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高端打球!高尔夫游戏《On Green》视频放出
高端打球!高尔夫游戏《On Green》视频放出
近日,由韩国GOLFZON公司开发的高尔夫游戏《On Green》公布了一段新的宣传视频。
《On Green》是款高尔夫模拟游戏,玩家可以在游戏中感受到真实的打击感,而由Cry3打造的画面更是带来了视觉上的享受。
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Recent reviews by greenflynn
46.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I absolutely adore this game and cannot recommend it enough. Even without story mode, the sandbox is a throuogh, challenging experience. I've never had so much fun just trying to survive. If you likes survival games and beautiful environments, this game is 100% made for you. Check it out.
Posted 29 May, 2016.
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2.0 hrs on record
Before I get into this properly, I need to say this game is over-priced. That Dragon, Cancer is a deeply emotional experience that I think everyone should experience, but it has no reply value. You cannot play this game again and expect the same emotional punch to the gut. It's a tight narrative that emerses you briefly in the world of a dying child and his grieving parents, and then you leave, and move on, and you never play it again.$15 for a one-time, 2 hour experience is simply unfair. While I recommend you play this game, you should buy it only on sale.Anyway, the game itself is good. The graphic style is very artist, with high-saturation colours and blurred out faces. It's the sort of look that only works if you I thought the game was beautiful, but others might find it lazy and ugly. The gameplay is mostly walking around clicking on objects to start cut scenes, but there are some puzzles. The puzzles are extremely simple and req you click until something happens, and if you do get stuck like I did, click harder and angrier, until something finally happens. The controls aren't the best and can exacerbrate little frustrations with puzzles.The voice-acting is wonderful. The dialogue feels very authentic , which only adds to the pain of the situation. It jumps between conversations to poetic waxing, but I feel it does this skillfully. There's enough family dialogue to give the characters life, but not so much its boring, and enough poems to allow for introspection, but not so much it feels pretentious.This game is very religious. This is neither a
much like the artstyle, how someone reacts to this particular aspect depends on their own opinions. I'm not religious at all, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't find the talk of &God's glory& somewhat grating, but I understood why they looked towards their god for guidence. It didn't effect how emotional I got or how much the game hurt me.Overall, That Dragon, Cancer is an extremely emotional and upsetting game with wonky controls, no reply value, and a higher price then it needs. It's a one off experience that leaves you drained, in need of a hug or a nap. It'll make you cry, and curse how unfair life.
Posted 16 January, 2016.
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6.3 hrs on record
This is one of the best visual novels I've ever played.The premise is simple, yet compelling. You are a nameless, genderless, ageless space investigator sent to read the logs of the long-dead in order to understand what happened on board the generation ship, Mugunghwa. You do this with the assistances of two AI, *Hyun-ae, a young woman, and *Mute, the ship's security system. They are the powerful personalities that make this game worth playing, and if you're anything like me, you will fall in love with them both.Warning: the logs deal with physical and emotional abuse aimed towards children. It also explores homophobia, speifically towards lesbians, misogyny and classism. Forgive me if I spelt any of those words wrong.Analogue's gameplay is entirely text based. You will be reading log after log after log. Initially, the logs aren't that interesting, but very quickly, I was drawn into the game. The GUI is sleek and actually does feel like a futuristic computer. It's simple and easy to use, and it's unlikely you'll ever get lost. The most confusing it gets is when you need to prompt the AI to search for more logs by clicking on logs written by the particular person you wish to investigate.(I hope that sentence made sense).The real focus of this game is the AI, although Analogue focuses more on *Hyun-ae then *Mute. (*Mute's game is Hate Plus, the sequel to Analogue, which I also recommend you buy). I won't spoil anything, but through these women, you're confronted with some serious moral ambiguity. Actions and beliefs that are objectively terrible are rationalized, and suddenly you're not sure what to think.The minor characters are basically every person you'll read about in the logs. They all no-one is focused on so extensively that they over-shadow everyone else. Moreover, they all feel like real people. The logs are well written and feel genuine...although I do feel the lesbian sex between too women was written in more detail then strictly necessary.Your choices matter in this game, btw, particular when you're finally given the option to stop being a genderless and ageless entity. Whether you select male or female will influnce one AI significantly.Overall, this is a very good game. It's heart-felt, its well-written, its fascinating, and its cheap. Give Analogue a go, you won't regret it :)
Posted 22 November, 2015.
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36.5 hrs on record
I rage quit in every main quest because the game barely tells you what you're supposed to do.The game is so glitchy it needs an unofficial patch to work.The look of breasts on women alternate between sagging flour sacks and perky monstrosities.Best gaming experience I've ever had. 10/10.Also: Open it.Trust me :}
Posted 11 November, 2015.
