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Over to you!!As we continue the ramp to the 2015 season, we’re pleased to announce that once again Photo Rhetoric – also known as team rider Matthew Vandivort – will be returning as one of Team S...
With the long ramp to the 2015 season approaching we spent a lukewarm Sunday afternoon riding with several of the racers from the CRCA Junior Development Foundation, a terrific U19 program supported b...
Waking up bruised, sore and a bit tired on Monday morning it was clear that I was suffering from a post #sixcycleshredfest hangover. But despite an aching body, there was no tinge of regret – ot...
Earlier this year we sent our resident designer Roger Parmelee back into the lab to develop an evolution of our longstanding Louis Garneau kit for use during the cyclocross season, using the Louis Gar...
After a successful first day at Cycle-Smart International, Day 2 came with a cringed awakening at the wind rattling the black windows long before the morning had approached. My roomy for the weekend, ...
December 1, 2014
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November 12, 2014
November 5, 2014
October 26, 2014
October 25, 2014
October 20, 2014
October 17, 2014
October 10, 2014
October 5, 2014
September 27, 2014
November 16, 2014
After a successful first day at Cycle-Smart International, Day 2 came with a cringed awakening at the wind rattling the black windows long before the morning ...
November 11, 2014
October 26, 2014
October 5, 2014
September 9, 2014
November 20, 2014
Waking up bruised, sore and a bit tired on Monday morning it was clear that I was suffering from a post #sixcycleshredfest hangover. But despite ...
November 12, 2014
November 10, 2014
November 5, 2014
October 20, 2014
November 17, 2014
Earlier this year we sent our resident designer Roger Parmelee back into the lab to develop an evolution of our longstanding Louis Garneau kit for use during ...
September 25, 2014
September 4, 2014
April 18, 2014
March 5, 2014
November 24, 2014
With the long ramp to the 2015 season approaching we spent a lukewarm Sunday afternoon riding with several of the racers from the CRCA Junior ...
August 19, 2014
July 17, 2014
July 7, 2014
July 1, 2014
November 24, 2014
With the long ramp to the 2015 season approaching we spent a lukewarm Sunday afternoon riding with several of the racers from the CRCA Junior ...
August 19, 2014
July 17, 2014
July 7, 2014
July 1, 2014
November 16, 2014
After a successful first day at Cycle-Smart International, Day 2 came with a cringed awakening at the wind rattling the black windows long before the morning ...
November 11, 2014
October 26, 2014
October 5, 2014
September 9, 2014
December 1, 2014
As we continue the ramp to the 2015 season, we’re pleased to announce that once again Photo Rhetoric – also known as team rider Matthew Vandivort ...
November 20, 2014
November 17, 2014
November 12, 2014
November 5, 2014
November 17, 2014
Earlier this year we sent our resident designer Roger Parmelee back into the lab to develop an evolution of our longstanding Louis Garneau kit for use during ...
September 25, 2014
September 4, 2014
April 18, 2014
March 5, 2014
November 20, 2014
Waking up bruised, sore and a bit tired on Monday morning it was clear that I was suffering from a post #sixcycleshredfest hangover. But despite ...
November 12, 2014
November 10, 2014
November 5, 2014
October 20, 2014Bike Racing Basics | ACTIVE
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Whether you're preparing for a season of competition or signing up for your first criterium, knowing and executing the little things makes for a good racing experience. Use this guide to arrive at the start line ready to race.
Have you ever wondered about the difference between criteriums, stage races and time trials? Find out that and more with this introduction to bike racing.
Got the itch to start racing? Before you jump in that peloton, take a look at these 10 ways to get the most out of your first competitive cycling experience.
Ready for a real race, not just one to the corner stop sign? Use these tips to make your journey from signing up to the start line as simple as possible.
Early-season races need to serve a training purpose, and results need to be looked at objectively. Don't put too much pressure on yourself or emphasis on the results of these races.
Leading up to your main event, there's a delicate balance between keeping your legs punchy and having time to recover. Here's a breakdown on training before your race.
As the new cycling season begins,
partner PezCycling News posed a few questions to four pros. Discover how they prepare for the start of the season and how they motivate themselves through it.
Ever wonder what they're talking about when you're watching the Tour on TV? Here's a guide to some of the bike-racing lingo you'll hear from announcers and riders.
Don't be that forlorn soul wandering around an event, unable to take part because you forgot some indispensable piece of equipment. A little forethought and a checklist will ensure this never happens to you.
In every group ride or competitive peloton, there's often someone pulling a bonehead move. Here's how to make sure it's not you.
