
軒轅劍外傳穹之扉(The Gate of Firmament)
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除“不要惹我”外此类成就花费一定时间即可解锁,不做过多赘述。药罐子战斗中使用1000次以上的补给品富可敌国总金钱量超过1000000贝细细品味游戏时间超过100小时满天星星使用司空宇的天赋进入战斗100次光学迷彩使用沐月的天赋100次我爱宝物使用子巧的天赋进入战斗100次致命攻击使用凤煜的天赋进入战斗100次练功狂热者队中一位角色等级达到99级(官方修改并修复了解锁BUG,现在只要有一名角色达到99级即可解锁)不要惹我一场战斗中单次伤害达到50000以上 此成就看似困难,实则非常简单,在上华胥前最多几千的攻击完全不用担心,下面提供一下我的方法:1.华胥地道的第三个核心守护者boss灵天是要获得此奖杯本游戏最易达成的目标没有之一,在这之前随便最高多少伤害都无所谓,如果打过了还没有获得奖杯赶紧读档或者等二周目挑战。2.因为这个boss火抗极低(沐月最多只能到3W7的输出),所以我选择凤煜,装备等级如下,原始属性,其实没必要练这么高级,估计60~70级左右就能达到3.我护驾兽用的饕餮,重要属性火攻,这个boss火抗很弱,并且火阵加的攻击对于凤煜技能伤害也有提升4.关键技能选择和施放沐月的无名火牢可以削弱敌人抗性,子巧的金戈动目可以加暴击(这个比较次要,只是为了赌一下最大输出 ),凤煜的弑神诀与昊天劲可以增加技能输出,最后组合上大杀器夜煌斩九霄。下图是实战效果,第二形态没有暴击都已到达8W,记忆中最高达到过20W
位置:梦苔幽林 ' 前特点:提升格挡25%,免疫火属性伤害
补充:(蚩尤位置)眦裂蚩尤需要集齐兵工谱后找蔡魔头得到轩辕剑,装备后就能在血印之路挑战了。 神魔图鑑神魔录全数蒐集(需要100%的辨识,遇见新怪先捕捉基本上不会漏,另外值得注意的是steam部分怪物不算在神魔图鉴上,比如最终boss等,我是在建木2层捕捉凤凰完成的)配方图鑑炼器配方全数蒐集(注意的点是商人处消费10000贝及以上出村回来会有两张新图纸,还有野外boss也会掉落图纸,完成个人支线也有图纸奖励,上华胥之后还有两个商人会卖图纸。)职业寻宝猎人开启所有宝箱(每张地图都有宝箱标识,全部收集即可,值得注意的是一开始的有熊村及敌族部落等地图会消失,所以尽可能一开始就全收集到再做任务。) Originally posted by 游侠论坛z:   关于黄土河道搭桥攻略:1.接到拯救村民的任務之後2.轉角有個電梯,過去救小男孩,開箱子3.找另外一邊的婦女接任務救她娘4.回到最前面的場景,救到農夫繼續往前遇到她娘, 5.回去交任務走婦女後面的路撿箱子和木板6.然後繼續走她娘後面的路就到一個癡呆老漢  7.拯救結束8.能撿到寶箱的只有小男孩的密碼箱,救小男孩旁邊的路花費3可以撿到3還有密碼箱,婦女後面的箱子,老太旁邊的不能撿,撿了之後救救不了人,救不了人過去遇到小女孩就會問你&寶箱真的辣麼重要麼&打完boss對話完了之後可以撿到3塊木板~大家可以盡情的拿箱子了   河谷有一处宝箱需要在高崖处坐吊车过去: 轩辕图书馆神魔录与兵工谱全数蒐集(此成就可能设置有问题,我兵工谱仍未完成但是在华胥把出现的新怪辨识100%后就跳出了,由于我的解锁时间较早,所以官方可能更新有修正)兵工图鑑兵工谱全数蒐集(把宝箱都开掉,把图纸都炼出来,最后去商人处检查一遍是否还有未拥有的装备即可,兵工谱比炼器成就简单在于可以随时查看并且能够继承,所以不用担心遗漏。特别注意截止日,有两个饰品蟠桃仙玉以及聚灵指环(据网络攻略分别对应并封与戾气共工掉落)无法获取,官方或许有修改,我实在玩不动了就用代码调出来,解锁。兵工谱影响轩辕剑的获得,轩辕剑决定全野外boss的奖杯获得,所以如果之后有掉落就请无视,如果仍有问题还是用修改器或完美存档带一下吧。) 