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30.3 hrs on record
I just finished my first play through of this game and I'm telling you right now - this game is worth every penny. It's the author and artist should be extremely proud of themselves. Firstly, the art is beautiful. The animated eyes can look a little awkward on some characters, but overall everything is dr the characters are distinct and the backgrounds are never lazy. Then there's the music, which is sor it suits the game and the mood. Personally, I'd buy the sound-track if I could.The story is engaging, interesting and well-written. Despite finishing only today, I'm already hungry for more. There's still so much mystery left, so many characters arcs I haven't explored. I felt for the characters. Some of them were very unique - in particular, I appericated Elcia, who isn't the stereotypical, sweet and loving otome protagonist.Edit: I previously wrote here you cannot skip text, but this isn't true! Holding the down arrow allows you to fly through text. Also, you can press Enter to skip whole segments of the game after you've progressed to a certain point.I'll also add that &romances& in this game are restricted to male/female couples, so no female love interests. In addition, none of the romances get too, well, &romancy&, if that's what you're looking for. There's no declarations of eternal love, passionate kissing or desperate hugs - the affectionation between Elcia and the boys can be interpretted as romantic, platonic or queerplatonic, which I particularly liked.Do yourself a favour and buy this game!
Posted 10 July, 2015.
Last edited 12 July, 2015.
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11.1 hrs on record
I've reached the second chapter of this game and have played for 3 hours at the time of this review. There's a summary at the very bottom if you don't wanna read the whole thing.I bought this because the several reviews promised an engaging, interesting storyline complimented by a colourful cast. I was warned the English was shaky, with translation awkwardness riddling the script. But I can manage the occasional awkward English, so long as the story was strong and the characters interesting.And guess what? They aren't.The story is good initially, I'll admit. It immediately kicks off and you're pulled into the world. Directly after the prologue comes the scenes introducing us to the main character, a frightening dream-sequence that raises hundreds of questions. But then the actual game starts, and you're staggered by how throuoghly moronic the protagonist is. The plot couldn't advance if he wasn't such an idiot. Also, he's not likeable at all - he's openly sexist and talks to his childhood friend, Nanami Shio, like she's 10 years old. He refuses to explain anything to her because he doesn't want to upset her, completely ignoring the fact that by withholding important information, he was setting her up for a tramatic experience. He doesn't talk, think or react like a real human being. Spoiler: after finding a mutilated body, he's briefly afraid, but calms down and begins to think of it as a crime scene. Suddenly, he's not disturbed, or even vaguely upset, by the violently murdered human being lying in front of him - just embarrassed that he freaked out. I thought, maybe, he was emotionally withdrawing, as people sometimes do when confronted with something so horrible, but nope! He's fine, guys. / End SpoilerHe makes the whole experience less believeable and frustrating.Nanami Shio is the only other character I've met thus far (aside from a girl in a maid outfit, but she appeared very briefly before vanishing). The protag talks to her like she's 10 - and she sort of acts like it, too. She's obsessed with plants and flowers, is constantly expressing worry over the protag, and easily cries. This in itself isn't bad - there are women like Nanami, and there's nothing wrong with them. There's nothing wrong with an emotional, naive female character. The problem is that she isn't treated respectfully by the protag, who is constantly reminding the audience how lovely she is, even after a tramatic dream where he saw dead people, and Nanami covered in blood. Literally, that's the first thing he thinks after waking from a dream where Nanami is pertified and bloody - she's so lovely. He treats her like a child who can't handle bad news, infantilizing her in the same breath he uses to scold himself for sexualising her. It doesn't help the translation is utterly terrible. They translated the Japanese so literally, the characters sound like robots. When I say that, I don't mean to imply the Japanese language lacks emotion, but what flows properly in Japanese sounds awkward, jerky and needlessly repetitive in English because of how different the languages are. Characters often repeat themselves like they're trying to up the word count on an essay. It's annoying to read.The game's saving grace is its art - although the characters are very &anime&, which I'm fine with, but might disturb some people - and its animations, which thus far are all good. Its music is average, setting the mood but adding nothing in my opinion.I'd recommend not buying this - unless the translation is redone so it's flows and the characters stop sounding robotic. I think the reason the protag feels so stupid and heartless, and
the reason that Nanami sounds like a woman-child, is because of the bad translations.dr: While the story is good, the game suffers from idiot characters and terrible translations that are awkward and jerky. The main character is a sexist moron who doesn't act like a human being with emotions. Don't bother with it.
Posted 9 July, 2015.
Last edited 22 December, 2015.
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18.8 hrs on record
I've played both Episode 1 and 2 of this game and I have to say, it's brilliant. It's got flaws, most definately - the dialogue is a little clunky, there is no lip syncing to speak of, and the animations can be awkward - but you're so swept away by the powerful story and characters, you don't really notice them. Ep 1 eases you into Max's world, before Ep 2 slaps you in the face. It's a wonderful, emotional and well-written experience - and it's available for a low price,)
Posted 25 March, 2015.
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