A good warm-up can play a significant factor in how well you perform on race day. Here's why.
Ever go to a race or event and think you'll just warm up in the process? This is a surefire way to get dropped off the back before the real racing even begins. A proper warm up before your race is critical.
Most cyclists known that hammering their way through the season isn't ideal for reaching their physical peak. Let's look at the science of easing up before the big event.
If anyone knows how to negotiate hairpin corners in rainy weather, it's Davis Phinney. The former Olympic Cyclist shares some trade secrets to keeping the rubber on the road when the going gets wet.
What a cyclist does after training or racing is just as important as how hard they work during that session. Here are some ways to maximize the recovery process.
Good morale is what holds your cycling career together and could be the single most important aspect of accomplishing your goals. Let's take a look at what can impact morale and what we can do to improve it.
Whether you're a competitive cyclist or a weekend group rider, knowing how to ride in a pack is imperative. Use these tips from Team Columbia-Highroad rider Michael Barry to perfect your performance in the peloton.
Looking to up the ante with your racing? Take a cue from Kenda Pro Cycling Team rider Phil Gaimon, who offers seven tips for jumping from amateur to the pro peloton.
One of the most captivating events in cycling, stage racing is an experience unmatched in the world of sports. Discover why both amateur and professional riders hear the calling.
Training, recovery and nutrition critical to improving or maintaining performance in events, such as stage races, that span the course of several days, or multiple events in the same day. Here are some guidelines.
Every moment of every day counts in a stage race. When you think about it, only a small percentage of that time is actually spent on the bike. For a monumental physical effort like this, diet and recovery are key.
As you're standing at the start line before a race, are you more concerned about your bladder than you are about the competition? Here's how to avoid having to go before the gun goes off.
Bike Buying Guide: What
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Is the bike you're thinking of buying the right one for you? Here are four factors to consider before you shell out...
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Follow ACTIVE专业的体验-Trek Factory Racing骑行服实测
