offte 常用办公软件有哪些些

Specialist Stat.&DC
统计及文件控制专员 (459627)
Specialist Stat.&DC
Main responsibilities:
1.Learning (over 8hrs training) and be familiar with FTE quality and environment standard requirement, and keep all work achieve the requirement of FTE quality and environmental standard
& 学习(超8小时的培训)并熟悉FTE质量及环境标准要求,并确保所有工作按相关标准要求进行。
2.Be responsible for organize the receiving ,reviewing and distribution for all the external&internal documents.
& 负责组织内外部文件的接收,评审,发布。
3.Be responsible for the relevant application of Q-Tools ,e.g , Q-Star,TDM, Audit Manager, etc.
& 负责相关质量工具的应用,如Q-star ,TDM 及审核管理等 。
4.Be responsible for the daily management of Q-Records.
& 负责质量记录的管理。
5.Assist Quality Manager to perform the daily statististic&management of Quality data.
& 协助质量经理做好质量数据的统计,管理与发布工作。
6.Assist internal and external process&system audits (ISO , TS 16949 ,OHSAS); follow up audit reports and implement improvements.
& 协助管理者代表实施内外部体系及过程审核相关(ISO , TS16949,OHSAS),跟踪审核报告和改善活动实施。
7.Support theTemporary task assignment by directly supervisor.
& 支持主管领导安排的临时任务。
1.Above bachoelor degree,CET-06 degree or above
2.Skill for English communication by oral and writte
3.Basic knowledge of TS/VDA Standard
& 掌握TS及其VDA标准的基本知识
4.Familiar with Excel and word software etc
& 熟练使用Excel和 word等办公软件
本页更新时间: 12:27:53 []主要城市:
运营经理:岗位职责:1.负责公司文化馆项目的日常运营和推广工作,通过线上和线下手段,以资源互换、软性营销、活动、合作、渠道等多种方法,实现下载量、安装量、活跃度、访问量目标;2.领导运营组制定以及执行运营方案,并跟进实施,进行高效的项目管理,保证进度;3.分析产品数据,并根据公司经营目标与战略,建立会员转化及留存模型,做好会员生命周期管理;4.负责文化馆活动策划、线上线下推广,不断提升微信端与网站端用户量和活跃度;5.负责发展与维护合作伙伴关系,策划合作伙伴、会员、公司共赢的运营营销方案,并落地执行;6.分析整理用户需求,协助产品总监,不断完善产品功能和用户体验。7.完成文化馆及上级领导安排的其它工作事项。任职要求:1.本科以上学历,五年以上互联网产品运营经验,对产品运营思路和方法及互联网行业有深入认识和了解;2.对工作充满热情,富有创新精神,能够迅速捕捉互联网热点并策划符合移动用户口味的网络营销创意;3. 精通文化产品和社交产品,对互联网的运营和推广有比较深刻的认识,掌握丰富的推广方法及客户资源;4.较强的数据分析和项目管理能力,了解市场动态和目标用户心理;5.对数据敏感,善于分析总结,并有效提升产品留存率及DAU。
岗位职责:1、完成教学中心招生指标,及时提交招生进度报表。 2、组织各项主题活动,实施后予以总结反思。 3、制订月度销售指标分配方案,提交给总部,向课程顾问团队进行宣讲。 4、协调教学部向目标客户提供优质DEMO课,及时向教研中心提出教研要求。 5、严格执行教学中心各项制度,加强团队执行力与凝聚力。 6、制定教学中心市场计划,监督计划实施,向总部提交市场执行分析报告。 7、考核团队各项指标完成情况,制定团队培训计划,组织资源实施培训。 8、执行教学中心家长满意度标准,向总部提交家长管理报表。任职要求:1、教育相关专业及心理学相关专业优先。2、具备一定的行业管理经验,有一定的管理思维与管理技巧 。3、有3年以上幼少儿教育行业的销售或相关教学经验者优先。4、了解幼少儿家长心理,善于家长沟通与专业引导 。工作地址鼓楼区湖滨路78号闽发西湖广场1号楼4层
3、3个以上系统项目架构设计与开发经验; 4、具有大型互联网+/saas系统项目设计开发经验;
5、精通Java开发语言,了解js等开设设计语言; 6、熟练掌握spring boot+spring cloud开发框架; 7、熟练掌握mysql、sqlserver、oracle等数据库; 8、熟练使用ppt/word等文案编制工具;
1:30岁-45岁 ,身体健康; 2:全面主持商场楼层的管理工作,配合公司的各项营销策略的实施; 3:监督商品的进货、上货、补货,做好进货验收、商品陈列、商品质量和服务质量管理等有关作业; 2:大专以上学历,有3-5年的商场管理经验; 3:有团队协作意识,善于沟通,具有强效的组织能力; 4:监督商场内的清洁卫生,负责保卫、防火等作业管理; 5:妥善处理顾客投诉和服务工作中所发生的各种矛盾; 5:负责对员工的培训教育; 6:责任心强、工作扎实,有独立解决处理的能力; 7:良好的心理素质,能承受较大的工作压力; 8:愿意出国工作;9:公司网站
公司福利: 2年一个月带薪休假,来回机票由公司报销作;
1、负责与组织体系相关的活动(IATF16949、ISO1;主机厂的体系认证活动:Ford Q1、QCA等 ) 2、负责与法令相关的3C认证、E-mark认证等; 3、本科及以上学历; 4、五年以上工作经验,汽车行业优先考虑。
