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& & & &减肥的过程着实让人很痛苦,过去减肥可能还都是要不断运动,而且一天至少是要有两个小时以上的运动时间,而且要不断增加运动量,这样才能够保证代谢足够的热量。最主要的就是我们不能够吃得太多,少吃多运动永远都是减肥的第一要领,但是这对忙碌的现代人来讲,真的是不太合适,还容易出现多方面的问题。如果能够使用到台湾陈氏冰火灸价格优惠,又非常有减肥效果保障的产品,绝对是可以让我们更加安心。而且现在购买这款产品也是有一定优惠的,想要了解价格或者是购买到优惠产品,通过官网是首选。
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& & & &如果说本身体重基数较大,那么基本上一个星期就可以看到非常好的效果,尤其是减肚子非常明显。而且减肥并不是一朝一夕的事情,这款产品是从我们身体内部进行调理,有效增加基础代谢率,让你的代谢率上升,即便是后期不再使用产品也能够保证一个高代谢,让你真的成为吃不胖的体质,才是最完美的减肥方案。相识即是缘,如果你也被肥胖所困扰,不如关注陈氏冰火灸官网,祝大家越来越美丽!
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It will not require much space to indicate the main sources of information
in genealogical research. Having decided to trace back our own lines, we
naturally turn first to the living members of our family. If we have parents
living and accessible,—grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles,
great-aunts, cousins, or others who are likely to know more about the family
than we do,—let us consult them, personally if we may, by letter if we must. We
expect to learn most from the older members of the family, provided that their
faculties are unimpaired. Certainly we should make no delay in applying to the
aged, before the opportunity passes away forever.
But when we have gathered all the facts and traditions which these sources
can contribute, the main work of research begins. Our advice at this point can
be given here only in a general way. "The next thing to do" depends upon the
peculiar circumstances of each case—upon the known facts, the localities
to-which they point, and the character of the resources in each locality. We
have devised a plan of rendering assistance in such cases to those who need it
which will be explained at the end of this chapter.
In a general way we here refer to the wills, deeds, intestate records, tax
and court records on file at the county seats, and to the miscellaneous records,
often[Pg 20] of great value for genealogical purposes, on file at the State
Capitals. The value of church registers has been mentioned. They contain
membership rolls, and records of marriages, baptisms and deaths. In many cases
the date of birth is given with that of baptism. In New England and many other
places, the old town records are exceedingly valuable sources, the births of
children being frequently recorded, besides early property transactions,
contracts, and much else showing the status of the early settlers in the
The records in old family Bibles are often "shortcuts," while other family
papers, if old, frequently have a special value. The records on tombstones are a
resource apparent to all. The Pension Bureau at Washington has records of the
soldiers of the Revolutionary and later wars who drew pensions. Early warrants
for the survey of lands are recorded at many State Capitals. A large
miscellaneous collection of historical manuscripts, many of them containing
genealogical information, will be found in the custody of historical and
genealogical societies.
The resources in libraries are almost endless. The genealogical works
already published are a host in themselves, to which we must add the genealogies
given completely, or in part, in periodicals. The line we are interested in may
have appeared in one of them, or may be referred to in their pages. Certain
indexes in book form help us to find them, and should be consulted at the
Many States have published their archives, and of town and county histories
there are not a few. A number of important church registers can be consulted in
print, and even the tombstone inscriptions have, in some cases, been published.
The Revolutionary records of most of the States are now accessible in printed
form, as are many of the valuable papers held by historical and genealogical
societies. In certain libraries can be found a large collection of exceedingly
valuable genealogical and heraldic works covering the countries which
contributed the bulk of early emigration to the American colonies and
States—Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, and Germany. The publishers of
this book have arranged a means for placing these and other library sources at
the service of those who do not have access to them, or who have not the time or
disposition to consult such authorities for themselves. This plan is described
at the end of the chapter.
Having learned all that relatives can tell us about our family, we are
ready to turn to these other sources. All systems of gathering information are
systems of taking notes. Thus the question of proper notebooks presents itself.
