怎样晋升副研究员员升为研究员真的很困难吗? 副教授(5~~7级)升为教授(1~~4级)也很困难吗?

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loading.......1.Xiaolan Zhong, ThibaultChervy, Lei Zhang, Anoop Thomas, Jino George, Cyriaque Genet, James A. Hutchison and Thomas W.Ebbesen, &Energy Transfer between Spatially Separated Entangled Molecules&,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.; 56, 1 & 6, 2017
2.Xiaolan Zhong, Thibault Chervy, Shaojun Wang, Jino George, Anoop Thomas, James A Hutchison, Eloise Devaux, Cyriaque Genet, Thomas W Ebbesen, &Non-Radiative Energy Transfer Mediated by Hybrid Light-Matter States&, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55 (21), , (2016).
3.Xiaolan Zhong, Sergio G Rodrigo, Lei Zhang, Paolo Samor&, Cyriaque Genet, Luis Mart&n-Moreno, James A Hutchison, Thomas W Ebbesen, &Waveguide and Plasmonic Absorption-Induced Transparency&, ACS nano 10 (4), , (2016).
4.Xiaolan Zhong and Zhiyuan Li, &All-analytical semiclassical theory of spaser for plasmonicnanocavity&, Phys. Rev. B 88, 13).
5.Xiaolan Zhong and Zhiyuan Li, &Giant enhancement of near-ultraviolet light absorption by TiO2 via a three-dimensional aluminum plasmonicnano funnel-antenna&,J. Phys. Chem. C, 116,
6.Lei Zhang, Xiaolan Zhong, EgonPavlica, Songlin Li, Alexander Klekachev, GvidoBratina, Thomas W. Ebbesen, EmanueleOrgiu and Paolo Samor&,&A nanomesh scaffold for supramolecular nanowire optoelectronic devices&, Nature Nanotech. 11,900-906 (2016)
7.Xiaolan Zhong,Minghui Hong and Zhiyuan Li, &Spaser in plasmonicnano-antenna evaluated by an analytical theory&, Appl. Phys. A 115, 5-11, (2014).
8.Xiaolan Zhong, Ju Liu and Zhiyuan Li, &Highly enhanced broadband infrared absorption of germanium by multi-layer plasmonicnano-antenna&, Chinese Optics Letters 12 (9), 14).
9.Xiaolan Zhongand Zhiyuan Li, &Plasmon enhanced light amplification in metal&insulator&metal waveguides with gain&,J. Opt., 14,pp) (2012).
10.Xiaolan Zhong, Zhiyuan Li, Chen Wang and Yunsong Zhou, &Analytical single-mode model for subwavelength metallic Bragg waveguides&, J. Appl. Phys.109, 11).
年获得北京航空航天大学凝聚态物理专业博士学位,之后在日本国立材料科学研究所从事博士后研究工作,2013年6月作为海外直评副教授引进到北航物理学院工作。近几年在Adv. Mater., Chem. Mater., J. Phys. Chem. C, Acta Mater., Appl. Phys. Lett.等期刊上发表论文50余篇, SCI引用700余次,已授权国家发明专利3项。目前参与国家自然科学基金等多项课题的研究工作。&
, 探讨近零热膨胀、近零电阻温度系数、压热、压磁等特殊功能材料的合成、物性与机理。&
2.Sihao Deng,&Ying Sun*, Hui Wu,&et al.,&Phase separation and zero thermal expansion in antiperovskite Mn3Zn0.77Mn0.19N0.94: An in situ neutron diffraction investigation,&Scripta&Materialia, , 18-21.
3.Huiqing Lu,&Ying Sun*, Sihao Deng,&et al.,&Tunable negative thermal expansion and structural evolution in antiperovskite Mn3Ga1&xGexN (0 &&x&& 1.0),&Journal of American Ceramic Society,&), .
4.Kewen Shi,&Ying Sun, Jun Yan,&et al.,&Baromagnetic Effect in Antiperovskite Mn3Ga0.95N0.94& by Neutron Powder Diffraction Analysis,&Advanced Materials, 61&3767.
5.Sihao Deng,&Ying Sun*, Hui Wu,&et al.,&Invar-like Behavior of Antiperovskite Mn3+xNi1&xN Compounds,&Chemistry of Materials,&95&2501.
6.Sihao Deng,&Ying Sun*, Lei Wang,&et al.,&Frustrated Triangular Magnetic Structures of Mn3ZnN: Applications in Thermal Expansion,&Journal of Physical Chemistry C, , .
7.Jun Yan,&Ying Sun*, Hui Wu,&et al.,&Phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect in Mn3Cu0.89N0.96,&Acta Materialia, &65.
8.Ying Sun*, Yanfeng Guo, Yoshihiro Tsujimoto,&et al.,&Carbon-Induced Ferromagnetism in the Antiferromagnetic Metallic Host Material Mn3ZnN,&Inorganic chemistry, ), 800.
9.Ying Sun, Cong Wang, Qingzhen Huang,&et al.,&Neutron diffraction study of unusual phase separation in the antiperovskite nitride Mn3ZnN.&Inorganic Chemistry,&), 7232.
10.Y. S. Sun*, Y. F. Guo, and X. X. Wang et al, Resistive switching phenomenon driven by antiferromagnetic phase separation in an antiperovskite nitride Mn3ZnN.&Applied Physics Letters,&, 161907.
11.Sihao Deng,&Ying Sun, Lei Wang,&et al.,&Near-zero temperature coefficient of resistivity associated with magnetic ordering in antiperovskite Mn3+xNi1&xN,&Applied Physics Letters, , 041908.
12.Jun Yan,&Ying Sun, Yongchun Wen,&et al.,&Relationship between Spin Ordering, Entropy, and Anomalous Lattice Variation in Mn3Sn1&&Si&C1&&&Compounds,&Inorg. Chem.&17&2324.
13.Jun Yan,&Ying Sun*, Cong Wang,&et al.,&Study of structure of Mn3Cu0.5Ge0.5N/Cu composite with nearly zero thermal expansion behavior around room temperature,&Scripta Materialia, , 19&22.
14.Ying Sun*, Yanfeng Guo, Jun Li,&et al.,&The Unusual Resistivity Behavior and Correlated Magnetic Properties of Antiperovskite Mn3Ag1-xMxN (M = Sn, Zn) Compounds,&Science of Advanced Materials, 94-1398.
15.&Ying Sun*,&Yanfeng Guo,&Yoshihiro Tsujimoto,&et al.,&Unusual magnetic hysteresis and the weakened transition behavior induced by Sn substitution in Mn3SbN,&Journal of Applied Physics,&, 043509.
16.Ying Sun, Cong Wang, Yongchun Wen, et&al. Low temperature coefficient of resistivity induced by magnetic transition and lattice contraction in Mn3NiN compound.&Scripta Materialia, 6-689.
17.Ying Sun, Cong Wang, Lihua Chu, et&al. Negative Thermal Expansion and Correlated Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Si-Doped Mn3GaN Compounds.&Journal of American Ceramic Society, ], 650&653.
18.Ying Sun, Cong Wang, Yongchun Wen, et&al. Negative thermal expansion and magnetic transition in anti-perovskite structured Mn3Zn1-xSnxN compounds.&Journal of American Ceramic society, ], .
19.Ying Sun,&Cong Wang, Yongchun Wen, et&al. Lattice contraction and magnetic and electronic transport properties of Mn3Zn1&xGexN.&Applied Physics Letters, 1913.
姓名: 时洪亮
出生年份: 1981
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2016
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
主要研究方向及特色:1. 电子结构 2. 半导体材料物理(光电子、热电) 3. 半导体缺陷物理
电子邮箱:hlshi at buaa.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京市海淀区学院路37号 北航物理学院
1. 个人情况简介
05.07 曲阜师范大学 物理学学士
10.07 中国科学院半导体研究所 凝聚态物理博士学位
14.01 北京计算科学研究中心 博士后
13.06 新加坡高性能计算研究所 博士后
16.01 美国橡树岭国家实验室 博士后
2016.01至今 北京航空航天大学物理学院 卓越百人计划副教授
2016.06至今 北京航空航天大学物理学院 博士生导师
2. 主要研究方向及工作
3. 招生情况
5. 科研项目
9.01 北京航空航天大学卓越百人计划,主持,启动经费50万。
9.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目 &卤化物半导体光伏材料的电子结构研究和性能优化设计&,主持,26万
8.04 北京科委 &基于离子型忆阻器与自旋波融合的神经突触器件研制&,项目总经费400万,参与。
6. 部分发表论文
(11).& Hongliang Shi, Wenmei Ming, David S. Parker, Mao-Hua Du, and David S. Singh, &Prospective high thermoelectric performance of the heavily p-doped half-Heusler compound CoVSn&, Phys. Rev. B 95, 17).