炼器专家利用炼器炼出所有种类物品(共有230张图纸,我解锁的时候数了一遍:武器64张;头部32张;衣服32张;护臂32张;鞋子32张,饰品24张;丹药14张。理论上说在最终boss前把图纸全部炼一遍即可,另外已经学习的图纸不能继承,但是可以累计,由于无法查看哪一张缺掉了所以还是尽量在一个周目内完成,可以参考我的方法,专门拿一个周目来存图纸和材料下个周目看见没有的就补上,在天门全部炼一遍解锁) 钜细靡遗完成所有支线(把每个村落的任务和个人支线完成即可,都有提示比较简单,尽量能先接和先完成支线,然后自由移动的时候就各村落检查一遍,因为任务有时限机制,所以还需多多留意。还有这个成就很诡异,成就需完成193个任务,但游戏内只能接到144个,有完成的玩家还望指点一二。官方在3.21.2016已修复成就为144任务,果然不是我的问题...)指南最后一段为个人支线以及部分支线任务攻略,若有需要可前往阅览。
怪力子巧完成支线「子集」冰山美人完成支线「月典」 自然之处.四 所需寻找的郁李地点为 无名之丘 。 风流倜傥完成支线「凤书」猪也是有故事完成支线「奇传」
Originally posted by Z攻略() : 1.在DOMO工作室的大廳和阜東交談。2.到接待吧台和哈利波特說話。3.到十神器展廳和神奇傑克說話,他會說到有三件神器失踪,可能被失踪的DOMO組員帶離。4.在十神器展廳和另一名組員馬龍交談,拜托主角幫忙調查此事5.前往怪物區的籃球場,LUKE和俊理正在評論賽事。指向麻将區。6.麻將區向飄飄問詢失踪的DOMO組員,她說旁邊的蔓蔓爬似乎掉了東西,幫他解決一下吧7.蔓蔓爬的“發”牌掉了,到他的右邊展台前調查光團得到“幸運發牌”,回來交給蔓蔓爬。8.回來再找飄飄談話,得知失踪組員葉子是隔壁動物區的導覽員,可以找動物們收集線索。9.到隔壁的動物區和小動物們說話,回答它們的問題:這間房間全部動物的手腳加起來一共有幾只?回答: 63 。得知葉子前去尋找失踪的寵物胤同,沒想到她也跟著失踪了。胤同的好朋友針眼也許會知道內情。10.沿著樓梯到地下室,針眼正在鬼祟的打開一道門。上前問話,察覺旁邊還有只把風的狗,於是盤問那只狗,得知葉子和胤同平時喜歡欣賞軒轅劍畫作。11.前往畫廊區找導覽員阿艷和地藏米,兩人對葉子的下落沒有什麼線索。這時聽到上方有位老農夫在說話,要主角上去找他。12.來到歷代主角展廳,沿螺旋狀樓梯上去。來到三樓畫廊和老農夫說話,詢問失踪神器和組員的事。原來那三件神器是他摔壞的,不巧被葉子和胤同看到,怕阜東大人責罵,才將他和神器碎片給藏起來。13.回到十神器展廳,將情況匯報給神奇傑克,主角一行受托前往荒廢展區救葉子和胤同。14.回到歷代主角展廳,後面的那道黝黑大門已經開啟。旁邊的野田妹給予一枚膽小鬼徽章。15.在黑暗的迷宮深處終於找到了葉子和胤同,得到命運青紅燈。 其他部分难点任务
该任务难在根本没有提示领取...玩家自行走流程1.卷五:离开落秋~卷六:西门部署 期间去曲蒙左手边民房门口找陟戌或阿睦谈话2.卷六:探查内应~卷八:进入华胥 期间去曲蒙左边炉罩的马七对话取得3000贝3.待可回报时回去交任务即可。
该任务需找到提示处的红点boss并击败之,战斗颇有难度,下面给出各boss的位置:1.莫莉, 雪峭天峰 2.奈宝尼, 碧嶙大泽 3.肖恩, 桃花琼林 4.邓肯, 无名异境 5.安多, 梦苔幽林.后
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Includes 45 Steam Achievements
Title: 軒轅劍外傳穹之扉(The Gate of Firmament)
Release Date: 25 Feb, 2016
Buy 軒轅劍外傳穹之扉(The Gate of Firmament)
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The Gate of Firmament Summer Sale is coming!
