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shēng chén róng rǔ成语解释升:上升;升沉:指仕途上的得失;荣辱:显荣与耻辱。指宦途上的升迁与降职、荣显与失意成语出处元·费唐臣《贬黄州》第四折:“下官,自被谗谮,远贬遐荒,谁想得复天日,我想,好无定啊!” 911cha.com成语繁体升沉榮辱成语简拼SCRR成语注音ㄕㄥ ㄔㄣˊ ㄖㄨㄥˊ ㄖㄨˇ常用程度一般成语成语字数感情色彩中性成语成语用法升沉荣辱作主语、宾语、定语;用于书面语。成语结构成语年代古代成语近义词成语接龙
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associate partner是什么意思
associate partner是什么意思 associate partner在线翻译 associate partner什么意思 associate partner的意思 associate partner的翻译 associate partner的解释
associate partnerassociate partner 双语例句1. On this foundation, be aimed at the circumstance with quota system sealed weight, put forward to be based on method of the partner evaluation of small wave network and selection, use conjugate gradient method to optimize parameter of small wave network, the associate that shunned a convention effectively thereby chooses methodological inadequacy.&&&&在此基础上,针对指标体系权重未知的情况,提出了基于小波网络的合作伙伴评价及选择方法,并利用共轭梯度法优化小波网络参数,从而有效避免了传统的伙伴选择方法的不足。2. danci.911cha.com2. Founder and Partner of OMA, Rem Koolhaas, OMA`s Managing Partner Victor van der Chijs and the Senior Associate in charge of the project Kunle Adeyemi were present at the ceremony, along with the entire project team - including the OMA team now relocated to Shenzhen to ensure the proper completion of the building.&&&&创始人和合伙人的OMA ,库哈斯,OMA的合伙人维克托范德尔Chijs和高级副项目负责昆莱Adeyemi出席了仪式,以及整个项目团队-包括现在的OMA队迁往深圳确保妥善完成建设。3. You can associate, your this locality has the resource such as what special local product, products, enterprise, factory, travel, these are the targets that you become a website, when your make it when one can bring the client's website truly, you market the boss of the product, president namely, and next that partner is general manager.&&&&你可以联想一下,你们本地有什么特产、物产、企业、工厂、旅游等资源,这些都是你做网站的对象,当你做成了一个真正能带来客户的网站的时候,你就是销售产品的老板、董事长,而底下那个合作伙伴就是总经理。4. Associate Partner, Director of Urban Design and Planning, Skidmore&&&&Ellen Lou 美国SOM有限公司副总裁,城市规划设计总监5. He represents can organic meeting and a true-blue investment and the youthful and professional group that is full of enthusiasm works together together, meeting make concerted effort makes TOM progress partner of down to of associate of client, user, business invest choose necessarily.&&&&他表示能有机会与一个热诚投入且布满干劲的年青专业团队一同共事,会齐心协力将TOM发展成为客户、用户、商业伙伴以至股东投资的必然之选。6. Any partner of the United States acting in the same good faith will find the United States a not unreasonable or ungenerous associate.&&&&任何一个美国的合伙人行为一样要诚实的,这将发现美国是一个将道德的或胸襟狭窄的合作人。7. On the85th floor, an associate and I headed back up to our office to drag out my partner.&&&&到了第85层,我发现他真的没下来,便和一个同事跑回办公室去找。8. 911查询·英语单词8. " Free body " be can with free associate with you, did not get married, did not betroth, have no fixed partner, did not go to bed with other people, single, only and person whom you associate.&&&&“自由身”就是可以自由和你交往,没有结婚、没有订婚、没有固定的交往对象、没有和别人上床、单身,只和你交往的人。9. Long-term awards may be much better correlated to performance, said Sally Cooper, a Deloitte associate partner.&&&&长期奖励或许能和业绩更好地关联起来,德勤副合伙人萨利o库珀(SallyCooper)表示。