(10). Hongliang Shi, Wenmei Ming, and Mao-Hua Du, &Bismuth chalcohalides and oxyhalides as optoelectronic materials&, Phys. Rev. B 93, 16).
(9). Hongliang Shi and Mao-Hua Du, &Discrete electronic bands in semiconductors and insulators: Potential high-light-yield scintillators&, Phys. Rev. Applied 3, 15).
(8). Hongliang Shi, David Parker, Mao-Hua Du, and David J. Singh, &Connecting Thermoelectric Performance and Topological-Insulator Behavior: Bi2Te3 and Bi2Te2Se from First Principles&, Phys. Rev. Applied 3, 15). (Editor's Suggestion)
(7). Hongliang Shi and Mao-Hua Du, &Native Defects in Tl6SI4: Density functional calculations&, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 15).
(6). Hongliang Shi, B. Saparov, David J. Singh, Athena S. Sefat, and Mao-Hua Du*, &Ternary chalcogenides Cs2Zn3Se4 and Cs2Zn3Te4: Potential p-type transparent conducting materials&, Phys. Rev. B 90, 14).
(5). Hongliang Shi and Mao-Hua Du*, &Shallow halogen vacancies in halide optoelectronic materials&, Phys. Rev. B 90, 14).
(4). Hongliang Shi, Hui Pan*, Yong-Wei Zhang*, and Boris I. Yakobson, &Strong ferromagnetism in hydrogenated monolayer MoS2 tuned by strain&, Phys. Rev. B 88, 13).
(3). Hongliang Shi, Hui Pan, Yong-Wei Zhang*, and Boris I. Yakobson*, &Quasiparticle band structures and optical properties of strained monolayer MoS2 and WS2&, Phys. Rev. B 87, 13).
(2). Hongliang Shi, Zhong-Bing Huang*, John. S. Tse, and Hai-Qing Lin*, &Magnetic behavior of Fe(Se,Te) systems: first-principle calculations&, J. Appl. Phys. 110, 11).
(1). Hongliang Shi*, Ping Zhang, Shu-Shen Li,and Jian-Bai Xia, &Magnetic coupling properties of rare-earth metals (Gd, Nd) doped ZnO: First-principles calculations&, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 09).
姓名: 崔怀洋
出生年份: 1963
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2004
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
姓名: 董国波
出生年份: 1978
职称: 高级实验师
首次聘任导师时间: 2014
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
主要研究方向及特色: 半导体薄膜与器件 电致变色薄膜材料与器件
电子信箱: wavedong@buaa.edu.cn
一 教育背景:
10.7 北京工业大学材料科学与工程学院 硕博连读 材料物理与化学专业
01.7 郑州大学物理工程学院 本科 应用物理专业
二 工作经历:
2010.7-至今 北京航空航天大学 物理科学与核能工程学院
4.8 河北科技大学 理学院
三 教学状况:
四 代表论文:
1.Tingting Guo, Guobo Dong, Qiang Chen*, Xungang Diao, Fangyuan Gao, First-Principles calculation on P-type conduction of (Sb,N) codoping in ZnO, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75(1):42-47, 2014.
2.Tingting Guo, Guobo Dong*, Fangyuan Gao, Yu Xiao, Qiang Chen, Xungang Diao. High performance ZnO:Al films deposited on PET substrates using facing target sputtering, Applied Surface Science 282: 467-471, 2013.
3.Tingting Guo, Guobo Dong*, Qirong Liu, Mei Wang, Fangyuan Gao, Qiang Chen, Hui Yan, Xungang Diao. Optimization of oxygen and pressure of ZnO:Al films deposited on PMMA substrates by facing target sputtering, Superlattices and Microstructures 64:552-562, 2013.
4.Guobo Dong*, Ming Zhang, Mei Wang, Fang Tang, Hua Li, Anping Huang, and Hui Yan. Synthesis, electrical and optical properties of CuNdO2 compound, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 73 (9):, 2012.
5.Biben Wang, Guobo Dong, and Xingzi Xu. Carbon fractals grown from carbon nanotips by plasma-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition, Applied Surface Science 258(5):, 2011.
6.Guobo Dong, Ming Zhang, Tingxian Li, and Hui Yan. Co-doping effect of Ca and N on the structure and properties of CuAlO2 thin film. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. : H127~H131.
7.Guobo Dong, Ming Zhang, Xueping Zhao, Hui Yan, Chunyu Tian, and Yonggang Ren. Improving the electrical conductivity of CuCrO2 thin film by N doping. Applied Surface Science. :
8.Guobo Dong, Ming Zhang, Xueping Zhao, Yangchao Li, and Hui Yan. Influence of Working Gas Pressure on Structure and Properties of CuAlO2 Films. Journal of Crystal Growth. :
姓名: 苟成玲
出生年份: 1961
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2006
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
主要研究方向及特色: 1. 凝聚态物理 : 等离子体与材料表面相互作用,核聚变反应第一壁材料研究 2. 复杂系统研究: 金融物理,金融系统复杂性及其它
电子信箱: gouchengling@buaa.edu.cn
办公地点: 北航学院路校区主楼341室
工作经历 :
单位名称: 北京航空航天大学
职 位: 副教授
工作日期: 从 1995. 3 至今
单位名称: 英国牛津大学
职 位: 访问博士后
工作日期: 05.9
本人还做过金融物理方面的研究,提出基于多主体的混合博弈模型(mix-game models),研究了mix-game模型的动力学行为及其对股票市场的应用,研究了进化的mix-game模型动力学行为及其对股票市场的应用,用mix-game模型和进化的mix-game模型对股票市场作预测。用探索性数据分析方法对股票市场数据的实证分析应用;研究了Z-积分信用风险管理模型对中国上市公司的适应性分析。发表了SCI和SSCI收录的论文多篇。
1. Chengling Gou, Xiaoqian Guo, Fang Chen, Study on System Dynamics of Evolutionary Mix-game Models,Physica A 387 (-6359。
2. Fang Chen, Chengling Gou, Xiaoqian Guo, Jieping Gao, Prediction of Stock Markets by Evolutionary Mix-game Models, Physica A (SCI收录) 387 (&3604,
3. Chengling Gou, The Relations between Agent Performances and Their Intellective Abilities in Competing Systems, Physica A 378 (4,
4. Chengling Gou, Dynamic Behaviors of Mix-game model and Its Application,Chinese Physics (SCI收录),Vol. 15, N0.6, 2006.6,p1239。
5. Chengling Gou, Deduction of Initial Strategy Distributions of Agents in Mix-game model,Physica A, Vol. 371, No. 2, 15 November 2006, Pages 633-640
6. Chengling Gou, Simulation of Financial Markets by Agent-based Mix-game Models,Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation vol. 9, no. 3,(2006.6) http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/9/3/6.html (SSCI收录)。
7. Chengling Gou, Predictability of Shanghai Stock Market by Agent-based Mix-game Model,Proceeding of IEEE ICNN&B'05,2005.10,IEEE Press,p1651。
8. Chengling Gou, Agents Play Mix-games, (Invited lecture at the International workshop on Econophysics of Stock Markets and Minority games, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India, 14~17 Feb. 2006. 会议文集近期将由Springer-Verlag Italia 出版在其&新经济窗口丛书&系列中。)
9. Gou Chengling, Wang Peixuan et al., A Microscopic Mechanism of Low Temperature Helium Release, Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition). ): 771~779。
10. Gou Chengling, Wang Peixuan et al., A Study of Thermal Desorption of Helium from High-pure &-Ti and Hydrogenated Ti Samples, Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition). ): 380~388,
11. Wang Peixuan, Gou chengling et al., The Influence of He Ion Implantation on the Dissociation of TiH2 and Thermal Release of Hydrogen, Proc. Of The 3rd Sino-Japanese Symposium on Materials for Advanced Energy System and Fission and Fusion Engineering---SJSMAES&95. Chengdu, 29 Oct. ~3 Nov.。
姓名: 郭怀明
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2012
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
办公地点: 北航主楼415
北京师范大学物理系(), 学士
2008年12月 - 2010年7月,The University of British Columbia, Canada, Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. M. Franz
2011年3-9月,The University of Hong Kong, Senior Research Associate with Prof. Shun-Qing Shen
任职以来承担多门课程的教学工作,包括:近代物理实验,基础物理学,数学物理方法等实验和理论课程。指导多名本科生完成毕业论文,指导硕士研究生2名,协助指导博士研究生1名,已经毕业硕士研究生1名,博士研究生1名。所指导的硕士研究生和博士研究生均在Phys.Rev. B,Phys. Rev. A 等国际物理学期刊上发表多篇学术论文,并且所指导的1名本科生也以第一作者在Phys. Rev. B发表论文1篇并被美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校录取(UIUC)。
每年招收硕士研究生1~2名,欢迎咨询报考博士研究生事宜。研究生就读期间,有参加国内、外学术会议的机会 (至少每年一次)。研究小组与国内、外知名凝聚态物理小组有密切联系,交流合作机会多。鼓励优秀研究生出国交流(可以通过国家留学基金,校内海外交流基金等资助)。
在Phys. Rev. Lett, Phys. Rev. B,Phys. Rev. A 等国际物理学期刊上发表学术论文三十余篇,SCI收录论文被引用四百余次。
1.H.-M. Guo, G. Rosenberg, G. Refael, M. Franz, Topological Anderson insulator in three dimensions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 10).
