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arne on September 24, 2007
This plugin generates a
compliant sitemap of your
blog. This format is supported , Google, YAHOO and MSN Search.
More information about what XML-Sitemaps are and how they can help you to get indexed by the major search engines can be found at
If you have questions about XML-Sitemaps or run into problems, have a look at my .
Note: The XML-Sitemap format was introduced in 2005 by Google and adopted in 2006 by YAHOO, Live
so that’s why it’s often called &Google Sitemaps&.
Problems with your sitemap? .
Support for all WordPress content, including custom post types, taxonomies, archives, authors, …
No PHP skills or file changes needed
User interface to customize all parameters like priorities etc.
Available in many languages
Calculates a priority for each post, based on the number of comments
Notifies Google, Bing and YAHOO about changes via ping
Includes a WordPress filter for other plugins which can add their pages to the sitemap
100% Multisite compatible, including by-blog and network activation.
…and many more!
Download (includes all languages):
for an explanation about single and sub-sitemaps.
Thanks for the translations: , Belorussian, , , , , English, , , German, , , , , , Portugese, , , , , Simplified, ,
Pricing and Licensing:
Good news, this plugin is free for everyone! Since it’s released under GPL, you can use it free of charge on your personal or commercial blog. But if you enjoy this plugin, you can thank me and leave a small donation for the time I’ve spent writing and supporting this plugin. And I really don’t want to know how many hours of my life this plugin has already eaten
If you don’t like PayPal, you can also send me an .Thanks for your support!
Notify List:
Subscribe to get notified about new major releases and security issues. Maybe one mail per year, confirmation required (double-opt-in).
Simply download the Zip-Archive and extract all files into your wp-content/plugins/ directory. Then go into your WordPress administration page, click on Plugins and activate it. After that you will have a new menu point called &Sitemap& under the &Options& menu. You can alter the default change frequencies and other options there.
Suggest a feature:
Submit your own ideas and browse existing suggestions on the .
Example of a generated sitemap:
Cutout of the administration UI, click for full image:
Yes, that screen is still from WordPress 2.0
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