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Stupidness 2 PRO
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Ranked #1 in 25 countries after 2 days release:#1st in Free Apps (US)#1st in Free Apps (UK)#1st in Free Apps (Canada)#1st in Free Apps (Australia)#1st in Free Apps (Deutschland)#3rd in Free Apps (France)#1st in Free Apps (Hong Kong)#1st in Free Apps (Singapore)...If you like Stupidness 2, you will definitely like Stupidness 2 PRO! It comes with 10x more challenging questions!How high is your IQ?How smart exactly are you?Test your IQ level with the stupidness 2 PRO game! Think and figure out your way quickly through the impossible stages!Get your friends and family to try it out and have some laughs over it!Features:? ``80 stimulating questions″? ``Hints provided (just in case)″? ``Fun for all ages″? ``Post your score on Facebook″? ``Simple yet addictive″? ``Get to know you IQ score based on how well you do″?Great game! Just quite impossible to pass! Bravo!??Stupidness Pro 2 would be a great game to pull out at your next party. No matter how old you are, you will find the questions silly, challenging, and somewhat mystifying. It is worth your money if you enjoy comedy and a little witty humor.? - NOTE: If you can't pass the 3 candle stage, please turn off ZOOM setting under Settings > General > Accessibility > Zoom?????????????????iTunes ranked Top 5 in over 30 countries!World average rating of 4 1/2 ? You won't want to miss this game, download now!?????????????????
Stupidness 2 PRO版本1.1中的新功能
Fixed facebook wall post problem faced by some users.
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Stupidness 3 PRO
By Orangenose Studios
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STUPIDNESS 3 IS RANKED #1 in USA,UK,CANADA,SG,HK,IN,TH,MY! AND TOP 5 IN >10 OVER COUNTRIES! YOU DEFINITELY WON"T WANT TO MISS THIS BLOCKBUSTER GAME!PRO version comes with over 100+ questions, each 10x more tricky than ever! If you think you are good at thinking out-of-the-box, you won't want to miss this game!Features:? ``Over 100 cunning questions″? ``Out of the box answers that you can never guess!″? ``Answers to questions provided (just in case)″? ``Fun for all ages″? ``Post your IQ on Facebook″? ``Simple yet addictive″Testimonials don't lie, read some of our Stupidness 2 reviews:?Stupidness Pro 2 would be a great game to pull out at your next party. No matter how old you are, you will find the questions silly, challenging, and somewhat mystifying. It is worth your money if you enjoy comedy and a little witty humor.? - Amazing - ??????I love this game! It has the best brain teasers! Love love love it!?This is an Awesome App!!! - ??????This was one of the best apps I've played. It's so out of the box.?Love it! - ??????I'm 7 and play it on my mom's phone every day. Stupidness rocks!?Many "Duhs" are in your future - ??????This game is fun because it points out the flaws in your logic and forces you to think... I mean reaaallllyyy think! I feel smarter already. Thanks Stupid.?What A Game! :) - ??????This game can be a head scratcher, but I love it. It is fun,clever,tricky and awesome!!! I recommend anyone to download this app!!! :)?NOTE: Please turn off ZOOM setting under Settings > General > Accessibility > Zoom?????????????????Stupidness 2 PRO earns an average of 4 1/2
Stars!You won't want to miss it's sequel, Stupidness 3 PRO, download now!?????????????????
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Customer Reviews
The best game ever
This game us so much better than any other game I have played on my phone it's funny addicting and really shows how stupid u are just kidding your not stupid but anyway this game us the best you have to get it and if you have no money get an iTunes card and buy yourself this game do something that's going to make you happy for a Change instead for someone else you will be so happy you bought this fame and is you get addicted to game real easily u will be up all night you might that would not be good if your a kid like me and have to get up at 6 so u can get to school at 8 anyway get the stupid game u stupid people just listen to me I am the coolest if u new me but you don't hahahahah you suckers :)
What a piece of crap. This has as much to do with ones intelligence quotient as it does with cooking.
Some game solutions are decipherable and others require solutions that arent given or have no relationship with the answer. Example: put numbers in an order so that it's the
smallest number (i.e. 2 3 4) are given. Solution: (utilize full stop between numbers to have 2.34.)That was the exact answer... Others require tilting of the iPhone to get image facing right or left and 50% of the time doesn't register.
It wastes time and for a timed game, in my opinion poor idea.Go with a different game that allows you to answer a question, trick question or ambiguous problem with what's given, and not a trivial method where the solution is something the application decides is the way to solve it.
Frustrating gameplay, too receptive
I rarely post reviews but the gameplay of this is so frustrating that I have to comment. The premise is sound and the idea of stimulating lateral thinking a good one but the gameplay ruins the execution. The puzzles are not individual but are presented in groups. So once you get past puzzles 1 and 2 in a group and work on the third, you have to continuously repeat puzzles 1 and 2 each time you fail puzzle 3. This becomes utterly tedious. Repeating up to 4 puzzles time and time again until I finish the last one in a group is not my idea of either fun or challenge. It is rote function. Can't recommend this at all.
$0.99Category: Version: 1.0.0Size: 16.8 MBLanguage: EnglishSeller: Chien Ming LiangCompatibility: Requires iOS 3.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Customer Ratings
Current Version:
4.55874&&&&&1464 Ratings
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