2.H.-M. Guo, M. Franz, Three-dimensional Topological Insulators on the Pyrochlore Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 09).
3.Guo, Huaiming, and Shu Chen. Kaleidoscope of symmetry-protected topological phases in one-dimensional periodically modulated lattices. Physical Review B 91.4 (2015): 041402 (R).
4: Tianhe Li, Huaiming Guo, Shu Chen, Shun-Qing Shen, Complete phase diagram and topological properties of interacting bosons in one-dimensional superlattices, Physical Review B, 4101.
5: Chao Yang, Huaiming Guo, Li-Bin Fu, Shu Chen, Characterization of symmetry-protected topological phases in polymerized models by trajectories of Majorana stars, Phys. Rev. B 91, 15).
6.Guo, Huaiming(*),Lin, Yang,Shen, Shun-Qing ,Dimensional evolution between one- and two-dimensional topological phases ,Physical Review B,2014,90(8)
7.Guo, Huaiming(*) ,Hard-core bosons in one-dimensional interacting topological bands ,Physical Review A,2012,86(5):055604
8.Guo, Huaiming(*),Shen, Shun-Qing,Feng, Shiping ,Fractional topological phase in one-dimensional flat bands with
nontrivial topology ,Physical Review B,2012,86(8):129. 11
9.Guo, Huaiming(*),Shen, Shun-Qing,Topological phase in a one-dimensional interacting fermion system,Physical Review B,2011,84(19):112.12
10. H. -M. Guo(*),Topological invariant in three-dimensional band insulators with disorder,Physical ReviewB,2010,82(11):115122.
11.H. -M. Guo(*),M. Franz,Theory of quasiparticle interference on the surface of a strong topologicalinsulator,Physical Review B,2010,81(4):
姓名: 金硕
出生年份: 1976
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2006
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 理论物理
主要研究方向及特色: 主要方向为量子物理中非线性问题和软凝聚态理论。具体研究方向为物理中的数学方法、基本量子力学、玻色&爱因斯坦凝聚、软凝聚态理论等。近期的研究内容主要为李代数以及Yangian代数的数学方法在物理模型中的具体应用;此外,在软凝聚态理论领域中,研究关于光格中带有自旋冷原子的超流-莫特相变问题。近期从事聚变用体心材料的第一原理计算和热力学模型研究。
电子信箱: jinshuo@buaa.edu.cn
通信地址: 北京航空航天大学理学院物理系
2004.7-至今任北京航空航天大学物理系,讲师;04.7 南开大学数学所理论物理专业博士研究生,获理学博士学位; 04.7 法国Tours大学访学;01.7 东北师范大学物理系理论物理专业硕士研究生,获理学硕士学位;98.7 东北师范大学物理系本科生,获理学学士学位。
1. Jing-Min Hou, Li-Jun Tian and Shuo Jin, Dark states and coherent control of spin states in molecular magnets, Physical Review D, 73 (.
2. Feng Pan, Yu Zhang, Shuo Jin, J. P. Drayyer, Mo-Lin Ge and J. L. Birman, Quantum phase of transition in the U(3) boson system, Physics Letter A, 341 (6.
3. Hong-Biao Zhang, Li-Jun Tian, Mo-Lin Ge and Shuo Jin, A model for the coexistence of the p-wave superconductivity and ferroelectricity, Chinese Journal of Physics, 43 (1.
4. Shuo Jin, Bing-Hao Xie, Hong-Biao Zhang and Mo-Lin Ge, Squeezed number state solutions of generalized two-mode harmonic oscillators model: an algebraic approach, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 42 (8.
5. Shuo Jin, Jing-Min Hou, Bing-Hao Xie, Li-Jun Tian and Mo-Lin Ge, Superfluid-Mott insulator transition of spin-2 cold bosons in an optical lattice in a magnetic field, Physical Review A, 70 (.
6. Li-Jun Tian, Shuo Jin, Hong-Biao Zhang and Kang Xue, A realization and truncation of Yangian algebra in the generalized hydrogen atom with a U(1) monopole, Chinese Physics Letter, 21 (9.
7. Li-Jun Tian, Hong-Biao Zhang, Shuo Jin and Kang Xue, Y(sl(2)) algebra application in the extended Hydrogen atom and monopole models, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 41 (4.
8. Bing-Hao Xie, Shuo Jin, Wei-Xian Yan , Su-Qing Duan and Xian-Geng Zhao, Generalized two-mode harmonic oscillators model: squeezed number state solutions and nonadiabatic Berry's phase, The European Physical Journal D, 30(5.
9. Jian Jing, Zheng-Wen Long, Li-Jun Tian and Shuo Jin, Symplectic quantization of open strings in constant background B-field, The European Physical Journal C, 29 (1.
10. Shuo Jin, Kang Xue and Bing-Hao Xie, A realization of Yangian and its applications to transition operators for a bi-spin system in external magnetic field, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 39 (.
11. Bing-Hao Xie, Hui Jing, Shuo Jin and Mo-Lin Ge, Analytical method for low angular momentum yrast states in two-component Bose-Einstein condensate, Physical Review A, 65 (.
姓名: 李清生
出生年份: 1966
职称: 高级实验师
首次聘任导师时间: 2003
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 无线电物理
姓名: 李文萍
出生年份: 1976
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2011
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 光学
主要研究方向及特色: 带电粒子光学、微纳加工和测量
电子信箱: liwp@buaa.edu.cn
办公电话: 010-
李文萍,北京航空航天大学物理学院应用物理系副教授,中国科学院博士。2015.5-至今,美国麻省理工学院电气工程系微纳电子器件实验室Visiting Scientist;-与新加坡国立大学的工程系开展了高信噪比高分辨率电子/原子显微成像方面的合作研究,目前主要研究方向是微纳加工、带电粒子光学和微纳测控。
(3) 参加国际项目'Quantum Electron Microscopy (QEM)'supported by Moore Foundation Workshop;
[1] 顾文琪, 马向国, 李文萍. 聚焦离子束微纳加工技术[M]. 北京: 北京工业大学出版社, 2006.
[2] 李文萍等.一种聚焦离子束-电子束双束融合可控微纳加工的方法[P], 2016, 申请号:.3.
[3] 李文萍等.大束流电子束打靶微束斑X射线源的聚焦装置及其使用方法[P], 2015, 申请号:.9.
[4] Wenping Li and Liqiang Wu.Synthesized ADRC for one-level inverted pendulum system through combination of separating and assembling[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 1:794-797.
[5] Wenping Li, Lijiang Gui, Jian Wu, Junen Yao and Quanlin Dong. A new practical model of an objective lens with assembling clearance for transmission electron microscope[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Series A , &137.
[6] Wenping Li and Li han. N-body Monte Carlo simulation on high contrast biology transmission electron microscope[J]. Journal of Biological Systems, ): 177-186.
