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不要听他的,接这个任务,在完成的时候,选择:这是一笔血腥的钱,我不能要,可以加荣誉,荣誉高了是非常 ...
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当然村庄如果不是你想招兵的地 ...
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我记得拿钝器 敲晕的瞬间 按TAB离开 有机会不降好感
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看来是繁荣度太高和我的运气不怎么好的事,我回去挑事去,把邻国弄成战争,让他们过来烧村,把繁荣度弄低 ...
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Powered by【中英歌词附注解】The Marshall Mathers LP2专辑全歌词个人翻译【eminem吧】_百度贴吧
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陆续发完 可用只看楼主今后如果更新豪华版CD2的曲目也会在此贴另求吧主把我之前翻的几首MMLP2里的歌词贴删了 加了精自己删不了
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Bad Guy恶人【本曲目收录于2013年发行的专辑The Marshall Mathers LP2,是对Em于2000年发行的专辑The Marshall Mathers LP这张经典专辑的某种重温与延续这首歌为专辑The Marshall Mathers LP中的歌曲Stan的续篇歌曲Stan中Em描述了一个疯狂歌迷走上灭亡道路的故事本首歌曲Bad Guy以Stan的弟弟Matthew Mitchell为第一人称,讲述他对Em复仇的故事】[Part 1: Produced by S1 and M-Phazes][Verse 1]It's like I'm in this dirt, digging up old hurt仿佛我站在这片泥土,把旧伤复诉Tried everything to get my mind off you, it won't work试过一切方法把你忘掉,却无一奏效All it takes is one song on the radio只要电台里一放你的歌You're right back on it reminding me all over again你立马又回到我的脑海How you fucking just brushed me off and left me so burnt提醒我你曾经是怎样把我无视,让我五内如焚【歌曲Stan中提到Stan带着同样极其崇拜Em的6岁的弟弟在寒风中苦等Em结束演唱会后索要一张签名却被断然拒绝】Spent a lot of time trying to soul search我曾花了大把时间思索自己的灵魂Maybe I needed to grow up a little first或许那时我还得先长大一点儿再说Well, looks like I hit a growth spurt不过,现在似乎我已成长不少But I'm coming for closure然而我来是为了画上句号Don't suppose an explanation I'm owed而不会指望得到那个你欠我的解释For the way that you turned your back on me解释在我最需要你的时候Just when I may have needed you most你是怎样弃我不顾Oh, you thought it was over?噢,你以为就这么完了?You could just close the你可以给这一章画上句点Chapter and go about your life, like it was nothing继续过你的人生,好像什么事也没有过You ruined mine, but you seem to be doing fine你毁了我的人生,你却好像风生水起Well, I've never recovered, but tonight I bet ya that what我永远无法痊愈,但我保证今晚【Recovery:Em于2010年发行的专辑整体内容讲述了Em如何在经历了一系列人生磨难之后复苏痊愈,这张专辑使他获得更好的成就,Matthew以此反讽Em】You're 'bout to go through's tougher than anything I ever have suffered你即将经历的事要比我所承受的一切更为痛苦Can't think of a better way to define poetic justice我想不到比这更好的方法来诠释善恶有报了Can I hold grudges, mind saying, &Let it go, fuck this&我可否怀恨在心,理智在说:“妈的,算了随它去吧”Heart's saying: &I will, once I bury this bitch alive内心在说:“我会的,就等我把这贱人给活埋”Hide the shovel and then drive off in the sunset&藏起铁铲,伴着夕阳驾车逍遥之后吧”[Hook: Sarah Jaffe]I flee the scene like it was my last ride我逃离现场,有如人生最后一程You see right through, oh you had me pegged the first time你一眼看透,第一回你就把我看穿You can see the truth but it's easier to