
看来这次全速扑克(FullTiltPoker)回来是比较有把握了本周二,总部设在爱尔兰都柏林的全速扑克在爱尔兰招聘网站上打出招聘启事。此次,所列职位皆属负责全速扑克技术支持和市场营销的公司Pocket Kings Ltd.招聘职位包括各种语言的客户服务代表,如罗马尼亚语、匈牙利语、荷兰语、葡萄牙语、德语、意大利语以及西班牙语等。招聘启事中大都包含以下信息:Pocket Kings急招各种语言的客户服务代表;薪资优厚;2-3个月的合同后,可以有机会成为一个充满生气、朝气蓬勃的公司的永久员工。英文扑克媒体上月报道,全速扑克正在全力筹备重新开张。而投资者伯纳德-塔皮埃集团也正在积极斡旋试图重新获取经营执照。伯纳德-塔皮埃最近表示全速扑克最早在本月重新开张。FTP招聘人员列表:http://www.jobs.ie/Jobs.aspx?Categories=.Kings+Ltd&sort=除了招聘以外,全速扑克(FullTiltPoker)还向AGCC发出了营业执照申请。位于都伯林的Pocket King有限公司,主要业务是市场营销和客户服务。最重要的是它为全速扑克服务。现在该公司火力全开大规模招聘客服人员。根据就业网站的揭示,招聘是多语言客户服务职位。语种包括德国,俄罗斯,西班牙,意大利等语种,未含中文客服。同时也包括其他职位。招聘启示中最重要的一条信息是,这些职位急缺,请立即发送你的简历。招聘启示中明确写道是为全速扑克提供支持。该职位首先提供的是一份2至3个月的合约,并有机会转正正式合同。这也表示若全速扑克回归,客服的工作水平仍然值得怀疑。之前糟糕的客服水平,一直糟糕中国玩家所诟病,显然西方玩家也将面对这中局面。除了大规模招聘员工外,作为全速扑克附属公司的Orinic有限公司,也正式向AGCC申请2类线上博彩执照。作为全速扑克唯一认证的下属公司Orinic,主要用于规避执照问题。目前该司仅有1类执照,不允许处理博彩资金。Orinic在3月24日提出申请2类执照,该执照允许提供全面的在线博彩服务。目前正处于14天办理的窗口期间。在申请AGCC执照外,我们也曾报道过全速扑克也申请西班牙的执照。但重要性稍低。现在事实上全速扑克室在为重新上线做准备。但欠款问题仍然没有一纸声明发布。不过有理想相信,利益相关方比玩家更着急。
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fulltiltpoker登录不上发布时间: 10:08:06
特别是在西部地区,许多山村远离乡镇中心。由于不能住宿,面对离家几十里、甚至上百里的乡镇中心幼儿园,山村孩子和家长只能望而却步。宁夏教育厅一位负责人坦陈,“在学前教育体系中,农村的学前教育尤其是难点。”从资源总量到办园质量,从师资数量到投入力量,农村学前教育仍然处于严重不足甚至“饥渴”的状态。十三中初三班的班主任苏老师说,她从来没有指名道姓地对一名学生作过放弃中考的思想工作。对学习上遇到困难的学生,她都及时与家长沟通,让家长关注孩子的学习。“面试分数只有70多分,但真没想到候考室里全员帮我带孩子,好心人太多了,我很感动。”说起带儿赴考,年轻的妈妈王洪春十分感慨。除了身高这个缺陷外,张松松的个人能力着实无可挑剔。至于广州市共有多少个公办幼儿园需要退费,将退回多少费用,江东表示目前正在摸查。下一步还将检查各个区的退费情况。大米散落麻雀抢食 撑死的毒死的?思乡客的原贴:货船装运大米的过程中,大米散落在地上。20余只麻雀抢食大米后死亡。对于麻雀的死亡,技术人员说,可能是抢食过多导致撑死。你信么?据了解,目前袁州区的农村小学大多有食堂,设施好些的能够容纳老师和部分学生吃午餐,简陋的食堂则顶多能给学生热热饭或出售一些热饭。那为什么还有那么多学生在校外吃方便面?西村中心小学工会的王主席表示,因为学校没有经费贴补,所以530多名留守学生不可能全都在学校吃午餐。“早知如此,当初就不该读文科,也不该选这个专业。”从去年9月初加入求职大军以来,朱静至少已投递了200多份简历,得到的回应却寥寥无几,班级其他同学的遭遇也与她大同小异。目前,整个班级达成就业意向的人数尚不足一半。“如果是建一所学校的话那真的不错,我希望学校能够早日开建,我们家也有小孩,建成之后可以让我们家小孩转到这边来上课,毕竟离家近点,接送都方便。”张先生说道。研究生大规模扩招,初衷并非是为各行各业和博士教育输送大量学术人才,而主要是为缓和本科生大规模扩招带来的就业难。起初效果明显,然而没过几年,随着劳动力市场高学历的饱和,研究生就业问题也日渐突出。在这样的情况下,指望用研究生连年大幅扩招来缓解高校毕业生就业难,就陷入了自设的陷进——不仅无法缓解,而且还进一步推助了高等教育学历的贬值,并导致了高等教育的质量危机。哈市环卫办副主任王勇介绍,本次公开招聘的448名环卫工人,从日开始进行了为期五天的封闭式集中培训,提高了新招聘人员的团队意识,主要培训内容为公共知识、市容环境卫生、安全教育、职业道德、交通法规等多项内容,培训结束后,学员们被分到了各自的岗位上,逐步学习和熟悉环卫工作。按照规则,谢康娜的2012年高考成绩只要过一本或二本批次线,就能被那4所高校自主招生录取。但是,这个“与应试教育格格不入”的女孩分数不够,只能选择复读。3.《实施纲要》对学校内部制度体系建设提出了哪些要求?其实,武汉的7对父母并非“在家上学”的首例。此前,已有多地出现过开设“家庭私塾”的家长,而网络上成立的“在家上学联盟”已有南京、上海、北京、广东、成都等20多个分站点,群体内交流频繁。近期,教育部将根据《实施纲要》制定依法治校的具体评价指标体系,明确中小学、高等学校依法治校的行为规则,指导各地深入开展依法治校示范学校创建活动。将按照分类指导的原则,推动示范学校创建活动的制度化、规范化,集中推广一些典型经验,促进各级各类学校依法治校水平的整体提高。“纸上得来终觉浅,恳请老师划重点。”这样半文半白的打油诗,是否让你忍俊不禁?又到高校考试周,近日,华中科技大学官方微博上发布的一首关于考试“划重点”的趣味打油诗,引来数百人转发。记者调查发现,超五成公共课会在考前给学生划重点。公告明确,应届生实习见习经历、企事业单位项目研究经历都可视为基层工作经历。而今年多数岗位都要求两三年的基层经验。他说,当前,我国职教师资队伍整体素质偏低,职业技术师范教育办学层次不能适应高技能人才培养的迫切需求,尤其是职业院校“双师型”领军人才和优秀专业带头人尚属空白,严重制约了职业教育的可持续发展以及高技能人才培养质量的提高。特别是在西部地区,许多山村远离乡镇中心。由于不能住宿,面对离家几十里、甚至上百里的乡镇中心幼儿园,山村孩子和家长只能望而却步。宁夏教育厅一位负责人坦陈,“在学前教育体系中,农村的学前教育尤其是难点。”从资源总量到办园质量,从师资数量到投入力量,农村学前教育仍然处于严重不足甚至“饥渴”的状态。十三中初三班的班主任苏老师说,她从来没有指名道姓地对一名学生作过放弃中考的思想工作。对学习上遇到困难的学生,她都及时与家长沟通,让家长关注孩子的学习。“面试分数只有70多分,但真没想到候考室里全员帮我带孩子,好心人太多了,我很感动。”说起带儿赴考,年轻的妈妈王洪春十分感慨。除了身高这个缺陷外,张松松的个人能力着实无可挑剔。至于广州市共有多少个公办幼儿园需要退费,将退回多少费用,江东表示目前正在摸查。下一步还将检查各个区的退费情况。大米散落麻雀抢食 撑死的毒死的?思乡客的原贴:货船装运大米的过程中,大米散落在地上。20余只麻雀抢食大米后死亡。对于麻雀的死亡,技术人员说,可能是抢食过多导致撑死。你信么?据了解,目前袁州区的农村小学大多有食堂,设施好些的能够容纳老师和部分学生吃午餐,简陋的食堂则顶多能给学生热热饭或出售一些热饭。