[7]Wenping Li, Jian Wu, Lijiang Gui and Li han. Practical integrated design of a condenser-objective lens for transmission electron microscope[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2045.
[8] Wenping Li, Li han and Wenqi Gu. Optimum design of ExB mass separator on three dimensions[J]. Physics Procedia, 2008 (1): 443&450.
[9] Wenping Li, Li han and Wenqi Gu. Design of practical deflection field in nanometer scale focused ion beam system[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Series A, ):937-940.
[10] Wenping Li, Li han and Wenqi Gu. Three dimension analysis of ExB mass separator[J]. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, ): 194-198.
[11] 李文萍, 顾文琪. 应用于纳米级聚焦离子束系统的静电透镜设计[J]. 光学精密工程,):829-834.
[12] 李文萍, 顾文琪. 纳米制造和测量技术产业化的研究[J]. 光电工程,): 15-18, 22.
姓名: 李伟
出生年份: 1984
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2015
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
主要研究方向及特色: 1. 量子磁性理论,2. 重正化群数值方法,3. 关联系统中的拓扑量子物态
电子信箱: w.li@buaa.edu.cn
办公地点: 主楼327
通信地址: 北京航空航天大学物理系
9.1 北京航空航天大学 物理学 本科、硕士
2.1 中国科学院 理论物理 博士
5.7 德国慕尼黑大学 博士后研究
2015.8 至今 北京航空航天大学 卓越百人计划 副教授
8.8 北京航空航天大学卓越百人计划,主持,启动经费50万。
8.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目 &张量网络算法中非阿贝尔对称性的实现及其应用&,主持,23.4万。
(1)Wei Li, Shi-Ju Ran, Shou-Shu Gong, Yang Zhao, Bin Xi, Fei Ye, and Gang Su, &Linearized Tensor Renormalization Group Algorithm for the calculation of Thermodynamics of Quantum Lattice models&, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 11).
(2)Wei Li, Shou-Shu Gong, Yang Zhao, and Gang Su, &Quantum phase transition, O(3) Universality class and phase diagram of Spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a distorted honeycomb lattice: Tensor renormalization group study&, Phys. Rev. B 81, 10).
(3)Wei Li, Jan von Delft, and Tao Xiang, &Efficient simulation of infinite tree tensor network states on the Bethe lattice&, Phys. Rev. B 86, 12).
(4)Wei Li, Shuo Yang, Meng Cheng, Zheng-Xin Liu, and Hong-Hao Tu, &Topology and criticality in resonating AKLT-loop spin liquid state&, Phys. Rev. B 89, 14).
(5) Wei Li, Andreas Weichselbaum, Jan von Delft, and Hong-Hao Tu, &Hexagon-singlet solid ansatz for the spin-1 kagome antiferromagnet&, Phys Rev. B 91, 15).
(6)Tao Liu, Wei Li * ,Andreas Weichselbaum, Jan von Delft, and Gang Su,&Simplex valence-bond crystal in the spin-1 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet&, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Commun.) 91, 060403(R) (2015).
(7) Sazi Li, Wei Li *, and Ziyu Chen, &Topology-driven phase transitions in the classical monomer-dimer-loop model&, Phys. Rev. E (Rapid commun.) 91, 060104(R) (2015).
姓名: 柳飞
出生年份: 1975
职称: 副研究员
首次聘任导师时间: 2011
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 理论物理 主要研究方向及特色:
电子信箱: feiliu@buaa.edu.cn
办公地点: 北航旧主楼415室
中国科学院理论物理研究所 (),理学博士, 导师欧阳钟灿教授,理论生物物理。
兰州大学物理系 (),理学硕士,导师杨孔庆教授,几何量子化。
杭州电子工业大学(), 无线电工程,工学学士。
2013年09-2014年9月,国家公派留学青年骨干项目,Maryland University at College Park, Prof. Jarzynski group.
2010年11-2011年1月,JSPS (日本学术振兴会) Invitation Fellowship。
2006年3-6月,受邀访问 Kavli Institute of theoretical Physics, UCSB。
2005年9-12月,06.10-07.1,07.11-08.1,08.10-08.12,09.12-10.2,12.1-12.3,13.1-13.2日本东京工业大学 GCOE (21st Global Centers of Excellence Program 日本文部科学省)访问研究员。
姓名: 满兴坤
出生年份: 1982
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2014
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 理论物理
电子信箱: manxk@buaa.edu.cn
办公电话: 010-
办公地点: 新主楼H1007室
通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路37号,北京航空航天大学,新主楼H1007室
2004 - 2009 博士,中国科学院化学研究所。研究方向:高分子物理理论模拟
2000 - 2004 学士,北京科技大学,应用物理系
2013 & Present 副教授,北京航空航天大学,物理科学与核能工程学院
2011 - 2013 博士后,美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校,化工学院。研究方向:相干态高分子场论
2009 - 2011 博士后,以色列特拉维夫大学,物理与天文学院。研究方向:高分子在薄膜中的自组装
1.相干态高分子场论 (正与法国CEA理论物理所Prof. Henri Orland合作)
2.嵌段共聚物在薄膜中的自组装(与以色列特拉维夫大学Prof. David Andelman合作)
1.X. K. Man, K. Delaney, M. Villet, H. Orland, and G. H. Fredrickson, Coherent States Formulation of Polymer Field Theory, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 14).
2.X. K. Man, D. Andelman, and H. Orland, Block Copolymer on Nano-patterned Surfaces with Free Interface. Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications 86, 12).
3.P. Thebault, S. Niedermayer, S. Landis, P. Guenoun*, J. Daillant, X. K. Man*, D. Andelman, and H. Orland, Tailoring Diblock Coplymer Orientation using NanoImprint Lithography. Adv. Mater. 24,
(2012). Corresponding Author.
4.X. K. Man, D. Andelman, H. Orland, P. Thebault, P.-H. Liu, P. Guenoun, J. Daillant, and S. Landis, Organization of Block Copolymers using NanoImprint Lithography: Comparison of Theory and Experiments, Macromolecules 44,
5.X. K. Man, D. Andelman, and H. Orland, Block Copolymer at Nano-Patterned Surfaces, Macromolecules 43,
6.X. K. Man, and D. D. Yan, Charge Inversion by Flexible Polyelectrolytes Adsorbed onto Charged Cylindric Surfaces within Self-Consistent-Field Theory, Macromolecules 43,
7.X. K. Man, S. Yang, D. D. Yan, and A.-C. Shi, Adsorption and Depletion of Polyelectrolytes in Charged Cylindrical System within Self-Consistent-Field Theory, Macromolecules 41,
8.W. Li, X. K. Man, D. Qiu, X. H. Zhang, and D. D. Yan, Structures and Interfaces between Two Colloidal Particles in Adsorptive Polymer Solutions, Polymer 53,
9.L.-J. Qu, X. K. Man, C. C. Han, D. Qiu, and D. D. Yan, Responsive Behaviors of Diblock Polyampholyte Brushes within Self-Consistent Field Theory, J. Phys. Chem. B 116, 743-750 (2012).
10.X. H. Zhang, X. K. Man, C. C. Han, and D. D. Yan, Nucleation Induced by Phase Separation in the Interface of Polyolefin Blend, Polymer 49,
11.D. D. Yan, T. C. Suo, X. H. Zhang, X. K. Man, and B. Miao, Self-Consistent Field Theory and Its Applications in Polymer Systems, Front. Chem. China 6, 310-331 (2011).
