流放之路 召唤师bd召唤师的召唤物击杀怪物有球得吗

没有球得的哦,除非你用了相应的装备。 比如可以选用绿球盾,维多里奥的贡献,它在击中时几率得绿球,击杀时几率得蓝球。或者蓝球盾轮回,攻击击中几率得。一般幽魂有以下几种选择,均可通过去有此怪的场景去用亵渎来召唤该怪尸体从而做出幽魂:机枪女(月影神殿)、喷火狗(不朽海港)、毒爆怪(仓库下水道)、电蜘蛛(巨兽之腹及育灵之室)、不朽福音(神权之塔)、火旗子(日耀神殿)。
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。流放之路 3.1 补丁:召唤躺尸流消失 无情辅助削弱
流放之路 3.1 补丁:召唤躺尸流消失 无情辅助削弱
技能平衡-Existing Vulnerability Skill gems are now Despair gems. Despair curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to chaos damage, and causing them to take increased damage over time. Cursed enemies also take additional chaos damage when hit. There is a new red skill gem called Vulnerability.现存的脆弱诅咒变为绝望诅咒,绝望诅咒会减少敌人混沌抗性,使敌人承受更多诅咒伤害。被诅咒的敌人同时在被击中时会承受更多混沌伤害,会有一个力量型技能宝石作为新的脆弱诅咒加入游戏。 ( 赶紧买一件 6 红的衣服镶嵌满 6 个脆弱,一更新你就能获得一个 6 红孔带 6 蓝宝石的 ) -Your minions
( and their minions )
will no longer deal or take damage while you are dead.你的召唤物 ( 包括召唤物的召唤物 ) ,不会在你的角色死亡时造成伤害。-Dark Pact no longer gains bonus radius when using your life. The damage bonus from using your life grows less quickly as the gem levels up, dealing 76% more damage at level 20
( down from 95% ) .暗夜血契在消耗你的角色生命值施放时,不再会增加半径。调整消耗你的角色生命施放时的伤害加成,在 20 级时改为 76% 更多伤害 ( 从 95% 下调 ) 。-Detonate Dead now deals spell damage based on the level of the skill gem, in addition to damage based on the corpse's maximum life. The base fire damage dealt by the spell part of the explosion has been significantly increased. The skill now gains additional area of effect radius as it levels, and its base critical chance has been increased from 5% to 6%. The cast time has been lowered to 0.6 seconds
( from 0.8 ) .灵爆术现在根据技能等级造成法术伤害,同时基于灵柩的最大生命值造成额外的火属性伤害。基础的火属性法术伤害会大幅提升,在技能等级提升时会有额外半径成长,同时基本暴击率从 5% 提升到 6%。施放时间变为 0.6 秒 ( 由 0.8 下调 ) 。-Raise Spectre now grants additional accuracy to Spectres based on the level of the gem.召唤灵体现在基于技能等级,会给予灵体额外的命中。-Bear Trap and Vaal Rain of Arrows now remove all movement speed, as opposed to reducing it by 300%.捕熊陷阱和瓦尔箭雨现在会使角色失去移动速度,之前是将角色移动速度减少 300%。Raging Spirits now have a 15% less Added Damage multiplier, up from 30%.召唤愤怒狂灵现在只有额外 15% 更少附加总伤害,从额外 30% 更少提升 ( 这是个 buff ) 。-Summoned Skeletons now have a 50% more added damage multiplier, up from 30% less added damage.召唤魔侍 ( 骷髅 ) 现在有 50% 额外更多附加总伤害,从额外 30% 更少提升。 ( 骷髅伤害大幅度提升 ) -Raging Spirits, Spiders created from Arakaali's Fang, and the spirit skulls from the Essence of Insanity can no longer taunt their enemies.愤怒火灵,阿拉卡力之牙 ( 53 级的匕首 ) 召唤的蜘蛛,以及错乱精华召唤的幽鬼之灵不再会吸引他们的敌人。 ( 估计是打中敌人不会有仇恨 ) -The amount of burning damage dealt by the burning ground created by a Burning Arrow on a character with the Pitch Darkness threshold jewel is now determined by the level of the Burning Arrow skill gem.燃烧箭矢造成的燃烧地面伤害 ( 暗黑之调翠绿门槛珠宝的特效 ) ,现在由燃烧箭矢的技能等级决定。-Orb of Storms can now trigger lightning strikes from channelled skills.风暴漩涡内使用引导技能,现在会触发释放闪电了。 ( 3.0 刚开服时候这个算作 bug 被立即修复,现在又作为正式补丁… ) -Desecrate: Now creates 5 corpses