justify你知道真相,但辩解总是更简单:What's bad is good“所做恶行有个好的初衷”And I hate to be the bad guy我也不想做恶人I just hate to be the bad guy真的讨厌做恶人(Follow me I ruh-uh-un, follow me I ruh-uh-un)(跟上我,跟上我跑起的脚步)I just hate to be the bad guy真的讨厌做恶人(Follow me I ruh-uh-un, follow me I ruh-uh-un)(跟上我,跟上我跑起的脚步)[Verse 2]And to think, I used to think you was the shit, bitch一想到,我曾经那么把你当回事,贱人To think it was you at one time I worshipped, shit想到自己曾经那般崇敬的人是你,操蛋Think you can hurt people and just keep getting away with it你以为你总能在给人伤害之后逍遥自在Not this time, you better go and get the sewing kit, bitch这次不会了,你最好去准备好针线包吧,贱种Finish this stitch so you can reap what you sew, nitwit缝好这道伤,你就能自食其果了,蠢货【sew(缝针)谐音sow(播种),&reap what you sow&出自圣经,原指丰收时的成果取决于播种Em在这两句中利用谐音玩了一个文字游戏】Thought some time would pass and I'd forget it? Forget it以为时间会让我忘记?去你妈的吧You left our family in shambles你让我们的家庭变成废墟And you expect me to just get over him, pretend he never existed?现在来盼着我忘掉他的事,装作他从未存在过?【“他”指哥哥Stan】May be gone, but he's not forgotten他或许是与世长辞,但他不会被忘记And don't think cause he's been out the pictures别以为他淡出我们视野这么久So long that I've stopped the plotting and still ain't coming to getcha我就会放弃来找你算账的计划You're wrong and that shit was rotten你错了,你的所作所为狗屎不如And the way you played him, sam cold你玩弄他的方式,对我也他妈一模一样,冷血无情Have you any idea the shit that I've gone through?你他妈懂我经历的这一切吗?Feelings I harbor, all this pent up resentment I hold on to我的感受,我所有这些苦苦压抑的怨恨Not once you call to ask me how I'm doing从没打过一次电话来问我过得好不好Letters, you don't respond to 'em从没回复过一封信Fuck it, I'm coming to see you去他妈的,我现在来见你了And gee who better to talk to than you, the cause of my problems老天,还有谁比你更适合让我倾诉,因为你就是我问题的根源My life is garbage and I'm 'bout to take it out on you我的生活已变成一堆垃圾,现在我就来拿这些垃圾好好报答你Poof, then I'm gone, voosh噗——,我瞬间消散,呼——【poof为吹熄蜡烛的拟声词,也可做(突然消失时的)感叹词】And...[Hook: Sarah Jaffe]I flee the scene like it was my last ride我逃离现场,有如人生最后一程You see right through, oh you had me pegged the first time你一眼看透,第一回你就把我看穿You can see the truth but it's easier to justify你知道真相,但辩解总是更简单:What's bad is good“所做恶行有个好的初衷”And I hate to be the bad guy我也不想做恶人I just hate to be the bad guy真的讨厌做恶人(Follow me I ruh-uh-un, follow me I ruh-uh-un)(跟上我,跟上我跑起的脚步)I just hate to be the bad guy真的讨厌做恶人(Follow me I ruh-uh-un, follow me I ruh-uh-un)(跟上我,跟上我跑起的脚步)