那为什么还有那么多学生在校外吃方便面?西村中心小学工会的王主席表示,因为学校没有经费贴补,所以530多名留守学生不可能全都在学校吃午餐。“早知如此,当初就不该读文科,也不该选这个专业。”从去年9月初加入求职大军以来,朱静至少已投递了200多份简历,得到的回应却寥寥无几,班级其他同学的遭遇也与她大同小异。目前,整个班级达成就业意向的人数尚不足一半。“如果是建一所学校的话那真的不错,我希望学校能够早日开建,我们家也有小孩,建成之后可以让我们家小孩转到这边来上课,毕竟离家近点,接送都方便。”张先生说道。研究生大规模扩招,初衷并非是为各行各业和博士教育输送大量学术人才,而主要是为缓和本科生大规模扩招带来的就业难。起初效果明显,然而没过几年,随着劳动力市场高学历的饱和,研究生就业问题也日渐突出。在这样的情况下,指望用研究生连年大幅扩招来缓解高校毕业生就业难,就陷入了自设的陷进——不仅无法缓解,而且还进一步推助了高等教育学历的贬值,并导致了高等教育的质量危机。哈市环卫办副主任王勇介绍,本次公开招聘的448名环卫工人,从日开始进行了为期五天的封闭式集中培训,提高了新招聘人员的团队意识,主要培训内容为公共知识、市容环境卫生、安全教育、职业道德、交通法规等多项内容,培训结束后,学员们被分到了各自的岗位上,逐步学习和熟悉环卫工作。按照规则,谢康娜的2012年高考成绩只要过一本或二本批次线,就能被那4所高校自主招生录取。但是,这个“与应试教育格格不入”的女孩分数不够,只能选择复读。3.《实施纲要》对学校内部制度体系建设提出了哪些要求?其实,武汉的7对父母并非“在家上学”的首例。此前,已有多地出现过开设“家庭私塾”的家长,而网络上成立的“在家上学联盟”已有南京、上海、北京、广东、成都等20多个分站点,群体内交流频繁。近期,教育部将根据《实施纲要》制定依法治校的具体评价指标体系,明确中小学、高等学校依法治校的行为规则,指导各地深入开展依法治校示范学校创建活动。将按照分类指导的原则,推动示范学校创建活动的制度化、规范化,集中推广一些典型经验,促进各级各类学校依法治校水平的整体提高。“纸上得来终觉浅,恳请老师划重点。”这样半文半白的打油诗,是否让你忍俊不禁?又到高校考试周,近日,华中科技大学官方微博上发布的一首关于考试“划重点”的趣味打油诗,引来数百人转发。记者调查发现,超五成公共课会在考前给学生划重点。公告明确,应届生实习见习经历、企事业单位项目研究经历都可视为基层工作经历。而今年多数岗位都要求两三年的基层经验。他说,当前,我国职教师资队伍整体素质偏低,职业技术师范教育办学层次不能适应高技能人才培养的迫切需求,尤其是职业院校“双师型”领军人才和优秀专业带头人尚属空白,严重制约了职业教育的可持续发展以及高技能人才培养质量的提高。。
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Since the infamous ‘Black Friday’ of April 15th, 2011,
has been out of service.
This review now begins with the latest important news and events related to Full Tilt poker above the historical review of this once leading online poker sites.
– One of the few FTP players who have managed to keep their reputation relatively in tact, stays on board with the new Full Tilt Poker.
& Does Deal w/ DOJ – Announces re-launch of the brand new full tilt poker site in November, 2012.
4-24-12 – Negotiations with Groupe Bernard Tapie have fell through.
Rumors that
(and that players will get paid in full!)
6/30/2011 – Full Tilt rumored to be sold to european investors. Initial reports coming out that a group of
for somewhere in the neighborhood of $150 million. Speculation seems to center around Party Poker / Bwin as the company behind the purchase. Details still unfolding, lets just hope that this means all players will get their money soon from FTP.
6/29/2011 – The
’s . Full Tilt Poker
at least temporarily.
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Full Tilt Poker Review (Historic)
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– Read our review and learn information you want to know before playing there. A couple of facts our review will share is that the tournament blinds at full tilt never double and the professional players have a table highlighted in red in the lobby.
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– You will see professionals like Tom “durrrr” Dwan, Phil Ivey, Mike Matusow, Patrick Antonious and other professionals playing at the nosebleed stakes on a fairly active basis. You will also see them on TV in the FullTiltPoker.net commercials or the players in the televised tournaments wearing FTP gear, getting their brand in front of you.
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Full Tilts tournament structures were designed by poker pro’s for quality of play. One interesting fact is the tournament blinds never double.
