && &&&glow:SetModelScale(orbtab[healthcolor].scale)
& && &&&glow:SetPosition(orbtab[healthcolor].z, orbtab[healthcolor].x, orbtab[healthcolor].y+pos)
& && &end)& &
& & return glow
&&local function create_me_a_galaxy(f,type,x,y,size,alpha,dur,tex)
& & local h = CreateFrame(&Frame&,nil,f)
& & h:SetHeight(size)
& & h:SetWidth(size)& && && &
& & h:SetPoint(&CENTER&,x,y-10)
& & h:SetAlpha(alpha)
& & h:SetFrameLevel(3)
& & local t = h:CreateTexture()
& & t:SetAllPoints(h)
& & t:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\&..tex)
& & t:SetBlendMode(&ADD&)
& & if type == &power& then
& && &t:SetVertexColor(galaxytab[manacolor].r,galaxytab[manacolor].g,galaxytab[manacolor].b)
& && &t:SetVertexColor(galaxytab[healthcolor].r,galaxytab[healthcolor].g,galaxytab[healthcolor].b)
& & h.t = t
& & local ag = h:CreateAnimationGroup()
& & h.ag = ag
& & local a1 = h.ag:CreateAnimation(&Rotation&)
& & a1:SetDegrees(360)
& & a1:SetDuration(dur)
& & h.ag.a1 = a1
& & h:SetScript(&OnUpdate&,function(self,elapsed)
& && &local t = self.total
& && &if (not t) then
& && &&&self.total = 0
& && &&&return
& && &t = t + elapsed
& && &if (t&1) then
& && &&&self.total = t
& && &&&return
& && &else
& && &&&h.ag:Play()
& & return h
&&--check vehicle type
&&local function check_vehicle_mana(self,event)
& & if event == &UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE& then
& && &playerinvehicle = 1
& && &playerinvehicle = 0
& && &vehiclepower = nil
& && &set_automana()
& && &set_vehicle_mana(self)
&&--create orb func
&&local function d3o2_createOrb(self,type)
& & local orb = CreateFrame(&StatusBar&, nil, self)& &
& & orb:SetStatusBarTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\orb_transparent.tga&)
& & orb:SetHeight(orbsize)
& & orb:SetWidth(orbsize)
& & orb.bg = orb:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& & orb.bg:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\orb_back2.tga&)
& & orb.bg:SetAllPoints(orb)
& & orb.Filling = orb:CreateTexture(nil, &ARTWORK&)
& & if type == &power& then
& && &orb.Filling:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\&..orbfilling_texture)
& && &orb.Filling:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\&..orbfilling_texture)
& & orb.Filling:SetPoint(&BOTTOMLEFT&,0,0)
& & orb.Filling:SetWidth(orbsize)
& & orb.Filling:SetHeight(orbsize)
& & --orb.Filling:SetBlendMode(&add&)
& & orb.Filling:SetAlpha(1)
& & orbGlossHolder = CreateFrame(&Frame&, nil, orb)
& & orbGlossHolder:SetAllPoints(orb)
& & orbGlossHolder:SetFrameStrata(&LOW&)
& & orbOrbGloss = orbGlossHolder:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)
& & orbOrbGloss:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\orb_gloss.tga&)
& & orbOrbGloss:SetAllPoints(orbGlossHolder)
& & if type == &power& then
& && &orb:SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[1].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[1].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[1].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[1].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[1].y)
& && &self.Power = orb
& && &self.Power.Filling = orb.Filling
& && &if usegalaxy == 1 then
& && &&&self.gal4 = create_me_a_galaxy(orb,type,0,10,110,1,40,&galaxy2&)
& && &&&self.gal5 = create_me_a_galaxy(orb,type,-10,-10,150,1,50,&galaxy&)
& && &&&self.gal6 = create_me_a_galaxy(orb,type,10,-10,130,1,20,&galaxy3&)
& && &&&self.Power.Filling:SetVertexColor(orbtab[manacolor].r,orbtab[manacolor].g,orbtab[manacolor].b)
& && &&&if myclass == &DRUID& and automana == 1 then
& && && & self.Power:RegisterEvent(&PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD&)
& && && & self.Power:RegisterEvent(&UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM&)
& && && & self.Power:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function()
& && && && &check_druid_mana(self)& && &&&
& && && & end)
& && &&&end
& && &&&if automana == 1 then
& && && & orbGlossHolder:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE&)
& && && & orbGlossHolder:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_EXITED_VEHICLE&)
& && && & orbGlossHolder:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function(_,event,arg1)
& && && && &if arg1 == &player& then
& && && && &&&check_vehicle_mana(self,event)
& && && && &end
& && && & end)
& && &&&end
& && &elseif useglow == 1 then
& && &&&self.pm3 = create_me_a_orb_glow(orb,type,0)
& && &&&self.pm4 = create_me_a_orb_glow(orb,type,1)
& && &&&self.Power.Filling:SetVertexColor(orbtab[manacolor].r,orbtab[manacolor].g,orbtab[manacolor].b)
& && &&&if myclass == &DRUID& and automana == 1 then
& && && & self.Power:RegisterEvent(&PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD&)
& && && & self.Power:RegisterEvent(&UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM&)
& && && & self.Power:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function()
& && && && &check_druid_mana(self)& && &&&
& && && & end)
& && &&&end
& && &&&if automana == 1 then
& && && & orbGlossHolder:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE&)