In order to show our gratitude to fans for supporting The Gate of Firmament, we have a gift to you, a new patch!!!
Optimizing the translation of English for purpose of giving you a better understanding of Chinese culture.
1. Revising some problems of sound effect.
2. Adjusting some subtitle in CG.
The Patch will update automatically and if the game doesn’t update, please restart your Steam client. We hope that the update will give you a better gameplay experience. Meanwhile, DOMO Studio will go ahead with collecting your feedback in order to promote the gameplay experience for you.
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About This Game
In ancient times long ago, in order to find his beloved missing daughter, the divine Jade Emperor opened the gates of heaven, allowing a direct connection between heaven and earth. This was done, so that worthy mortals could appeal to the Jade Emperor and obtain divine powers, to aid in the search of his missing daughter. However, this gift was exploited and taken advantage of, causing chaos in the mortal realm. The Nine Li Tribe became a cult that worshipped demons and practiced in the occult, divorcing themselves from the businesses of the mortal realm.
Forces of evil suddenly arose, inciting wars across the continent, condemning people into a life of fears and sufferings.
Emperor Zhuanxu feared the demon Chiyou would once again ravage the mortal realm. Limited by his own capabilities, he sought the help of the Queen of Huaxu, who once assisted Xuanyuan the Yellow Emperor in warding off the Otherworld with the Bell of Donghuang. Both Fuxi and Nuwa—the children of the Queen of Huaxu—also supported Emperor Zhuanxu in convincing the Queen, for they too could not bear to watch people suffer any longer. In the end, the gates to heaven were finally sealed with the powers of the Divine Artifacts combined.
Since then, no mortals were able to ascend, nor were gods able to descend at will. This incident was later recorded down in history as “Juedi Tiantong.”
This latest entry broke new grounds in comparison with previous titles in the series, including: the new lighting system that better establishes moods, creating variou as well as facial animation and lip-sync systems, MVN motion capture system to elevate the quality standard of all characters in every aspect. These new technologies not only improve visuals but also game immersion, enabling the players to fully comprehend the behaviors and feelings of the protagonists.