( up from 3 ) . The cooldown has been reduced to 3 seconds per stack
( down from 5 ) , and the cast time has been reduced to 0.8 seconds
( down from 1 ) . Desecrate's maximum corpse level now grows more steadily as the skill gem levels up. It can now create higher level corpses at most levels, except level 19 of the gem, in which the maximum corpse level has been lowered from 100 to 81.亵渎现在创造 5 个灵柩 ( 由 3 个提升 ) ,每层充能冷却降低到 3 秒 ( 由 5 下降 ) 。亵渎创造灵柩的最高等级,有了更平滑的升级曲线。现在在大部分等级下创造的灵柩最高等级会高于之前的,19 级是例外,从 100 级灵柩降低为 81 级。 ( 召唤成型变慢 ) -Lightning Tendrils has been reworked. It is now a channelled skill, and deals more damage on every 4th pulse. It has also received a visual overhaul. The new version hits slightly less frequently than previously, but has higher sustained damage overall.电能释放技能重做。现在是引导技能,在每个第 4 次冲击时会造成额外更多伤害。技能视觉效果也得到改善。新版技能会不如之前输出频率高,但会有更高的持续输出。-Minion Life Support now affects Minion Life multiplicatively
( it now provides 30% MORE Minion Life rather than 30% increased Minion Life )
at level 1 of the gem
( up to 49% more life at level 20 ) .召唤物生命辅助现在是给予额外更多生命值 ( 变为 more ) ,1 级时候是 30% 额外更多,20 级时候是 49% 额外更多。-Dark Pact now counts as being a Minion skill gem, and will thus interact with effects such as the one found on Cloak of Tawm'r Isley.暗夜血契现在也算作召唤物技能宝石,现在诸如塔温的披风的装备会对此技能有效 ( 也就是说 " 此物品上的召唤物宝石 " 这词缀有效 ) -Ruthless Support can no longer support Channelled skills.无情辅助不再对引导技能有效。-Cyclone can no longer be supported by Ruthless Support.旋风斩不再能被无情辅助所增益。-Iron Will can now support Summon Skeleton and will affect the damage dealt by Skeleton Mages if you are using the Dead Reckoning threshold jewel.钢铁意志现在可以影响死亡清算钴蓝门槛珠宝产生的魔侍法师了。 ( 千力骷髅法师可行 ) -Arctic Armour's chilling effect now slows enemies by 30% when you are hit
( up from 10% ) .极地装甲现在在你被击中后赋予敌人的冰缓效果变成 30%。 ( 由 10% 提升 ) -Melee attacks supported by Multistrike now more accurately take attack range
( including area of effect modifiers )
into account when checking for targets for subsequent attacks. This has negatively impacted some skills and positively impacted others, but in general melee skills supported by Multistrike will target monsters that better fit the behaviour of the attack.被多重打击宝石辅助的近战技能,在后续攻击寻找目标时,会更精确地计算攻击距离 ( 包括范围效果词缀 ) 。这会对某些技能有负面影响,但大部分多重打击辅助的近战技能在寻找目标时,都会有所改善。-Bladefall's area of effect was wider than intended close to the caster. The area of effect now better matches the area the blades visually land. The total width of Bladefall's area of effect has been increased slightly to compensate for the now-narrower early stages.虚空刀雨范围效果现在更符合视觉效果了,距离施放者更近的部分会变窄,作为补偿法术的范围效果会稍微提升。-Storm Burst is now correctly modified by factors based on the state of the projectile