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FullTilt Pro’s will have any table they are playing at highlighted in red in the lobby . They also have their own custom avatar so if you see Phil Ivey playing at the Full Tilt tables, then it really is him.
Full Tilt Poker Referral Code info:
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For more facts and information read our
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Information & Articles
– Compare these two top online poker rooms.
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– links to this years WSOP promotions and satellites
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– Full Tilt pro’s are highlighted in red and if you bust one of them in a tournament you win your buy-in back. They have a lot of pros, including some you have probably never heard of. Bust one of them and freeroll the tournament.
– from the early days of Full Tilt, this screenshot is funny because of the chat box comment that coincides with the hand that went down between Phil Ivey and Layne Flack.
Over the years, the crew here at
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league games. It has remained one of the most fun and enjoyable places to play online poker for US players. They have excellent tournaments every day of the week, they have great traffic at all levels of cash play, and you can watch the largest stable of pro poker players play online poker at FullTilt Poker virtually at any given time.
We put together a step-by-step
for new players. This guide is designed for beginners and walks you through the entire process of downloading and creating your account at Full Tilt.
I have to recommend this great FullTiltPoker versus PokerStars article at Compare Online Poker. You can play 100% for free with no risk, no deposit necessary, free of charge and for as long as you want.
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Full Tilt Poker Affiliate Program
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The Full Tilt Poker affiliate program is designed to reward individuals who are interested in telling others about the poker room Full Tilt Poker. Affiliates are essentially sales persons who receive a commission when they send a new player to .
Being a poker room affiliate is a great way to earn some extra money and if you’re motivated and willing to spend as little as an hour a week promoting FullTilt, you can make real money promoting poker. Read on if you think we’re kidding.
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Our network of poker affiliates is the fastest moving poker affiliate network in the market because of our special, exclusive relationship with FullTilt!
Need proof?
Check out the Full Tilt Poker exclusive poker links page:
Out of the thousands (probably hundreds of thousands) of poker sites on the net, FullTilt has decided to link to only 11 poker sites – – and KickAssPoker is one of them! Why? Because we are consistently one of the top referrers of Full Tilt Poker players. If you want to know how we send boat loads of traffic to FullTilt, then sign-up now to join the other poker affiliates we’re mentoring and showing how to make thousands of dollars promoting !
Oh, one thing. You’ll eventually need a real money account at Full Tilt Poker yourself. If you’re thinking of becoming an affiliate, you probably already have a real money account, but if not, you will need to download the FullTilt Poker free software here and create your account. (Find out more about the
Go ahead and fill out the above form and hit submit. We don’t need to your Full Tilt Poker account name or your address, that is between you and Full Tilt, but you will need a real account.
More on how the Full Tilt Poker program works…
It’s simple really. For every player that uses a bonus code you provide them or that clicks on one of your unique banners or text links and creates an account at Full Tilt Poker, then that player is tracked to you.
When your new player meets a few minimum requirements, you will earn a commission. You can read the full T’s and C’s over at the Full Tilt Poker site, and of course you should do so, but that’s the long-short of it.
Do I need a website?
You do not need a website to become a Fulltilt poker affiliate.
Some of the largest full tilt poker affiliates don’t have a website at all. They do all of their marketing through word of mouth and through good old fashioned networking. Just inviting everyone they know to join them online.
A website can certainly help, and if you are a webmaster as well as a poker enthusiast then the time is now to join the hottest poker room market, when you look at your monthly paycheck you’ll be glad you did.
Do I need to be computer savvy?
You don’t even need to be computer savvy one bit. All you need to do is sign up to become a Full Tilt affiliate, pick out a bonus code then tell all the people you know who might be interested in playing online poker.
Write the code down and tell everyone you know to go straight to
and create an account. When the site asks them for a bonus code, they put in your unique bonus code. Ta-da, you just referred your first player.
It really is that easy.
What if I have a website or want one?
If you can create a website, or even post in a free blog service like blogger or myspace, then you could make money as a poker affiliate. FullTilt will provide you with a line of code to stick in your site and they will then serve their best converting and most effective banners right to your sight!
Even better, they’ll keep the banners fresh and updated, every day. Drive traffic to your blog or your site and sit back and let the clicks roll in.
Combine offline with online and you’ve got a super potent combination. The beauty of the affiliate program is that it works for both offline and online promoters.
Accurate Player Tracking
Full Tilt Poker has accurate tracking. Dealing with some poker rooms can be, how should we say it, uneasy sometimes… in the FullTilt program you can be sure you will get credit for the players you send.
We have converts coming in who created a play money account back in early 05. Full Tilt Poker offers accurate tracking and as of early 06, they have online reports you can access 24/7.
They give you unique bonus codes that work. This is a nice boost in confidence, especially if you are a seasoned affiliate that went through some of the fiasco’s the poker affiliate world has seen in the past.
Once you get set up as an affiliate with Full Tilt Poker through our affiliate network you’ll be added to our newsletter as well as the affiliate newsletter from Fulltilt. We’ll also send a a follow up email packed full of tips to kick start your affiliate business and get you on your feet and making income fast!
They pay affiliates through their poker room payment processor, so you get your affiliate earnings in your players account after you request it.
We want successful partners and we will help you find that success! This is your official invitation to join our network of successful Full Tilt Poker Affiliates!
Want more?
Here are 5 Tips to Becoming a Successful Poker Affiliate.
- Free, safe and secure!
Advertises on TV
Full Tilt Poker Download Guide
Step-by-step instructions to successfully create your online poker account at Full Tilt Poker and receive a kick-ass poker bonus! FullTiltPoker.net is an online cardroom and poker school sponsored by pro’s like Phil Ivey, Mike Matusow, Tom Dwan and other well known poker pro’s. FullTiltPoker.net is the brand promoted in the commercials you’ve seen on TV if you’ve watched much poker on tv.
is the site offering free and real money poker action, 24/7 and accepts US players!
[geocode id=11]
This page is a step by step signup guide for creating your first account with instructions to download the
100% deposit bonus up to $600
USA & International Friendly
Click any link on this page and or use fulltilt poker bonus code: KICKASSPOKER when you sign up. The bonus/referral code is there to tell FTP you saw them from here. Everyone gets the $600 sign up bonus at Full Tilt. Here is a 1st person
if you want details on what it is like to play at this great online poker room.
Step 1. Visit
and download the FREE online poker software.
The download is 100% free and you will not leave this page. (a new window will open)
You will not be required to deposit any money. You can try the full tilt poker software for free with no requirement to ever make any purchase. If you do decide to deposit later, they will match your deposit amount 100% up to $600!