The battle system has been replaced with a real-time, encounter-based gameplay mechanism, making the battles more intense than ever. Improved returning features exclusive to the Xuan-Yuan Sword series include: the Urn of Spirit Infusion that enables demon-synthesis and
the Guardian System that allows your captured demons t and the Miracle System that grants additional attack buffs. A new “Battle Formation” system is also introduced in this latest entry, allowing for a richer and better gaming experience for the players.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows 8 (32 or 64 bit)
Processor: Intel Core Duo2
3.0Ghz or AMD equivalent (or better)
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GForce 9800GT or ATI equivalent (512MB or better)
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 25 GB available space
Sound Card: Direct compatible sound card for audio
Additional Notes: Keyboard and mouse are required
OS: Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows 8 (32 or 64 bit)
Processor: Intel Core i5 2.80 GHz or AMD equivalent (or better)
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580
or ATI Radeon HD 7970
(1GB or better)
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 50 GB available space
Sound Card: Direct compatible sound card for audio
Additional Notes: Keyboard and mouse are required
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I'm a die hard supporter for Chinese game especially Softstars for over 2 decades. Bought this game w/o 2nd thought since Chinese games are now hardly seen in local stores. Storyline is good as what one could expect from a world of &Xian Xia 仙侠& series (revolving around ancients Chinese deities) with well balance gaming mechanic. The gameplay is similar to classic RPGs and unique in it's world, monsters and skills. Things I like about are:- no random battles, you can avoid the monster encounter if you wanna save time.- battle is real time with no time gauge and uses cool down instead.- the party members will auto-fight itself like Tales of Destiny where player can switch to any of the characters easily thru joypad or keyboard. - capturing of monster for fusing and leveling artifacts is enjoyable!- battle formation adds more possible strategies to the game play especially for boss fights. Hope more Chinese game are available in steam soon!
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one of the best game I've ever played.. just remind me about Perfect World...if you like CHINA RPG,u should buy this game... no need question at all.. I dont really care about the price at all, this game so f***** awesome...
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Things you need to know about before playing or purchasing The Gate of Firmament ( 穹之扉 in Chinese)At the foremost, I have to be frank I am a fan addicted to The Gate of Firmament
and its gaming series. But in this review I will try to elaborate neutrally the pros and cons of this game alongside with things you might be interested
to know about.Languages Supporting. You attention here please, this game only supports English, Japanese, Chinese, Traditonal Chinese with the corresponding UI, menu and subtitles. So feel free to play if you are English or Japanese players, but unluckily for players in other regions, whether waiting for mods( or official translations, donnot be expecting on that ) or choosing not to buy is at your discretion.This game requires
free disk space of appropriate 15GB , made by U3D (have been optimized several times since its first release in Feb, 2015 in China ), this steam version gladly has been given huge optimizations. In fact, my gt650m notebook with 8GB ram could run it quite smoothly in 720P, the highest resolution supported is .Technical notes here: should you have problems in failing to initail(black screen or whatever), try starting in win95 compatiable mode, hope it helps.Gate of Firmament and its gaming series. Gate of Firmament is the 12th work in a row of the prestigious Xuan-Yuan Sword RPG gaming series(better be compared to the Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest gaming series in Japan, so you could get distinct understandings) with 25 years of history in China. As mentioned, there are twelve works from DOS to 2D to 2.5D to 3D with the first work released 25 years ago forming this Xuan-Yuan Sword game series. Each game have a separate story told so if you are a novice to play Gate of Fimament, there is no affecting your gameplay experience at all. (Somewhere through your play, there may be plots or concepts linked from previous works but believe me most are the surprise type for fans and have little to do with the gameplay).About the game itself.Now let's get down to our main business, how is the game?The Gate of Firmament is a typical oriental rpg game or more specified, a Chinese martial arts rpg game in the sense that the game put great emphasis on the long moving story you gonna experience rather than the elements of a game, or put it in a another way, it is actually more like a movie than a game. The core spirits of this gaming series is its decent, impressive, beautifully written story.On a scale of 0 to 10 I would like to rate as follows:1.Story
9.5 points, highly recommended if you are fond of Chinese culture and this loving story with the elements of divinity(of course Chinese myths). Must say again here, it's more like a movie, you have to get around villages, towns investing and talking to different people, if you previously had any Final Fantasy experience, it would be ez.2.Music
9 points, music and sound effects are composed by outstanding musicians, but mostly oriental style.3.System/Combat
7 points,actually turn based, you learn and upgrade your abilities, not much to talk about. One thing worth to point out is its Lian-Yao system(mainly you can capture the monsters after you defeat them as pets and combine different ones to a strong pet ) of this gaming series which may fascinates you. Also, there are mini-games included for instance you need to solve some puzzles to get treasures.4.Video
6.5 points, made by U3D engine, modeling of characters and scenes may seem a little rough sometimes but much better than those 2D or 2.5D babies. Modeling are oriental aesthetically.At the very end, I would like to say if you are looking for extreme &play& experience such as RTS or acting , this is definitely no choice for you. But if you are a RPG lover or somehow just wondering what our
Chinese game is, this game is a perfect choice for you. It won't let you down for such a fair price.If you have any questions during your game play, be free to leave a message, I would be glad to help.
