
We often speak of language as a vehicle of expression -- a metaphor that can illumine many aspects of our foreign language teaching situation. Language is a vehicle of meaning that we do not even
in other words, a vehicle that is transporting a person's message somewhere but is not itself the object of the trip. Before students can use such a vehicle for their purposes it must be constructed, and this construction requires a blueprint and various stages of production, with tryouts as the various sections and combinations are assembled -- tryouts during which what has been assembled to date is used, if only momentarily, for its ultimate purpose.   With our language vehicle this ultimate purpose is expression people revealing themselves to, or disguising or hiding themselves from, other people. Expression involves all the problems of interpersonal relations. For this reason it is frequently less painful for teachers and students to continue working on the construction of the vehicle than to try it out for level of performance.  
In a model of foreign-language teaching and learning processes that is now quite well known, I have distinguished skill-getting, represented by both cognition and production (or pseudo-communication), from skill-using in interaction, which involves both reception and expression and is dependent on motivation to communicate.   
The construction of our vehicle presupposes a design. Some particularly talented individuals can put the design into effect without the h they appear to move directly from the prototype to production, which means that they develop their own internal representation from acquaintance with the prototype. These are the exceptions, however. Most need help in developing a series of blueprints of increasing complexity as a basis for production. Some prefer lessons in drafting blueprints, whereas others can draw them up from experience with a prototype of the vehicle. These blueprints represent the system underlying both reception and expression. Our students depend on their blueprints as they put the parts together in production so that the vehicle will function. Sometimes students try merely to copy someone else's assembly. This may work for a time but leaves the student bewildered as the assembly becomes more complicated. At this stage only those with comprehensive blueprints, or internal representations, are able to make the mechanism operate as they would like. Construction is not, however, the use of the vehicle: This is represented by the trying out that continually takes place as the assembly takes form.
It is only through such tryouts that the operation of the vehicle can be smoothly integrated, the faults corrected, and the user gain confidence in handling it.  
No analogy should be pushed too far. I have emphasized that mere production of itself is not sufficient. In every lesson it must be regarded as preliminary to actually trying out what is being learned so that from the earliest stages all learning activities lead to some form of real communication rather than remaining at the level of pseudo communication through imposed utterances.  
Interaction has always been the most neglected part of the language activities in which we engage in the classroom. This situation will not improve unless definite steps are taken to include substantial interaction activities in each lesson. Because “real” communication for our students takes place in the native language, it is not surprising that they need some stimulus to use the foreign language for natural purposes. Interaction does not take place in a void. It is not enough to put sev there must also be some situational element that naturally elicits an interchange. Interaction is a purposeful person-to-person affair in speech and in most kinds of writing. This interpersonal character of interaction explains why so much of foreign-language teaching and learning remains at the production or pseudo-communication level.  
In most classrooms, there is very little reason or opportunity for students or teachers to reveal themselves to each other: the relationship is a formal and formalized one for which conventionalities suffice. The teach the students are there to learn what the teacher or the administration thinks they should learn. The usual greetings are exchanged, conventional questions are asked about material presented aurally or graphically, and conventional answers arising from the material are expected. Common remarks that may be heard are: &Come to the point, Johnny. We're not interested in your personal history&; &Don't ask silly questions&; &That's nothing to do with it. Didn't you hear the question?& John Holt describes the mechanisms students employ to defend themselves in class and protect their real selves from the humiliation and embarrassment that could result if they ventured to express themselves in an uncertain, often hostile environment (and this in their native language). The emotional needs of the individual must be understood by the teacher if the students are to realize their full potential.  
Spontaneous communication and free interaction are possible in any language only when teachers and their students have built up a warm, uninhibited, confident, sympathetic relationship and when such a relationship also exists among the students themselves. In the first lessons no such state of affairs exists as yet. The teacher’s efforts from the beginning should be devoted to building up such relationships through enjoyable, successful experiences in using interesting and amusing segments of language in a multiplicity of ways so that students begin to feel that they can express real concerns through this new medium and that it is exhilarating to do so. This confident attitude, so essential to development of future speaking skill, is very fragile and can be stifled quite early by a situation where the teacher has the advantage of fluency and is inevitably right while the student is uncertain, groping, and for the most part wrong. Early interaction practice calls for self-restraint and tact on the part of the teacher. Once the students understand the rules of the game -- that you do the most you can with the little you have in some meaningful activity shared with others in the group, and that the teacher is there not to condemn but to give a helping hand, a gentle reminder, and much encouragement – confident self-expression is possible even at a very early stage.  
It is because of this fundamental interpersonal factor that methods and techniques imposed on the teacher, efficient as they might have seemed in the abstract in terms of language-learning theory, have always proved successful for some people working with some classes but not for all. The interaction of teacher personality, multiple student personalities, and what each brings into the classroom from the outside can be observed only in unique situations. Take one student away from the group or add one student and you immediately have a new mix. Change the teacher and the situation is no longer the same. All teachers are conscious of this fact, which has been the bane of large-scale investigations and experimentation in teaching methods.  