This matter, however, we relegate to other chapters, in connection with the two
plans for genealogical works, for each plan has its suitable notebook. But here
we simply remark that the question is all-important. Upon its solution depends
our escape from the old task-master, Drudgery, who stands ready to burden the
pleasure of[Pg 22] our pursuit with pains and toil if we do not circumvent
Use plenty of paper, writing on one side only, in a plain hand. Write with
pen and ink where possible. A good fountain pen is a handy friend, though some
libraries do not permit its use when consulting books. In such cases a lead
pencil must be employed. We prefer a moderately soft one, which makes a heavy
black mark without tiring the hand by requiring much pressure, and we carry
several, well sharpened, with a knife to keep them so.
There is only one right way of making notes, and that is to give the full
authority for our facts when we note the facts themselves. This applies to
personal information, as well as to that obtained from books and documents. Take
the case of the information obtained from our relatives. Was some of it secured
by correspondence? If so, the letter itself gives the name and address of the
informant, together with the date. This is as it should be. But if it is not
certain whether some part of the contents is based upon the personal knowledge
of the writer, the statements of another, hearsay, or general tradition, it is
well to write again and have the source of the information clearly established.
Only so can we rightly judge of its value. If our information was obtained in a
conversation, the name and address of the informant should be noted, with the
date of the interview. The foundation of his information should also be learned
and recorded.
The moment of first hearing the facts, when the joy of discovery and the
satisfaction of making progress are upon us, is the psychological moment for
making our notes. It is a positive delight while the fever of enthusiasm is
high. As our informant begins his story, let us interrupt with the cry of the
enthusiast, "I must jot that down!" Out comes our notebook, conveying to our
friend a very distinct impression of the importance of being accurate. He
collects himself, and proceeds to give his facts and traditions with the
greatest care. As we stop him with questions, or take time to write the facts,
his memory is stimulated. With skillful questions the genealogical worker can
draw out all the information, taking care to cover every point which may come up
In consulting books and documents we generally wish to copy in full all
important references, and we will initiate the reader into a cunning stratagem
of the old campaigner. We often run across a paper or paragraph which we can see
at a glance is a "find." We do not read it through, but simply skim over it to
make sure of the portion which we desire, and then begin the work—nay, the
delightful pastime—of copying it. What a pleasure it is, absorbing the contents,
line by line, as we transfer it to our archives! And there is a bit of solid
wisdom in this method, for the chance of errors in copying is less when the
interest is at fever heat than when the work is done in a mechanical way.
Mistakes in copying are further diminished by placing a card or sheet of
paper above the line which we are transcribing,—a device which saves the eyes
the strain of finding the place on the page every time we look up from the
notebook. Never fail to accompany each extract copied into the notebook with the
authority from which it is taken. If from a book, give author, title, date of
publication, volume and page. If from a public record or document, give volume
and page, with the office or society, the town or city where the original is
deposited. Along with extracts from books, it is well to note the library where
they were consulted. We may wish to refer to the books again, and are likely to
forget in which of the libraries we found them. After making an extract, compare
it with the original, to guard against errors in copying.
The true method of genealogical investigation is to follow as far as
possible the methods of the lawyer. Not, indeed, that genealogical research has
anything to do with the learned quibbles of a legal dry-bones! Far from it. But
the genealogist may well proceed as would a lawyer whose case could only be won
for his client by demonstrating a line of descent. The value of the legal method
lies in the fact that it proceeds, step by step, toward the accumulation of
positive proofs. If the demonstration of an ancestral link depends upon recorded
wills, the lawyer will obtain certified copies of such wills, to be presented in
court as evidence. If the proof lies in a deed, which[Pg 25] perhaps
demonstrates the relationship of husband and wife, or father and son, a
certified copy of the deed is secured. If the family record be found in a Bible,
and the book itself cannot be obtained for presentation in court, the record is
copied and certified, and the history of the ownership of the book established
by personal testimony or affidavits. In the same way extracts from church
registers and tombstones are
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