When the FullTilt site opens:
a. Click the red “PLAY FOR FREE” button to begin the free download.
(don’t see it? .)
b. When the download has completed it will automatically open and you’ll see a screen that looks like this:
This is where you get the full tilt poker software download.
2. Click the “Create New Account” button.
You’ll be taken to the following screen:
Input all of your information. The Player ID is your online name. You also get to select from around 30 avatars. You can change each of their expressions to suit your current mood.
Most likely, your referral/bonus code box will be grayed out. This is fine if it is grayed out, if not, put in bonus code KICKASSPOKER. If your bonus code box is grayed out then you are good to go, that means you already have your bonus. You do not have to put in a bonus code if you followed step 1 and downloaded the software from the link above.
You will get a kick ass deposit bonus up to $600 matched at 100%.
After you complete the registration phase, you’ll get this notification:
3. Click “Proceed to Validate Now”.
Go ahead and pull up your email. Input the code sent from Full Tilt.
Here is what the email looks like:
After validation you’ll get this notice:
4. Log In.
Open up the Full Tilt Poker Software (it will probably be open). Input your player name and the password you chose. If not, look for the Full Tilt Poker Icon on your desktop.
5.Register with the “CASHIER”… if you want to Deposit or if you want to have Funds Transferred to you. Click on the Cashier and it should automatically prompt you to register…
Fill in the appropriate fields…
Once you register with the cashier you’re set to make a deposit or to transfer funds.
Here are a handful of current fulltilt deposit options. You may need to look at the different funding methods by clicking on ‘Cashier’. Some ways to deposit include bank debit cards, yes, U.S. bank debit cards, Gift2Go pre-paid Visas cards, available for retail purchase at stores like Walgreens, are also viable deposit options! Always check the cashier once you download the software to find the current deposit methods available as they do always change.
Full Tilt Poker Download is MAC Friendly.
100% Deposit Bonus Included with link.
Phil Ivey might be playing online RIGHT NOW (look for a table highlighted in red, you don’t even have to create an account!
The other day we caught a handful of . Check out the hand that developed between Phil Ivey and Layne Flack, also what a horrible river card for Hoyt Corkins! The funniest thing about the screen shots is the timing of the question in the chat box compared to what just happened in a huge hand between a session ending huge
between Phil Ivey and Layne Flack….
After the hand was over, one the pro’s logged off without comment after pulling an all nighter.
It happens every day at FullTilt… See for yourself, visit , download the free software and get in the game.
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- best poker review site online!
Full Tilt Poker Free Gear
Get jerseys, shirts, hats, and a whole lot more when you play poker online at !
[geocode id=11]
It’s one of our favorite online-poker sites, and there’s just no bull about it: < is one of “the” places at which to .
Here’s just a few of the reasons why we love Full Tilt so much:
* Great interface, entertaining avatars and solid table functionality. It is as close to playing live as you can get online. It actually feels like you’re at the table.
* Private tournaments. If you have a special occasion or just want a private game, you can play with the people you choose. Our Atlanta-based league plays every Sunday night in a private online game and it’s a blast.
* Learn from the pros. It’s Full Tilt’s slogan and it’s true: you’ll find a selection of famous online pros here that no other site can rival, and you can watch them in action, too.
* Great bonuses and promotions. Here’s a great signup offer special to Kick A$$ Poker readers, and you you won’t be able to top it anywhere else. Coupled with Full Tilt Poker’s great rewards program, where you earn Full Tilt Points that you can redeem for cool Full Tilt Gear, it’s certainly among the industry’s best.
New players can use our special
Guide for step-by-step instructions on creating a new account, and here’s a special treat: You’ll also receive a Kick Ass Bonus on your first real-money deposit. We also share our incredibly detailed, first-person
offerings here.
It took us a while to pick up on everything Full Tilt offers, since there’s just so much of it. After playing at FTP for a while, we’re just catching up with all the free FullTilt gear that’s available to everyone who plays. We’ve heard Norman Chad talking about all the ‘FullTilt Gear’ on ESPN broadcasts of the World Series of Poker – we’ve got some of the same gear ourselves, and you can own it, too.
We believe that Full Tilt Poker offers the best points reward system in the industry. It offers you one point for every dollar in rake that is dropped, including fractional points. Most sites limit you to a maximum of one
at Full Tilt, you can earn up to three points per hand. You’ll also earn points playing in tournaments and Sit-n-Go’s. You’ll earn seven points for every $1 paid in entry fees, with no limit to the number of points you can earn per tournament. That’s a great points payback, unmatched almost anywhere else.
So what do those awards points buy?
It starts with shirts, hats, caps, jerseys, sunglasses, books, custom avatars, posters, tournament buy-ins and much, much more! The list is far too long to detail here, but you can check out the online
store to get a sample of all the available goodies. Learn to play like the pros, then redeem your points so you can look like the pros, too. One of the KAP bosses really digs the FTP football jersey, and when the weather gets a bit chilly here in Atlanta, the leather wool “letterman jacket” wouldn’t be too bad either. Further north, in colder climates, you’d get even more use out of that than we do… but we love it anyway, and there’s always tank tops and hats for the summer months.
If you play at FullTilt and would like to check your points, that’s easy enough as well. Just open the software and click the “Cashier” button. Your points are prominently listed, so you know exactly how many points you have available for all the extra goodies. For more information, for close-up views of all the gear, or to begin playing poker yourself, .
Thanks and we’ll see you at the tables!
[geocode id=11]
Hunt For Red – October’s Free FullTilt Poker Promotion
1. The Hunt for RED in October – Only at
If it’s October, it must be “Hunt for RED” time at Full Tilt, meaning it’s your chance to bang heads and poker skills with some of the most famous poker players around… and earn some extra cash to boot.
[geocode id=11]
As you probably already know, when you log into Full Tilt and see a table highlighted in red, it means there is a professional poker player affiliated with Full Tilt playing at that table. You can open up the table, and watch the player play, and sometimes even chat, depending on how crowded the chat function is. (The more famous the player, the more crowded the chat, but that’s the nature of the biz.)
For the most part, the pros play at stakes too high for most of us to afford, but each October that changes. The “Hunt for Red” is a rare opportunity to play heads-up poker against three of the Full Tilt Poker Pros. If you win all three heads-up matches, you’ll take home a whopping $50,000, plus the respect of the online poker world.
So, which Full Tilt Poker Pros will you have the chance to face off against? How about Phil Ivey, Howard Lederer and Phil Gordon? These are three of the most talented and fearless poker players on the planet, and they play exclusively at .
Here is how it works.