【只要你――】年轻积极:18-30岁,拥有大专及以上学历乐观热情:乐于善于与人沟通,喜欢从事服务业勤奋好学:有强烈的学习意愿和能力热爱挑战:适应倒班、晚班和高效的工作节奏如果你是大学最后1年的学生(专科大三/本科大四),也欢迎加入我们的学生直通车计划,快人一步,成为储备经理。您将从事:餐厅现场人员管理,订货排班,成本控制,设备维护等营运系统管理工作您将得到:1、全面的个人成长:系统的课程规划+全程1对1导师辅导,让你在3-4年内成为百胜核心人物――餐厅经理!成为“专业品牌打造者、销售利润管理精英、人员管理专家以及公关达人”!2、清晰的职业发展:100%内部升迁。储备经理--副经理--资深副经理--餐厅经理--更高的管理岗位3、快乐的企业文化:在“欢乐自在、年轻激情、认同鼓励的大家庭”中快乐成长!灵活公平的薪酬:- 月薪+绩效奖金,首年年薪约4.5-5万(成为餐厅经理后年薪可达10万左右)- 每年进行绩效调薪完善贴心的福利:- 五险一金?必须有!还有额外商业医疗保险(子女也可以享受哦)- 工作节奏快?除了每周休息2天,另有带薪年假10天起,让你获得充分放松- 工作压力大?年度大型主题趴、每年N次户外旅游、员工家族活动、员工生日惊喜趴……让你参加到腿软!- 初来乍到心发慌?各种主题工作室教你如何轻松处理工作,更有机会和市场总经理面对面,详解公司战略,确定奋进目标!当然,人生不仅仅是工作――- 需要租房?可以申请公积金租房政策(以当地申请政策为准)- 需要买房?公司为餐厅经理提供购房零利息贷款及利息补贴- 节日?生日?结婚?生子?各种贺礼让你拿到手软- 健康也很重要!每年安排定期体检-毕业户口怎么办?全日制本科及以上学历应届毕业生公司可协助办理厦门落户哦工作地点:市区及周边餐厅均可(未来还有机会可跨区域转调哦)
任职资格:1、学历、专业要求:企业管理、工商管理相关专业,本科或以上学历;2、工作年限:五年以上企业管理相关工作经验;3、行业背景:有教育培训从业背景为佳;4、技能技巧:熟悉企业运作、经营管理流程;5、具有良好的领导力、沟通协调能力、计划与落实执行能力;6、其他要求:正直诚信、具有良好职业道德和团队精神,工作细致、严谨,负责心强。岗位要求:1、全面负责、主持本中心日常经营、行政及管理工作,按岗位职责过滤日常工作执行情况,   审核批复各类工作流程,确保高质量的教学水平及客户服务水平;2、管理并激励各部门工作绩效,协调各部门工作,建立和谐、高效的员工团队;3、执行学员初评/复评工作,负责家长咨询、建议;4、定期家长沟通,建立良好的家校联系,提供良好的客户服务,提升家长满意度;5、与各类渠道客户、各类合作机构建立良好沟通、并保持长期、稳定的友好关系;6、组织实施各类型市场活动,带领中心销售人员全面落实总部营销政策,确保完成销售业绩任务;7、负责本中心教学督导及教学管理工作,确保中心教学质量及训练成效。8、处理本中心客户投诉、重大事件、意外事故等;9、负责本中心财务管理工作,负责每月与总部结算工作;10、配合总部开展各类活动。
岗位职责: 1、全面负责规模团队有效建设、管理团队,带领团队完成销售目标; 2、负责开发和建设市场营销渠道,加大公司产品市场占有率; 3、负责销售大客户的开发和维护工作,树立企业良好形象。 任职要求: 1、3年以上特种水产饲料行业营销工作经验; 2、农业、水产养殖学、饲料学、畜牧学、生物类、动物类及市场营销学等相关专业。
1、研究公司技术发展战略,规划公司产品的技术构架与新产品开发,并负责产品项目研发流程的规划、审查和监督研发项目管理进程。2、负责公司技术研发团队的管理工作,带领团队完成年度任务目标和项目的开发。3、与各部门之间协调配合,支持产品、运营等部门的日常产品和研发需求,确保产品平台服务的稳定性。4、负责指导制定、审核公司技术管理制度和技术规程标准,建立高效的研发过程管理和质量管理体系。5、负责技术团队的建设和管理,注重人才培养和营造创新高绩效的研发文化。6、制定考核指标和评估体系,以确保员工成功实现部门工作目标。任职要求:1、8年以上互联网行业技术团队管理经验,有独立规划架构,开发大型项目者优先考虑;有在智慧教育、直播等行业工作经验者更佳。2、精通PHP,熟悉 Laravel、Swoole;熟悉MySQL数据库使用及优化,熟悉Redis、Memcache。3、熟悉网络安全、性能、瓶颈分析和管理、熟悉主流Web开发技术。4、有较强的领导能力,良好的沟通协调能力,良好的沟通、协作和学习能力,有丰富的团队管理经验。
岗位职责:1. 负责培训公司所有讲师2. 负责教学质量把关3. 负责新教研产品开发4.负责各校区培训课排课和调度5. 机动调度及公开课主讲。 任职要求:1、全日制本科以上学历,热爱本专业;2、中级以上会计职称?福利:1. 上班时间:月休5天,8小时/均天;2. 享有社保五险,优秀员工奖、年终奖、工龄工资、股权分红等;3. 享有婚假、产假、丧假、法定节假日等;4. 享有丰富的员工活动:聚餐、户外拓展训练、郊游、生日、晚会等;5. 我们为全员提供专业系统化岗前培训、岗中管理能力提升训练;6. 公司提供住宿;优秀人才薪资可面议
工作职责:1、全面负责门店管理工作,确保门店良好的发展;2、制订和组织实施门店整体经营管理规划和年度工作计划,并负责完成责任目标和年度计划。3、负责制定、落实、完善门店各项管理规章、制度和操作流程。4、全面完成任务指标和工作计划,不断提高经营管理水平、服务管理水平和经济效益。5、加强员工队伍建设,提高员工队伍号召力和凝聚力。6、负责销售管理,达成销售目标;7、上级安排的其它临时任务。任职资格:1、 本科及以上学历;2、 5年以上体育用品或零售行业管理职位,或2年同岗位管理经验;3、独立处理问题的能力、分析能力,出色的协调、沟通应变能力。
岗位职责:1. 完成商场出租率和收缴率的指标任务,执行商户资源整 合、优化、考核政策,不断提升本品类竞争力;2. 负责进、撤场装修客户的展位图纸、资讯材料、合同的审 核,确定合作的主要条款,安排客户进、撤场具体事宜, 做好厂商与商场各部门的协调工作;3. 协助商户及营业员的培训、管理,并保持重点品牌客户的维护与管理,与场内重点客户保持密切联系;4. 了解对方销售情况、心理动态,协调解决客户实际问题;建立商户储备资源与厂商租赁情况档案;定期向上级领导提交客户状况分析报告;5. 监督、检查商户资质档案、工作的合规性;6. 监督、检查质量、环保检测工作实施的合规性;7. 监督、检查商户《定销货单》填写及商户价格、价签管理 的合规性;8. 定期安排对市场进行调研并出具报告,组织分析对手商 场情况,制订应对措施;9. 洞察商场周边商业环境,带领所属人员完成企划营销活 动中的资源整合、商户动员、活动执行等工作;10. 