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Kiss of Revenge on the App Store on iTunes
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Kiss of Revenge
By Voltage inc.
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-Information2 important reminders about Another Story routes:1. You must purchase Another Story routes in order to play them. 2. If, when playing the main story, you choose to continue on to the Another Story, you will be returned to the chapter screen.If you tap the Another Story button on the chapter screen without both purchasing AND downloading the story, you will be sent to the story summary page.You must purchase and download an Another Story route in order to play it.If only I hadn’t fallen in love…---------------------------- You’ve finally made it.
You’re a doctor now, working at a major hospital in Tokyo,the very same hospital whose covered-up medical error caused your mother’s sudden death 12 years ago. Since then, you've lived for that nothing but revenge.But now...“No matter what happens, I’ll always love you”.You feel yourself pulled towards his lips and you hesitate, your hand and the knife in it freeze for a moment.Would forgiving this person be wrong? ---------------------------- -A dramatic story At first it was all just a part of your plan for revenge, but as you get closer to him you start to feel something...Will you choose vengeance in the end? Or could this really be your path to happiness?Experience a truly bittersweet romance, torn between love and revenge...
-Attractive charactersThe cool son of the hospital director, your first love and childhood friend, an amoral surgeon...Who will be the one to soften a heart hardened by revenge?-------------------------- The prologue is free. The main stories cost $3.99 and contain 16 episodes each. (Another Stories cost $2.99 and contain stories that take place after chapter 8 of the main story)The story saves automatically at the end of every chapter.Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Recommended devices: iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPad 3rd generation, iPad mini, iPod touch 5th generation. Not compatible with: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPad 1st generation, iPod touch 4th generation and earlier, iPad Air, iPad mini with Retina display and iPad with Retina display.
What's New in Version 2.1
Customer Reviews
I've been playing otome games for YEARS (like this is a legit problem now lol) but this game is great! The story captures you and takes you on a feels adventure. I seriously cried several times throughout the routes because of the storyline being absolutely beautiful. It might be expensive, but it's totally worth it!! Definately one of my favourite mobile otome games!
I've been looking everywhere for a game like this it cried a lot I've only been playing for a few days now and I feel the emotions that the main character. The grsfiks were amazing
Love it but need to be updated
I I really want to continue the story in season 2! Please update for season 2!!
Customers Also Bought
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 2.1Size: 12.4 MBLanguage: EnglishSeller: Voltage inc.Infrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or ReferencesInfrequent/Mild Sexual Content and NudityInfrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive ThemesCompatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Customer Ratings
Current Version:
&&&&&23 Ratings
All Versions:
&&&&&912 Ratings
Top In-App Purchases
Season 1: Issei Main Story$3.99Season 1: Issei Another Story$2.99Season 1: Issei Epilogue$1.99Season 1: Junpei Main Story$3.99Season 1: Issei Another Epilogue$1.99Season 1: Soichiro Main Story$3.99Season 1: Kyosuke Main Story$3.99Deeply in Love: Moving In with Him$2.99Our First Winter$2.99Season 1: Junpei Another Story$2.99
More by Voltage inc.
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and discover new iTunes Radio Stations and the music we love.iTunes 的 App Store 中的“鏡の中のプリンセス Love palace”
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鏡の中のプリンセス Love palace
开发商:Voltage inc.
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此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计免费类别: 版本: 1.1大小: 13.2 MB语言: 英语开发商: Voltage inc.偶尔/轻微的卡通或幻想暴力偶尔/轻微的成人/性暗示题材偶尔/轻微的烟酒或毒品使用或相关内容偶尔/轻微的色情内容或裸露兼容性: 需要 iOS 5.1.1 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 优化。
更多Voltage inc.产品Kiss of Revenge on the App Store on iTunes
Opening the iTunes Store.If iTunes doesn't open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop.Progress Indicator
Opening the iBooks Store.If iBooks doesn't open, click the iBooks app in your Dock.Progress Indicator
iTunes is the world's easiest way to organize and add to your digital media collection.
We are unable to find iTunes on your computer. To download the free app Kiss of Revenge by Voltage inc., get iTunes now.
Already have iTunes? Click I Have iTunes to open it now.
Kiss of Revenge
By Voltage inc.
Open iTunes to buy and download apps.
-Information2 important reminders about Another Story routes:1. You must purchase Another Story routes in order to play them. 2. If, when playing the main story, you choose to continue on to the Another Story, you will be returned to the chapter screen.If you tap the Another Story button on the chapter screen without both purchasing AND downloading the story, you will be sent to the story summary page.You must purchase and download an Another Story route in order to play it.If only I hadn’t fallen in love…---------------------------- You’ve finally made it.
You’re a doctor now, working at a major hospital in Tokyo,the very same hospital whose covered-up medical error caused your mother’s sudden death 12 years ago. Since then, you've lived for that nothing but revenge.But now...“No matter what happens, I’ll always love you”.You feel yourself pulled towards his lips and you hesitate, your hand and the knife in it freeze for a moment.Would forgiving this person be wrong? ---------------------------- -A dramatic story At first it was all just a part of your plan for revenge, but as you get closer to him you start to feel something...Will you choose vengeance in the end? Or could this really be your path to happiness?Experience a truly bittersweet romance, torn between love and revenge...
-Attractive charactersThe cool son of the hospital director, your first love and childhood friend, an amoral surgeon...Who will be the one to soften a heart hardened by revenge?-------------------------- The prologue is free. The main stories cost $3.99 and contain 16 episodes each. (Another Stories cost $2.99 and contain stories that take place after chapter 8 of the main story)The story saves automatically at the end of every chapter.Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Recommended devices: iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPad 3rd generation, iPad mini, iPod touch 5th generation. Not compatible with: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPad 1st generation, iPod touch 4th generation and earlier, iPad Air, iPad mini with Retina display and iPad with Retina display.
What's New in Version 2.1
Customer Reviews
I've been playing otome games for YEARS (like this is a legit problem now lol) but this game is great! The story captures you and takes you on a feels adventure. I seriously cried several times throughout the routes because of the storyline being absolutely beautiful. It might be expensive, but it's totally worth it!! Definately one of my favourite mobile otome games!
I've been looking everywhere for a game like this it cried a lot I've only been playing for a few days now and I feel the emotions that the main character. The grsfiks were amazing
Love it but need to be updated
I I really want to continue the story in season 2! Please update for season 2!!
Customers Also Bought
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 2.1Size: 12.4 MBLanguage: EnglishSeller: Voltage inc.Infrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or ReferencesInfrequent/Mild Sexual Content and NudityInfrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive ThemesCompatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Customer Ratings
Current Version:
&&&&&23 Ratings
All Versions:
&&&&&912 Ratings
Top In-App Purchases
Season 1: Issei Main Story$3.99Season 1: Issei Another Story$2.99Season 1: Issei Epilogue$1.99Season 1: Junpei Main Story$3.99Season 1: Issei Another Epilogue$1.99Season 1: Soichiro Main Story$3.99Season 1: Kyosuke Main Story$3.99Deeply in Love: Moving In with Him$2.99Our First Winter$2.99Season 1: Junpei Another Story$2.99
More by Voltage inc.
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