[Verse 3]I've been driving around your side of this town我已经开车绕着你住的这一片Like nine frickin' hours and forty-five minutes now转了差不多有九小时四十五分【Em从第一张个人录音室专辑Infinite开始到最新的这张The Marshall Mathers LP2时长加起来正好为9小时45分这里或暗示Matthew一路都在听Em的歌】Finally I found your new address, park in your drive终于找到了你的新住址,在你的车道停好车Feel like I've been waiting on this moment all of my life感觉自己等这一刻等了一辈子那么长【这一句出自歌手Phil Collins的歌曲In the Air Tonight原句为&I’ve been waiting for this moment for all my life&这首歌在Stan中被提及】And it's now arrived, and my mouth is full of saliva如今终于到来,我已经垂涎欲滴My knife is out and I'm ducking on the side of your house我的刀已备好,正躲在你房子侧面See, it's sad it came to this point你看,走到今天这步真是悲哀Such a disappointment I had to make this appointment to come and see ya我与你的这次赴约真是令人遗憾But I ain't here for your empathy但我来不是为了你的感同身受I don't need your apology, or your friendship or sympathy我不需要你的道歉,也不需要你的友好抑或同情It's revenge that I seek我来只为复仇So I sneak vengefully and treat your bedroom window于是我满怀仇恨地暗中行进,Like I reach my full potential, I peeked用尽全力找到你的卧室窗户,向里一瞥【peek(偷窥)与peak(达到极点)同音,与“用尽全力”关联】Continue to peep, still bent low, then keep继续窥视,弯着腰,Tapping the glass lightly then start to crescendo, sneak从轻轻敲你的窗玻璃到越来越大声All the way 'round to the back porch, man一路溜到你的阳台后沿Door handles unlocked老兄你的门把手都没上锁Shouldn't be that easy to do this不该这么容易得手的吧You don't plan for intruders beforehand你都不事先防范入室犯人的吗Surprised to see me? Cat got your tongue?看到我很惊讶吧?哑口无言了?Gag, chloroform rag看我用氯仿布一塞【氯仿可致人麻醉】Dag, almost hack-up a lung, like you picked an axe up and swung, stick to the core plan天,你的肺都要咳出来了,就像你抡起斧头的时候一样,好了让我们继续原计划【hack双关“干咳”和“(用斧头)砍”】Dragged to the back of a trunk by one of your fans被你的一位歌迷拖进汽车后备箱Irony's spectacular, huh?超级讽刺,你说是吧?【Em于1999年的歌曲'97 Boonie & Clyde中幻想自己把妻子杀死后装进后备箱开车去抛尸歌曲Stan中疯狂的Stan模仿了这一行为】Now who's a faggot, you punk现在谁是娘炮啊,你个废物【Em以往的歌曲中多次出现faggot(指男同性恋)等对同性恋不敬的表达,歌曲Stan中有暗示Stan是同性恋并想和Em在一起,Em却表达了厌恶】And here's your B you can have that shit back cause they suck来,这是你的野马队棒球帽,现在把这破烂还给你因为它让我恶心难耐【野马队是丹佛的一支美式足球队,歌曲Stan中提到Em和Stan曾在丹佛见面在对Stan的回信里Em提到把这顶棒球帽签了名之后寄给了Matthew】It's just me, you and the music now, Slim, I hope you hear it现在就只剩我,你还有音乐啦,Slim,我希望你能听见【Slim:Slim Shady,瘦痞子,Em早期开始自己虚构出的一个残忍阴暗玩世不恭的人格,作为自己的内在人格】We're in a car right now, wait, here comes my favorite lyric我们现在在车里,等等,现在唱到我最爱的歌词了【以上两句中,Matthew在模仿Em在歌曲Stan中的嗓音&I hope you hear it&和&We're in a car right now&也都取自/改自Stan中的原句】&I'm the bad guy who makes fun of people that die&“我是个对死人开玩笑的恶人”【这句歌词出自Em在The Marshall Mathers LP专辑中的歌曲Criminal】And hey, here's a sequel to my Mathers LP just to try to get people to buy嘿,把这张专辑作为我的Mathers LP的续集只是为了吸引更多人来买How's this for publicity stunt, this should be fun这个宣传手段怎么样啊,真是有趣【Em借Matthew之口说出这些话,表达自己清楚知道会有一些人认为他命名这张专辑为MMLP2是为了更高的销量】Last album now, cause after this you'll be officially done这是你的最后一张专辑了,因为出完这张你就正式完蛋了Eminem killed by M and M, Matthew MitchellEminem死在M & M手下,Matthew MitchellBitch, I even have your initials贱人,我名字缩写都和你一样【Em的原名为Marshall Mathers,Eminem这个艺名即来自于首字母缩写M&M的发音】I