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Brief first impressions. Since english subtitles+UI are available, why not!. Standouts are the beautiful cutscenes and soundtrack. Game itself seems decent but a little rough around the edges, examples being collision meshes missing and some npc pathing issues, Nothing gamebreaking. Translation wasn't a problem though you will find some humorous 'oops' moments. Initial gameplay was your typical jrpg affair, fetch questing around the village while learning the story of your existence.Completing that, then sent to a nearby bamboo forest which introduced combat. No random encounters so far, needed to walk into enemies that roamed about. While I'm still learning the systems but any recent final fantasy player should feel at home. Talent trees were available for characters and equipment system looked deep. Will give it the thumbs up as it's a lovely game for the price. Cheers.No english audio, just UI/subtitles. Runs @ 60fps and max resolution is 1080p.
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This is a pretty decent game for a reasonable price.Here are a few points I would like to mention.No. 1 - Game graphics is definitely good no matter how you look at it, ( 8 / 10 )Pros - Character design and background is fantastic. Game reminds me of Blades and Souls from character design.Cons - Probably needed some facial expressions on characters as I could see that there is no shock factor there and no frowning from the character even though he is fustrated. Probably some parts where characters are too stiff and parts of the clothes could pass through character limbs during cutscenes. Hair does not even move when brushed against by their hands. Just an opinion. No.2 - Gameplay is user friendly. ( 7.5 / 10 )Pros - Easy to maneuver, Skill tree seems legit to me and able to assist my gameplay. They have gears items crafting and wow just wow. Game reminds me of Magna Carta in a simpler form. Multiplayer game to be converted into RPG for single player. Brilliant idea. Chibi mode when walking from town to dungeons? You got to love those.Cons - I was hoping for more action wise from the gameplay but maybe it is just me. I was expecting more reactions that would affect the enemy as I was using the skills to attack them.No.3 - Background Music/OST is beautiful ( 10 / 10 )Pros - I like the overall synchronization of background music and atmosphere. It is really well made and I am really impressed with the arrangements. Got to say that this gives me a really smooth experience in the game.Cons - Nothing from me so far but an english version of the song would be really pretty.No.4 - Story Wise is intriguing. ( 9 / 10 )Pros -
Story is really pretty and great to experience. Not gonna spoil you guys but experience the fun yourself haha. You will love it when you see the little boar or piglet at the start of the game. Nuff said.Cons - Deserves more series to come.No.5 - Voice Acting/Subtitles/Language ( 7.5 / 10 )Pros - I would say that the voice acting is decent. It was in sync with the character's lips, you can feel the emotions from the character. Subtitles are well made and I really appreciate for the developers to put effort to the subtitles. You got to give it thumbs up for this definitely. Otherwise, most players would not be able to understand the story.Cons - Maybe I might be more demanding, I would hope that the developers would consider english voice acting as well. It would really really be so wonderful if there is also language for english voice.Overall Experience ( 8.5 / 10 ) - I would buy the game even if there were no discount for this game. Improvements is a must but definitely brings you to another world of excitement for RPG players.
