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>> 微星显卡超频工具(MSI Afterburner) V3.0.0 B14中文版
微星显卡超频工具(MSI Afterburner) V3.0.0 B14中文版基于RivaTuner内核开发的一款显卡辅助工具
V3.0.0 更新:
1、支持ATI Radeon HD 的电压调节
2、支持NVIDIA G 210和GT 240系列显卡。
3、支持MSI N220GT和N240GT系列显卡的电压调节。
4、支持罗技键盘LCD显示,系统运行情况可以在LCD上显示。5.校正AMD RADEON HD 5000系列显卡板载显存显示信息。
6、解决AMD RADEON HD 系列显卡在2D和3D切换时遇到的问题。
微星显卡超频工具(MSI Afterburner)V3.0.0 B14中文版图片(1/1)
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主板 微星Z77GAMING
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显卡 GTX780OC
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电源 安钛克工口CG620W
硬盘 浦科特M5P 256G 希捷2T
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Powered byAfterburner | MSI Gaming Series
MSI Afterburner is the world&#8217;s most recognized and widely used graphics card overclocking utility which gives you full control of your graphics cards. It also provides an incredibly detailed overview of your hardware and comes with some additional features such as customizing fan profiles, benchmarking and video recording. MSI Afterburner is available completely free of charge and can be used with graphics cards from all brands.
Afterburner is the gold standard of overclocking utilities.
Overclocking Tools
Exploring and exceeding the limits of your graphics card might sound scary, but it&#8217;s actually easier than you think. MSI Afterburner Overclocking tools provide easy and precise access to your video card settings.
When increasing your GPU&#8217;s clock frequency and voltage, using fan speed control will enable you to find the perfect balance between performance and temperature. It&#8217;s time to unleash the true potential of your graphics card and show your rig who&#8217;s boss!
Hardware Monitor
Seeing is believing! In order to start mastering your system, you need to monitor and test it. Monitoring is the best way to ensure the best system stability while gaming and overclocking.
The Hardware Monitor shows you critical hardware information in real- temperature, usage, clock speed, and voltage. You can even display selected information on-screen while you game, so you can keep a close eye on key statistics.
Triple Over Voltage
We believe overclockers are always looking for the top, and we know that absolute control of the smallest details is vital to success. To reward our customers, we provide more extensive control over MSI graphics cards.
The Triple Overvoltage feature will give you an edge by providing precise control of the Core, Memory and PLL voltages.
Custom Fan Profiles
Heat dissipation is an essential factor for graphics card performance. Afterburner lets you fully customize a predefined fan speed curve, allowing you to determine cooling performance all the way!
In-Game FPS Counter
The FPS counter displayed in the corner of screen is your best friend in games. It provides you real-time information of your system&#8217;s performance in an On Screen Display, so you can keep a close eye on the effect of your overclocking settings while gaming.
64-Bit Support
At MSI we understand that Afterburner users operate on a wide range of platforms. With more and more games coming out for modern 64-bit systems, Afterburner has included full support for 64-bit applications.
Custom User Skins
Choose the look & feel that you like best! MSI Afterburner comes with a selection of different skins that dynamically change how the program looks and what’s being displayed. Select one from the settings menu or download a custom skin online.
Multilanguage Support
Since MSI Afterburner is being used all around the world, you can select your language from the User Interface menu. All major languages are supported.
Kombustor Benchmarking
Kombustor is an exclusive burn-in benchmarking tool based on the well-known Furmark software. This program is specifically designed to push your graphics card to the limits to test stability and thermal performance. Kombustor supports the latest DirectX versions as well as OpenGL.
Predator Video Capture
Share your greatest moments! With Predator, you can record your best performance in games or overclocking without missing a single frame. The Predator software supports the H.264 codec, multiple file formats (.WMV, .AVI), size and quality to capture your match winning frag, beating the game on hard or breaking a record in overclocking. Share your achievements and become famous!
Afterburner Mobile App
There&#8217;s no need to switch out of your game to edit overclocking settings or monitor hardware information. The Afterburner mobile App allows you to control key performance settings and view information from your IOS or Android smartphone or tablet. Make sure you have MSI Afterburner Remote Server installed and running on your system.
MSI Afterburner
Download the latest version of MSI Afterburner (4.1.0) here.
MSI Kombustor
Download the latest version of MSI Kombustor (3.5.0) here.
MSI Afterburner App for Android
Download the MSI Afterburner App for Android devices here.
MSI Afterburner App for iOS
Download the MSI Afterburner App for iOS devices here.
MSI Afterburner Remote Server
Download MSI Afterburner Remote Server here!
MSI Afterburner
Click on Afterburner interface items to learn more about them.
Run the KOMBUSTOR burn-in benchmark software and test your system performance.
Power Limit (%)
Adjust Power limit to release overclocking potential.
Core Clock (MHz)
Adjust GPU Core Clockspeed to boost the performance.
Memory Clock (MHz)
Adjust the Memory Clockspeed to enhance data processing efficiency.
Fan Speed (%)
Adjust the fan speed to fine-tune cooling power.
Custom Profiles
Manage and easily apply multiple custom graphics card settings efficiently in Profiles.
Hardware Monitor
Real-time tracker provides a detailed overview of your graphics card&#8217;s key statistics, like clock speeds, fan speeds, temperatures, etc.}


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