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DOOORS - room escape game -
By 58works
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DOOORS Hits 15,000,000+ downloads !! Thanks !!The purpose of this game is to break out of the rooms.Solve the hidden mysteries to open the door and escape from the room.There is a total of 80 stages.You may need intuitive actions such as tilting or shaking the iPhone. Make full use of your brain and complete the stages! - Game Features?Features mini escape games which are perfect to kill your free time?All stages selectable?Auto-save
What's New in Version 4.8
- Improvement of processing- DOOORS 2,3,4 is also published.
Customer Reviews
I love this app I just wish there were more DOOORS games because DOOORS 0 is very different and not even close to as good ,but other than that, the app is amazing and I would completely recommend all four DOOORS games/apps(but not really DOOORS 0,so definitely get the app!i would've even done 47 stars if it would let you! So... All I ask is if u PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make more apps like these!THANKYOU!!IM IN LOVE!!
Love this game!
I downloaded Dooors about a week ago, and I've been hooked ever since. Each level is super fun and most are quite challenging. There's really nothing bad I could say about this game, except that I've already made it to the last and final level, yet would definitely like more! A+
This is really simple in format, but the later levels get pretty challenging. Every time you reach a new door, you have to first figure out what TYPE of puzzle or challenge is being presented before tackling the riddle. Excellent game!
Customers Also Bought
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 4.8Size: 25.0 MBLanguages: English, JapaneseSeller: ODAKO Co.,Ltd.Compatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Customer Ratings
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&&&&&61 Ratings
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&&&&&10317 Ratings
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无尽的门 DOOORS - room escape game -
iPad mini2无尽的门 DOOORS - room escape game -可以在手机上玩吗
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本游戏的目标是脱离房间。解决隐藏的神秘谜题,打开房门脱离房间。本游戏共有 80 关。您会需要直观的操作,例如倾斜或摇晃 iPhone。快速转动您的大脑,完成关卡挑战! - 游戏功能?包含迷你逃脱游戏,是你打发空闲时间的绝佳选择?全部关卡可选择?自动保存
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