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This is actually a great game. 7/10 Battle system. Boss fights actually requires strategy and may need multiple tries8/10 Story. It's actually surprisingly good. I did have a low expectation before I started but the story does not treat you like an idiot. The things main characters say actually seem like they have thought about it and have reasons behind their decisions.It's very different than games like Fallout or Pillar of Eternity where the game is about player decisions or different choices. Instead the story in this game is set and smoothly unfolds before the player, much like watching a movie. I normally enjoy making my own decisions in the game but it feels nice to take a break and just watch a well orchastrated show.9/10 Music. Some good tracks and some great tracks.Annnnnnd Voice Acting. One of the best I've experienced in a game. 10/10 will not skip cutscenes.
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Just got the game and it runs in full HD @60FPS. Only one hour in so I haven't left the starting town, most time was invested in talking to townspeople to get the story of who you and your family are.Game looks nice, a bit like an unmodded Skyrim so don't expect 4K textures all around. The setting is truely Chinese which is a nice for a change. You get a few nice errors in the english translation but that isn't a problem. All voices are in Chinese but that makes the female characters even more cute than they already are.Hard thing is to remember all the Chinese names being thrown around in the story and it's not easy to understand sometimes what they are trying to tell you in details but I do get the general picture.Haven't been in a singly fight so the 'action' still has to start but what I've seen so far and specially for this low price a true recommendation if you are into these kind of games. (If it's possible to edit this review later I'll try to give some updates)Edit1: Works perfectly with mouse+keyboard, PS3 controller (DS3 motion in joy) and PS4 controller (DS4Windows).
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I don't buy a lot of games with zero prior knowledge of them, but the screenshots looked nice and the price was appealing, so I gave it a shot. And so far, I'm very pleasantly surprised. It's very good looking (especially for the price), and despite some rough edges (weak animations, rough translation), it's a shockingly well-made game, with a lot of nice presentation throughout (nice looking UI, full 3D model viwer for evey item/equipment/enemy in the game, great OST, etc). And it runs well too. Just in case the trailer didn't give enough info, this is a very by-the-numbers JRPG (or CRPG to be more accurate), with semi-turn-based battles with some combo/timing based inputs. Encounters aren't random though, and you can see all enemies in the world before hand and attack for preemptive strikes. Everything else is pretty typical RPG fare: decent amount of exploration, chests with loot (and you can actually dismantle the chests for more loot!), tons of battling, and I think even a sort of Pokemon-esque element later? Mostly what you'd expect, but with some nice twists as well. Definitely not regretting the purchase at all, and will probably buy future installments if they get English localizations (it seems like a small miracle, or at least an anomaly, that this one did).
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UPDATE: A patch was released that fixed one of my biggest gripes with the game, so I have now revised the review to reflect that, plus other additions now that I’ve played the game more.Gate of Firmament might be a 3D game, but it feels like a retro 2D RPG. There’s nothing in the game that makes use of 3D, apart from giving the developers the ability to place the camera wherever they want.Every detail from how you move, how environments are laid out, how the combat system works, how cutscenes and dialog scenes are paced feels like a 2D RPG. For example, you can’t jump, and the combat system is most optimally played if you only use the keyboard. This isn’t a negative, just a stylistic choice that shows the series origin as a long running traditional series.Compared to western RPGs the cutscene quality is on the level of Knights of the Old Republic. There’s long pauses after every spoken line where you wait for the character animation to stop playing before the next line is spoken. So it’s cheap, but good enough that it gets the point across of what the scene is trying to convey. But it’s a far way off from Mass Effect, Dragon Age or Witcher 3. Luckily you can click to skip to the next line of dialog, a feature that was patched in after release. This is big, because now and then you get cutscenes where the pacing is particularly slow and stilted. Being able to manually raise the pace by clicking is a huge improvement. Very appreciated that it didn’t take them long to patch that in.There’s something likable about Gate of Firmament. It has the charm of an underdog trying their best to create an epic masterpiece, despite only having a fraction of the money or manpower to achieve that goal. It looks older than it is. But thanks to the vibrant colors it’s good enough. If you have the patience for it, this is an alright game. It might even be great once the story kicks off in proper. I liked the characters, and the humor had a nice off-beat quality to it. It’s very far from perfect, but I find myself returning to it again and again, giving it another 30-60 minutes here and there. It isn’t amazing, but it doesn’t matter. It’s enough to be likable.