& && && & orbGlossHolder:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_EXITED_VEHICLE&)
& && && & orbGlossHolder:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function(_,event,arg1)
& && && && &if arg1 == &player& then
& && && && &&&check_vehicle_mana(self,event)
& && && && &end
& && && & end)
& && &&&end
& && &else
& && &&&self.Power.Filling:SetVertexColor(0,0.5,1)
& && &self.Power.frequentUpdates = true
& && &self.Power.Smooth = true
& && &orb:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&, 0, 0)
& && &self.Health = orb
& && &self.Health.Filling = orb.Filling
& && &if usegalaxy == 1 then
& && &&&self.gal1 = create_me_a_galaxy(orb,type,0,15,110,1,35,&galaxy2&)
& && &&&self.gal2 = create_me_a_galaxy(orb,type,0,-10,150,1,45,&galaxy&)
& && &&&self.gal3 = create_me_a_galaxy(orb,type,-10,-10,130,1,18,&galaxy3&)
& && &&&self.Health.Filling:SetVertexColor(orbtab[healthcolor].r,orbtab[healthcolor].g,orbtab[healthcolor].b)
& && &elseif useglow == 1 then
& && &&&self.pm1 = create_me_a_orb_glow(orb,type,0)
& && &&&self.pm2 = create_me_a_orb_glow(orb,type,1)
& && &&&self.Health.Filling:SetVertexColor(orbtab[healthcolor].r,orbtab[healthcolor].g,orbtab[healthcolor].b)
& && &else
& && &&&self.Health.Filling:SetVertexColor(0.5,1,0)
& && &self.Health.Smooth = true
&&--set fontstring
&&local function SetFontString(parent, fontName, fontHeight, fontStyle)
& & local fs = parent:CreateFontString(nil, &OVERLAY&)
& & fs:SetFont(fontName, fontHeight, fontStyle)
& & fs:SetShadowColor(0,0,0,1)
& & return fs
&&--create health and power bar func for every frame but not player
&&local function d3o2_createHealthPowerFrames(self,unit)
& & --health
& & self.Health = CreateFrame(&StatusBar&, nil, self)
& & if unit == &target& then
& && &self.Health:SetStatusBarTexture(statusbar256)
& && &self.Health:SetStatusBarTexture(statusbar128)
& & self.Health:SetHeight(16)
& & self.Health:SetWidth(self:GetWidth())
& & if unit == &target& or unit == &targettarget& then
& && &self.Health:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&,0,-1)
& && &self.Health:SetPoint(&BOTTOMLEFT&,0,1)
& & end& && &
& & if unit == &target& then
& && &self.bg = self:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& && &self.bg:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3_targetframe.tga&)
& && &self.bg:SetWidth(512)
& && &self.bg:SetHeight(128)
& && &self.bg:SetPoint(&CENTER&,-3,0)
& && &self.Health.bg = self.Health:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& && &self.Health.bg:SetTexture(statusbar256)
& && &self.Health.bg:SetAllPoints(self.Health)& &
& & elseif unit == &targettarget& then
& && &self.bg = self:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& && &self.bg:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3totframe.tga&)
& && &self.bg:SetWidth(256)
& && &self.bg:SetHeight(128)
& && &self.bg:SetPoint(&CENTER&,-2,0)
& && &self.Health.bg = self.Health:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& && &self.Health.bg:SetTexture(statusbar128)
& && &self.Health.bg:SetAllPoints(self.Health)
& && &self.bg = self:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& && &self.bg:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3totframe.tga&)
& && &self.bg:SetWidth(256)
& && &self.bg:SetHeight(128)
& && &self.bg:SetPoint(&BOTTOM&,-2,-56)
& && &self.Health.bg = self.Health:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& && &self.Health.bg:SetTexture(statusbar128)
& && &self.Health.bg:SetAllPoints(self.Health)& &
& & self.Health.Smooth = true
& & --power& &
& & self.Power = CreateFrame(&StatusBar&, nil, self)
& & if unit == &target& then
& && &self.Power:SetStatusBarTexture(statusbar256)
& && &self.Power:SetStatusBarTexture(statusbar128)
& & self.Power:SetHeight(4)
& & self.Power:SetWidth(self:GetWidth())
& & self.Power:SetPoint(&TOP&, self.Health, &BOTTOM&, 0, 0)
& & self.Power.bg = self.Power:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& & if unit == &target& then
& && &self.Power.bg:SetTexture(statusbar256)
& && &self.Power.bg:SetTexture(statusbar128)
& & self.Power.bg:SetAllPoints(self.Power)
& & self.Power.Smooth = true
& & if unit == &pet& then
& && &self.Power.frequentUpdates = true
&&--aura icon func
&&local function d3o2_createAuraIcon(self, button, icons, index, debuff)
& & button.cd:SetReverse()
& & button.icon:SetTexCoord(0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9)
& & button.count:SetPoint(&BOTTOMRIGHT&, button, 2, -2)
& & button.count:SetTextColor(0.7,0.7,0.7)
& & --fix the count on aurawatch, make the count fontsize button size dependend
& & button.count:SetFont(d3font,button:GetWidth()/1.5,&THINOUTLINE&)
& & self.ButtonOverlay = button:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)
& & self.ButtonOverlay:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\gloss2.tga&)
& & self.ButtonOverlay:SetVertexColor(0.37,0.3,0.3,1);
& & self.ButtonOverlay:SetParent(button)
& & self.ButtonOverlay:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&, -1, 1)
& & self.ButtonOverlay:SetPoint(&BOTTOMRIGHT&, 1, -1)&&