10. As a doctor or medical director, the lines are clear. But an associate partner in an organisation with 10, 000 people has very different drivers.&&&&作为医生或者医疗主任,条条杠杠都清清楚楚。但在一个多达万人的机构里作副合伙人,则有着完全不同的行为方式。11. 11. " Free body " be can with free associate with you, did not get married, did not betroth, have no fixed partner, did not go to bed with other people, single, only and person whom you associate.&&&&&&“自由身”就是可以自由和你交往,没有结婚、没有订婚、没有固定的交往对象、没有和别人上床、单身,只和你交往的人。12. We try to keep a ratio of one partner for each associate.&&&&&&我们要为每个同事留一个合伙人的比率。13. Twenty, active. We try to keep a ratio of one partner for each associate.&&&&&&20个,现有的。我们要为每个同事留一个合伙人的比率。14. However, she was busy with some otherassignment as an associate partner, and sent her associate to assist&&&&&&布鲁斯决定把这家工厂告上法庭并请了一位名叫布兰达的有吸引力的女律师作为自己的代理人。15. associate partner15. We're very careful whom we hire, and our goal is for each new associate to become a partner as soon as possible.&&&&&&我们雇佣人员非常慎重,我们对每一位新同事的目标就是使他们尽快成为合伙人16. 16. An associate partner in a U. S. architectural firm reported that working 70 to 80 hours a week is the norm in her field.&&&&&&据一家建筑事务所的合伙人说,每周工作70-80小时在她的行业已司空见惯。17. However, she was busy with some other assignment as an associate partner, and sent her associate to assist him instead.&&&&&&可是,他作为副合伙人,忙于其他任务,因此便派她的同事去协助他。associate partner 单语例句1. The organization is formally established in 1954 and have 10 member states and five observer nations and seven associate partner countries in Europe.danci.911cha.comassociate partner是什么意思,associate partner在线翻译,associate partner什么意思,associate partner的意思,associate partner的翻译,associate partner的解释,associate partner的发音,associate partner的同义词,associate partner的反义词,associate partner的例句,associate partner的相关词组,associate partner意思是什么,associate partner怎么翻译,单词associate partner是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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shēng sǐ yōu guān
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shēngsǐ-yōuguān[life-and-be critical between life and death]攸:所。关系到人的生存和死亡的这是的大事引证解释谓关系到生存或死亡。《新华文摘》1982年第2期:“ 遵义 会议,是我党历史上一个的转折点。” 克非 《春潮急》十:“在学习中央决议时,你就缺乏他们那种的感情嘛!” 911cha.com相关汉字、、、|
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body and soul是什么意思
body and soul是什么意思 body and soul在线翻译 body and soul什么意思 body and soul的意思 body and soul的翻译 body and soul的解释 body and soul的发音
body and soul英 ['b?di aend s?ul] 美 ['bɑdi ?nd sol] body and soul 基本解释全心全意;手机查看body and soul的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 body and soul 即可body and soul 双语例句1. body and soul是什么意思1. Joy is an internal state of being that comes from divine union between body, soul and form in a dance with God Goddess All That Is.&&&&欢乐是一种内在状态,来自身体、灵魂和形体与神/女神/一切万有共舞中的神性联盟。2. 2. What you may do to prepare now, to ensure that your place in this process is all that it might be, is to continue to diligently place yourself into the Love of your own Higher Self/Soul Essence, each day, in a process of meditation, or sitting in a peaceful place of contemplation bringing deep relaxation to your physical body, and placing yourself into a state of Peaceful awareness.