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One of the worst in this serious. I played all the games in this franchise, and this one? Would be the last one. Poor story, the worst things, poor personally for all 4 main characters. Each one just like a zombie without soul. Dont buy it, it will ruin all you good memories of 軒轅劍.
This game came across as a star ocean clone to me on a lower budget.I felt the game deserved a thumbs down at first but in all fairness it is a decent game in its own right,The battle system is similar to star ocean, you can run about freely in combat and use various skills.Story is lackluster ( i played the japanese beta for this game ) but not the worst ive seen. It has its ups and downsThe language is chinese which i think gives this game a bit of uniqueness.I recommend waiting for a sale to buy this title,
Very good game where the love story outshadows the common battle of good vs evil. Some engrish, but understandable enough and take what I can get for $15 new.Please bring Xuan Yuan Sword 3 in Engilsh next!
Gate of Firmament for me was a bit of a gamble.I saw it for sale, and enjoyed the setting, the way the characters were portrayed, and thought I might as well give it a try. It was my first foray in what could probably be called CRPG, a genre I had no past experience in to be honest, Tales of Wulin not counting because it's more of a raising sim, even if a really good one.What I found was overall a pretty enjoyable experience. The game doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it does a few things differently and well. Thoses positives are mixed with some pretty bad flaws.It's impossible not to adress the proverbial elephant in the room. The translation is pretty bad, and in a game where for understanding the story, which is a bit complex with foreign names which can be a bit difficult to memorize for someone who isn't chinese, we rely a lot on translation. It's even worse when it was pretty much the devs first attempt at going english and offering their game to the wide world. They could have made an effort. In a RPG, text is paramount, it's something you can't afford to screw up, and sadly, they did. Translation is full of typos, some chinese sentences aren't translated, some words are used in a wrong way, some sentences are very poor in term of choice of words and meaning, and sometimes if feels like they just used a translator to compensate or invented terms. It's not completly game ruining, but be warned, you will need to make some efforts and be very tolerant to fully enjoy the story.Said story is pretty good, and do a lot of things differently of what we are used to. On some others aspects, you will be in familiar territory, some tropes and clichés being there, such as the annoying silly mascot, the girl who eat a lot and get lost all the time, the handsome guy who is totally not the prince in disguise, and some such. What makes me like the game is the ambiance, and the fact the game is pretty big on telling the story in an emotion driven way. I would say it is really chinese in his delivery, and it's a good thing.The graphisms are pretty beautiful while remaining very simple and primitive. They are done with efficiency in mind, so expect clipping and poorly textured floor/ground vegetation to keep the loadings and display as fluid as possible. They are also really immersive to me.The soundtrack is pretty hit or miss. Some tracks get repetitive and annoying fast, others are meh, and some are actually pretty good, all with a chinese vibe. It's not Dynasty Warriors level of chinese sountrack, but it's decent.Gameplay itself is relatively good, with a system which is bit of a mix between a Personna and a Tales of Symphonia. It's a lot simpler than both games, but it works well, is easy to understand, and it leaves you a lot of freedom in how you wish to develop your characters. An interesting point is you can pretty much make every character either a caster or warrior, and they have ways to work on both approaches. Game also has a crafting system, which is how you get good equipement.Quests are a bit of a weak point to me. Despite the fact you have a whole journal section giving you infos on the avaible quests and where you could get them(or hints), in some cases, quest still don't give you enough informations and the translation gets in the way making you missing the point of what you are supposed to do. There are also some very annoying quests forcing you to check one person every time you progress a bit, and it's really really annoying, especially when it's so easy to miss a step and have the quest time out because there is that one flag you didn't trigger. And let's not forget quests which are related to understanding chineses words, plays on words or such, which are completely obscure for anyone not talking chinese. Also annoying the lack of fast escape from a zone, and the copious amount of walking/backtracking. Some fast travel would have also helped.Regular encounters also get boring and repetitive fast, because past a point, you just nuke every one of them with magic, seeing you can stockpile a ridiculous amount of MP restoring items. Bosses are the true challenges, even if I regret most of them are challenging because of scripted attacks which are often huge attacks on the whole party inflicting status effects on everyone, like a stun. This is really cheap and can lead to a wipe easyly if your level is a bit too low.But what can I say, despite that the game has its own unique charm. I really enjoyed it, and seeing you can expect to finish it in around 60 hours while taking your time, I would advise to grab it during a sale for around 12 euros and give it a try. That's assuming you can get past the horrible translation and like the ambiance.