姓名: 苗明川
出生年份: 1959
职称: 高级实验师
首次聘任导师时间: 2006
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 无线电物理
主要研究方向及特色: 光电测试技术
电子信箱: miaomc@buaa.edu.cn
苗明川,男,1959年1月出生。现受聘北京航空航天大学理学院教学责任教授五级岗( 博士学位,副高职 )。
2003年9月&2003年3月北京航空航天大学 在职博士精密仪器及机械专业。
2005 年 《等离子体场能量》课题成员。
《A practical method to compute the largest Lyapunov exponent》2006.11(International Conference :ISICT'2006)
《Design and analysis of three links rotational inverted pendulum 》2006.12 (International Conference on Informatics and Control Technologies 2006)
《运用庞加莱截面分析蔡氏电路》2006.7 《物理实验:2006年全国高等学校物理实验论文集》
《混沌实验数据处理及仿真》2006.2 (大学物理第25卷第2期)
《热功当量实验数据处理方法讨论》2004.6 《物理与工程》
《SOS膜片及复合材料双功能温度压力传感器》 1993 ,《传感器》会议论文集
《计算机软件技术基础》麦中凡 苗明川 (高等教育出版社2007.6)
《物理学》全程导学(第四版)主编 苗明川 (中国时代经济出版社出版2006.2)
《微积分》全程导学 主编 苗明川 (中国时代经济出版社出版2006.1)
《基础物理实验》2005年7月, 参加 北京航空航天大学出版社
姓名: 庞丹阳
出生年份: 1979
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2013
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
主要研究方向及特色: 本人研究方向为直接核反应理论。核反应理论是核物理研究的基本内容之一,本人研究的基础为量子散射理论,研究内容主要为:原子核的系统学光学势、原子核反应的反应机制及其对核结构研究的影响、核天体物理相关的关键核反应等。本人与包括兰州近代物理研究所、中国原子能科学研究院核物理研究所、北京大学核物理与核技术国家重点实验室等国内主要核物理研究机构以及日本理化学研究所、英国萨里大学工程与物理学院,英国公开大学等国外研究机构的研究人员具有紧密的合作关系。
电子信箱: dypang@buaa.edu.cn
办公地点: 新主楼 H-1111
7/07 北京大学物理学院,理学博士,粒子物理与原子核物理专业
1/07 北京大学技术物理系,理学学士,原子核物理与核技术专业
2013/07-至今 北京航空航天大学物理科学与核能工程学院,副教授
3/06 北京航空航天大学物理科学与核能工程学院,讲师
1/06 北京大学物理学院,博士后
9/06 法国GANIL 国家实验室
& 直接核反应理论:核反应机制及其在核天体物理以及核结构上的应用
& 原子核系统学光学势
1. Significant features of 8B scattering from 208Pb at 170.3 MeV
R.S. Mackintosh and D. Y. Pang, Phys. Rev. C 88, 13).
2. Rapid convergence of the Weinberg expansion of the deuteron stripping amplitude
D. Y. Pang, N.K. Timofeyuk, R.C. Johnson, and J.A. Tostevin, Phys. Rev. C 87, 13).
3. Toward a systematic nucleus-nucleus potential for peripheral collisions
Y.P. Xu and D. Y. Pang, Phys. Rev. C 87, 13).
4. Elastic scattering of the proton drip-line nucleus 8B off a natPb target at 170.3 MeV
Y.Y. Yang, J. S. Wang, Q. Wang, D. Y. Pang, J. B. Ma, M. R. Huang, J. L. Han, P. Ma, S. L. Jin, Z.Bai, Q. Hu, L. Jin, J. B. Chen, N. Keeley, K. Rusek, R. Wada, S. Mukherjee, Z.Y. Sun, R.F. Chen, X.Y.Zhang, Z.G. Hu, X.H. Yuan, X.G. Cao, Z.G. Xu, S.W. Xu, C. Zhen, Z.Q. Chen, Z. Chen, S.Z. Chen, C.M. Du, L.M. Duan, F. Fu, B.X. Gou, J. Hu, J.J. He, X.G. Lei, S.L. Li, Y. Li, Q.Y. Lin, L.X. Liu, F.D. Shi, S.W. Tang, G. Xu, X. Xu, L.Y. Zhang, X.H. Zhang, W. Zhang, M.H. Zhao, Z.Y. Guo, Y.H. Zhang,
H.S. Xu, and G. Q. Xiao, Phys. Rev. C 87, 13).
5. Probing effect of tensor interactions in 16O via (p,d) reaction
H.J. Ong, I. Tanihata, A. Tamii, T. Myo, K. Ogata, M. Fukuda, K. Hirota, K. Ikeda, D. Ishikawa, T. Kawabata, H. Matsubara, K. Matsuta, M. Mihara, T. Naito, D. Nishimura, Y. Ogawa, H. Okamura, A. Ozawa, D.Y. Pang, H. Sakaguchi, K. Sekiguchi, T. Suzuki, M. Taniguchi, M. Takashina, H. Toki, Y. Yasuda, M. Yosoi, J. Zenihiro, Phys. Lett. B725, 277 (2013).
6. Increase in |SL| induced by channel coupling: The case of deuteron breakup
R.S. Mackintosh and D. Y. Pang, Phys. Rev. C 86, 12).
7. Energy-dependent optical model potentials for alpha and deuteron on 12C
D. Y. Pang, Y. L. Ye, and F. R. Xu, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 39, 12).
8. New determination of the 13C(n)16O reaction rate and its influence on the s-process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars
B. Guo, Z.H. Li, M. Lugaro, J. Buntain, D. Y. Pang, Y.J. Li, J. Su, S.Q. Yan, X.X. Bai, Y.S. Chen, Q.W. Fan, S.J. Jin, A.I. Karakas, E.T. Li, Z.C. Li, G. Lian, J. C. Liu, X. Liu, J.R. Shi, N.S. Shu, B.X. Wang, Y.B. Wang, S. Zeng, and W.P. Liu, Astrophys. J. 756, 193 (2012).
9. Spectroscopy of 18Na: Bridging the two-proton radioactivity of 19Mg
M. Assi_e, F. De Oliveira Santos, T. Davinson, F. De Grancey, L. Achouri, J. Alcantara-Nunez, T. Al Kalanee, J.-C. Ang_elique, C. Borcea, L. Caceres, I. Celikovic, V. Chudoba, D.Y. Pang, C. Ducoin, M. Fallot, O. Kamalou, J. Kiener, Y. Lam, A. Lefebvre-Schuhl, G. Lotay, J. Mrazek, L. Perrot, A.M. Sanchez-Benitez, F. Rotaru, M.-G. Saint-Laurent, Y. Sobolev, N. Smirnova, M. Stanoiu, I. Stefan, K.
Subotic, P. Ujic, R. Wolski, P. Woods, Phys. Lett. B712, 198 (2012).
10. Recoil proton tagged knockout reaction for 8He
Z.X. Cao, Y.L. Ye, J. Xiao, L.H. Lv, D.X. Jiang, T. Zheng, H. Hua, Z.H. Li, X.Q. Li, Y.C. Ge, J.L. Lou, R. Qiao, Q.T. Li, H.B. You, R.J. Chen, D. Y. Pang, H. Sakurai, H. Otsu, M. Nishimura, S. Sakaguchi, H. Baba, Y. Togano, K. Yoneda, C. Li, S. Wang, H. Wang, K.A. Li, T. Nakamura, Y. Nakayama, Y. Kondo, S. Deguchi, Y. Satou, and K. Tshoo, Phys. Lett. B707, 46 (2012).
11. Dynamic polarization potential due to 6Li breakup on 12C
D. Y. Pang, and R.S. Mackintosh, Phys. Rev. C 84, 11).
12. Application of the Bruy`eres Jeukenne-Lejeune-Mahaux model potential to composite nuclei with single-folding approach
D. Y. Pang, Y. L. Ye, and F. R. Xu, Phys. Rev. C 83, 11).
13. Quasi-elastic scattering of 6He from 12C at 82.3 MeV/nucleon
J.L. Lou, Y.L. Ye, D.Y. Pang, Z.X. Cao, D.X. Jiang, T. Zheng, H. Hua, Z.H. Li, X.Q. Li, Y.C. Ge, Q.T. Li, J. Xiao, L.H. Lv, R. Qiao, H.B. You, R.J. Chen, H. Sakurai, H. Otsu, M. Nishimura, S. Sakaguchi, H. Baba, Y. Togano, K. Yoneda, C. Li, S. Wang, H. Wang, K.A. Li, T. Nakamura, Y. Nakayama, Y. Kondo, S. Deguchi, Y. Satou, and K. H.Tshoo, Phys. Rev. C 83, 11).
14. Global optical model potential for A=3 projectiles
D.Y. Pang, P. Roussel-Chomaz, H. Savajols, R.L. Varner, and R. Wolski, Phys. Rev. C 79, 09).
