
第一场赛后:火女老司机立奇功 LPL拿下第一局talenith [分數隱藏] 40 分鐘前&Karsa said it best, Korea is playing like a dynamic queue with 2 pair of duos and 1 solo player.Karsa说得好,韩国队就是上野下路两个双排+一个单排玩家的队伍sirleo09 [分數隱藏] 38 分鐘前&Hey at least they've got duos (SSG Top + Jungle, SKT Mid, LZ Adc + Support). China is WE Top, RNG Jungle, WE Mid, RNG Adc and EDG Support.】喂至少他们还有组合(SSG上野、SKT中单、LZ下路)。中国队是WE上单、RNG打野、WE中单、RNGAD以及EDG辅助SKTWINworld champs 2018 [分數隱藏] 42 分鐘前&Nothing you can do against this comp at all. You just cant do anything. Good draft from Lpl这套控制链无解,真的只有双手离开键盘等死。LPL阵容选的好lemongrazz11 [分數隱藏] 42 分鐘前&Especially in preseason damage. Full tank Sej deleted in 1 second.特别是在伤害爆炸的季前赛。满血坦克猪妹一秒就没了MarbleAstronaut [分數隱藏] 44 分鐘前&"Annie and Malza had already ulted, so Faker could defend if he play safe and push a pl-" (Malzahar ults) "Ok."“安妮和蚂蚱已经放了大,所以Faker可以很好地防守并推-”(马尔扎哈放大)“OK”KiddoPortinari [分數隱藏] 44 分鐘前&I don't understand why they nerfed the damage on Malz ult instead of raising the cooldown.I've got ~100k mastery points on Malz, play the shit out of him, and it feels like my ult is always up, even before Ultimate Hat existed. (With some decent CDR+ Ultimate Hat, it's ~45 seconds now. Someone else can do the quick maffs.)我不理解为什么他们要削蚂蚱大的伤害而不是将大的CD提高我马尔扎哈很6,玩出花来了,感觉我的大随时都在,在终极技能帽这符文出来之前就是这种情况了(有了可观的减CD和终极技能帽,CD大约为45秒)AuregaX [分數隱藏] 48 分鐘前&Sej did next to nothing this game. 1.9k damage to champion, less than half of both supports.猪妹这场比赛什么都没做。1.9k的伤害比两个辅助的一半伤害都不如Phoresis [分數隱藏] 45 分鐘前&And people keep riding ambitions dick after worlds lol. He's clearly not the best jungler in the world (when malz ulted Faker at one point he could've R'ed malz to stun him and stop the suppress, saving fakers life and probably letting them get a double kill - for example).然后人们在世界赛后无脑吹Ambition哈哈哈。他显然不是世界最好的打野(当马尔扎哈大Faker时候他本可以用R定住马尔扎哈,拯救Faker的性命并有可能完成双杀——举例来说)DkaioshinRIP my fav players :[ [分數隱藏] 37 分鐘前&People ride his dick because they've only seen him play for his team. I do not think Ambition is bad at all, he's a fantastic player, but his style of play just works virtually perfectly with Samsung. That clearly wasn't the case with his team this game. I feel like the same can be said for Faker as well, he's looked out of place in every game I've seen so far from LCK.人们吹他是因为他们只看到为团队付出的Ambition。我不认为Ambition很差,他不是那种操作精彩的选手,但是他的游戏风格只是完美契合SSG。全明星队很明显不是SSG。我觉得也能这么说Faker,他在我看的每一局LCK的比赛里都存在感爆棚&第二场赛后:超级兵偷家成功 LPL负于LCK&roxonsodakt xd [分數隱藏] 12 分鐘前&what a fuckin game这比赛真的给力Knights_Radiant [分數隱藏] 10 分鐘前&Side note. Tanks are disgusting.