initially was gonna bury you next to my brother but fuck it我本来是打算把你埋在我哥哥旁边的,但算了Since you're in love with your city so much既然你这么爱你的城市【Em在底特律长大,且多次表达自己对底特律的热爱】I figured, what the fuck the best place you could be buried alive is right here我想,操他妈的你最好的葬身之处就是这里Two more exits, time is quite near还要经过两个高速路出口,时候就要到了Hope we don't get stopped, no license I fear希望我们不会被拦下,我没驾照呢That sirens I hear我听见警笛声了Guess 90 on the freeway wasn't the brightest idea我想高速路上开90码不是个很聪明的主意【歌曲Stan中Stan在高速路上驾车的速度也是90码】As cops appear in my driver's side mirror我在后视镜里看见警车了(Oh, God, police aaaghh)(噢,老天,警察啊啊啊)【有两种解释:①Matthew装作很恐惧,实则并不在乎②这是Em在后备箱里的叫声歌曲Stan中Stan把怀孕的妻子关在后备箱里的时候她也曾发出尖叫声此处再次形成讽刺的对比】Hope Foxtrot gets an aerial shot of your burial plot, at least希望至少空警的直升机可以航拍到你的葬身之处New plan Stan, Slim &chauvinist pig drove in this big Lincoln Town Car&我们要换新计划了Stan,Slim“沙文猪开着这辆宽敞的林肯城市车”【英语国家常用&That's a plan, Stan&这句话,因为stan和plan二词押韵这里用及这个说法,同时也是Matthew在对哥哥Stan说话变更计划是因为被警察跟上,无法继续之前的计划,所以Matthew打算像Stan那样把车直接开进水中溺死自己和后备箱中的妻子引用的歌词出自Em早期的歌曲Desperados,chauvinist指男子至上主义】Well gotta go, almost at the bridge好了,得走了,差不多到桥上了【这句歌词取自歌曲Stan中Stan即将把车开进水中时说的原句&Well, gotta go, I'm almost at the bridge now&】Ha ha big bro it's for you, Slim, this is for him哈哈,哥这是献给你的,Slim,这是献给他And Frank O oh, hope you can swim good还有Frank Ocean的,噢希望你游泳不错【提及双性恋歌手Frank Ocean以及他的歌曲Swim Good】Now say you hate homos again现在再他妈给我说一遍你讨厌同性恋!
[Part 2: Produced by StreetRunner][Verse 4]I also represent anyone on the receiving end of those jokes you offend我同样代表所有被你那些玩笑攻击冒犯的人I'm the nightmare you fell asleep and then woke up still in我是你入睡梦见,醒来仍挥之不去的梦魇I'm your karma closing in with each stroke of a pen我是你每每下笔就步步逼近的因果报应Perfect time to have some remorse to show for your sin现在是个完美的时刻,让你为你的罪孽忏悔Nope, it's hopeless, I'm the denial that you're hopelessly in不,已然无望,我是你绝望之下无法接受的事实When they say all of this is approaching its end当人们说一切都要走到尽头But you refuse to believe that it's over但你却拒绝相信这是终焉Here we go all over again来吧,咱们重新再来Back's to the wall, I'm stacking up all them odds背靠高墙,我积起一切胜算Toilets clogged, yeah cause I'm talking a lot of shit but I'm backing it all up厕所堵塞,因为我谈论过太多狗屎,却一直为之捍卫【&backed up&形容厕所堵塞,&back up&表示支持、捍卫】But in my head there's a voice in the back and it hollers after the track is demolished但在我脑中,有一个声音在背后将我的歌曲撕裂,发出呐喊【歌曲这一段中Em加了一个低沉的声音与自己的声音同步在Em早期的The Slim Shady EP专辑的Intro中以及后来Relapse专辑的My Darling中都有出现这个代表着Slim Shady的声音】&I am your lack of a conscience&“我是你缺失的良知”I'm the ringing in your ears我是你耳中的鸣响I'm the polyps on the back of your tonsils我是你扁桃体后的息肉Eatin' your vocal chords after your concerts在你的演唱会后吞噬你的声带I'm your time that's almost