监督并控制本部门业务费用开支,辅助商场顾客服务部 的各项工作与商品售后服务工作,对下属人员出勤、绩 效、发展方向等方面进行有效管理;11. 根据集团招商管理中心及商场经营管理需要,制定并设 计相关业务管理制度、流程及品牌引进、布局调整等方案;12. 根据集团拟定的出租价格方案,结合三方会审指导意见, 细化本商场的出租价格定位,组织开展合同续签,完成商场出租率绩效指标;13. 负责本商场家具、建材、家装类品牌的优化;14. 了解所在商场的布局、定位、品牌结构及重点经销商的销 售情况,对商场制订的调整规划、品牌引进、退场等工作进行指导、监督;审核商户合同,并确定合作的主要条款;15. 定期进行市场调研,了解家具、建材、地产等其他商业、 行业市场动态,持续关注竞争商场信息,研究品牌发展趋 势,分析市场远景;16. 负责主营业务外的异业研究、规划、拓展和实施;17. 完成上级领导交办的其他工作。任职要求:1、大专及以上学历;市场营销或管理类相关专业;2、五年以上楼层管理工作经验,三年以上大型建材、家具等零售业商 场同等岗位工作经验;了解相关法律法规,熟练使用办公软件;3、有商业敏感性和服务意识,熟悉当地商业竞争环境,了解商业布局、 商品陈列、营运现场管理的业务知识;4、有一定的沟通谈判能力、团队建设能力及快速学习能力,具有高度 的工作责任心。面试地点:福建省泉州市洛江区万安万虹公路与安和路交叉口红星美凯龙商场五楼办公中心人力行政部工作地点:福建省内本岗位投递方式:联系方式:16111(合则约见)公司福利:月休八天,八小时工作制,提供工作餐,交通津贴,办理五险一金,员工体检、旅游等。
未经51job同意,不得转载本网站之所有招聘信息及作品 | 无忧工作网版权所有&All of the audience by 10 o′clock, but the professor arranged to give the lecture until fifte——精英家教网——
All of the audience by 10 o′clock, but the professor arranged to give the lecture until fifteen minutes later. A. hasn′t turned up B. didn′t turn up C. didn′t turn up D. hadn′t turned up 【】
Mr Smith was the manager of a hotel in Springfield. One weekend all of the hotels in the city were full because there was a large meeting. Late in the evening three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms. Mr Smith explained that because of the meeting, there were no rooms ready for use. The men were very unhappy because they had no place to stay in.Mr Smith wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 414, a very small room, was empty. He asked them if they would share a room. The three men agreed. Mr Smith told them that the room would cost $30: $10 for each. Each of them gave Mr Smith $10, and they went up to the room.Mr Smith soon began to feel sorry. “Thirty dollars is too much for that small room,” he thought. He called one of his men over and said, “Here is $ 5. Bring it to the man in Room 414. I’ve asked too much money for their room.”The worker took the money from his manager. While he was on his way to Room 414, he started to think, “How can I divide $5? Well, I’ll give each of them only $1 and I keep $2. The men will be happy to get anything back. I’ll make a little money and Mr Smith will never know.” So he returned $1 to each man.You see, there come a problem, each man had at first paid $10. After the worker returned them $1 each, each man had paid 9. There were three men, $9 x 3 =" $27." The worker kept $2 —$27+$2="29." Where is the missing dollar?【小题1】Which of the following is True?A.The large meeting was held in this hotel.B.The three men stayed together in one room.C.Each of the three men got a small room. D.Room 414 was the office for Mr Smith.【小题2】 Where was the missing dollar?A.There wasn’t any missing dollar at all.B.It was taken by the worker too.C.It was taken by the manager Mr Simith.D.It was taken by the three men themselves.