坦克很恶心denoobiestflame me nerds [分數隱藏] 9 分鐘前&tfw maokai tanks an entire mf ult and has a full health bar茂凯吃了女枪一整个大然后满血??lStrakle [分數隱藏] 2 分鐘前&WINIIONS超级兵最大赢家spartanss300can't stop the trouth! [分數隱藏] 12 分鐘前&Uzi's face says it allUZI的表情说明了一切IeditstuffforfunFREESM [分數隱藏] 21 分鐘前*&The SKT fanboy within me say's Faker is angry, but the rational guy within me say's Zoe is busted.Edit: Holy shit my armpits...Edit 2: 88k Damage...我体内的SKT粉丝之魂说Faker很生气,但理智之魂告诉我佐伊被抓了补充:我的胳肢窝…再补充:8W8伤害…Rolf_Dom [分數隱藏] 22 分鐘前&Honestly, if you looked how the late game fights played out, Kassadin was miles scarier.Zoe pokes and hurts, but it was rare for him to get to carries as 3 tanks kept bodyblocking everything and then healing up with Warmogs.But Kassadin got to the backline and one shot everyone on KR one by one with infinite ults thanks to infinite mana.老实讲,如果你看了后期的游戏,你会发现卡萨丁更恐怖佐伊Poke打出伤害,但是有三个坦克顶在前面然后输出对李哥来说并不常见但是卡萨丁还是能切到后排,他有了无限蓝无限大…YouSuck225 [分數隱藏] 20 分鐘前&finally someone is really watching终于有人认真看比赛了neenerpants[?] [分數隱藏] 26 分鐘前&Seriously fuck Zoe.I don't know where the circle jerk is on her right now, but I hate her. She's not even fun to watch Faker play! She's just so annoying.我实名制点X佐伊我就是讨厌她。就算Faker都拯救不了这个英雄,她太令人讨厌了!Lifeiscancer [分數隱藏] 47 分鐘前&“Just dodge her E guys” -Gold redditors黄金大神:“你要躲掉她的E啊兄弟”takkojanai [分數隱藏] 26 分鐘前&BAN ZOEBAN掉就完事儿了KiddoPortinari [分數隱藏] 39 分鐘前*&West: "All-Stars is too serious."East: "Son, u ain't even seen serious yet..."Game 3 is gonna be a Top 10 Anime Battle of All Time...西方:全明星赛太认真了东方:弟弟,你根本不懂什么是认真…第三局将成为历史上十大动漫战斗之一…YBL1996 [分數隱藏] 46 分鐘前&"This All Stars is so Boring"Turns out NA/EU teams are just bad and boring.“bkx全明星赛太无聊了”事实上只是EU/NA的队伍又菜又无聊Jerlko [分數隱藏] 44 分鐘前&The criticism was about the event, not the individual games.批评关乎于整届赛事,而非某一场比赛Queen-Yandere [分數隱藏] 46 分鐘前&don't deliberately misrepresent criticismThe criticism was that it was better when it also had the additional game modes不要故意误解批评批评它是因为有多种游戏模式的全明星赛更好Faultus [分數隱藏] 51 分鐘前&WINNIONS HOLY SHIT LMAOOOOOChinese teamfight is amazing!小兵强无敌哈哈中国人的团战真的强!chowchowthedog [分數隱藏] 28 分鐘前&if it is for any other team they would lost the game at 25 mins mark.... chinese team's team fighting is disgusting...如果换成其他队伍25分钟比赛就结束了……中国队的团战真的无解第三场赛后:无解控制链,LPL赢下决胜局,恭喜LPL!JebusMcAzn [分數隱藏] 3 分鐘前&Ambition: *gets malz ulted*Ambition:Ambition:我被马尔扎哈大到了Ambition:也许我会死吧holdmyHTCphone [分數隱藏] 4 分鐘前&Ambition: I'm here on vacation in California with my wife.Ambition:我只是和老婆来加州旅游的talenith [分數隱藏] 56 分鐘前*&Ambition was just completely outclassed. Wife buff only lasts for 1 event I guess.Ambition只是单纯的过时了。我猜老婆Buff也只能维持一届比赛啊conker1847 [分數隱藏] 56 分鐘前&Guess he will just have to live with his world championship trophy.