&&&&你现在就做准备,提出你所有可能的旅程,继续把你自己置身于爱的冥想灵魂的冥想,每天,冥想的进程,或者坐在安静的地方,完全放松你的身体,把你自己带进一个完美的和平境界。3. 3. What you may do toprepare now, to ensure that your place in this process is all thatit might be, is to continue to diligently place yourself into theLove of your own Higher Self/Soul Essence, each day, in a processof meditation, or sitting in a peaceful place of contemplation –bringing deep relaxation to your physical body, and placingyourself into a state of Peaceful awareness.&&&&你现在就做准备,提出你所有可能的旅程,继续把你自己置身于爱的冥想灵魂的冥想,每天,冥想的进程,或者坐在安静的地方,完全放松你的身体,把你自己带进一个完美的和平境界。4. body and soul的解释4. Listening to the rain, I burst into tears, no one knows my soul to soak in the body 23 liters of red blood, and I want that 23 liters of red with the blood flow with the water rushing down!&&&&听着雨声,我号啕大哭,没人知道我的灵魂就浸泡在体内两三升红色的血液中,而我却想让这两三升红色的血液随哗哗的雨水一起流下来!5. Drama roaming between soul and body, just like a old black and white silent film, silently point to human being`s pondering of life and death in ancient Greece.&&&&戏,游走灵肉之间,一如年旧的黑白默片,无声地直指人类古希腊时代对生死的思考。6. This was designed to make you explode in pure ecstasy, tingle your body, and melt your soul.&&&&这样做的目的是让你爆炸纯摇头丸,刺痛你的身体,你的灵魂和融化。7. There is no sense of a metaphysical dichotomy, while even that of an ethical dualism of soul and body is quite foreign to Hebrew thought.&&&&毫无意义的形而上学的对立,而即使是一个道德的两重性的灵魂和身体是相当陌生的希伯来思想。8. 8. Self-nature, Buddha nature, soul and Qi are immortal and ego. Flesh body and the eight consciousnesses are part of non-ego.&&&&自性,佛性与神识,气等是永生不灭的,是真我;而肉身及八根则是属于非我的部分。9. 9. Where is my owner? Where is the one that I give my body and soul to?&&&&而这时它的主人,它不离不弃的主人又在哪里?10. But have fear of him who has power to give soul and body to destruction in hell.&&&&10:28 那杀身体不能杀灵魂的、不要怕他们,惟有能把身体和灵魂都灭在地狱里的、正要怕他。11. 11. You see me devoted to you, body and soul, my life and each warm drop that circles round my heart&&&&&&我把我的整个生命都奉献给了你,还有我的灵魂,甚至我的心的每一次最轻微的跳动都是为了你。12. You see me devoted to you, body and soul, my life and each warm drop that circles round my heart are consecrated to your service&&&&&&我把我的整个生命都奉献给了你,还有我的灵魂,甚至我的心的每一次最轻微的跳动都是为了你。13. You see me devoted to you, body and soul, my life and each warm drop that circles round my heart are consecrate d to your service&&&&&&我把我的整个生命都奉献给了你,还有我的灵魂,甚至我的心的每一次最轻微的跳动都是为了你。14. Nuno Bettencourt Crave Got the right house But the wrong address I should have my head examined I finally found the difference between A kiss and germ warfare I siphoned gasoline Your eyes, your ears, your mouth, your nose Your arms, your legs, your heart, your soul Touch me, touch me, touch me, touch me My body craves your touch A snapshot of you Tucked in my shoe So close and yet so far from you I抦 sitting at the back of the bus I picture you driving Your rearview mirror eyes Your eyes, your ears, your mouth, your nose Your arms, your legs, your heart, your soul Touch me, touch me, touch me, touch me My body craves your touch I crave you A prisoner I抦 the warden too Nothin?