& & local back = button:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& & back:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&,button.icon,&TOPLEFT&,-4,4)
& & back:SetPoint(&BOTTOMRIGHT&,button.icon,&BOTTOMRIGHT&,4,-4)
& & back:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\simplesquare_glow&)
& & back:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
&&--buff func
&&local function d3o2_createBuffs(self,unit)
& & self.Buffs = CreateFrame(&Frame&, nil, self)
& & self.Buffs.size = 30
& & self.Buffs.num = 40
& & self.Buffs:SetHeight((self.Buffs.size+5)*3)
& & self.Buffs:SetWidth(self:GetWidth())
& & self.Buffs:SetPoint(&BOTTOMLEFT&, self, &TOPRIGHT&, 20, 15)
& & self.Buffs.initialAnchor = &BOTTOMLEFT&
& & self.Buffs[&growth-x&] = &RIGHT&
& & self.Buffs[&growth-y&] = &UP&
& & self.Buffs.spacing = 5
&&--debuff func
&&local function d3o2_createDebuffs(self,unit)
& & self.Debuffs = CreateFrame(&Frame&, nil, self)
& & if unit == &target& then
& && &self.Debuffs.size = 30
& && &self.Debuffs.num = 40
& && &self.Debuffs:SetHeight((self.Debuffs.size+5)*3)
& && &self.Debuffs:SetWidth(self:GetWidth())
& && &self.Debuffs:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&, self, &BOTTOMRIGHT&, 20, -15)
& && &self.Debuffs.initialAnchor = &TOPLEFT&
& && &self.Debuffs[&growth-x&] = &RIGHT&
& && &self.Debuffs[&growth-y&] = &DOWN&
& && &self.Debuffs.spacing = 5
& & elseif unit == &targettarget& then
& && &self.Debuffs.size = 30
& && &self.Debuffs.num = 10
& && &self.Debuffs:SetHeight((self.Debuffs.size+5)*1)
& && &self.Debuffs:SetWidth(self:GetWidth())
& && &self.Debuffs:SetPoint(&TOP&, self, &BOTTOM&, 0, -15)
& && &self.Debuffs.initialAnchor = &TOPLEFT&
& && &self.Debuffs[&growth-x&] = &RIGHT&
& && &self.Debuffs[&growth-y&] = &DOWN&
& && &self.Debuffs.spacing = 5& && &
& && &self.Debuffs.size = 30
& && &self.Debuffs.num = 5
& && &self.Debuffs:SetHeight((self.Debuffs.size+5)*1)
& && &self.Debuffs:SetWidth(self:GetWidth())
& && &self.Debuffs:SetPoint(&TOP&, self, &BOTTOM&, 0, -17)
& && &self.Debuffs.initialAnchor = &TOPLEFT&
& && &self.Debuffs[&growth-x&] = &RIGHT&
& && &self.Debuffs[&growth-y&] = &DOWN&
& && &self.Debuffs.spacing = 5& && &
& & self.Debuffs.onlyShowPlayer = false
& & self.Debuffs.showDebuffType = false
&&local function d3o2_createCastbar(self,unit)
& & self.Castbar = CreateFrame(&StatusBar&, nil, UIParent)
& & self.Castbar:SetFrameStrata(&DIALOG&)
& & self.Castbar:SetWidth(224)
& & self.Castbar:SetHeight(18)
& & self.Castbar:SetStatusBarTexture(statusbar256)
& & self.Castbar.bg2 = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& & self.Castbar.bg2:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3_targetframe.tga&)
& & self.Castbar.bg2:SetWidth(512)
& & self.Castbar.bg2:SetHeight(128)
& & self.Castbar.bg2:SetPoint(&CENTER&,-3,0)
& & self.Castbar.bg = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, &BORDER&)
& & self.Castbar.bg:SetTexture(statusbar256)
& & self.Castbar.bg:SetAllPoints(self.Castbar)
& & self.Castbar.bg:SetVertexColor(20/255,20/255,30/255,1)
& & self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(0.15,0.9,0.15,1)
& & if unit == &player& then
& && &self.Castbar:SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[13].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[13].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[13].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[13].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[13].y)
& & elseif unit == &target& then
& && &self.Castbar:SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[12].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[12].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[12].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[12].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[12].y)
& & elseif unit == &focus& then
& && &self.Castbar:SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[14].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[14].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[14].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[14].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[14].y)
& & self.Castbar.Text = SetFontString(self.Castbar, d3font, 20, &THINOUTLINE&)
& & self.Castbar.Text:SetPoint(&LEFT&, 2, 0)
& & self.Castbar.Text:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, -2, 0)
& & self.Castbar.Text:SetJustifyH(&LEFT&)
& & self.Castbar.Time = SetFontString(self.Castbar, d3font, 14, &THINOUTLINE&)
& & self.Castbar.Time:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, -2, 0)
& & --icon
& & self.Castbar.Icon = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, &BORDER&)
& & self.Castbar.Icon:SetWidth(32)
& & self.Castbar.Icon:SetHeight(32)
& & self.Castbar.Icon:SetPoint(&LEFT&, -77, 0)
& & self.Castbar.Icon:SetTexCoord(0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9)
& & self.Castbar.IconBack = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& & self.Castbar.IconBack:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&,self.Castbar.Icon,&TOPLEFT&,-5,5)