15. The 8He and 10He spectra studied in the (t; p) reaction
M.S. Golovkov, L.V. Grigorenko, G.M. Ter-Akopian, A.S. Fomichev, Yu.Ts. Oganessian, V.A. Gorshkov, S.A. Krupko, A.M. Rodin, S.I. Sidorchuk, R.S. Slepnev, S.V. Stepantsov, R. Wolski, D.Y. Pang, V. Chudoba, A.A. Korsheninnikov, E.A. Kuzmin, E.Yu. Nikolskii, B.G. Novatskii, D.N. Stepanov, P. Roussel-Chomaz, W. Mittig, A. Ninane, F. Hanappe, L. Stuttg_e, A.A. Yukhimchuk, V.V. Perevozchikov,
Yu.I. Vinogradov, S.K. Grishechkin, S.V. Zlatoustovskiy, Phys. Lett. B672, 22 (2009).
16. Are spectroscopic factors from transfer reactions consistent with asymptotic normalisation coefficients?
D.Y. Pang, F.M. Nunes, and A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, Phys. Rev. C 75, 07).
17. Quasielastic scattering of 6He on 9Be at 25 MeV/nucleon
Y.L. Ye, D.Y. Pang, D.X. Jiang, T. Zheng, Q.J. Wang, Z.H. Li, X.Q. Li, Y.C. Ge, C. Wu, G.L. Zhang, Q.Y. Hu, J. Wang, Z.Q. Chen, A. Ozawa, Y. Yamaguchi, R. Kanungo, and I. Tanihata, Phys. Rev. C71, 05).
& :国家自然科学基金面上项目,80万元
& :教育博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师类),4万元
& 2012:第44 批教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2.5万元
& 2010:第47 批中国博士后基金面上项目二等资助,3万元
姓名: 沈嵘
出生年份: 1968
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2002
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
电子信箱: shenrong@buaa.edu.cn
3.6华中师范大学物理系物理专业大学本科及凝聚态专业硕士研究生,9.7 为华中师范大学物理系教师。工作期间(8.6)在西北工业大学材料系攻读获博士学位。1999.8调入北京航空航天大学应用物理系。从事凝聚态专业材料物理方面的研究。近几年教学方面先后主讲本科、研究生&固体物理&课程4次,&大学物理&课程4次。现协助指导博士生一人。科研方面近几年来从事了&贝氏体相变理论和应用&,&全金属量子点单电子存储器&和&新型高分子薄膜材料电开关器件的性能和机理& (中科院有机固体开放实验室基金)等课题的研究。现进行&分子动力学模拟研究碳纳米管及其器件的力学性能&课题研究(中国科学院力学研究所非线性力学国家重点实验室基金)。1998年以来发表论文11篇,其中SCI第一作者二篇,EI三篇,获得实用新型专利一项,参加编写 《大学物理学习指导与提高》一书。
1. TEM Study of Transformation Units and the Growth Mechanism of Bainite. Science in China, E., 1998,12,Vol41(6), p666 第一作者
贝氏体相变单元及长大机制的TEM 研究. 中国科学,E辑,1998,12,Vol28(6), p481 第一作者
2. The Nucleation of Bainite around Grain boundary, J. of Mater. Sci. & Technology,1998,7,Vol 14(4), p380-382 第一作者
3 .The Pre-bainitic Transformation in Fe-Ni alloy. J. Iron and Steel Research, International, 1998, 10, Vol5(2), p47 . 第一作者
4. 准贝氏体钢的特性极其工程应用, 兵器材料科学与工程,1998,3, Vol21(2),p60 第二作者
5. 斗齿新材料准贝氏体铸钢的研制,工程机械,1998,4,Vol29(4),p31 第二作者
6 .准贝氏体钢渗碳特性及磨损性能研究,材料工程,1998,5,p44 第三作者
7 .准贝氏体钢渗碳特性及冲击磨损性能,机械工程材料,1998,6,Vol.22(3),p22 第三作者
8. 23Co14Ni2Cr3钢热滞回线的测量及相变研究,西北工业大学学报,1999,2,Vol.17(1) 第三作者
9. 贝氏体转变孕育期及初期的类调幅分解,西北工业大学学报,2000,2,Vol.18(1) 第一作者
10. Fe-Ni合金贝氏体转变热力学研究,全国相变与凝固学术会议,2001,11,第一作者
11. 贝氏体宏观惯习面形成机制,全国相变与凝固学术会议,2001,11,第一作者
12. 全金属量子点单电子存储器,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 99 2 3,4,第三作者
13. 《大学物理学习指导与提高》,北京航空航天大学出版社,2001,9
主要研究方向及特色:1. 电子结构 2. 半导体材料物理(光伏、热电) 3. 半导体缺陷物理
通讯地址:北京市海淀区学院路37号 北京航空航天大学物理学院
1. 个人情况简介
05.07 曲阜师范大学 物理学学士
10.07 中国科学院半导体研究所 凝聚态物理博士学位
14.01 北京计算科学研究中心 博士后
13.06 新加坡高性能计算研究所 博士后
16.01 美国橡树岭国家实验室 博士后
2016.01至今 北京航空航天大学物理学院 副教授
2. 主要研究方向及工作
3. 招生情况
4. 教学情况
5. 部分发表论文
(1). Hongliang Shi, Wenmei Ming, and Mao-Hua Du, &Bismuth chalcohalides and oxyhalides as optoelectronic materials&, Phys. Rev. B 93, 16).
(2). Hongliang Shi and Mao-Hua Du, &Discrete electronic bands in semiconductors and insulators: Potential high-light-yield scintillators&, Phys. Rev. Applied 3, 15).
(3). Hongliang Shi, David Parker, Mao-Hua Du, and David J. Singh, &Connecting Thermoelectric Performance and Topological-Insulator Behavior: Bi2Te3 and Bi2Te2Se from First Principles&, Phys. Rev. Applied 3, 15). (Editor&s Suggestion)
(4). Hongliang Shi and Mao-Hua Du, &Native Defects in Tl6SI4: Density functional calculations&, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 15).
(5). Hongliang Shi, B. Saparov, David J. Singh, Athena S. Sefat, and Mao-Hua Du*, &Ternary chalcogenides Cs2Zn3Se4 and Cs2Zn3Te4: Potential p-type transparent conducting materials&, Phys. Rev. B 90, 14).
(6). Hongliang Shi and Mao-Hua Du*, &Shallow halogen vacancies in halide optoelectronic materials&, Phys. Rev. B 90, 14).
(7). Hongliang Shi, Hui Pan*, Yong-Wei Zhang*, and Boris I. Yakobson, &Strong ferromagnetism in hydrogenated monolayer MoS2 tuned by strain&, Phys. Rev. B 88, 13).
(8). Hongliang Shi, Hui Pan, Yong-Wei Zhang*, and Boris I. Yakobson*, &Quasiparticle band structures and optical properties of strained monolayer MoS2 and WS2&, Phys. Rev. B 87, 13).
(9). Hongliang Shi, Zhong-Bing Huang*, John. S. Tse, and Hai-Qing Lin*, &Magnetic behavior of Fe(Se,Te) systems: first-principle calculations&, J. Appl. Phys. 110, 11).
(10). Hongliang Shi*, Ping Zhang, Shu-Shen Li,and Jian-Bai Xia, &Magnetic coupling properties of rare-earth metals (Gd, Nd) doped ZnO: First-principles calculations&, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 09).