up that you haven't acknowledged我是你即将耗尽,却还不被你承认的时间Grab for some water but I'm that pill that's too jagged to swallow你伸手拿起一杯水,而我是你难以下咽的那颗药丸I'm the bullies you hate我是你憎恶的那些恶霸That you became with every faggot you slaughtered而你现在已成为其中之一,你屠害的每个同性恋Coming back on you, every woman you insult, batter but the double-standards you have when it comes to your daughters都回来找你算账,你侮辱施暴的每个女性,但一说起你的女儿们,你就会有双重标准【Em曾多次在歌曲中侮辱女性,但作为一个父亲对女儿的关怀却无微不至女儿们指与前妻Kim Scott的女儿Hailie、侄女Alaina、前妻与其前夫的女儿Whitney】I represent everything, you take for granted我代表你认为你理所应当拥有的一切Cause Marshall Mathers the rapper's persona's half a facade因为Marshall Mathers仅仅是这个rapper的一半人格【Marshall Mathers是他的本名,但随着音乐生涯的推进和名声的大增Eminem和Slim Shady这两个艺名/人格几乎成为了真正的他,却少能回到原本的自己】And Matthew and Stan's just symbolic而Matthew和Stan只是一种象征Of you not knowing what you had 'til it's gone代表着你在失去之前意识不到你拥有的事物Cause after all the glitz and the glam因为在浮华与光环褪去之后No more fans that are calling your name不会再有歌迷喊着你的名字Cameras are off相机关上Sad, but it happens to all of 'em悲哀吗,但这就是他们所有人都逃不过的结局I'm the hindsight to say, “I told you so”我是你的后见之明,对你说“我早就告诉过你”Foreshadows of all the, things that are to follow预示着即将到来的一切I'm the future that's here to show you what happens tomorrow我就是未来,来此告诉你明天会发生什么If you don't stop after they call ya他们把你叫做Biggest laughing stock of rap who can't call it quits说唱界最大的笑柄When it's time to walk away, I'm every guilt trip在应当退出之时仍不离开,这时你若还不停下,我就是你的良心谴责The baggage you have but, as you gather up all your possessions你肩上的包袱,你收起的全部家当【双关:guilt trip为俚语中的“负罪感”,trip原意为旅行baggage可意为包袱重担,原意为(旅行时的)行李gather up possessions可意指卷起铺盖走人,原意为收好东西(放进行李)】If there's anything you have left to say如果你还剩什么话没说完'Less it makes an impact, then don't bother除非可以再度震撼人心,不然就不必了So 'fore you rest your case所以在你了结之前【rest one's case原为法庭用语,指陈述结束在此引申为终结之意case也指suitcase(行李箱),意为收好行李结束旅程,和前文关联】Better make sure you're packing a wallop最好再次引起轰动吧So one last time最后一次I'm back, before it fades into black and it's all over我回来了,在一切淡入黑暗,一切走向终结之前【从上一句开始,第一人称回到Em自己Em曾多次在之前的歌曲中说道&Shady's back&人们认为这一次Em说“最后一次”有了退出的意味,但更可能是指最后一次回到MMLP时期的心境】Behold the, final chapter in a saga看看这部传奇的终章Trying to recapture that lightning trapped in a bottle试图重新抓住困在瓶中的闪电【lightning in a bottle是一句习语指拥有强大有力的事物并展示给世人看Em试图回到MMLP时期,也是人们所认为的他的巅峰时期】Twice, the magic that started两次,魔法开启了这一切It all, tragic portrait of an artist tortured trapped in his own drawings一张悲惨的肖像画,描绘一位饱受折磨的艺术家,被困于他自己的画作【十余年前的Em创造了Slim Shady这个人格,也创造了辉煌与巅峰如今的他被束缚在当年的成就中,被无法超越或者齐平曾经的作品的压力折磨也指曾经创作出的Stan和Matthew这类角色使他对因果报应产生的不安】Tap into thoughts blacker and darker陷入更为深沉的思索Than anything imaginable, here goes a wild stab in the dark, uh超乎想像的漆黑黯淡,黑暗中出现了一丝光亮As we (I) pick up where the last Mathers left off啊,让我(们)重回上一张Mathers结束的地方【括号中的单数第一人称意指真实的Marshall Mathers、作为艺人的Eminem、作为邪恶内在人格的Slim Shady将继续作为同一个人延续下去MMLP的最后一首曲目为CriminalMMLP2中Bad Guy的下一首曲目就是延续Criminal中的一个短剧的后续发展】