Win any multi-table tournament with a buy-in of at least $50+5. Just play in any of the scheduled multi-table poker tournaments at Full Tilt Poker between October 1st and October 31st. Once you win a tournament, you’re automatically eligible to participate in a special $5,000 freeroll.
Once you’ve qualified for the $5,000 freeroll, you’ve completed your first step in the Hunt for Red. The freeroll typically takes place in early November.
Win yourself that invitation-only freeroll… remember this freeroll is made up of people just like yourself who have won a $50 multi-table tournament, so the competition should be solid, though the field will have only a limited number of entrants. If you win the freeroll you’ll take home more than just the first-place money, you’ll also win the chance to live out every poker player’s fantasy and play Gordon, Lederer and Ivey in private heads-up matches, for that shot at $50,000.
You’ve successfully hunted for the Red, and now you just have to bag the biggest prize… You’re about to play three heads-up matches against some of the best poker players in the world. The final showdowns typically take place early in November, one week after the special freeroll.
Win your first match, and you’ll bank $5,000. Win two matches and take home $10,000. Scoop all three and collect a whopping $50,000 prize!
Check back on this one as October approaches, and don’t be surprised if Full Tilt fools us all and adds a special new twist this time around. Whatever it turns out to be, it’ll be great, and you can bet that “The Hunt” will be on once again.
($600 Deposit Bonus matched at 100%)
Here’s our custom-written, step-by-step
Guide, and here is our personal review of Full Tilt Poker. We play the games and review you should expect nothing less.
[geocode id=11]
Thanks and we’ll see you at the tables!
(Signed, Your friends at Kick A$$ Poker)
< Referral Code – Use our Valid Referral Code for Full Tilt Poker
Searching for the maximum bonus at Full Tilt Poker? We were one of the first affiliates for
Full Tilt Poker ever and our < referral code “kickasspoker” is guaranteed to work to get the 100% deposit bonus up to $600. Use our tested and valid Full Tilt Poker referral code and it will lock in your bonus even if you wait until later to actually make your deposit. You use the referral code for Full Tilt during the account signup process.
[geocode id=11]
Referral Code = “kickasspoker” (name of this site)
100% Deposit Bonus up to $600
Full Tilt Referral Code Details
Using a referral code for full tilt is a ‘no brainer’. You should make sure you use one and lock in your bonus, even if you don’t plan to deposit right away you should use a referral code so if and when you deposit later you still get the 100% match bonus whenever you deposit.
100% match up to $600
Earn bonus by earning “FTP Points”
View bonus details at any time in the cashier window
Paid out in $20 increments as soon as you earn it (unless you deposit less than $200 then it is paid out at 10% increments of your deposit bonus)
– Use referral code “kickasspoker”
Earning your Full Tilt Poker Bonus
You earn your bonus by playing in . As you play you begin accumulating Full Tilt Points on the following schedule: Ring Games
-1 points for each $1 raked to everyone who is dealt cards for the hand
-Partial points are awarded if less than one dollar is raked
-Max of 3 points per hand, because a cap of $3 on the rake
-Each point is worth $.06 towards your release bonus
-Your max earning over 100 hands is $18 bonus released
-Tournaments and Sit-n-Go’s $1 of Tournament Fee = 7 Full Tilt Points
-Each $1 of Tournament fee is worth $0.42 of bonus
FullTiltPoker Referral Code – Bonus Code – Promo Code?
So what’s the deal with all the different terms when referring to the “Full Tilt Poker Bonus Code.” They refer to it as a referral code, a full tilt promo code, or even a fulltiltpoker signup bonus. The honest answer is that today, most online poker players know that their real money play at an online poker site is valuable and that they can get
if they play poker there. This has lead to people searching for all sorts of terms in google related to what is the best full tilt poker bonus, how to get the full tilt sign up bonus and which fulltilt referral code is best to use.
This page is designed to explain answers to these questions as easily as possible and help you get the maximum value out of playing at FullTilt. Your play is valuable so take full advantage of the bonuses they offer.
Use the Full Tilt Referral Code During Account Creation – Not during Deposit Options
The Full Tilt Bonus Code and Promo Code is the same thing as the Full Tilt Referral Code, just different words for the same thing
Bonus is offered to new players only, this is not a Full Tilt Reload Bonus Code
You’ve probably already decided to play poker at Full Tilt if you are reading this page and searching for the best referral code for , but if you are not sure you can take a read through our Full Tilt Poker Review or read the Full Tilt download instructions.
[geocode id=11]
FullTilt accepts 100% USA players & one of the
Full Tilt Poker Review – Our Review of the FullTilt Poker Room
is a not recommended. At one time we considered them a very good online poker room featuring a wide mix of poker games, tons of players and large brand recognition.
was launched in 2004 with a huge marketing campaign that featured top poker players like Phil Ivey, Howard Lederer, Chris Ferguson, and Mike Matusaw Tom ‘durrrr’ dwan and Mike Matasow are probably the most well known. If you don’t have an account at
then you are missing one of the best online poker sites in the world. We have been there since 2004 and still play there weekly. Full Tilt is Macintosh Safe –
[geocode id=11]
Full Tilt Poker Not Recommended For Any Players USA Players?
It is true, as of April 15th, 2011 Full Tilt Poker stopped accepting real money players from the US. PokerStars did the same thing, as well as Absolute Poker and UB. The reason for this is because these companies were indicted by the USDOJ for various reasons stemming from the 2006 UIGEA bill that was shoved through piggybacking on a must pass port security bill. Make of it what you will, but the largest and most reputable sites (well, PokerStars and FullTilt are reputable anyway, I do not think anyone would say that about Absolute/UB) had to stop accepting real money players from the USA. In 2006, PartyPoker left the US market after the passing of the UIGEA.
Long story short is, there is a legal battle going on right now and to be honest it is really a chess match right now considering the legal maneuvering going on behind the scenes. Poker has been ruled a game of skill by federal judges in the states as well as around the world. For now, US players can not play at Full Tilt so any references you see to that effect are wrong. Either here on this site or around the web. We’ve been reviewing FTP since 2004 and will keep up to date in our
as developments occur.
Referral code: kickasspoker
100% Match up to $600
Claim Your Bonus Now at
– Enter referral code ‘kickasspoker’ during account creation
– Our Full Tilt Poker codes are tested and validated
Full Tilt Bonus Details
is used when creating your account. Going on full poker tilt can happen after bad beats, but as you play you earn your deposit bonus and hopefully easing the full poker tilt. The bonus is paid in $20 increments and you earn the bonus playing in
which earn FullTiltPoker points.Click for 100% FullTilt Poker deposit bonus. 100% up to $600 for new players.