& & self.Castbar.IconBack:SetPoint(&BOTTOMRIGHT&,self.Castbar.Icon,&BOTTOMRIGHT&,5,-5)
& & self.Castbar.IconBack:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\simplesquare_glow&)
& & self.Castbar.IconBack:SetVertexColor(0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1)
& & self.Castbar.IconOverlay = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)
& & self.Castbar.IconOverlay:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\gloss2.tga&)
& & self.Castbar.IconOverlay:SetVertexColor(0.37,0.3,0.3,1);
& & self.Castbar.IconOverlay:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&, self.Castbar.Icon, &TOPLEFT&, -1, 1)
& & self.Castbar.IconOverlay:SetPoint(&BOTTOMRIGHT&, self.Castbar.Icon, &BOTTOMRIGHT&, 1, -1)&&
& & self.Castbar:SetScale(targetscale)
&&--lowhp func
&&local function d3o2_createLowHP(self,unit)
& & if unit == &player& then
& && &self.LowHP = self.Health:CreateTexture(nil, &ARTWORK&)
& && &self.LowHP:SetAllPoints(self.Health)
& && &self.LowHP:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\orb_lowhp_glow.tga&)
& && &self.LowHP:SetBlendMode(&BLEND&)
& && &self.LowHP:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 0, 1)
& && &self.LowHP:Hide()
& & elseif unit == &target& then
& && &self.LowHP = self.Health:CreateTexture(nil, &ARTWORK&)
& && &self.LowHP:SetWidth(505)
& && &self.LowHP:SetHeight(115)
& && &self.LowHP:SetPoint(&CENTER&,-3,0)
& && &self.LowHP:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3_targetframe_lowhp.tga&)
& && &self.LowHP:SetBlendMode(&ADD&)
& && &self.LowHP:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 0, 1)
& && &self.LowHP:SetAlpha(0.8)
& && &self.LowHP:Hide()& &
& && &self.LowHP = self.Health:CreateTexture(nil, &ARTWORK&)
& && &self.LowHP:SetWidth(250)
& && &self.LowHP:SetHeight(115)
& && &self.LowHP:SetPoint(&CENTER&,-2,0)
& && &self.LowHP:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3totframe_lowhp.tga&)
& && &self.LowHP:SetBlendMode(&ADD&)
& && &self.LowHP:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 0, 1)
& && &self.LowHP:SetAlpha(0.8)
& && &self.LowHP:Hide()
&&local function d3o2_createDebuffGlow(self,unit)
& & if unit == &player& then
& && &self.DebuffHighlight = self:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& && &--self.DebuffHighlight:SetAllPoints(self)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetWidth(self:GetWidth())
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetHeight(self:GetWidth())
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetPoint(&CENTER&,0,0)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetBlendMode(&BLEND&)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 0, 0) -- set alpha to 0 to hide the texture
& && &self.DebuffHighlightAlpha = 0.7
& && &self.DebuffHighlightFilter = false
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\orb_debuff_glow.tga&)
& & elseif unit == &target& then
& && &self.DebuffHighlight = self:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetWidth(302)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetHeight(self.DebuffHighlight:GetWidth()/4)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetPoint(&CENTER&,-3,0)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetBlendMode(&BLEND&)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 0, 0) -- set alpha to 0 to hide the texture
& && &self.DebuffHighlightAlpha = 0.8
& && &self.DebuffHighlightFilter = true& && &
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3_nameplate_border_glow.tga&)& && &&&
& & elseif unit == &targettarget& then
& && &self.DebuffHighlight = self:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetWidth(256)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetHeight(self.DebuffHighlight:GetWidth()/2)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetPoint(&CENTER&,-2,0)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetBlendMode(&BLEND&)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 0, 0) -- set alpha to 0 to hide the texture
& && &self.DebuffHighlightAlpha = 0.8
& && &self.DebuffHighlightFilter = true
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3totframe_debuff.tga&)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight = self:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetWidth(256)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetHeight(115)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetPoint(&BOTTOM&,-2,-50)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetBlendMode(&BLEND&)
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 0, 0) -- set alpha to 0 to hide the texture
& && &self.DebuffHighlightAlpha = 0.8
& && &self.DebuffHighlightFilter = true
& && &self.DebuffHighlight:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3totframe_debuff.tga&)
&&--create the elite head texture
&&local bubblehead
&&local function d3o2_createBubbleHead(self,unit)
& & local headsize = 100
& & local head = self.Health:CreateTexture(nil,&OVERLAY&)
& & head:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3_head_trans&)