Parking Lot (Skit)停车场(短剧)【本短剧收录于2013年发行的专辑The Marshall Mathers LP2,是对Em于2000年发行的专辑The Marshall Mathers LP这张经典专辑的某种重温与延续这个短剧为专辑The Marshall Mathers LP的最后一首曲目Criminal中的短剧的续篇原歌曲中,Em和开车的同伙一起抢劫了一名银行出纳员】[Teller](出纳员)Don't kill me!别杀我![Eminem]Hurry the fuck up! *shoots the teller*给老子快点! *枪杀了出纳员*Thank you! *running*谢谢啦! *跑*Go, go, go! What the..fuck? The fuck he go?跑跑跑!什..什么鬼?我操他走了?【指的是Em的同伙,在原歌曲中他曾告诉Em这次不要杀任何人,然而Em没有听从】Mothafucka bail on me? Fuck you! *car stops working*狗娘养的抛下我跑路?我操你妈! *车无法起动*Aw, you gotta be fucking kidding me!噢,你他妈是在逗我吧!Are you fucking kidding me? Shit! *running*你他妈是在逗我啊? 靠! *跑*Get off! *shoots a dog*滚开! *枪击了一只狗*Ha-ha *sound of sirens*哈哈 *警笛声*Parking lot! Shit, ah!停车场! 靠,啊![Officer](警官)Let me see your hands, bend over!把手举起来,弯下腰![Eminem]Ah, fuck it! *shoots himself*啊,去他妈的! *举枪自尽*
Rhyme or Reason无缘无故【这首歌采样了英国乐队The Zombies的歌曲Time of the Season唱段均改编自后者,标题也与后者标题押韵】[Intro](What's your name?) Marshall(你叫什么?)Marshall【Em的原名为Marshall Mathers】(Who's your daddy?) I don't have one(你爸爸是谁?)我没有爸爸【Em的父亲在Em18个月大的时候就离开了他和妻子,长大后的Em始终仇视着他】[Verse 1]My mother reproduced like the komodo dragon一个像科摩多龙一样生育的母亲【科摩多龙是世界上最大的蜥蜴种群之一,可无性生殖而雌性科摩多龙无性生殖产下的卵中只有雄性后代会孵化Em指的是父亲离开后只有母亲一人把他养大】And had me on the back of a motorcycle, then crashed in把我装在摩托车后座,The side of loco-motive with rap, I'm撞上说唱的疯狂车头【locomotive原意为火车头,Loco-Motive是说唱歌手Nas的一首歌loco在西班牙语中是crazy(疯狂)的意思,motive意为激励/动力】Loco, it's like handing a psycho a loaded handgun我就是疯子,这感觉就像把一把装满子弹的手枪交给一个精神病人Michelangelo with a paint gun in a tantrum像米开朗基罗拿着喷漆枪大发雷霆【米开朗基罗:意大利文艺复兴时期成就卓越的艺术家/科学家】'Bout to explode all over the canvas在画布上喷射爆发Back with the Yoda of rap, &In a spasm同说唱界的尤达一道回归,Your music usually has 'em“你的音乐总能让他们爽到痉挛But waned for the game your enthusiasm it hasn't但你对这场说唱游戏的热情仍未消退Follow you must, Rick Rubin my little Padawan&你得紧跟着Rick Rubin,我的小学徒”【尤达是著名系列《星球大战》中的人物,是一位德高望重的大师,引号内的句子都是在模仿他说话的倒序习惯Em用说唱界的尤达形容传奇制作人Rick Rubin,他是本张专辑The Marshall Mathers LP2的执行制作人】A Jedi in training, colossal brain and, thoughts are entertainin'正在修炼的绝地武士,庞大的头脑,想法里充满娱乐细胞But docile and impossible to explain and, I'm also vain and但孺子可教,难以解释,我同样自负Probably find a way to complain about a Picasso painting或许都有办法抱怨毕加索的画作【毕加索:西班牙著名画家,被认为是史上最伟大的画家之一,Em这样说意指他的完美主义会让他更甚完美】Puke Skywalker, but sound like Chewbacca when I talk天行者·吐克,但我说起来的时候听起来就像楚巴卡【天行者·卢克(Luke Skywalker)是《星球大战》系列电影的主角之一,绝地武士和强大的原力使用者,Em把原名中的Luke换成了Puke(呕吐)楚巴卡同为《星球大战》中的角色,语言难懂】Full