*Phil Ivey recently spotted playing the high stakes no limit cash tables, find the table highlighted in red. Download the free software and open up the lobby to find him now! (no account necessary)
< Referral Code: Enter referral code “KICKASSPOKER” to lock in bonus of $600.
Full Tilt Poker Referral / Bonus Code: KICKASSPOKER
Gets 100% Match Bonus Up to $600. A very nice deposit bonus.
The Full Tilt Bonus Code is automatically included if you click any link on our FullTilt Poker Review Page and use our referral code: KICKASSPOKER.
You do have to play raked hands to release the bonus, but fulltiltpoker dishes it out as you earn it in increments of $20. So even though you will be playing a while to release the entire bonus, you don’t have to wait until you have earned enought points to release the entire bonus all at once. If you are looking for a guaranteed bonus code and a valid FullTiltPoker Referral Code, Use “KICKASSPOKER”
The bonus is good and the play at FullTilt makes this a place that you are going to play at for a long time most likely.
This referral code is valid & does not expire. They are not case sensitive but you do need to click any link on this page in order to get full credit. Just click our links and then click the ‘play for free / download now’ red chip you see on the Full
home page. During account sign up you enter the referral code once you begin the process of creating your account.
Have you seen the recent TV commercials advertising
and the FullTiltPoker brand name? They feature some of the most well known poker players in the world, like Phil Ivey, Mike Matasow, Jennifer Harmon and others. These commercials and other marketing have lead Full Tilt to become one of the largest online poker rooms in the world.
not only endorse FullTiltPoker.net, they were integral in the design and development of the software. This lead to a very player friendly tournament structure, plenty of game variety, and cash game action.
Check out this screen shot of Phil Ivey I snagged of him playing a huge no-limit hand against Layne Flack. The best part is the chat box compared to the timing of the hand itself.
FullTiltPoker Table and Lobby Screenshots
You can customize different backgrounds, looks and themes to make your poker playing experience unique.
All the standard buttons are there, and it is easy to play. You can right click on your avatar and change your expression. You can also roll your mouse over your avatar and see which cards you folded.
The lobby is straight forward to navigate and they have a ton of different icons and what not that mean different things, like rebuy, double stack, short handed, turbo, knockout etc…
FullTiltPoker Bonus Player Rewards
While playing poker at FullTilt, you earn Full Tilt Points (FTP’s)that you can redeem for some
, but wouldn’t prefer a Kick Ass Poker T-Shirt? Points can be used for both tournaments and gear. If you want the Full Tilt Poker Huge Deposit Bonus be sure you use our referral code if you are enjoying our poker room reviews. Use the full tilt poker bonus code listed here at kick ass poker.
Full Tilt Poker Games Offered
offers the most game variety of any of the online poker sites.
Not only do they have extensive game variety, they have all versions of the , , and special events.
-Omaha H/L
-Mixed Games (HORSE)
They also offer all types of , from 1 table to 90 person SNG’s running around the clock. Most of the traffic is in holdem, but there is a reasonable amount of traffic in other games like Razz, at least at the lower stakes levels.
I was in line to play Phil Ivey once in a .25c / .50c game that he was playing ‘for fun’ while he was also playing $25/50 NL Heads Up against Mike Matasow. He left before I could get in the game. I will take any chance I can get to play low stakes against Phil Ivey. He does not play that much low stakes anymore, to be honest.
I did outlast Phil Gordon in a two table, $10 +1 sit-n-go tournament at Full Tilt a while back. If you play many tournaments you are bound to run into a pro at your table. Just look for any table highlighted in red in the Fulltilt lobby, and then open the table up. Click here to see if a pro is playing at Full Tilt Poker right now, you might just be suprised.
If playing multiple
to win a seat in the WSOP is your thing, they offer you plenty of options. If you can find it in a poker room, you can probably find it at Full Tilt Poker. The only sites I can think of that have as high quality software as Full Tilt
. Check out
review for information about this top quality poker software that has even more features that Full Tilt Poker, like rabbit hunting, show and fold 1 card and more.
Here are a handful of the most current commercials featuring Full Tilt Poker.net pro’s Mike Matusow, Phil Ivey, Allen Cunningham, Jennifer Harmon and Gus Hansen.
Most of the Full Tilt pro’s have their own customized avatar that looks like them. Not only that, they have 4 different expressions to choose from. When you see the Chris “Jesus” Ferguson avatar playing in your tournament, it is really him!
You get to choose from about 40 something avatars to choose from yourself and you can change their expression depending on your mood. Click here to see all avatars.
The pro’s will, most of the time, chat with you if you ask them questions… well non insulting or stupid questions that is. Of course other pro’s play at other online poker sites too, but fulltilt is the only site that aggressively promote’s that fact as a selling point to play poker there. Here is a
at other online poker rooms.
Full Tilt Poker Player Traffic
They are one of the three largest sites online, have excellent brand recognition and have excellent overall player traffic. They are also known as having the most consistent high stakes poker action, with guys playing $ on a semi regular basis.
Small stakes as unreal traffic with more tables to choose from than you can shake a stick at. From .05 /.10 NL up to $5/$10 NL you will see steady, constant traffic. They are on their own,
and the traffic is not as huge as the big sites like Party and Poker Stars, but they get as much traffic as sites like Bodog, (another great room). During peak times, later on in the evening you will see $10/$20 games, and sometimes even a $50 / $100 NL table. and boast top 3 level traffic in 2008.
It is not uncommon to see some very high stakes games being played as a handful of top online poker players make Full Tilt their online poker home. Not to mention tons of players, so there is plenty of action 24/7!
They are getting huge exposure on ESPN and in return there is going to be a huge new influx of new players. Full Tilt had one of the largest stables of Professional Poker Players representing their card room deep into the main event, including poker superstar Phil Ivey, Howard Lederer and Mike the Mouth Matusow.
You’ll see them on TV as Full Tilt Poker.net but they are really doing the , as everyone knows.
Player Competition
Players to me seem a little better than average compared to the other big site I play on, . I don’t know if it is just me or what, but the games I play on full tilt (cash games that is) just don’t run that well for me. Seems to be mixed feelings about that as this FullTilt or Pokerstars thread in the forum.
Tournaments Offered and Details
Rebuy / Add-On
Double Stack
Super Stack
Cash Transfer
One of the best things about the poker games at
is that they have excellent structure in virtually all of their events. Nothing is worse than finding a tournament you want to play online, plopping down your cash and then finding out that you’re stuck in a tournament that has horrible structure and will be ‘BINGO’ at the 4th blind level.