我看他这是打算躺在世界冠军的功勋章上了sigmapro--__-- [分數隱藏] 53 分鐘前&His problem has always been too passive early game if none of his lanes gets obvious advantages. MLXG's aggressiveness is a very natural counter他的问题是在游戏早期如果没有哪条对线取得明显优势他就表现得相当被动。MLXG那种入侵的风格是天克安掌门的Ambushes [分數隱藏] 4 分鐘前&Malzahar is a type of champion that should be immediately nerfed out of competitive play because his playstyle is complete bullshit. Surprised he was allowed to be this strong in pre-season.马尔扎哈是那种应该赶快被削的英雄,他的游戏风格简直就是狗屎。在季前赛的版本还是这么强让我很惊讶。WorstAkaliEverMemoriesWillFade [分數隱藏] 5 分鐘前&Well you sorta answered it yourself. It's pre-season, weird shit is happening, some champions are incredibly OP while some is UP. It takes time to adjust to the changes, especially since we got completely new runes.你自己都说是季前赛了,怪事总会发生。有些英雄稍微增强一点就特别强。这需要时间来适应,特别是符文系统重做的情况下。Rolf_Dom [分數隱藏] 13 分鐘前&There was a reason why 7.23 Malzahar had the highest win rate in both Top and Mid lane.Shit was broken as fuck.Can't believe KR let CN take it again, after they got clapped by it in Game 1.7.23版本的蚂蚱在中上都有高胜率是有原因的伤害怪的一*难以置信在第一局里韩国队已经被蚂蚱狠狠蹂躏后又放给中国队srgsrsrysyrys [分數隱藏] 14 分鐘前&It's all-stars my dudeThe team didn't even practice together, people went to disneylandI doubt anyone cares too much besides reddit and other such sites这是全明星赛啊兄弟队伍都没在一起练习,跑去迪士尼公园了我怀疑除了Reddit和其他网站之外是否有人真正在乎比赛holdmyHTCphone [分數隱藏] 12 分鐘前&You do realize LMS AND China both had boot camps beforehand.?LMS和LPL都有赛前的拉练准备,懂?srgsrsrysyrys [分數隱藏] 11 分鐘前&Damn, the only teams that prepared at all are in the finals?唯一准备的两支队伍都进了决赛?LiquidDoubleliftFinanced by Stephen [分數隱藏] 27 分鐘前&I'll bet you all Reddit gold that the KR players will mention that they were trying and were definitely not trolling in the games.Cause Reddit seems to think they were just messing around when they were 100% trying.我赌上我所有的reddit gold(应该是reddit上的虚拟货币)韩国队友一定会说他们已经尽力了。iRadiantNiggas [分數隱藏] 28 分鐘前&They’re only not trying when they lose to China - reddit logic他们输给中国队就是没尽力——Reddit逻辑Halfscan [分數隱藏] 17 分鐘前&I thought Zoe, Tahm and Malz are required bans if you want to have the chance at a fun game.我觉得要是想娱乐比赛的话应该把佐伊、塔姆和蚂蚱ban掉Black_NaniteSunshiner [分數隱藏] 15 分鐘前&Add Sejuani to that list too. MLXG was fucking everywhere.加上猪妹,MLXG存在感太强了Halfscan [分數隱藏] 14 分鐘前&He's just really great. Ambition is on vacation or possibly trying to deny Faker a win.他单纯是发挥出色。Ambition正在度假或是试着让Faker难求一胜。Dashquinho [分數隱藏] 33 分鐘前&trying to deny Faker a(X) another(√) win让Faker难求一(X)另一(√)胜Faultus [分數隱藏] 23 分鐘前&Ambition not used to having Malzahar on the other team xD Malz is always doing that on his team.Ambition还不习惯马尔扎哈在其他队伍xD马尔扎哈在自己队伍经常这么干Megalodontus [分數隱藏] 21 分鐘前&Ambition: "Crown? Crown??? WTF Crown why are you ulti-ing us???"Ambition:“皇冠?