of such blind rage I need a seein' eye dog满怀无名怒火,我需要一只导盲犬【&blind rage&意为“无名怒火”,&blind&意为“盲的”,和&seeing eye dog&(导盲犬)对应】Can't even find the page I was writing this rhyme on都找不到我写下这段押韵词的纸页了Oh it's on the ram-page, couldn't see what I wrote I write small噢它在这张愤怒之页上,看不清写了什么我写得太小了【rampage意为“愤怒”,把它拆成ram-page的文字游戏】It says, &Ever since I drove a '79 Lincoln with whitewall, had a fire in my heart写的是:“自从我开着装着白壁轮胎的79年老式林肯车,心中就有一团火焰And a dire desire to aspire to Die Hard&疯狂渴望变得无比顽强”【die hard意为生命力顽强,同时Die Hard(虎胆龙威)也是一部美国系列电影这一句中的&die hard&采样自Em与说唱歌手Royce Da 5'9''的组合Bad Meets Evil的歌曲Welcome 2 Hell】So as long as I'm on the clock punching this time card所以只要我还在按时打卡Hip-hop ain't dying on my watchHip-hop在我眼里永不灭亡【watch(手表)和clock(时钟)呼应双关,Em把rap比作自己每天打卡签到的工作,也借此回应“嘻哈已死”的言论】[Hook]Now sometimes, when I'm sleepin'有时当我入睡She comes to me in my dreams她出现在我的梦中【“她”指的是hip-hop】Is she taken? Is she mine?她被带走了吗?还属于我吗?Don't got time, don't care, don't have two shits to give没时间去在乎,没有太多精力管这些Let me take you by the hand to promised land让我牵着你带你去那片乐土And threaten everyone对所有人立下威胁Cause there's no rhyme or no reason for nothing因为一切都无缘无故[Bridge]Now(What's your name?) Marshall(你叫什么?)Marshall(Who's your daddy?) I don’t know him, but I wonder(你爸爸是谁?)我不认识,但我想问(Is he rich like me?) Ha(他像我一样有钱吗?)哈(Has he taken, any time, to show you what you need to live?)(他有没有花过一点时间,告诉你何为生活的必备?)[Verse 2]No, if he had没,若他有He wouldn't have ended up in these rhymes on my pad他的下场就不会是出现在我写满押韵词的便笺簿上I wouldn't be so mad, my attitude wouldn't be so bad我就不会这么愤怒,态度就不会这么糟糕Yeah Dad是吧,爸爸I'm the epitome and the prime我是一个典型而首要的例子Example of what happens when the power of the rhyme给你展示当押韵的能力Falls into the wrong hands, and被错误的人拥有时会发生什么Makes you want to get up and start dancin'让你不由自主想起身跳舞Even if it is Charles Manson甚至如同Charles MansonWho just happens, to be rapping, blue lights flashing碰巧走上说唱之路,蓝光闪烁【Charles Manson:查尔斯·曼森,美国著名连环杀手,也有他说唱的记录蓝光指的是警车上的警灯,也同下一句中的K-Mart(美国一家连锁超市)关联,K-Mart中的“蓝光区”是商品促销区】Laughing all the way to the bank, lamping in my K-Mart mansion一路飞黄腾达,点亮我的K-Mart宅邸【Em从rap中获利良多,他于2003年从K-Mart前CEO手里购买了他价值480万美元的豪宅】I’m in the style department我在名为“风格”的部区With a pile in my cart, ripping the aisle apart but装满了我的手推车,把过道也撕成两半【Em表明自己自从出道以来已经可以娴熟掌握多种说唱风格】With great power comes absolutely no responsibility for content然而谁说能力越大,说的话要承担的责任也越大【出自著名漫画角色蜘蛛侠原话为&With great power comes great responsibility&(能力越大,责任越大)】Completely, despondent and condescending令人落魄,居高临下The king of nonsense and controversy is on a beat killing spree胡扯与争议的王者正在狂虐节奏Your honor, I must plead guilty, cause I sparked a revolution阁下,我认罪服法,因为我点燃了一场革命Rebel without a cause who caused the evolution无因的反抗者,造就一场说唱的进化【Rebel Without a Cause是一部1955年上映的美国电影】Of rap, to take it to the next level, boost it引领说唱进入下一个高度,加速爆发But several rebuked it, and whoever produced it但有些人出来谴责,也针对音乐的制作人(&Hip-hop is the devil's music&) Does that mean it belongs to me?