Full Tilt poker tournament blinds never double.
Remember the Full Tilt pro sponsors? Many of them were involved with the initial site set up and tournament design. Implementing a great blind schedule and variety of games has been in my opinion one of the best things to come out of the direct pro involvement with Full Tilt. (other than brand recognition, admitted).
They made the
games player friendly… and one of the coolest things that came out of this was the super player friendly tournament structure.
This is huge, especially late in tournaments. You actually get to play poker and not just an all in shove fest when it gets late. The blinds start at 15/30 and you have $1500 chips to start in the regular tournaments and SNG’s, although they offer double stack events around the clock if you want to play deep stacked from the start.
FullTilt Poker has one of the lowest late tournament blinds of any site out there. They do not double and late in a big tournament you will have more time to play poker. It is not as much a roll of the dice, all-inning because of the huge blinds that you will find at some of the other sites tournaments. For this one reason, good online poker players should make a habit of playing in the multi table tournaments at .
I just checked the weekly $200,000 guaranteed tournament and see that Eric Lindgren made the final table this past week, this is a $200+16 buy-in.
If that’s outside of your bankroll, consider these nightly guarantee’s.
$24+2 that guarantees $17,000 Mondays through Fridays at 10pm EST, and the bump the guarantee on the weekend to $18,000, $19,000.
You will see pro’s playing in a lot of these tournaments, especially the $100+ buy-in levels on somewhat regular basis. There is a little more than $800,000 in weekly guarantee’s so you multi-table addicts should really enjoy playing at Full Tilt. Satellites, freerolls, , bounty tournaments and constant promotions. Full Tilt Poker works to make it’s players happy by offering wide choices of tournaments to suit your style.
Deposit Options
There are multiple ways to deposit at fulltilt and these change fairly often. Open up your account and click the cashier button and then the make a deposit. You will see several suggestions to begin playing online at Full Tilt. Here are the most common:
As always, check the cashier for most current options.
Final FullTilt Poker Review Thoughts?
a lot. One of our favorite things on Full Tilt is the . You knock someone out, you collect a cash bounty. KO Tournaments add a real twist to the dynamic of the tournament and these are a lot of fun.
I also really like the deep stacked no limit cash tables. For example, .15/.30 blinds with a $60 max buy-in. This is the only online poker site I play at that offers a deep stack no limit cash table to start out. Consider that in a normal .25/.50 game the max max buyin is $50, deep stacked would start with $100. You can play post flop, deep stack no limit cash game poker without having to sit with a ton of your bankroll on the line or without having to win a bunch at the normal buyin levels.
is a fun place to play poker.
The quality of game selection is great. The high quality of the design of the software is super easy to use and the generous tournament structures and the constant bonus perks make Full Tilt Poker one of our favorite places to play online.
FullTilt Poker is one of the largest online poker sites in the world and they are one of the best choices for USA Online Poker. Click here to Play at FullTilt Poker – $600 deposit bonus matched at 100% – KickAss!
– step by step instructions for new players on creating an account. (free and easy)
More information on
FullTilt Poker Video – Watch this video of me playing a little no limit holdem at FullTilt Poker, plus get a players eye view of the room. Don’t worry, I fix the screen one minute in
P.S. Check out this screenshot I caught of Phil Ivey vs Layne Flack in a huge No Limit Hand, the funniest part is the chat box compared to the hand, haha!
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Full Tilt Poker Satellites
Satellite Tournaments for the
at Full Tilt Poker for major televised poker tournaments like WPT and WSOP.
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is offering a very cool tournament called ‘Winners Choice’. This is a satellite tournament into some of the
on the planet, like the World Poker Tour and the WSOPC (World Series of Poker Circuit).
“Winners Choice” Here is how it works:
Saturdays at 3PM there is a special tournament on Full Tilt Poker called “Winners Choice.” It is a $200+16 buy in tournament and for every 31 players registered they give away one “Winners Choice Package”.
The Winners Choice Package consists of a tournament buy in and then extra spending money to get yourself to the tournament and some decent lodgings.
You essentially get $12,000 bucks that you spend at one of the
of your choice. Full Tilt Poker offers you your choice from a handful of major poker tournaments like the World Series of Poker Circuit Events or the World Poker Tour events. For a map and complete list of the tournaments, click here.
Full Tilt offers very good satellites into the $200 + $16 Winners Choice tournament on Saturday.
I’m not to keen on buying in directly to the $200 + 16 Winners Choice tournament itself, but the good news is that there are 4 daily Satellites starting at $24 + 2.
4 daily satellites for $26 buyin – Login to Full Tilt Poker and click on the tournaments tab and then click on satellites – look for the tournaments highlighted in green. These are the $24 + 2 satellite events into the ‘Winners Choice’ Saturday tournament.
They’ve also got micro satelittes at $4 + .40. To find these, visit the
section and look for the $4+.40 highlighted in purple. These tournaments award a $26 tournament token. Take the $26 tournament token and buy a seat in one of the 4 daily satellites. One big finish in the World Poker Tour or the WSOP is a life changer… not bad for $26 bucks.
If you win on Saturday you get to choose which
you play. The WSOPC events are World Series of Poker Circuit events, and you don’t have to wait until the actual 2006 World Series of Poker which starts in June.
and get a Kick Ass deposit bonus! Full Tilt matches deposit 100% up to $600!
Here is a 1st persons
and here are
Instructions with a Kick Ass Bonus and step by step instructions on creating your first account.
Thanks, have fun and we’ll see you at the tables!
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Screenshots of FullTilt Poker Pro’s playing huge pots online!
Pro’s are playing at
all the time, just
and find a table highlighted in “RED”
It is possible that Phil Ivey is playing on Full Tilt Poker right now!
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I love watching the pro’s play
over at Full Tilt! You can watch them play, ask them questions and interact with the pro’s completely for free, even if you do not yet have an account at Full Tilt. It is completely free and easy, just . Check out these screen shots from Full Tilt Poker and here is a fulltiltpoker.net page
Here is a shot of John Juanda playing 10/20 NL… Don’t know if it is true, but John said that he is down $25k on FullTilt since he started… warms my heart to hear that even the Pro’s lose money sometimes!
Now here is a shot of Hoyt Corkins loosing a huge pot playing 25/50 NL… Hoyt couldn’t have caught a worse card on the river! (yeah, I know can’t see Hoyt’s Avatar very well), but check out ole bleu329!
Here is a shot of Phil Ivey against Layne Flack…
Here is how this hand developed. Ivey raised pre-flop to $150 (3x the BB) and Layne Called.