【小题3】 Put the following sentences in correct order.a. Three men went into the hotel for a room. &&&&&& b. Mr Smith felt sorry to have asked for too much.c. They paid 30 dollars altogether for one room.&& d. The worker gave one dollar back to each of them.e. Mr Smith thought of a small room, still empty.& f. The worker was given 5 dollar to return to them.A.c→b→e→a→d→fB.c→d→f→e→a→bC.a→c→b→e→f→dD.a→e→c→b→f→d【小题4】What is the best title of this text?A.The Kind Manager.B.Three Men Came to the HotelC.A Strange Maths ProblemD.$27 + $2 = $29
Alzheimer’s disease is a major national healthproblem. Nearly 2 million Americans over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’sdisease. It is a leading cause of death among the elderly. But Alzheimer’sdisease is not confined (限于) to the aged. There may be a million ormore people under the age of 65 suffering from the disease.  At one time,people suffering from the disease were said to be“getting old”.The disease wasthought to be a natural part of growing old, but it is now known thatAlzheimer’s disease strikes young and old alike. It is an organic disease whichdestroys brain cells.  Alzheimer’sdisease affects the patient’s memory, speech, and movement. In the beginningstages of the disease, the patient may seem slightly confused. He may havetrouble speaking, then the patient’s memory begins to fail. He may forgetdates, numbers, names and plans.As the disease progresses, the patient may notrecognize family and friends. These symptoms(症状) oftencause terrible anxiety in the patient. He may feel lost and frightened. Sometimesthe patient reacts with wild and bad behavior.  In the laststages of the disease, the patient may not be able to take care of himself. Hemay have lost the ability to speak and walk.  Scientistsdon’t know exactly what causes Alzheimer’s disease. It may be caused by avirus.It may be caused by a poisonous substance(物质) inthe environment. At present, there is no cure for the disease. But there areways to slow its progress. Exercise and physical treatment can help thepatients of this disease.1.The main idea of the passage is that Alzheimer’sdisease a terriblepart of the aging an organicdisease that affects young and oldC.can be curedby physical treatmentD.causesforgetfulness2.All of the following are symptoms of Alzheimer’sdisease EXCEPT________.A.forgetfulness&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.difficulty inspeakingC.loss of sight&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.loss of theability to walk3.According to the passage, which of the following maybe a cause of Alzheimer’s disease?A.Poisonsproduced by the brain.&&&&&&&&&&&& B.Getting old.C.A virus.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.Lack ofexercise.4.The progress of Alzheimer’s disease can be slowedby________.A.operation&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.a change inenvironmentC.medicines&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.physicaltreatment and exercise&