( such as Powerful Precision's "Projectiles have 100% increase Critical Strike Chance against Targets they Pierce" ) .裂风雷球现在会正确计算投射物状态 ( 例如贵族的升华天赋 " 穿透敌人的投射物暴击率增加 100%" ) -Charged Dash is now limited to a maximum of 15 strikes per skill use, as well as limited by distance travelled.蓄力疾风闪现在每次技能使用时只能产生最多 15 个幻影,由移动的距离限制。-Static Strike's radius has been increased from 19 to 20, bringing its total radius to 24 at gem level 20. Static Strike's explosion now correctly applies ailments with 40% less effect. It was previously applying ailments without taking the less-damage modifier into account.充能打击半径由 19 提升到 20,在技能 20 级时达到 24。现在的爆发攻击在附加异常状态时会正确计算额外 40% 更少效果,之前是全额计算没有减益的。-Ice Crash's radius has been increased from 8 to 9 for the first stage, from 16 to 18 for the second stage, and from 24 to 26 for the third stage.寒冰冲击第一次爆发半径由 8 提升到 9,第二次爆发由 16 提升到 1,第三次爆发由 24 提升到 26。-Earthquake's radius has been increased from 25 to 28 for the second stage.震地第二次爆发的半径由 25 提升到 28。-Reave's radius has been increased from 17 to 20, bringing it up to 24 at gem level 20.冲击波 ( 敏捷型近战技能 ) 半径由 17 提升到 20,在技能 20 级时达到 24。-Wither now increases Chaos damage taken by 6%
( down from 7% ) , and stacks up to 15 times
( down from 20 ) .死亡凋零现在会使敌人承受 6% 更多混沌伤害 ( 由 7% 下调 ) ,最大叠层是 15 次 ( 由 20 下调 ) -Vaal Power Siphon's radius has been reduced to 70 units
( down from 120 ) .瓦尔力量抽取的半径现在是 70 ( 从 120 下降 ) ======天赋改动Vaal Pact has been significantly reworked. It no longer grants instantaneous Life Leech, and instead doubles the rate of your Life Leech as well as your maximum Leech rate. It has been moved into the Duelist's area.瓦尔冥约重做。不再给予即刻生命偷取,作为替代会使你的生命偷取率以及最大偷取率变为双倍。移动到决斗者区域。The passive skills behind Mind over Matter now grant 10% increased Mana
( down from 12% )
on the non-notables, and 30% increased Mana
( down from 40% )
and 40 added mana
( down from 100 )
on the notable.心灵升华后的天赋现在分别给予增加 10% 魔力 ( 12% 下调 ) ,增加 30% 魔力 ( 40% 下调 ) ,核心天赋 " 灵魂滋养 " 增加 40 点最大魔力 ( 由 100 点下调 ) 。The Hematophagy notable now grants 3% of maximum Life per second to Maximum Leech Rate
( down from 5% ) .核心天赋 " 吸血 " 现在增加 +3% 最大生命偷取率。 ( 由 5% 下调 ) The Vitality Void notable now grants 3% of maximum Life per second to Maximum Leech Rate
( down from 5% ) .核心天赋 " 活力虚空 " 现在增加 +3% 最大生命偷取率。 ( 由 5% 下调 ) Passive skills which previously granted increased Melee Physical Damage while holding a Shield now grant increased Physical Attack Damage while holding a Shield