& & head:SetWidth(headsize)
& & head:SetHeight(headsize/2)
& & head:SetPoint(&TOP&,0,-6)
& & bubblehead = head
& & bubblehead:Hide()
&&--create portraits func
&&local function d3o2_createPortraits(self,unit)
& & self.Portrait_bgf = CreateFrame(&Frame&,nil,self)
& & self.Portrait_bgf:SetPoint(&BOTTOM&,self.Health,&TOP&,0,14)
& & self.Portrait_bgf:SetWidth(self:GetWidth()+10)
& & self.Portrait_bgf:SetHeight(self:GetWidth()+10)&&
& & local back = self.Portrait_bgf:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& & back:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&,self.Portrait_bgf,&TOPLEFT&,-15,15)
& & back:SetPoint(&BOTTOMRIGHT&,self.Portrait_bgf,&BOTTOMRIGHT&,15,-15)
& & back:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\simplesquare_glow&)
& & back:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
& & self.Portrait_bgt = self.Portrait_bgf:CreateTexture(nil, &BACKGROUND&)
& & self.Portrait_bgt:SetAllPoints(self.Portrait_bgf)
& & self.Portrait_bgt:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3portrait_back2.tga&)
& & self.Portrait_bgt:SetVertexColor(0.7,0.7,0.7)
& & if use_3dportraits == 1 and unit ~= &focustarget& then
& && &self.Portrait = CreateFrame(&PlayerModel&, nil, self.Portrait_bgf)
& && &self.Portrait:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&,self.Portrait_bgf,&TOPLEFT&,4,-4)
& && &self.Portrait:SetPoint(&BOTTOMRIGHT&,self.Portrait_bgf,&BOTTOMRIGHT&,-4,4)
& && &self.Portrait_glossf = CreateFrame(&Frame&,nil,self.Portrait)
& && &self.Portrait_glossf:SetAllPoints(self.Portrait_bgf)
& && &self.Portrait = self.Portrait_bgf:CreateTexture(nil, &BORDER&)
& && &self.Portrait:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&,self.Portrait_bgf,&TOPLEFT&,2,-2)
& && &self.Portrait:SetPoint(&BOTTOMRIGHT&,self.Portrait_bgf,&BOTTOMRIGHT&,-2,2)
& && &self.Portrait_glossf = CreateFrame(&Frame&,nil,self.Portrait_bgf)
& && &self.Portrait_glossf:SetAllPoints(self.Portrait_bgf)
& & self.Portrait_glosst = self.Portrait_glossf:CreateTexture(nil, &ARTWORK&)
& & self.Portrait_glosst:SetAllPoints(self.Portrait_glossf)
& & self.Portrait_glosst:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\simplesquare_roth&)
& & self.Portrait_glosst:SetVertexColor(0.37,0.3,0.3)
& & self.Name:SetPoint(&BOTTOM&, self.Portrait_bgf, &TOP&, 0, 5)
& & self.Name:SetFont(d3font,22,&THINOUTLINE&)
&&local function d3o2_createAuraWatch(self,unit)
& & --if unit ~= &target& then return end
& & -- We only want to create this for the target
& & local auras = CreateFrame(&Frame&, nil, self)
& & auras:SetWidth(34)
& & auras:SetHeight(34)
& & auras:SetPoint(&BOTTOMLEFT&, self.Health, &TOPRIGHT&, 58, -25)
& & local spellIDs = {
& && &48440, --reju
& && &48443, --regrowth
& && &48450, --lifebloom
& && &53249, --wildgrowth
& & auras.presentAlpha = 1
& & auras.missingAlpha = 0
& & auras.PostCreateIcon = d3o2_createAuraIcon
& & auras.icons = {}
& & for i, sid in pairs(spellIDs) do
& && &local icon = CreateFrame(&Frame&, nil, auras)
& && &icon.spellID = sid
& && &icon:SetWidth(34)
& && &icon:SetHeight(34)
& && &icon:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, auras, &LEFT&, 0, 38*i)
& && &auras.icons[sid] = icon
& & self.AuraWatch = auras
&&--create special icons (raid, leader)
&&local function d3o2_createIcons(self,unit)
& &&&if unit == &player&&&then
& && &--nothing& &
& & elseif unit == &target& then
& && &self.RaidIcon = self:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)
& && &self.RaidIcon:SetHeight(24)
& && &self.RaidIcon:SetWidth(24)
& && &self.RaidIcon:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, self.Name, &LEFT&, -5, 2)
& && &self.RaidIcon:SetTexture(&Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons&)
& && &self.RaidIcon = self:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)
& && &self.RaidIcon:SetHeight(16)
& && &self.RaidIcon:SetWidth(16)
& && &self.RaidIcon:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, self.Name, &LEFT&, -2, 2)
& && &self.RaidIcon:SetTexture(&Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons&)
& & if unit == &player& then
& && &self.Leader = self:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)
& && &self.Leader:SetHeight(16)
& && &self.Leader:SetWidth(16)
& && &self.Leader:SetPoint(&TOPLEFT&, self, &TOPLEFT&, 0, 0)
& && &self.Leader:SetTexture(&Interface\\GroupFrame\\UI-Group-LeaderIcon&)& &
& & elseif unit == &target& or unit == &targettarget& then
& && &-- nothing
& && &self.Leader = self:CreateTexture(nil, &OVERLAY&)
& && &self.Leader:SetHeight(24)
& && &self.Leader:SetWidth(24)
& && &self.Leader:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, self.Health, &LEFT&, -22, 22)
& && &self.Leader:SetTexture(&Interface\\GroupFrame\\UI-Group-LeaderIcon&)& && &
&&local function d3o2_createComboPoints(self,unit)
& & self.CPoints = SetFontString(self.Health, d3font, 24, &THINOUTLINE&)
& & self.CPoints:SetPoint(&LEFT&, self.Name, &RIGHT&, 5, -1)
& & self.CPoints:SetTextColor(1, .5, 0)
& & self.CPoints.unit = PlayerFrame.unit
&&--thanks to p3lim for this one
&&--it does fix the vehicle combopoints