姓名: 舒小林
出生年份: 1964
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2004
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
主要研究方向及特色: 凝聚态物理计算物理学计算材料学
电子信箱: shuxlin@buaa.edu.cn
姓名: 宋春艳
出生年份: 1980
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2011
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
主要研究方向及特色: 粒子物理与原子核物理,包括 1、奇异性核物理的相对论平均场研究; 2、基于三轴相对论平均场的多重手征带的研究; 3、原子核的低激发谱及相对论量子相变&&
电子信箱: cysong@buaa.edu.cn
办公地点: 主楼303(内)
通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路37号北京航空航天大学主楼303
8.06 南开大学物理科学学院获博士学位
0.12 北京大学物理学院博士后研究
2010.12-今 北京航空航天大学物理科学与核能工程学院
0.12,受中南合作项目资助,访问南非Stellenbosch 大学
1. 工科大学物理(本科生公共必修课)
2. 原子核物理(本科生专业必修课)
3. 核科学前沿概论(本科生专业选修课)
(一)国家基金 &青年基金&项目
项目名称:含奇异自由度的密度依赖相对论 Hartree-Fork 理论及其应用()
(二)国家基金 国际会议
(五)北航&蓝天新秀&配套经费 5万
姓名: 孙保华
出生年份: 1981
职称: 副研究员
首次聘任导师时间: 2010
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
主要研究方向及特色: 原子核质量和寿命的高精密测量 高精度、高灵敏实验探测器研制 天体物理中的元素核合成理论和实验研究(快中子、快质子俘获过程等) 原子核多体问题理论研究
电子信箱: bhsun@buaa.edu.cn
办公地点: 北京航空航天大学主楼328
通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路37号 物理科学与核能工程学院 328
1. 个人情况简介
副研究员。2003年获兰州大学理学学士学位;2008年获北京大学理学博士学位;2005年至2008年在德国赫姆霍兹GSI研究中心从事合作研究;2008年至2009年,德国重离子物理研究所和Giessen大学博士后;2009年6月通过海外直评方式被聘为北航副研究员。入选2009年度教育部&新世纪优秀人才支持计划&。曾获第十二届全国核结构讨论会&第三届青年优秀论文&特别奖、2010年度GENCO(GSI Exotic Nuclei Community)青年科学家奖。主要从事奇特原子核质量和寿命测量的实验研究及相关的核结构、核天体物理研究。近年来发表SCI论文60余篇,并多次在国际、国内学术会议上作邀请报告。
2. 教学及人才培养情况(含承担教学任务、编写教材、培养研究生等),科研项目情况;
目前是GENCO协会会员、ILIMA/FAIR国际合作组成员、Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research A 等刊物的审稿人.
3. 获奖情况
2010.03: GENCO (GSI exotic nuclei committee) 青年科学家奖2009、GENCO membership;
2008.05: 第十二届全国核结构讨论会&第三届青年优秀论文&特别奖;
4. 主持或参加会议情况
-07: ARIS2014, 海报,日本东京,&Revisiting the level scheme of the proton-emitter 151Lu&.
-30: First Sino-French workshop on Compact Matter Physics: from Hadrons to Nuclei
to Stars, Beijing. 口头报告&Towards precision mass measurements of neutron-rich nuclides
relevant to r-process nucleosynthesis&.
-10: RIBLL1 collaboration meeting, Shan-Dong University, Wei-Hai. 口头报告&Progress of TOF
mass measurements and proposal for charge-changing cross section measurements at ETF/IMP&.
-12: Collaboration Meeting on Nuclear Physics between Beihang University and University
of Tsukuba, University of Tsukuba, Japan. 口头报告&Towards a new mass measurement technique for neutron-rich nuclei: the TOF-P-DE method&.
-12:Sino-German Symposium on Precision Experiments with Stored Exotic and Stable
ions, Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou, P.R. China. Invited talk, &Towards a new
mass measurement technique for neutron-rich nuclei: the TOF-P-DE method&.
-06: Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Universit& Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Oral talk, &Long-lived nuclear excited states and its impact in heavy element nucleosynthesis&.
-16: RIBLL1 collaboration meeting, Lanzhou, China. Oral presentation, &Experiments at
RIBLL2 and detector setup&.
: Institute of Modern physics, Lanzhou, China. Invited seminar talk, &Nuclear physics
of the astrophysical rapid neutron-capture process&.
-31: Inauguration Symposium and Workshop Center for Nuclear Astrophysics, Shanghai,
China. Invited talk, &Nuclear mass measurements for r-process&.
-14: 9th national conference on nuclear reaction, Shenzhen, China. Oral presentation,
&Towards precision mass measurements of most neutron-rich nuclei&.
&07: 2nd China - South Africa Joint Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Stellenbosch, South
Africa. Invited talk, &Towards precise mass measurements of extreme neutron-rich nuclides&.
&26: 3rd Lectures on Covariant Density Functional Theory in Nuclear Physics, Anhai University,
China. Invited talk, &Nuclear Synthesis processes&.
&22: HaPhy 2012: Hadron Physics from Nuclei to Stellar Phenomena, APCTP headquarter,
Pohang, South Korea. Invited talk, &Weighing atomic nuclei & impact on nuclear physics and astrophysics&.
&07: VIII Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, Lenzkirch-Saig, Germany.
Invited talk, &Direct mass measurements of atomic nuclei at FRS-ESR&.
&06: 2012 BLTP-SKLTP Joint Workshop on Nuclear Physics, Dubna, Russia. Invited talk,
&Precision mass measurements of atomic nuclei and their impact in nucleosynthesis
&29: From nucleon structure to nuclear structure and compact astrophysical objects, Kavli
Institute for Theoretical Physics China at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
China. Oral presentation, &Precision mass measurements of &atomic nuclei& and their
impact in nucleosynthesis processes&.
&20 2012: Shanghai Nuclear astrophysics workshop, Shanghai, China. Invited talk, &Nuclear
masses and half-lives measurements and nucleosynthesis of heavy elements&.
: 清华大学, China. Invited seminar, &Precision measurements of highlycharged
atoms and their impact in nucleosynthesis&.
&16:14th conference on nuclear structure physics in China, Hu-Zhou, China. Oral presentation,
&Precision measurements of nuclear isomers and their impact in astrophysics&.
: IONAS Seminar, Justus-Liebig-Universt&t Gie&en, Germany.
th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings, 意大利,Franscati,口头报告(Plenary Session)。
2011.04: &2011全国核反应大会暨交叉学科研讨会&, 新乡, 河南。口头报告。
2010.12: 原子核协变密度泛函理论讲习班,北京,组织者;
2010.04: 国际核磁矩研讨会,北京,组织者;
2010.03: NuSTAR Annual Meeting 2010, Darmstadt, Germany,
邀请报告,&Progress on direct mass measurements with FRS-ESR facilities at GSI &.
2010.03:Open Meeting of the ILIMA Collaboration, Darmstadt, Germany,
邀请报告,&Direct measurement of the 4.6 MeV isomer in stored bare 133Sb ions&.
邀请报告,&Precise measurement of nuclear isomers in storage rings&.
2009.08:The 10th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus collisions,Beijing,
口头报告,&Progress on direct mass measurements with FRS-ESR facilities at GSI&.
2009.07:Minischool on the Physics of NUSTAR, University of Surrey, U.K.,
邀请讲座,&Measurement of masses using Storage Rings&.
th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings (STORI&08), Lanzhou,
口头报告,&Large-scale mass measurements of short-lived nuclides with Isochronous Mass Spectrometry (IMS)&.
2008.05: 第12届全国核结构大会, 重庆,
口头报告,&Direct mass measurement of short-lived neutron-rich nuclides&.
5. 部分发表文章 @ Research ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-
Title: Discovery of a new long-lived isomeric state in Ce-125
Author(s): Sun, B.; Litvinov, Y. A.; Walker, P. M.; et al.
Source: European Physical Journal A Volume: 31 Issue: 3 Pages: 393-394 Published: 2007
DOI: 10.1140/epja/i-0
Title: Nuclear structure studies of short-lived neutron-rich nuclei with the novel large-scale isochronous mass spectrometry at the FRS-ESR facility
Author(s): Sun, B.; Knobel, R.; Litvinov, Y. A.; et al.
Source: Nuclear Physics A Volume: 812 Pages: 1-12 Published: 2008
DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.
Title: Direct measurement of the 4.6 MeV isomer in stored bare Sb-133 ions
Author(s): Sun, B.; Knobel, R.; Geissel, H.; et al.
Source: Physics Letters B Volume: 688 Issue: 4-5 Pages: 294-297 Published: 2010
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.
Title: Discovery and investigation of heavy neutron-rich isotopes with time-resolved Schottky spectrometry in the element range from thallium to actinium
Author(s): Chen, L.; Plass, W. R.; Geissel, H.; et al.
Source: Physics Letters B Volume: 691 Issue: 5 Pages: 234-237 Published: 2010
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.
Title: Charge and frequency resolved isochronous mass spectrometry and the mass of 51Co
Author(s): Shuai, P.; Xu, H.S.;Tu, X. L; Zhang, Y.H.; Sun, B. H.; et al.
Source: Physics Letters B Volume: 735 Issue: 5 Pages: 327-331 Published: 2014
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.
Title: Application of the relativistic mean-field mass model to the r-process and the influence of mass uncertainties
Author(s): Sun, B.; Montes, F.; Geng, L. S.; et al.
Source: Physical Review C Volume: 78 Issue: 2 Published: 2008
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.78.025806
Title: Influence of nuclear physics inputs and astrophysical conditions on the Th/U chronometer
Author(s): Niu, Z. M.; Sun, B. H.; Meng, J.