Is methodology then futile? Not at all. Methodology should be based on what we know about language (what it is and how it operates -- still a matter of controversy); what we know about human beings (how they learn and how they learn language and whether these are different processes or merely different manifestations of the same process, another question still under investigation); and what we know about people in interaction (a prolific area of psychological study). It is inevitable, then, that methodological recommendations will change as our knowledge of these three factors evolves, with earlier postulates being rejected and new premises accepted. Teachers should keep in touch with findings in these areas and share the excitement of a developing and progressing discipline.  
At this point the teacher takes over as a professional and as an individual with his or her own gifts, insights and preferences. First, teachers must know themselves and their strengths and weaknesses in interpersonal relations. Then they must know their students: who they are, what their aspirations are, how they learn as individuals. The teacher will find that the general attitudes of students fluctuate, not only from generation to generation or from decade to decade, but also, in a period of rapid change, almost from year to year. Senior high school and college students may still accept what their younger brothers and sisters are already rejecting. In an earlier period, for instance, with a more docile student population, it seemed possible to subordinate individual students to the efficient system for their own good, as se now the efficient system must be subordinated to individual learning preferences if there is to be a high quality of learning. This is a period of plurality of objectives and diversity of learning approaches.  
Teachers in this volatile period must understand how teaching and learning relate to each other and interact fruitfully, realizing that either can exist without the other. They must learn to teach in such a way that they do not interpose themselves between the learner and what is to be learned. They must accept and encourage a variety of learning styles allowing for differences in individuals. Some people learn more by the ear than the eye, others lear some learn from abstract reflection, some from c some learn mor some prefer to learn by themselves, whereas others prefer help, even direction, and need the stimulation of a group if they are to realize their potential. Foreign-language teachers for this generation must consider carefully how they can devise learning programs for types of students they did not ordinarily meet in their classes in an earlier period.  
By this time my teacher-readers may find their heads spinning. They have listened, they have studied, they have read. None of this is sufficient. Truly successful teachers are highly idiosyncratic. From this plethora of information and recommendations, they select. They take from the new what suits their own personality and their teaching style and what is appropriate for the personalities and aspirations of their own students, thus forming their own approach. They are not afraid to innovate, to rearrange, to redesign their courses, because continual reflection and appropriate adjustment and readjustment keep them professionally alive, making them more interesting to their students.   Above all, they do not remain caught up in their own discipline but see it in relation to the total educational experience. They see themselves contributing, along with their colleagues in mathematics, in social studies, in guidance, to the maturation process of young minds and personalities. They remain in step with changing approaches to the whole curriculum and view their subject in that perspective. In Step? Why should they not be in the vanguard in meeting new challenges and seeking new opportunities, leading while remaining true to the essence of their own discipline? Such an approach requires flexibility of mind and sensitivity to professional winds of change.
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So we move, let us hope, as a profession into an era of tolerance and acceptance of difference -- the era of the commune, where divisive and acrimonious competition to draw teachers in one direction and then in another will appear irrelevant, and the word “best& will be recognized for the subjective and relative term it is. Let us look forward to a period of &many flowers blooming, day lilies perhaps, but each in its day and hour bringing fragrance to the experience of some.& Invite me to visit your garden at that stage so that I can see what your skill and care have brought into being.
  《国际英语口语教程》  《Spoken English for International Learners》  教程说明  《国际英语口语教程》(Spoken English for International Learners)是由伦敦圣三一学院(Trinity College London)国际英语考试与教师资格认证专家编写,以现代外语学习理念为基础,以真实伦敦英语为素材,以欧洲CEFR语言标准为基础,是通过伦敦圣三一学院国际英语口语等级考试、获得等级证书的最直接途径。  《国际英语口语教程》共有12级,对应GESE考试大纲的1-12级,每个级别教程包括学生用书和配套的录音光盘,目前1-6级教程已出版完毕。  教程特色   由伦敦圣三一学院中国首席学术专家联合圣三一学院国际英语考试与教师资格认证专家编写   完全依据伦敦圣三一学院最新考试大纲编写,更是基于伦敦圣三一学院考试真题设计教学活动和题型,是全球唯一一套伦敦圣三一学院授权使用真实考试素材编写的备考教程   以现代外语学习理念,尤其是任务型教学与学习理念为基础,以欧洲CEFR语言标准为依据  编著者介绍  Kwesting Lu 鲁子问 教授  华中师范大学教授,华中师范大学北京研究院副院长  伦敦圣三一学院国际英语考试与教师资格认证中国地区首席学术代表    Francis Doogan 弗朗西斯•杜根  伦敦圣三一学院中国学术代表,融合教学创立者    Maria Bjorning Gyde 玛丽娅布•约宁•吉德  伦敦圣三一学院中国学术代表,融合教学创立者  适用范围  《国际英语口语教程》适用于准备参加伦敦圣三一学院国际英语口语等级考试一级到六级的考生备考使用。  联系方式:  咨询顾问:
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