皇冠兄是你吗?皇冠你TM干嘛大我们?”UltrabirdXY [分數隱藏] 50 分鐘前&"0 chinese cant win" -LCK“没有中国人我们赢不了”-LCKMutated_Aim [分數隱藏] 33 分鐘前&Khan was clearly right, 4 chinese can't win, they need 5.Khan没说清楚,4个中国人是赢不了,得5个BombingPandaHuhi is the best mid in the world don't @ me [分數隱藏] 26 分鐘前&THE BATTLE FOR NUMBA WAN BEGINS谁是NO.1的战斗要开始了AdroitCell [分數隱藏] 25 分鐘前&TAIWAN NUMBA ONE, CHINA NUMBER 2, USA NUMBA 8台湾NO.1,中国NO.2,美国NO.8xuankun [分數隱藏] 48 分鐘前&Up next: Chinese Civil War pt. 2接下来请收看:中国内战-第二部cise4832 [分數隱藏] 27 分鐘前&I can't wait for tieba / ptt / twitch chat reactions lmao我等不及看到那些贴吧/ptt/Twitch的互动了deathaura123 [分數隱藏] 23 分鐘前&Sub in Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek for the finals!*河蟹*和*河蟹*的替补会师决赛!Gamecrashed [分數隱藏] 28 分鐘前&Ambition and Cuvee actually just inted that last game lol...哈哈哈SSG二人组最后一场真的在送YCitizenSnipsY [分數隱藏] 26 分鐘前&Samsung beats Faker again.SSG再一次击败FakerIeditstuffforfunFREESM [分數隱藏] 27 分鐘前&Honestly, they look lost without their team...真的,他们看起来就像和队友走失了…magus_the_toad [分數隱藏] 23 分鐘前&Lets be honest, lz bot lane did real well, faker tried hard, samsung decided to just int. Ambition in particular. You would think at that level they would know ranges.This was totally on samsung duo. They either did ok or fed, never was the world champions we expected.坦白讲吧,LZ的下路打的好,Faker尽力了,SSG决定开送,特别是Ambition这就是SSG二人组,他们的发挥要不中规中矩要不开送,没有表现出世界冠军的样子TheBakkeKT/LZ/IG/RNG [分數隱藏] 1小時前&Don't let this distract you from Pray playing like a God!MLXG, UZI, Pray and Faker all played amazing this series!一切的一切都不能掩盖PraY的神级发挥!MLXG,UZI,PraY和Faker都在系列赛里表现突出!ceddya [分數隱藏] 57 分鐘前&Pray was amazing to watch in Game 3!PraY在第三场里的表现真是赏心悦目Lightleprecaun [分數隱藏] 48 分鐘前&Bullshit how xiye gets no credit, I understand malz isn’t that flair, but even on his kassadin game he proved to be very very solid.xiye不值得表扬?我知道马尔扎哈不是那种秀的英雄,但是即使在第二局里他的卡萨丁都表现的十分稳定TheBakkeKT/LZ/IG/RNG [分數隱藏] 47 分鐘前&I don't mean to take away from anyone, Meiko and 957 were great as well, but UZI is UZI and MLXG is one of the most underrated players in the world imo!我不是想漏掉谁,Meiko和957同样出色,但UZI毕竟是UZI而MLXG是世界上最被低估的选手之一!来源:
[&此帖被TSM在 14:58修改&]
引用1楼 @ 发表的:lpl选手连续两年全明星赛中单选手单杀faker~想起韦酱在斗鱼直播最后一天,loldang起义成功全屏弹幕都在刷最后来一吧lol玩一手皎月告别……韦酱说没有电脑没下lol,但是看飞科和兮夜直播玩佐伊觉得超好玩简直是他的专属英雄。为了吃鸡战队训练这段时间不能玩lol当时莫名的泪目了
引用1楼 @ 发表的:lpl选手连续两年全明星赛中单选手单杀faker~是不是所有出国过的中单基本都单杀过faker了?
都单杀过.并且兮夜还不止一次. 台湾也有西门.更是经常单杀faker.
pawn scout rookie 有代表中国单杀过吗?
引用1楼 @ 发表的:lpl选手连续两年全明星赛中单选手单杀faker~是不是所有出国过的中单基本都单杀过faker了?