&&local function updateCPoints(self, event, unit)
& && &if(unit == PlayerFrame.unit) and (unit ~= self.CPoints.unit) then
& && && & self.CPoints.unit = unit
& && && & --am(&ding &..unit)
&&oUF.Tags[&[d3o2name]&] = function(unit)
& & local tmpunitname = UnitName(unit)& && &
& & if unit == &target& then
& && &if tmpunitname:len() & 50 then
& && &&&tmpunitname = tmpunitname:sub(1, 50)..&...&
& && &if tmpunitname:len() & 50 then
& && &&&tmpunitname = tmpunitname:sub(1, 50)..&...&
& & return tmpunitname
&&oUF.Tags[&[d3o2misshp]&] = function(unit)
& & local max, min = UnitHealthMax(unit), UnitHealth(unit)
& & local v = max-min
& & local string = &&
& & if UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unit) == 1 then
& && &string = &dead&
& & elseif UnitIsConnected(unit) == nil then
& && &string = &off&
& & elseif v == 0 then
& && &string = &&
& & elseif v & 1000000 then
& && &string = -(floor((v/)/10)..&m&
& & elseif v & 1000 then
& && &string = -(floor((v/)..&k&
& && &string = -v
& & return string
&&oUF.TagEvents[&[d3o2misshp]&] = &UNIT_HEALTH&
&&oUF.Tags[&[d3o2abshp]&] = function(unit)
& & local v = UnitHealth(unit)
& & local string = &&
& & if UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unit) == 1 then
& && &string = &dead&
& & elseif UnitIsConnected(unit) == nil then
& && &string = &off&
& & elseif v & 1000000 then
& && &string = (floor((v/)/10)..&m&
& & elseif v & 1000000 then
& && &string = (floor((v/)/10)..&k&
& && &string = v
& & return string
&&oUF.TagEvents[&[d3o2abshp]&] = &UNIT_HEALTH&
&&oUF.Tags[&[d3o2absmp]&] = function(unit)
& & local v = UnitMana(unit)
& & local string = &&
& & if v & 1000000 then
& && &string = (floor((v/)/10)..&m&
& & elseif v & 1000 then
& && &string = (floor((v/)..&k&
& && &string = v
& & return string
&&oUF.Tags[&[d3o2classtext]&] = function(unit)
& & bubblehead:Hide()
& & local string, tmpstring, sp = &&, &&, & &
& & if UnitLevel(unit) ~= -1 then
& && &string = UnitLevel(unit)
& && &string = &??&
& & end& &
& & string = string..sp
& & local unitrace = UnitRace(unit)
& & local creatureType = UnitCreatureType(unit)& &
& & if unitrace and UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
& && &string = string..unitrace..sp
& & end& &
& & if creatureType and not UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
& && &string = string..creatureType..sp
& & end& &
& & local unit_classification = UnitClassification(unit)& &
& & if unit_classification == &worldboss& then
& && &tmpstring = &Boss&
& && &bubblehead:Show()
& && &bubblehead:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3_head_skull&)
& & elseif unit_classification == &rare& or unit_classification == &rareelite& then
& && &tmpstring = &Rare&
& && &bubblehead:Show()
& && &bubblehead:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3_head_diablo&)
& && &if unit_classification == &rareelite& then
& && &&&tmpstring = tmpstring..& Elite&
& & elseif unit_classification == &elite& then
& && &tmpstring = &Elite&
& && &bubblehead:Show()
& && &bubblehead:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3_head_garg&)
& & end& &
& & if tmpstring ~= && then
& && &tmpstring = tmpstring..sp&&
& & end& &
& & string = string..tmpstring
& & tmpstring = &&& &
& & local localizedClass, englishClass = UnitClass(unit)
& & if localizedClass and UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
& && &string = string..localizedClass..sp
& & return string
&&--create the player style
&&local function CreatePlayerStyle(self, unit)
& & if use_rbottombarstyler ~= 1 then
& && &d3o2_setupFrame(self,orbsize,orbsize,&BACKGROUND&)&&
& && &d3o2_createOrb(self,&health&)
& && &d3o2_createOrb(self,&power&)
& && &self.HealthValueHolder = CreateFrame(&FRAME&, nil, self.Health)
& && &self.HealthValueHolder:SetFrameStrata(&LOW&)
& && &self.HealthValueHolder:SetAllPoints(self.Health)
& && &local hpval1 = SetFontString(self.HealthValueHolder, d3font, 28, &THINOUTLINE&)
& && &hpval1:SetPoint(&CENTER&, 0, 10)
& && &local hpval2 = SetFontString(self.HealthValueHolder, d3font, 16, &THINOUTLINE&)
& && &hpval2:SetPoint(&CENTER&, 0, -10)
& && &hpval2:SetTextColor(0.6,0.6,0.6)
& && &self.PowerValueHolder = CreateFrame(&FRAME&, nil, self.Power)
& && &self.PowerValueHolder:SetFrameStrata(&LOW&)
& && &self.PowerValueHolder:SetAllPoints(self.Power)
& && &local mpval1 = SetFontString(self.PowerValueHolder, d3font, 28, &THINOUTLINE&)
& && &mpval1:SetPoint(&CENTER&, 0, 10)
& && &local mpval2 = SetFontString(self.PowerValueHolder, d3font, 16, &THINOUTLINE&)
& && &mpval2:SetPoint(&CENTER&, 0, -10)
& && &mpval2:SetTextColor(0.6,0.6,0.6)
& && &self:Tag(hpval1, &[perhp]&)
& && &self:Tag(hpval2, &[d3o2abshp]&)
& && &--cannot use custom events with frequentupdates enabled
& && &--self:Tag(mpval1, &[perpp]&)
& && &--self:Tag(mpval2, &[d3o2absmp]&)
& && &--set the subobjects to be available for the d3o2_updatePlayerPower func
& && &self.mpval1 = mpval1
& && &self.mpval2 = mpval2
& && &self.PostUpdateHealth = d3o2_updatePlayerHealth
& && &self.PostUpdatePower = d3o2_updatePlayerPower