As the United States nears the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that killed more than 3,000 people, President Obama announced Sunday night that the al Qaeda(基地组织) leader and mastermind of that horrific day, Osama bin Laden, has been killed.CNN reports that a senior government official confirmed that bin Laden was shot by a small team of U.S. soldiers while in a mansion with family members outside Islamabad(伊斯兰堡). His body is now in American custody(拘押) and is being handled according to Islamic customs. Three other adult men were killed in the firefight, including a son of bin Laden's, who was a senior member of the terrorist organization."Justice has been done," the president announced, saying that the operation he ordered after receiving intelligence information is "the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al-Qaeda."The immediate reactions ranged from cautious to ecstatic. Crowds cheered outside the White House. But officials said a "worldwide caution" would be set for Americans in case of al Qaeda retaliation(报复).Will bin Laden's death be the justice Americans have sought for nearly a decade?Gordon Felt, president of Families of Flight 93, said it does bring comfort."This is important news for us, and for the world. It cannot ease our pain, or bring back our loved ones. It does bring a measure of comfort that the mastermind of the September 11th tragedy and the face of global terror can no longer spread his evil," Felt said.President Obama says this victory does not close the book."His death does not mark the end of our effort. There's no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must and we will remain cautious," he noted.【小题1】The underlined word “ecstatic” most probably means _________.&&&&A.scaredB.extremely happy and excitedC.doubtfulD.amazed【小题2】The author mentions all of the items listed below EXCEPT_________.&A.Four people were killed in the firefight.B.Families of the victims in the 9/11 attacks celebrated together.C.President Obama thought highly of the Anti-Terrorist Military Action D.Obama thought that al Qaeda will continue attack against the United States.【小题3】It can be inferred from the text _________.&A.The 9/11 attacks happened on September 11, 2001.B.Osama bin Laden has three sons.C.Some soldiers were injured in the firefight.D.More than 3000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.【小题4】From the last paragraph we can learn that _________.&&A.Osama bin Laden’s death will put an end to terrorism.B.President Obama doesn’t think bin Laden's death is a victory.C.The United States will make efforts to defeat the al-QaedaD.The al Qaeda has a new leader now.