( it is no longer restricted to Melee ) .一些 " 持盾时增加近战物理伤害 " 天赋改为 " 持盾时增加物理攻击伤害 "。 ( 不再限定近战 ) 题外话:3.0 解包数据挖掘看到,本来要加入一个投盾的物理攻击技能的 ( 美队? ) ,持盾且近战武器限定,投射物攻击,但是不知道为何没有加入 ( 此修改估计为了迎合这些新的近战武器的投射物技能 .. ) Many passive skills which previously only provided defensive bonuses while using a shield now also grant increased physical attack damage and damage with ailments while holding a shield.许多只提供持盾时防御增益的天赋现在也会增加物理攻击和异常状态伤害了。Removed one of the passive skills leading to the Ash, Frost and Storm notable
( near the Scion ) .删除了一个通往核心天赋 " 三相之力 " ( 靠近贵族区域 ) 路径上的一个天赋点。 ( 省了 1 点 ) ======升华改动Slayer: Brutal Fervour no longer grants +10% of maximum Life per second to maximum Life Leech rate.处刑者:" 残暴热情 " 不再增加 +10% 最大生命偷取率。======角色属性改动Intimidate now causes enemies to take 10% increased Attack Damage
( rather than 10% increased Damage ) ." 威吓 " ( 由冠军升华 " 嗜战如命 " 和暗金 " 狡徒束腰 " 提供 ) 现在只会使敌人承受攻击伤害增加 +10% ( 之前是 +10% 伤害,冠军正火拜拜 ) The experience penalty at very high levels has been increased. This predominantly affects characters at level 95 and above.较高等级的角色升级所需经验提升。这只会影响 95 级及以上的角色。======以下由 29 楼补充:主要改动- 一个作为裂界的神祕势力正在异界地图上出没着 , 散播着腐败并与塑造者争夺掌控权 .- 新增 32 个异界地图 , 包含 2 张独特地图 .- 新增与裂界者跟他的四个守护者 Boss 战- 推出塑者化 / 裂界化物品 . 这些物品只能在塑造者或裂界者领的区域中 , 或直接击败塑造者或裂界者获得 . 塑者化 / 裂界者化装备拥有独特的词缀池并且有许多比现有词缀还强的区间 ( 比 T1 还强,可能同精髓一样,为 T0 词缀 ) .- 新增任务 - 沙之女皇 . 在第九章完成风暴飞刃 ( The Storm Blade ) 后跟 Petarus 和 Vanja 对话来获得此任务 . 原先暴风飞刃技能点奖励移至沙之女皇任务 . 暴风飞刃奖励改为黄色 ( 稀有 ) 武器 .- 新增 48 种独特装备- 新增 6 种新的命运卡深渊赛季这是一个崭新的赛季,你还是可以有 HC 和标准两种模式选择,每种模式也会有相应的 SSF 模式 ( 独立自主 ) 。随着玩家在深渊竞赛的探索,你们也许会发现有一些深渊裂缝,可以从里面进入下面的深渊深处。 当你通过一场惊心动魄的战斗,击败可怕的深渊守卫,你们会发现这些深渊深处充满了惊人的财宝,如果是在高级地图里探索深渊可能会导致遇到一个深渊巫妖。 这些充满力量的巫妖是相当罕见的,但和他们战斗,你会非常有收获。 击败巫妖是获得独一无二的深渊暗金的唯一途径。从深渊的怪物和箱子那里可以得到深渊宝石。 像其他宝石一样,这些可以被放置在天赋树里,给予强大的支持。 但是不像其他的珠宝,他们不仅有一套独家新的属性,同时也可以放在你的深渊腰带上! 这些腰带可以在新的深渊暗金物品或者一个新的腰带底材 ( Stygian Vise ) 上得到深渊赛季包括 40 个全新的挑战。 当你完成 12 个挑战时,你会收到深渊头盔皮肤。 24 个的时候,你会收到深渊之翼。 当你完成你的第 36 个挑战时,你会收到深渊传送门特效。 记住 : 这些特效只能在深渊同盟中获得。同样的,从第 19 次挑战开始,之后每完成三次新的挑战,你都会收到一张深渊图腾柱的装饰品,以显示在你的藏身处。 图腾柱将会永久性地展示你在这个联盟中完成了多少次深渊挑战。道具改动命运卡位置、掉率大改女王手改动存在遗产狮吼水的击退效果只能由近战伤害触发狼蛛 掉率变超低毕斯寇的项圈 掉率变低男爵头现在只能套用一半的力量一堆 boss ( T17 T16 女王 ...... ) 不再免疫冰冻 但是如果被冰冻 boss 会以最低速度来活动图克玛哈的先锋 ( SR 图腾怪 )
的图腾持续时间从 10 秒降到 5 秒 而且当插了一根图腾时 更难触发第 2 根正火熊燃烧伤害更低地图改动某些的地图 boss 重置或掉换地图越难走 怪越多boss 房有魔法怪暗影祭坛新增一种只出现在终极迷宫的种类预言改动掉落传说装的预言位置被改动 而且有机会掉落直接 6L札娜地图 mod等级二 : 混乱
( 混沌石 *2 ) : 地图内含有 3 个额外流亡者 , 增加 20% 物品数量等级三 : 血族
( 混沌石 *3 ) : 魔法怪物拥有血族 mod, 地图内含有 25% 更多魔法怪物 , 增加 20% 物品数量等级四 : 超越
( 混沌石 *3 ) : 击杀聚集的敌人可能吸引来自超越联盟的怪物 , 增加 20% 物品数量等级四 : 天佑勇者
( 新 modFortune Favours the Brave )
( 混沌石 *3 ) : 随机获得地图仪上的一个词坠 ( P.S. 就说这个版的札娜有的 mod 都有可能开出来 , 就算等级不够可以开到 ) 等级五 : 伏击
( 混沌石 *4 ) : 地图裡有 3 个额外的保险箱等级六 : 支配
( 混沌石 *4 ) : 区域内包含额外 3 个保险箱等级七 : 精随
( 混沌石 *5 ) : 区域包含额外 2 个精随等级八 : 裂痕
( 混沌石 *6 ) : 区域包含额外 2 个裂痕原网页已经由 ZAKER 转码以便在移动设备上查看


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