&&&&&&努诺Bettencourt渴望合适的房子但是,错误的地址我应该有我的头检查我终于找到之间的区别一次吻和细菌战余抽走汽油你的眼睛,你的耳朵,你的嘴,你的鼻子贵国的武器,你的腿,你的心,你的灵魂碰我,摸我,摸我,摸我我的身体渴望你的触摸您的快照藏在我的鞋子如此接近,却又如此远离你余抦坐在后面的车本人图片你驾驶你的后视镜眼睛你的眼睛,你的耳朵,你的嘴,你的鼻子贵国的武器,你的腿,你的心,你的灵魂碰我,摸我,摸我,摸我我的身体渴望你的触摸本人渴望你囚犯典狱长本人也抦 Nothin ?15. body and soul15. HoloHealth is a State of Optimal Actualization of Body, Mind, Soul and Life Fulfillment.&&&&&&全息健康是生活完善身心灵命整体康泰优秀和生命理想圆满实现的状态。16. However, if we have a snow-white, plain and neat curtain cloth made of innocence and tinted by simplicity and hang up it to dance elegently in the wind, accompanied with layers of transparent and soft muslin, its plainess would have been more attractive than the colourful ones. One can be naked without cloth, unless he has a physical body as perfect as Apollo Sauroctonus's image, and an angelic soul.&&&&&&不过,如把天真朴素做了窗帘的质料,做了窗帘的颜色,一个洁白素净的帘子,堆叠着透明的软纱,在风里飘曳,这种朴素,只怕比五颜六色更富有魅力,认真要赤裸裸不加遮饰,除非有希腊神像那样完美的身体,有天使般纯洁的灵魂。17. Not only does the preparation of a soaker force you to slow down, but the hydrotherapy and immersion into warm water will soothe the soul, and physically bring the core of your body to an even temperature.&&&&&&不仅编写透雨迫使你减缓,但水疗和浸泡到温水将抚慰的灵魂,和身体带来的核心,你的身体,甚至温度。18. Every planetary position and aspect is one factor of the subject's soul body, one phase of his consciousness, one milestone on his spiritual path.&&&&&&每个行星位置和相互相位都是一个星盘主的灵魂体的细节,意识的一个方面,精神成长历程上的一个里程碑。19. 19. Take this dose in a dark room, lay back, and see what it feels like to have your entire soul leave your physical body and go on a journey.&&&&&&采取这一剂量在黑屋子里,躺下来,看看有什么感觉你的灵魂离开了您的整个身体和动身。20. He bid me observe it, and I should always find, that the calamities of life were shared among the upper and l but that the middle station had the fewest disasters, and was not exposed, to so many vicissitudes as the higher or l nay, they were not subjected to so many distempers and uneasiness either of body or mind, as those were who, by vicious living, luxury and extravagancies on one hand, or hard labour, want of necessaries, and mean or insufficient diet on the other hand, bring distempers upon themselves by the natural consequences of that the middle station of life was calculated for all kind of virtues and all kinds that temperance, moderation, quietness, health, society, all agreeable diversions, and all desirable pleasures, were the blessing attending the mi that this way men went silently and smoothly through the world, and comfortably out of it, not embarrassed with the labour of the hands or of the head, not sold to the life of slavery for daily bread, or harassed with perplexed circumstances, which rob the soul of peace, and the body not enraged with the passion of envy, or secret burning lust of ambit but in easy circumstances sliding gently through the world, and sensibly tasting the sweets of living, without the bitter, feeling that they are happy, and learning by every day`s experience to know it more sensibly.&&&&&&他嘱咐我,只要用心观察,到处都可发现:生活的灾难是由上层和下层两类人分担,而中间阶层灾难最少,不会像那两类人那样,要经历那么多的荣辱变迁,商海浮沉。中间阶层也绝不会像阔佬那样,因骄奢淫逸、挥霍无度而狂躁不安、身心俱损;也不会像穷人那样,因劳累辛苦、缺吃少穿,以及这种穷苦生活自然而然带来的种种后果而焦急不安、忧心忡忡。他说,中等生活最能保持各种美德和一切正常而适中的享受,中等人的生活经常是安定富足的。他说,和睦和富裕是中产阶层的随身伴侣。他说,和善、谦虚、宁静、健康、社交、各种正当的娱乐、各种有益的消遣,都是降临到中等人头上的福份。