阅读下列材料, 从所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E 和 F)中, 选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Prepare for Rainy DaysC. Get AggressiveE. Set the GoalB. Watch Your Spending D. Start SavingF. Save MoreSteps to Retire a MillionaireHaving a million-dollar portfolio is a retirement dream for many people. Making that dream come true requires some serious effort. While success is never a sure thing, the steps outlined below will go a long way toward helping you achieve your objective. 61.&&&&&&&Vacations, car, kids and all of life's other expenses take a big chunk out of your paycheck. To maximize your savings, you need to minimize your expenses. Buying a home you can afford and living a lifestyle that is below your means and not funded by credit cards are all necessities if you want to boost your savings. 62.&&&&&&&If you don't save, you'll never reach your goal. As obvious as this might seems, far too many people never even start to save. If your employer offers a 401(k) plan, enrolling in the plan is a great way to put your savings on autopilot. Simply sign up for the plan and contributions&will be&automatically taken out of your paycheck, increasing your savings and decreasing your immediate tax liability. If your employer offers to match your contributions up to a certain percentage, be sure to contribute enough to get the full match. It's like getting a guaranteed return on your investment. Finding the cash to stash may be a challenge, particularly when you're young, but don't let that stop you from pursuing future riches. 63.&&&&&&&Studies have shown that the majority of the returns generated by an investment are dictated by the asset-allocation decision. If you are looking to grow your wealth over time, fixed-income investments aren't likely to get the job done, and inflation can take a big chunk out of your savings. Investing in equities entails more risk, but is also statistically likely to lead to greater returns. For many of us, it's a risk we have to take if want to see our wealth grow. Asset-allocation strategies&can help you learn how to make picking the right mix of securities the core of your investing strategy. 64.&&&&&&&Part of long-term planning involves accepting the idea that setbacks will occur. If you are not prepared, these setbacks can put a stop to your savings efforts. While you can't avoid all of the bumps in the road, you can prepare in advance to mitigate the damage they can do. 65.&&&&&&&Your income should rise as time passes. You'll get raises, you'll change jobs, and maybe you'll get married and become a two-income family. Every time more cash comes in to your pocket, you should increase the amount that you save. The key to reaching your goal as quickly as possible is to save as much as you can.
&&Today, we complete our storyabout the influential English writer William Shakespeare. He wrote plays andpoems during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, which remainvery popular today.During earlier times, people would probably havelearned several ancient Roman and Greek plays. It was not unusual for writersto produce more current versions of these works. For example, in Shakespeare’splay “The Comedy of Errors”, Shakespeare borrowed certain details from theancient Roman writer Plautus. For his play “Macbeth”, Shakespeare most likelyused a work on Scottish history by Raphael Holinshed for information.Shakespeare might have borrowed from other writers, but the intensity(强度)of his imagination and language made the plays hisown. While many plays by other writers of his time have been forgotten,Shakespeare and his art live on.Shakespeare was also influenced by the world aroundhim. He described the sights and sounds of London in his plays. His worksinclude observations about political struggles, the fear of diseases, and thepopular language of the city’s tradesmen. Shakespeare’s knowledge of theEnglish countryside is also clear. His works include descriptions of deepforests, local flowers, and the ancient popular traditions of rural people.It would be impossible to list all of the ways inwhich Shakespeare’s works have influenced the world culture. But the first andgreatest example would be his great influence on the English language. Duringhis time, the English language was changing. Many new words from otherlanguages were being added. Shakespeare used his sharp mind and poeticinventiveness to create hundreds of new words and rework old ones. For example,he created the noun forms of “critic”, “mountaineer” and “eyeball”. Many commonexpressions in English come from his plays, including “pomp and circumstance(装腔作势)” from “Othello”, “full circle(绕圈子地)” from “King Lear”, etc. The list of cultural creationsinfluenced by Shakespeare is almost endless. From paintings to television tomusic and dance, Shakespeare was well represented. Shakespeare’s plays havebeen translated into every major language in the world.Shakespeare became a well&knownwriter during a golden age of theater. His years of hard work paid off.1. From the passage, we can see that ________.A. Shakespeare was hard&working when he was a studentB. many of Shakespeare’s works were influenced byearlier writingsC. the experience of living in London had no effect onShakespeare’s worksD. Shakespeare became rich later because of thepopularity of his works2. Why could Shakespeare’s works survive his time?A. Because there were so few people writing plays inhis time.B. Because he produced too many works that nobody elsecould do.C. Because his works were rich in imagination andlanguage.D. Because he was a rich and influential person of histime.3.Shakespeare’s greatest influence should be on     .A. paintings&&&&& B.televisionC. the English language&&&&& &&&&D. music and dance4.The passage is mainly about     .A. an introduction to Shakespeare’s life and his worksB. the main features and styles of Shakespeare’s playsC. Shakespeare’s greatest influence on the worldculture.D. how culture influenced Shakespeare and heinfluenced culture.&


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