都单杀过.并且兮夜还不止一次. 台湾也有西门.更是经常单杀faker.
pawn scout rookie 有代表中国单杀过吗?
“Just dodge her E guys” -Gold redditors黄金大神:“你要躲掉她的E啊兄弟”……
引用6楼 @ 发表的:是不是所有出国过的中单基本都单杀过faker了?
都单杀过.并且兮夜还不止一次. 台湾也有西门.更是经常单杀faker.
pawn scout rookie 有代表中国单杀过吗?pawn 卧底杀算不算?都打的出不来了
引用1楼 @ 发表的:lpl选手连续两年全明星赛中单选手单杀faker~想起韦酱在斗鱼直播最后一天,loldang起义成功全屏弹幕都在刷最后来一吧lol玩一手皎月告别……韦酱说没有电脑没下lol,但是看飞科和兮夜直播玩佐伊觉得超好玩简直是他的专属英雄。为了吃鸡战队训练这段时间不能玩lol当时莫名的泪目了
引用6楼 @ 发表的:是不是所有出国过的中单基本都单杀过faker了?
都单杀过.并且兮夜还不止一次. 台湾也有西门.更是经常单杀faker.
pawn scout rookie 有代表中国单杀过吗?Rookie一个沙皇1V2双杀score和faker,不过那场是观众选英雄,LCK这边除了marin拿的剑姬之外其他人都拿的不太正常
引用5楼 @ 发表的:这五个人要一队就好了!单线不会崩甚至还能靠自己打出优势,团战美如画,感觉这要是个队伍说不定真的能拿S冠军啊…
引用12楼 @ 发表的:Rookie一个沙皇1V2双杀score和faker,不过那场是观众选英雄,LCK这边除了marin拿的剑姬之外其他人都拿的不太正常我还记得faker是中单瞎子
引用10楼 @ 发表的:想起韦酱在斗鱼直播最后一天,loldang起义成功全屏弹幕都在刷最后来一吧lol玩一手皎月告别……韦酱说没有电脑没下lol,但是看飞科和兮夜直播玩佐伊觉得超好玩简直是他的专属英雄。为了吃鸡战队训练这段时间不能玩lol当时莫名的泪目了韦酱说的是faker和小虎的第一视角
Sub in Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek for the finals!*河蟹*和*河蟹*的替补会师决赛!你们这些老外很会说啊
引用10楼 @ 发表的:想起韦酱在斗鱼直播最后一天,loldang起义成功全屏弹幕都在刷最后来一吧lol玩一手皎月告别……韦酱说没有电脑没下lol,但是看飞科和兮夜直播玩佐伊觉得超好玩简直是他的专属英雄。为了吃鸡战队训练这段时间不能玩lol当时莫名的泪目了族长这次用韦鲁斯最后一箭射死了faker 那一箭终究还是回来了
引用10楼 @ 发表的:想起韦酱在斗鱼直播最后一天,loldang起义成功全屏弹幕都在刷最后来一吧lol玩一手皎月告别……韦酱说没有电脑没下lol,但是看飞科和兮夜直播玩佐伊觉得超好玩简直是他的专属英雄。为了吃鸡战队训练这段时间不能玩lol当时莫名的泪目了这个b什么都是他的专属英雄,不过韦酱还是可爱啊。去年meiko解说的韦酱solo赛,说韦酱说过蛇女加强了他的版本就来了。管泽元说了一句,在韦神眼里什么版本都是他的版本。
引用6楼 @ 发表的:是不是所有出国过的中单基本都单杀过faker了?
都单杀过.并且兮夜还不止一次. 台湾也有西门.更是经常单杀faker.
pawn scout rookie 有代表中国单杀过吗?老状态有单杀吗?我记得伞好像用ez的大招补了伤害的,不过太久了也许我记错了。
引用6楼 @ 发表的:是不是所有出国过的中单基本都单杀过faker了?
都单杀过.并且兮夜还不止一次. 台湾也有西门.更是经常单杀faker.
pawn scout rookie 有代表中国单杀过吗?是的,除了那位“五五开吧,我也经常单杀他的。”


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