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出门在外也不愁FindBugs& - Find Bugs in Java Programs
Docs and Info
FindBugs& - Find Bugs in Java Programs
This is the web page for FindBugs, a program which uses static analysis to look for bugs in Java
code.& It is free software, distributed under the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License. The name
FindBugs& and the
are trademarked by The University of Maryland. FindBugs has been downloaded more than
a million times.
The current version of FindBugs is 3.0.1.
FindBugs requires JRE (or JDK) 1.7.0 or later to run.& However, it can analyze programs
compiled for any version of Java, from 1.0 to 1.8.
The current version of FindBugs is 3.0.1,
released on 13:05:33 EST, 06 March, 2015. . File bug reports on
sourceforge bug tracker
| Sponsors |
FindBugs 3.0.1 Release
A number of changes described in the , including new bug patterns:
FindBugs 3.0.0 Release
FindBugs supports Java 8 now (both as runtime and target platform).
FindBugs requires minimum Java 7 as runtime environment!
FindBugs uses ASM 5 now which means that some 3rd party detectors based on FindBugs 2.x/ASM 3 has to be upgraded.
See details in .
New Bug patterns:
New "Source" filter which can be used to filter out classes generated from other languages:
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&
&Source name="~.*\.groovy" /&
New "-auxclasspathFromFile" and "-analyzeFromFile" command line options.
New "nested" ant task attribute.
Various bug fixes, also many patches from community. Thanks for your contributions!
FindBugs 2.0.3 Release
FindBugs 2.0.3 is intended to be a minor bug fix release over
FindBugs 2.0.2. Although than some improvements to existing bug detectors
and analysis engines, and a few new bug patterns, and some
important bug fixes to the Eclipse plugin, no significant changes
should be observed. Consult the
for more details.
Also check out
for more information about some recent features/changes in FindBugs.
including new/improved support for
Ways to run FindBugs
Here are various ways to run FindBugs. For plugins not supported by the FindBugs team, check to
see what version of FindB it might take a little while for the plugins to update to
FindBugs 2.0.
Command line, ant, GUI
Provided in FindBugs download
Update site for Eclipse plugin: .
Supported by the FindBugs project.
Several plugins, see
for a description.
Experience with FindBugs
Google FindBugs Fixit: Google has a tradition of engineering fixits, special days where
they try to get all of their engineers focused on some specific problem or technique for improving
the systems at Google. A fixit might work to improve web accessibility, internal testing, removing
TODO's from internal software, etc.
In 2009, Google held a global fixit for UMD's FindBugs tool a static analysis tool for
finding coding mistakes in Java software. The focus of the fixit was to get feedback on the
4,000 highest confidence issues found by FindBugs at Google, and let Google engineers decide
which issues, if any, needed fixing.
More than 700 engineers ran FindBugs from dozens of offices. More than 250 of them entered
more than 8,000 reviews of the issues. A review is a classification of an issue as must-fix,
should-fix, mostly-harmless, not-a-bug, and several other categories. More than 75% of the
reviews classified issues as must fix, should fix or I will fix. Many of the scariest issues
received more than 10 reviews each.
Engineers have already submitted changes that made more than 1,100 of the 3,800 issues go
away. Engineers filed more than 1,700 bug reports, of which 600 have already been marked as
fixed Work continues on addressing the issues raised by the fixit, and on supporting the
integration of FindBugs into the software development process at Google.
The fixit at Google showcased new capabilities of FindBugs that provide a cloud computing /
social networking backdrop. Reviews of issues are immediately persisted into a central store,
where they can be seen by other developers, and FindBugs is integrated into the internal Google
tools for filing and viewing bug reports and for viewing the version control history of source
files. For the Fixit, FindBugs was configured in a mode where engineers could not see reviews
from other engineers until they h after the fixit, the configuration will
be changed to a more open configuration where engineers can see reviews from others without
having to provide their own review first. These capabilities have all been contributed to UMD's
open source FindBugs tool, although a fair bit of engineering remains to prepare the
capabilities for general release and make sure they can integrate into systems outside of
Google. The new capabilities are expected to be ready for general release in Fall 2009.
, JavaOne,
showing of demo
of our 2.0 Eclipse plugin (5 minutes)
showing of demo
of our new GUI to view some of the null pointer bugs in Eclipse (Big file warning: 23 Megabytes)
Bill Pugh gave at SD Best Practices, Sept 14th (more of a handle on
tutorial about using FindBugs)
Bill Pugh gave at
Sept 12th and 13th (more of a research focus)
Bill Pugh gave at , July 6th, 2006
, by , York College of Pennsylvania and , Univ. of Maryland, , June, 2007
and , Univ. of Maryland, and
J. David Morgenthaler, John Penix and YuQian Zhou, Google, Inc., 7th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program
Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering, June, 2007
consists of Bill Pugh and Andrey Loskutov.
The most recent funding for FindBugs comes from a Google Faculty Research Awards.
have made significant contributions to the FindBugs
project, including founding work by
and the web cloud infrastructure by Keith Lea.
YourKit is kindly supporting open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC
is creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look
at YourKit's leading software products:
The FindBugs project also uses
, which are generously provided by Cenqua/Atlassian.
Additional financial support for the FindBugs project was provided by
grants ASC9720199 and CCR-0098162,
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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