& && &d3o2_createLowHP(self,unit)
& && &d3o2_createDebuffGlow(self,unit)
& && &d3o2_createIcons(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createCastbar(self,unit)
& & self:SetScale(playerscale)
&&--create the target style
&&local function CreateTargetStyle(self, unit)
& & d3o2_setupFrame(self,224,20,&BACKGROUND&)
& & d3o2_createHealthPowerFrames(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createBuffs(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createDebuffs(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createBubbleHead(self,unit)
& & local name = SetFontString(self, d3font, 20, &THINOUTLINE&)
& & name:SetPoint(&BOTTOM&, self, &TOP&, 0, 30)
& & local hpval = SetFontString(self.Health, d3font, 14, &THINOUTLINE&)
& & hpval:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, self, &RIGHT&, -2, 2)
& & local classtext = SetFontString(self, d3font, 16, &THINOUTLINE&)
& & classtext:SetPoint(&BOTTOM&, self, &TOP&, 0, 13)
& & self.Name = name
& & self:Tag(name, &[d3o2name]&)
& & self:Tag(hpval, &[d3o2abshp] - [perhp]%&)
& & self:Tag(classtext, &[d3o2classtext]&)
& & d3o2_createCastbar(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createLowHP(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createDebuffGlow(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createIcons(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createComboPoints(self,unit)
& & self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_COMBO_POINTS', updateCPoints)
& & self.PostUpdateHealth = d3o2_updateHealth
& & self.PostUpdatePower = d3o2_updatePower
& & self.PostCreateAuraIcon = d3o2_createAuraIcon
& & self:SetScale(targetscale)
&&--create the tot style
&&local function CreateToTStyle(self, unit)
& & d3o2_setupFrame(self,110,20,&BACKGROUND&)
& & d3o2_createHealthPowerFrames(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createDebuffs(self,unit)
& & local name = SetFontString(self, d3font, 18, &THINOUTLINE&)
& & name:SetPoint(&BOTTOM&, self, &TOP&, 0, 15)
& & local hpval = SetFontString(self.Health, d3font, 14, &THINOUTLINE&)
& & hpval:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, self, &RIGHT&, -2, 2)
& & self.Name = name
& & self:Tag(name, &[d3o2name]&)
& & self:Tag(hpval, &[perhp]%&)
& & d3o2_createLowHP(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createDebuffGlow(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createIcons(self,unit)
& & self.PostUpdateHealth = d3o2_updateHealth
& & self.PostUpdatePower = d3o2_updatePower
& & self.PostCreateAuraIcon = d3o2_createAuraIcon
& & self:SetScale(targetscale)
&&--create the focus, pet and party style
&&local function CreateFocusStyle(self, unit)
& & d3o2_setupFrame(self,110,200,&BACKGROUND&)
& & d3o2_createHealthPowerFrames(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createDebuffs(self,unit)
& & local name = SetFontString(self, d3font, 18, &THINOUTLINE&)
& & name:SetPoint(&BOTTOM&, self, &TOP&, 0, 15)
& & self.Name = name
& & self:Tag(name, &[d3o2name]&)
& & local hpval = SetFontString(self.Health, d3font, 20, &THINOUTLINE&)
& & hpval:SetPoint(&RIGHT&, self.Health, &RIGHT&, -2, 0)
& & self:Tag(hpval, &[d3o2misshp]&)
& & d3o2_createLowHP(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createDebuffGlow(self,unit)
& & d3o2_createPortraits(self,unit)& &
& & if unit == &focus& then
& && &d3o2_createCastbar(self,unit)
& & end& &
& & d3o2_createIcons(self,unit)
& & if myclass == &DRUID& then
& && &d3o2_createAuraWatch(self,unit)
& & self.PostUpdateHealth = d3o2_updateHealth
& & self.PostUpdatePower = d3o2_updatePower
& & self.PostCreateAuraIcon = d3o2_createAuraIcon
& & self:SetScale(focusscale)
& & if (not unit) then
& && &self.Range = true
& && &self.outsideRangeAlpha = 0.6
& && &self.inRangeAlpha = 1
&&oUF:RegisterStyle(&oUF_D3Orbs2_player&, CreatePlayerStyle)
&&oUF:RegisterStyle(&oUF_D3Orbs2_target&, CreateTargetStyle)
&&oUF:RegisterStyle(&oUF_D3Orbs2_tot&, CreateToTStyle)
&&oUF:RegisterStyle(&oUF_D3Orbs2_focus&, CreateFocusStyle)
&&oUF:Spawn(&target&,&oUF_D3Orbs2_TargetFrame&):SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[3].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[3].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[3].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[3].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[3].y)&&
&&oUF:Spawn(&player&, &oUF_D3Orbs2_PlayerFrame&):SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[2].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[2].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[2].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[2].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[2].y)&&
&&oUF:Spawn(&targettarget&,&oUF_D3Orbs2_ToT&):SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[4].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[4].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[4].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[4].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[4].y)