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BIKETO小编有幸获得这套Trek Factory Racing车队版骑行服的评测机会,按官方售价来说,骑行上衣市场零售价为838元人民币,骑行吊带裤的市场零售价为938元人民币,而短指手套售价则为228元人民币。这套价值不菲的Trek骑行服套装,跟环法车队所使用骑行服是一样的制作工艺,材质造工都体现了世界级大赛的专属规模,穿上这套顶级骑行服会有怎样的一番感受,接下来小编就为大家炫耀一番吧。整体的骑行服的配色除Trek商标外,其余的均为黑白配色,上衣和裤子的大部分面积都印有白色竖纹,穿着风格略显低调。合身裁剪加上材料的弹性贴合,骑行服基本是完全贴合接触的每一寸肌肤,紧贴但又不会显得束缚。上衣感觉很紧身,特别是站立的时候,前胸部感受的张力比较明显,拍摄时发现衣服也出现了许多皱褶,难道这是Trek的裁剪问题吗?事实并非如此,像这种需要参加世界大环赛的骑行服设计,必定是根据车手的骑行姿势量度裁剪,并不是车手的站立姿势裁剪。这种做法的原因是因为,类似于环法这极艰辛的赛事,车手需要在车上作长时间作战,人体以外的其他配备越是优良,越是能减轻对车手在拼杀时的负担,一点一滴省下宝贵的功率损耗,积攒致胜的关键。上衣胸口的压迫感会随着小编摆出正确的公路车骑行姿势而变得轻松起来,在握手变头骑行姿势及抓下把的骑行姿势都很合适,肩上、背部、胸前及腰间很贴身,而且没有受压的压迫感,整体感觉十分舒适。衣袖两端均印有Trek的字样和图案,唯一不同的是肩部的底色,左肩为黑,右肩为白,黑白分明的左臂右膀看着很醒目,但感觉又很怪异,左右配色不一有点不对称的感觉,让小编比较纠结。胸口的图案也是Trek Factory Racing车队及其合作伙伴的图标,胸前拉链将“Trek”一分为二,拉链拉上以后的“Trek”在小编站立时呈V型轻微上扬,这并不是山寨货或是印刷失败,这是骑行姿势合身裁剪印刷,只要你是常规的骑行姿势,衣服上的所有异状便会消除(文中最后的骑行姿势图片就能说明一切)。如上图所示,背部的面料有别于胸前的面料,背部明显要纤薄许多,在骑行中的空气流动方向从胸前到背后,最能排走身体大部分潮湿水汽及汗液要靠骑行服背部的处理工艺了。背部后方有很多规则排列的网面孔洞,从后面细看便能看到小编身穿的骑行裤吊带和皮肤色,各种凉飕飕的体验,炎炎夏日的南方地区用它刚刚好,车骑得越快,背部的负压气流越能“抽走”背部的湿气及汗液,体温控制适中,整个骑行过程都有轻松愉快的心情,当停下来歇息之时却没有大汗淋漓的情况,那是因为令我们让烦恼东西已经被“抽走”了。背部腰间储物袋是常规三口袋设计,宽大而深厚,可以轻松塞下600毫升大小的骑行水壶。口袋外侧底部看似是分离的,其实是预留了皱褶布料,在口袋满载的情况下口袋会受到扩大而拉扯腰间,避免导致不适的情况发生。腋窝之间特别缝制了透气网状面料,腋下汗液和热量能轻易排走上衣腰部束带的设计对于部分车友来说会比较新颖,后端长度可以包裹到臀部位置,前端束带则大角度向上扬起,站立的时候感觉十分怪异,这一切一切都是为了骑行的需要而开发。它设计的最大好处就是俯身骑行时,腹部附近的骑行服不会像普通骑行服一样泛起“一阵阵涟漪”般的皱褶。若是俯身骑行,衣服亦能紧贴腹部,彰显完美身材(跟空气动力学息息相关)。裤子的吊带也左右分开了两种颜色(其实穿在里面看不到的),吊带的弹性非比寻常,实际上是有点紧绷的感觉,因为胸前吊带要比后背吊带来得短,它主要照顾到骑行姿势的需要,在平时走走停停的休闲骑行会感到压迫,弯下身来就刚好了。裤腰部分省略了橡皮筋,腰部贴合主要靠吊带往上提拉,穿着起来很是舒适,腰间的束缚感消失。吊带背部比较宽,面料的弹力充足,对比起后吊带的长度,它略长于前吊带。后背靠右侧有一个小口袋,在世界大环赛里用来携带微型对讲机用(我们平时是用不着啦)。后背面料的透气性与上衣后背面料相互呼应,强调透气和排汗的主要功能。小编也会考虑一个问题,排汗功能在汗液较多的情况下会不会顺着吊带背部流入PP上呢?答案是不会的,汗液通过布料气孔被渗透除去了,再利用后背骑行时的负压气流,一下子就能卷走汗液。骑行裤的垫子比小编想象中的薄,没有厚实的感觉,相比一般骑行裤垫的厚度要减少一半左右。舒适性方面Trek更多考虑是骑行裤垫的透气性,就算再怎么柔软舒服,温度和湿度的问题会令车手很困扰,这不利于车手在公路车上的长期作战,干爽舒适才是重点。臀部上的能量缓冲可以靠坐垫、座管、车架等其他方面配合骑乘舒适性,根据现在新技术的应用,很多Trek自行车都能做到这一点。骑行裤腿部裤束带做得比较人性化,较大的宽度是一个特点,裤束张紧力量可以分散地贴合腿部,绝对不会出现勒痕。而且裤束内部没有出现大块硅胶条或是缝纫线之类的东西,靠的是密集排列且面积很小的硅胶微粒贴合腿部皮肤,相对平滑的触感不会对皮肤产生瘙痒的敏感。Trek Factory Racing半指骑行手套表侧做工一般,没有太凸显的技术应用,面料配色和使用字样如骑行上衣如出一辙。手套里侧没有填塞太多“肉垫”,理论上可以增加更多的操控手感,手掌心黑色部分缝制了透气网布,有效解决手心发汗的滑手问题。实测感受Trek Factory Racing车队版骑行服很帅气,穿着它会感觉到有一种霸气缠绕着全身上下,紧贴身躯不起皱的专业骑行服,怎么看都有别于一般熊孩子穿的骑行服,在外骑车倍有面子。紧身服能减低风阻这个说法深有体会,紧贴皮肤的制作面料能最大限度地发挥制作材料本身的排汗性能,泛起皱褶的部分会降低材料本身具有的性能,而且不会有多余的“赘肉”影响通过身体附近的气流,Trek可以高效地做到这些。总的来说,裤子的舒适性不错,主要体现在温度和湿度的控制上,裤垫稍嫌薄了一点,如果配合人体工学的坐垫会更好体现骑乘舒适。特别鸣谢:TREK骑行服,Bontrager骑行头盔提供的支持责任编辑:DJR
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八九百块的骑行服 裆垫上连个散热孔都没有 好坑啊
请问测试模特穿的是什么码的衣服 最近也想入手这件衣服 pro版
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