Source: Physical Review C Volume: 80 Issue: 6 Published: 2009
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.065806
Title: Reexamining the temperature and neutron density conditions for r-process nucleosynthesis with
augmented nuclear mass models
Author(s): X. D. Xu,1 B. Sun, Z. M. Niu, Z. Li, Y.-Z. Qian, and J. Meng
Source: Physical Review C Volume: 87 Issue: 6 Published: 2013
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.87.015805
Title: Mass prediction of proton-rich nuclides with the Coulomb displacement energies in the relativistic point-coupling model
Author(s): Sun, B. H.; Zhao, P. W.; Meng, J.
Source: Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy Volume: 54 Issue: 2 Pages: 210-214 Published: 2011
DOI: 10.-010-4222-8
Title: Effects of triaxial deformation and pairing correlation on the proton emitter Tm-145
Author(s): Yao, J. M.; Sun, B.; Woods, P. J.; et al.
Source: Physical Review C Volume: 77 Issue: 2 Published: 2008
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.77.024315
Title: Calculation of &-decay energies of superheavy nuclei in a hybrid method
Author(s): Z. Li, B. Sun, C. H. Shen, and W. Zuo
Source: Physical Review C Volume: 88 Issue: 2 Published: 2013
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.057303
部分发表中文论文目录(Publications in Chinese):
原子核质量精密测量的研究进展, 孙保华 孟杰, 物理 39 (10):666-673 2010. 邀请综述.
天体环境下快中子俘获过程相关的核物理,李竹,孙保华,孟杰,物理 42(07):505-514 2013. 邀请综述.
DOI: 10.7693/wl
姓名: 唐芳
出生年份: 1972
职称: 高级实验师
首次聘任导师时间: 2009
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 无线电物理
姓名: 王海龙
出生年份: 1974
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2011
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
主要研究方向及特色: 强关联理论,量子相变,量子物理与复杂网络系统
电子信箱: hlwang@buaa.edu.cn
任现职:北航物理科学与核能工程学院 2007.4 至今
博士后工作:北京大学重离子所 7.3
博士毕业学校:北京大学物理系 5.1
获得校级教学成果奖二等奖 一项
一. 参加软件开发环境国家重点实验室自主研究课题
二. 参加国家自然科学基金
3.离子束-电子束作用下的TbMnO3 阻变效应研究
三. 参加军口863项目
xxxxxxxxxx关键技术的研究(已结题 )
四. 参加973子课题
1.WANG Hailong , WANG Rongming , WANG Yugang ,TIAN Guangshan. Phase transition in quarter- filled nanoclusters of Manganite induceed by element substitution at B site. SCIENCE CHINA Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy,54(-1282 . Impact Factor: 1.195
2.Guang-Hua Liu, Hai-Long Wang, Guang-Shan Tian. Existence of dimerized phases in frustrated spin ladder models. Phys. Rev. B 77 (2008), 214418 . Impact Factor: 3.772
3.Jiang Xin, Wang Hailong,Tang Shaoting, Ma Lili, Zhang Zhanli, Zheng Zhiming. A new approach to shortest paths on networks based on the quantum bosonic mechanism. New J. Phys, 13(2011): 013022.Impact Factor: 3.849
4. Xin Lin, Hailong Wang, Hui Pan, Huaizhe Xu. Gap opening at Dirac point in single-layer graphene with combined electric and magnetic fields modulation, Chin.Phys.B ,20(. Impact Factor: 1.630
5.Xin Jiang, Hailong Wang, Lili Ma, Zhanli Zhang, Shaoting Tang, Guangshan Tian,and Zhiming Zheng. Detecting structure of complex network by quantum bosonic dynamics. Physica A,389( . Impact Factor: 1.521
6.Hu Luo, Ran Jing, Yimin Cui, Hailong Wang *, Rongming Wang. Improvement of fabrication precision of focused ion beam by introducing simultaneous electron beam. Progress in Natural Science-Materials International,20(5. Impact Factor: 0.832
7.Guang-Hua Liu, Hai-Long Wang, Guang-Shan Tian .Long-Range Electron Hopping and Ferromagnetism in Clusters.International Journal of Modern Physics B,25(6. Impact Factor: 0.408
姓名: 王玫
出生年份: 1966
职称: 副教授
首次聘任导师时间: 2007
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
主要研究方向及特色: 新型功能材料功能薄膜光电特性
电子信箱: rose@buaa.edu.cn
办公地点: 北京航空航天大学主M楼519
Family Name: WANG Given Name: Mei
Gender: Female
Institution: Department of Physics, School of Science
Mailing address: Department of Physics, BeiHang University, No.37, XueYuan Road, HaiDian District, Beijing, China,100191
E-mail: rose@buaa.edu.cn
Oct.2007-Nov.2008: Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of British
Columbia, Visiting Professor
Jul. 2005-Now: Department of Physics,Beihang University, Associate P
Jul. 2002-Jun. 2005: Department of Physics, Beihang University, L
Jun. 1989-Sept. 1999: Lanzhou University, China, Instructor
I am interested in development of electronic materials and functional film technology, and primarily in processes, properties, mechanisms and relationships between the composition, structure and electric performance. Besides, the novel devices with wide bandgap semiconductor films and corresponding theory are also attended.
1. M. Wang, A. P. Huang, Paul K. Chu, B. Wang, and H. Yan, &Effects of plasma hydrogenation on low temperature growth of nanocrystalline cubic SiC thin films& Diamond & Related Materials 6;
2. M. Wang, X. G. Diao, A. P. Huang, and Paul K. Chu, &Influence of substrate bias on the composition of SiC thin films fabricated by PECVD and underlying mechanism& Surface & Coatings Technology : 6777;
3. M. Wang, A. P. Huang, B. Wang, H. Yan, Z. Y. Yao, A.Morimoto, and T. Shimizu, &Bias effects on Structure of Sputtered SiC Films& Materials Science and Engineering B ;
4. L. Zhang, M. Wang, and Y. Y. Xu &Substitution effect in Pr-doped YBCO& International Journal of Modern Physics B 99;
5. Xuemei Song, Mei Wang, Bo Wang, Guanghua Chen, and Hui Yan, &Surface chemical reactions of diamond (100) by Cat-CVD& Thin Solid Films : 257;
6. B. Wang, M. Wang, &The growth of AlN films composed of silkworm-shape grains and the orientation mechanism&, Materials Letters 7;
7. Liu W, Wang M, &Beta-SiC thin films grown by PECVD at low temperature& Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 9;
8. Zhou H.Wang R.Z.Wang, A.P.Huang, M.Wang &Dependence of oriented BN films on Si(100) substrate temperature& Journal of Crystal Growth : 261;
9. Zhao Q,Wang B,Li J.C.,Wang M, &Nanocrystalline beta-SiC films grown on carbonized Si substrate by Cat-CVD& Diamond & Related Materials ): 1505;
10. Li J C, Zhao Q, Liu W, Wang M, &Nanocrystalline SiC films growth on Si by Cat-CVD method with negative bias& Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 0;
11.Zhao Q, Li JC, Liu W, Wang M, &Investigation of crystalline mechanism of beta-SiC thin films by Cat-CVD& Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 6;
12.Wang B,Zhao Q, Li JC, Wang BB, Song XM, Yang XD, Yan H, Wang M &Nanosized beta-SiC films prepared by a Cat-CVD with negative bias at low substrate temperature& Applied Surface Science : 314;
13.B. Wang, M. Wang, S. J. Zhang, A. P. Huang, D. X. ZHang, H.Yan, &Growth mechanism of CVD oriented boron nitride films& International Symposium of Young Scholars on Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments ;
14.B.Wang R.Z.Wang, M.Wang, A.P.Huang, X.H.Li, M.K.Zhu, H.Yan, &Textured characteristic of aluminum nitride films prepared by magnetron sputtering& International Symposium of Young Scholars on Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments ;
15. Bo Wang, Mei Wang, Xue-mei Song, Yun-juan Zou, Hui Yan &Deposition of c-BN films on the substrates of Si wafer and WC alloy& The First Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium(CJCES) ;
16. D. X. Zhang, B. Wang, M. Wang, Y. J. Zou, H. Yan, T. Shimizu &BN films prepared by magnetron sputtering at low temperature& Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Technol}


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