&&oUF:Spawn(&focus&,&oUF_D3Orbs2_focus&):SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[6].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[6].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[6].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[6].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[6].y)
&&oUF:Spawn(&focustarget&,&ouf_focustot&):SetPoint('CENTER', oUF.units.focus, 'CENTER', 200, 0)
&&oUF:Spawn(&pet&,&ouf_pet&):SetPoint('CENTER', oUF.units.focus, 'CENTER', 0, 250)
&&local party&&= oUF:Spawn(&header&, &oUF_Party&)
&&party:SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[7].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[7].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[7].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[7].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[7].y)
&&--party:SetManyAttributes(&showParty&, true, &xOffset&, 10, &point&, &RIGHT&, &showPlayer&, false)
&&party:SetManyAttributes(&showParty&, true, &xOffset&, 80, &point&, &LEFT&, &showPlayer&, true)
&&local partyToggle = CreateFrame(&Frame&)
&&partyToggle:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function(self)
& & if(InCombatLockdown()) then
& && &self:RegisterEvent(&PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED&)
& && &self:UnregisterEvent(&PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED&)
& && &if(GetNumRaidMembers() & 0) then
& && &&&if hidepartyinraid == 1 then
& && && & party:Hide()
& && &&&else
& && && & party:Show()
& && &&&end
& && &else
& && &&&party:Show()
&&if use_rbottombarstyler ~= 1 then
& & local d3f = CreateFrame(&Frame&,nil,UIParent)
& & d3f:SetFrameStrata(&TOOLTIP&)
& & d3f:SetWidth(320)
& & d3f:SetHeight(160)
& & d3f:SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[8].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[8].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[8].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[8].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[8].y)
& & d3f:Show()
& & d3f:SetScale(playerscale)
& & local d3t = d3f:CreateTexture(nil,&BACKGROUND&)
& & d3t:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3_angel2&)
& & d3t:SetAllPoints(d3f)
& & local d3f2 = CreateFrame(&Frame&,nil,UIParent)
& & d3f2:SetFrameStrata(&TOOLTIP&)
& & d3f2:SetWidth(320)
& & d3f2:SetHeight(160)
& & d3f2:SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[9].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[9].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[9].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[9].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[9].y)
& & d3f2:Show()
& & d3f2:SetScale(playerscale)
& & local d3t2 = d3f2:CreateTexture(nil,&BACKGROUND&)
& & d3t2:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3_demon2&)
& & d3t2:SetAllPoints(d3f2)
& & local d3f3 = CreateFrame(&Frame&,nil,UIParent)
& & d3f3:SetFrameStrata(&TOOLTIP&)
& & d3f3:SetWidth(500)
& & d3f3:SetHeight(112)
& & d3f3:SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[10].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[10].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[10].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[10].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[10].y)
& & d3f3:Show()
& & d3f3:SetScale(playerscale)
& & local d3t3 = d3f3:CreateTexture(nil,&BACKGROUND&)
& & d3t3:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\d3_bottom&)
& & d3t3:SetAllPoints(d3f3)
& & local d3f4 = CreateFrame(&Frame&,nil,UIParent)
& & d3f4:SetFrameStrata(&BACKGROUND&)
& & d3f4:SetWidth(512)
& & d3f4:SetHeight(256)
& & d3f4:SetPoint(tabvalues.frame_positions[11].a1, tabvalues.frame_positions[11].af, tabvalues.frame_positions[11].a2, tabvalues.frame_positions[11].x, tabvalues.frame_positions[11].y)
& & d3f4:Show()
& & d3f4:SetScale(playerscale)
& & local d3t4 = d3f4:CreateTexture(nil,&BACKGROUND&)
& & d3t4:SetAllPoints(d3f4)
& & if usebar == 2 then
& && &d3t4:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\bar1&)
& & elseif usebar == 3 then
& && &d3t4:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\bar2&)
& & elseif usebar == 4 then
& && &d3t4:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\bar3&)
& && &if MultiBarBottomRight:IsShown() then
& && &&&d3t4:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\bar3&)
& && &elseif MultiBarBottomLeft:IsShown() then
& && &&&d3t4:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\bar2&)
& && &else
& && &&&d3t4:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\bar1&)
& && &MultiBarBottomRight:HookScript(&OnShow&, function() d3t4:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\bar3&) end)
& && &MultiBarBottomRight:HookScript(&OnHide&, function() d3t4:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\bar2&) end)
& && &MultiBarBottomLeft:HookScript(&OnShow&, function() d3t4:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\bar2&) end)
& && &MultiBarBottomLeft:HookScript(&OnHide&, function() d3t4:SetTexture(&Interface\\AddOns\\rTextures\\bar1&) end)
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