I'm a huge fan of RPGs. Especially ones with rich stories and thus, was pretty excited when I heard about The Gate of Firmament.Pros:Rich storyMemorable characters (um, Fengyu made me mad at times)Okay combat system (some rare drops from monsters would have made it way more enjoyable)Aqi is super cute! Leveling up accessories can be funGreat ending. Quite satisfying for the many hours put into the gameCons:The English translation still needs work and hopefully it'll be updated moreYup, that's about it. I can't give more cons because I did enjoy the game very much. Definitely recommened and worth every penny put into it.
As part of a long-running RPG series, my first comparison point for this game was Final Fantasy.
The Xuan-Yuan Sword franchise is very much the Chinese equivalent to FF, but from a distinctly Chinese perspective.
The story is interesting, based on Chinese historical mythology, making it unique among games available to the Western audience.Gameplay is the standard &run around closed maps until you encounter respawning enemies,& which then takes you to a group battle screen.
While not strictly turn-based, abilites are all on cooldown timers, so you can't just mash keys (though you will eventually spam combos); you can also play as any of your four characters depending on your preferred battle role.
After maxing out the combos, the battles are a bit tedious, though many of the bosses do require some tactics with item/equipment loadout and battlefield buffs.Graphics are very smooth, with no lag whatsoever on max settings, though the modeling and textures are very &console-y&: smooth, simple shapes and somewhat stiff limb/facial movement.
The music is surprisingly good, having a nice variety of different location and character themes.There are a lot of cutscenes for story advancement, and of course the translation is not always perfect. One playable character's special ability is called &More Teature,& which took me ages to figure out: More Treasure!
All NPCs in towns have unique dialogue, occasionally explaining some history or cultural trivia, or just making jokes - a lot of detail and humor is in this game if you are willing to look for it. One of my favorite sidequest moments: the team gets together to drink wine, resulting in one of them faceplanting after just one drink (I won't say who!).Though I got this on sale, the full price is a bargain for the length - I attempted to complete all sidequests & many of the achievements, talk to all the NPCs, and actually had to grind in some areas to beat the bosses, which ended up as 75 hours of gameplay.
Looking at other players' comments, the main story is probably 40-50, which is still more than decent.I really enjoyed this title, and genuinely hope to see more games from this series in the future!
It's pretty solid. Translation and a few localization errors here and there but you can get the jist of it. (Why does this cat bark?) Far from anything ground breaking. The characters have personality, thusfar the story is pretty basic but presented decently well. The battles are easy. The battle system is kind of hard to explain, I guess it's kind of a Valkyrie Profile with an ATB system combined. Eitherway, good game for the price so far.
A fair RPG with good characters and a great story. It is a fun game. Only cons we have here are some graphic glitches with sudden character movements, some subtitles not in sync and yet some untranslated portions (I had some monsters appearing without translation). Good graphics, good music a good battle system and several options for customizing monsters and weapons. It is worth the experience verus the price paid.
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