他们就这样默默地、但又是顺利地、当然也是舒服地走过人生的旅途,不受劳力和劳心之苦,也不必为每天的面包而卖身为奴,或被困境搞得身心疲惫;也不会因心怀嫉妒和好大喜功而野心勃勃、贪婪无度,而是在轻松的环境下平静地度过一生,有意识地品尝着生活的甜美,没有痛苦,只感到幸福,并且通过日益增多的经验,越来越有意识地去学会品尝和感受幸福。body and soul 单语例句1. The ancient Egyptians yearned intensely for immortality, and sought to preserve the body for eternity as the receptacle of the immortal soul.2. Holistic fitness is the concept of exercising to connect body, mind and soul in a way unlike any other form of workout.3. Its authentic sensory experience which is a perfect city escape balances body, mind and soul in private tranquility.4. The classic pop standard " Body and Soul " that Winehouse recorded with Bennett in March is one of her last works.5. He observes butterflies not only with his eyes but with his whole body and soul.6. This humble soup is particularly popular in winter, as it will warm your body and soul.7. It should not feed just the body but inspire the mind and please the soul.8. Sports without culture and education would be like a body without a soul.body and soul 英英释义adv1. with complete faith&&&&e.g. she was with him heart and soul&&&&Synonym: body and soul是什么意思,body and soul在线翻译,body and soul什么意思,body and soul的意思,body and soul的翻译,body and soul的解释,body and soul的发音,body and soul的同义词,body and soul的反义词,body and soul的例句,body and soul的相关词组,body and soul意思是什么,body and soul怎么翻译,单词body and soul是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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心识 基本解释心识心识网络网络手机查看心识的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 心识的翻译 即可心识 双语例句1. 彻底净化自心,清除一切粗细烦恼的污染和无明的遮蔽,令心识本具的清净光明像烈日驱散阴云般朗然显现,从而解脱一切痛苦,获得圆满的自我实现,是佛教所有修证法门的核心。&&&&Thorough purification from heart trouble to remove all the thickness of the contaminated and non-prescribed shelter, so that knowledge of the heart with the clean bright as the scorching sun to disperse the dark clouds, which freed all the suffering, that to reach at a complete self-realization, that is Buddhism core to all Buddhist on increasing certification.2. 我们说情绪是指心识。&&&&When we say `spirits` we mean the mind.3. 3. 注:心独自飘荡是指在同一个心识刹那里,只能有一个心识生起。&&&&Those, who can restrain the mind, which is going far, wandering alone, bodiless4. 凡夫愚人也是这样,认真求取菩提想要求得果位,就应持戒来防止各种罪恶,然而被五欲所侵毁,破了清净戒律,犯禁了之后就离开了圣法,放纵心识意念无恶不作,修道法门及清净戒律都损失舍弃,就如同那愚人的骆驼和罐子都失去了一样。&&&&Such an idiot was jeered by the people at large.5. 佛教进入大乘阶段,般若思想所言的空观,荡相遣执,泯绝一切教相,传进中国后发展出天台宗,及其圆谛三谛、一念三千的观念;唯识宗从经验心识下手,将一切现象归源于心识的转化;而如来藏思想则肯定众生皆有清净无漏之如来藏,这种思想为后来华严宗所继承。&&&&All these thoughts merge together under Chan and become the premise of Chan's pedagogical philosophy.6. 尤其是在金刚乘佛教中,认为一个人在临终之际所体验到的心识是非常细微的,由於那个意识层面是如此地精细,它对於一个人心念之瀑流,也有极大的影响力和冲击性。&&&&Especially in Tantric Buddhism, it is considered that the state of mind which one experiences at the pint of death is extremely subtle and, because of the subtlety of the level of that consciousness, it also has a great power and impact upon one`s mental continuum.7. 砍断心识的根部而休息于任运的觉受之中。&&&&Cut the mind at its root and rest in naked awareness.8. 死亡的基本原理存在於我们的心识(注1)。&&&&The basis of death exists right there in the citta.9. 印度佛教心识论发展至印度唯识宗而达高峰,本文尝试以哲学问题的方式掌握唯识哲学的主要理念及其中所隐含的困难。