Flop comes down 8 Q 6 Rainbow and Phil Ivey bets the pot. Layne comes over the top for around $2000 more and Ivey pauses just a second and calls him all in… $5,375 pot! They turn their cards over and Phil has him dominated… Of course Layne picks up the Flush Draw on the turn, but it wasn’t mean to be… Phil phils up on the river for the boat and takes Layne’s entire stack…
Layne left immedieatly without a word…
The best thing about this screen capture of Phil Ivey and Layne Flack is the Chat box on the left. If you’ll notice, an observer asks Phil Ivey a question… He asks him what houses go for in Vegas right as Phil hits a Full House against Layne. Kind of ironic, the timing and all.
and look for any game that is highlighted in red. That means a Pro is Playing. If you ever see a pro sitting at the table it is really him, they have custom made avatars. It is common to see a handful of pro’s playing at any given time. Many play at low stakes too.
New players who want to play can use the step by step
to create your account and get a Kick Ass Poker Bonus! 100% up to $600. It is a step by step guide to creating your account.
– detailed and comprehensive.
Thanks, have fun and we’ll see you at the tables!
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Full Tilt Poker WSOP
Full Tilt Poker was once one of the top WSOP satellite sites online. However, with the US situation not allowing them to accept players from the US it still remains to be seen what kind of impact or sponsorship FullTilt will have on this years WSOP. Will there still be plenty of World Series of Poker qualifiers at FTP or will those tournaments dry up? At the very least, we assume the old days of sending 100’s of players to the WSOP via satellites is over.
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Learn, Chat and Play With The Pros
Full Tilt Poker is the only online poker room conceived, designed and played by , including Phil Ivey, Chris Ferguson and Howard Lederer.
Learn: Access our library of poker lessons written by the game’s best players
Chat: Get answers to your questions directly from our pros at the table or in our pro chat sessions
Play: Sit down with any of our 100+ pros, who play more than 1,600 hours every week at Full Tilt Poker
Download the game now and start playing at the only
designed by the world’s best players.
Updated FullTiltPoker WSOP Promo Info
As soon as it is announced this year, we will update this page with World Series of Poker promo information from FullTiltPoker. This will include the amount of WSOP
plus the different sponsorship opportunities they have for players to win. If you qualify for the WSOP at Full Tilt Poker, they will pay your entry fee, give you $2,000 in spending cash and give you a chance to win an additional $10 Million bucks.
The following information is from last years WSOP promo at Full Tilt and will be replaced when this years info comes out. Stay tuned! For now, grab your
and get your account funded and ready!
Here is how it works: Outlast around 8000 others and make the World Series of Poker Final Table.
If you make the final Full Tilt kicks you an extra $50 g’s . You’ll already be a millionaire since you’ve made the final table of the World Series of Poker, so the $50k that Full Tilt Poker is giving you will make for at least a fine night of partying in Vegas after the WSOP.
Finish in the top three, and they’ll give you $100K. You’ll be a multi-millionaire by now, but hey, it’s $100k, and that is a realllly good night of partying in Vegas (or about two hours of black jack play by Ted Forrest). Top three isn’t bad, but what you really want to do is become the next WSOP Champion.
Win the 2006 WSOP Bracelet Winner and
gives you an extra Ten Million Bucks. You’ll have already won about $10 million in the WSOP but hey, it’s $10 Million bucks! Not too shabby. I wonder what Poker Stars paid Joe Hachem to join their team? I talked to Steve Dannenmann a while back and at least at that time he hasn’t been approached to be a sponsor of an online poker room so hey, 1st is where it’s at.
It’s good to be King
Qualify for the most WSOP seats at Full Tilt and get crowned the Full Tilt Poker King of the WSOP. There are lots of great WSOP qualifying tournaments to choose from over at Full Tilt Poker, and some of these are so juicy that they make sense to qualify for more than once. Tilt actually rewards you for qualifying for the WSOP more than once. If you win multiple WSOP Main Event seats at FTP, you could become a “King of the WSOP”. Full Tilt pimps you out with the royal treatment in Vegas during the WSOP.
The king gets first-class airfare, and upgraded suite at the Rio Hotel. A limo at your service 24 hours a day, and a crown on your Full Tilt Avatar for one year.
For all the details, see Full Tilt Poker’s Terms and Conditions. (I’m sure you have to agree to wear their Full Tilt Poker Gear at the WSOP and in media interviews.)
100 Seats Guaranteed! 1 Huge Full Tilt Tourney
This extraordinary $500 + $35 tournament will be held at 6PM ET on July 16th, and they are building up to this blockbuster by offering players at every level a chance to satellite into the 100 seat guaranteed event starting at the $4 + $.40 buyin or or even 50 Full Tilt Points. (Only 50 Full Tilt Points!!!)
Full Tilt is guaranteeing that at least 100 players will receive a $10 thousand dollar prize package and $2 thousand in spending cash , to be used at the World Series of Poker Main Event. You’ll get a ton of Full Tilt schwag, yours to promote all over creation and of course don during the WSOP.
You can use one of your $24+2 tokens to play in a multi table qualifier that awards seats to this tourney , or you can play in a 1 table SNG that awards a seat into a $69+6 SNG that awards 1 seat. If you’re more confident that you can win two SNG’s in a row as compared to placing high enough in larger multi’s then go the SNG route.
Tilt’s Weekly WSOP Tourneys
Full Tilt is offering at least 2 tournaments per week with a $200+16 buy in that guarantee a Main Event Package. There are SNG qualifiers as well as multi table qualifiers into this one at the $24+2 levels, and as usual you can win a $26 token at a $5 buyin SNG.
$1 Million worth of give aways between now and the 2006 WSOP – 1 Freeroll every month that gives away 20 WSOP Packages
Full Tilt Poker is giving away 1 million worth of free WSOP Main Event seats (100 seats total, 5 months on the promo and 20 players per month). And when they say free, they mean it. Completely free… gratis… on the house. Full Tilt is having five monthly WSOP 20 Seat Freerolls starting in March.
The top 20 finishers in each tournament will all win a seat to the Main Event in Las Vegas. 20 seats a Each month players will have have several ways to enter the
without ever buying in. For qualifying players, this is a pretty aggressive WSOP reward program.
Of course terms and conditions apply on all of the above promotions, read all the details at
Good luck, and we’ll see you at the virtual tables! (We’ve got a lot of long time players over on Full Tilt, if any of you guys play in any of the big above tourneys, be sure and drop by the forum and let us know so we can root you on!
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– information on setting up your account, designed for 1st time players
detailed and accurate
Phil Ivey VS Layne Flack Screenshot – in a huge
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