&&&&This thesis attempts to grasp the major idea in Vijnana matra philosophy in terms of philosophical issues on one hand and its inherent difficulties on the other.10. 心识的反义词10. 藉由平稳地觉知我们的入息与出息,那麼,在我们日常生活中的起落浮沉之中气息就能变成一个常数,藉由安住或甚至享受循环反复且平稳的入出息,我们也就比较不会被心中生起的情绪和念头所束缚,因此,重复地把心拉回到入出息上,这麼做对於放下认知型态以及凝住心识而言,可说是相当有效的训练。&&&&With steady awareness of our inhalations and exhalations, the breath can become an equations constant through the ups and downs of our daily life. By resting with and perhaps even enjoying the cycles of breathing, we are less likely to be caught up in the emotional and mental events that pass through us. Repeatedly returning to the breath can be a highly effective training in letting go of patterns of identification and holding that freeze the mind and heart.11. 如果这是我们唯一熟悉的心识,死亡时还要依靠它,那真是一场荒谬的赌博。&&&&&&Swept along by the chaos of every moment, we are the victims of the fickleness of our minds.12. 911查询·英语单词12. 如果这是我们唯一熟悉的心识,死亡时还要依靠它,那真是一场荒谬的赌博。&&&&&&If this is the only state of consciousness we are familiar with, then to rely on our minds at the moment of death is an absurd gamble.13. 体验者在历经濒死经验的特殊情景,生死观受到极大的冲击后,经过一连串的生命意义追寻,重新建立生死观。当事人为了解释自己的濒死经验而寻求宗教归依,希冀从宗教中获致心理平衡,找到解答。佛教信仰对濒死经验有相当之影响,一方面是因为濒死经验的内涵既是唯识所成,熏习心识记忆所在的环境文化自然成为重要影响因素;另一方面佛教信仰早已与中国文化结合,普遍深入民众的生活中,一如基督信仰的文化因素,同样地呈显在西方濒死经验个案的描述中。&&&&&&Those who have near-death experiences start to search for the meaning of life and develop new perspective of death Many of them take refuge in religion in order to find the answer and to regain mental balance Buddhist belief has certain impact on NDE On the one hand, it arises from consciousness, and the consciousness is influenced by the environment and culture On the other hand, Buddhist faith has intermingled with Chinese culture and been deeply rooted in people`s minds, just as Christian belief is also connected with NDE14. 心识什么意思14. 不过,原始佛教所提供的主体观念,在思维取向上已预取了心识论,而不是心性论的思考,这一点对整个印度哲学的发展所造成的巨大影响是不可忽视的。&&&&&&One must however notice that the concept of subject in Early Buddhism has already adopted the line of thinking of mind-consciousness theory instead of mind-essence theory. This has profound influence on the further development of Indian philosophy.15. 与最佳的正智慧力能不断监督心识的重要之点,虽然它的目标与意向一直向外取著&&&&&&Focal point of the citta with the aim of calling it to account.16. 外道们就执着于常世的见解,就说过去未来现在只是一个心识而没有变迁谢灭。&&&&&&However, they cling to the view of permanence thinking that there is only one mind from the past, present through future, which does not undergo any change.17. 若要体证离于造作的、超离于心识的真实性&&&&&&To realise the meaning of non-action and beyond mind18. 18. 谢谢你感受到这片美丽的心识!&&&&&&Thank you for this beautiful and heart felt insight!19. 儿时影子之迷终于迎刃而解;原来这一切都是我们心识的作用。&&&&&&Childhood shadow of the fans finally resolved, all this is that we know the role of heart.20. 20. 我所教的是直接从我的清净心识所流露,你想我会说谎吗?&&&&&&This teaching comes straight from my heart. Do youthink I`m lying?心识是什么意思,心识在线翻译,心识什么意思,心识的意思,心识的翻译,心识的解释,心识的发音,心识的同义词,心识的反义词,心识的例句,心识的相关词组,心识意思是什么,心识怎么翻译,单词心识是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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