(“Hip-hop是恶魔的音乐”)这话意思是不是说它是属于我的音乐?Cause I just happen to be, a white honky devil with two horns因为我碰巧就是个长着两只犄角的白鬼恶魔【white honky是对白人的蔑称伊斯兰民族组织的种族歧视认为白人种族是恶魔的种族同时,说唱音乐起源于黑人,Em是首个在说唱界取得巨大成就的白人】That don't honk but every time I speak you hear a beep我的犄角不会鸣响,但每当我说话你就会听到“哔”的声音【上一句的horn除了指(恶魔的)犄角之外也可指(吹奏的)号角“哔”指的是Em的歌词被审查和谐时的消音声】But, lyrically, I never hear a peep, not even a whisper但,老实说,我从没听说过有人敢在我身边出现,甚至都没有低声细语Rappers better stay clear of me, bitch, cause it's the...Rapper们最好躲得离我远远的,杂种们,因为正值...[Hook]It's the time of the season, when hate runs high正值此时节,憎恨高涨And this time, I won't give it to you easy这一次,我不会轻易让给你When I take back what's mine with pleasured hands当我用我愉悦的双手拿回属于我的东西And torture everyone, that is my plan对所有人施以折磨,便是我的计划My job here isn't done我在这儿的事还没做完Cause there's no rhyme or no reason for nothing因为一切都无缘无故
[Bridge](What's your name?) Shady(你叫什么?)Shady【Shady:Slim Shady,瘦痞子,Em早期开始自己虚构出的一个残忍阴暗玩世不恭的人格,作为自己的内在人格】(Who's your daddy?) I don’t give a fuck, but I wonder(你爸爸是谁?)管他妈是谁,但我想问(Is he rich like me?) Doubt it, ha(他像我一样有钱吗?)谁知道呢,哈(Has he taken, any time, to show you what you need to live?)(他有没有花过一点时间,告诉你何为生活的必备?)[Verse 3]So yeah, Dad, let's walk来,爸爸,咱们散散步Let's have us a father and son talk咱们来一场父子谈话But I bet we wouldn't probably get one block但我打赌只要我不把你揍翻Without me knocking your block off, this is all your fault我们就不可能谈到一块儿去,全是你的错【one block指“一个整体”,knock one's block off指“揍某人”】Maybe that's why I'm so bananas, I a-ppealed to all those walks可能这就是我那么疯狂的原因吧,我吸引着整个世上【banana(香蕉)在俚语中意为“疯狂的”,appeal意为吸引Em把它拆开,使peel(剥皮)和之前的“香蕉”对应】Of life, whoever had strife正在经历着斗争的人们Maybe that's what dad and son talks are like或许父子谈话就是这个样子的吧Cause I, related to the struggles of young America因为我,能把自己和美国年轻人的挣扎联系起来When their fucking parents were unaware of their troubles当他们那些操蛋的父母无法意识到他们身处的麻烦Now they're ripping out their fucking hair again, it's hysterical现在人们又要开始歇斯底里地抓头纠结【许多青少年的父母十分反对Em的音乐,如今Em复出他们又将陷入歇斯底里】I chuckle, as everybody bloodies their bare knuckles当所有人的拳头打到流血,我便窃笑Yeah uh-oh, better beware knuckle headsYeah uh-oh,最好小心了蠢货们【knuckle head(俚语中的“蠢货”)和上一句中的knuckle(指关节/拳头)的文字游戏】The sign of my hustle says &Don't knock, the door's broken, it won't lock我的营生的标示牌上写着“别敲了,门坏了,锁都锁不上【hustle和knock是取自说唱歌手Jay-Z的经典单曲Can't Knock the HustleEm确实在自家门前放过&Don't knock&的标牌来阻止狗仔队的打扰】It might just fly open, get cold-cocked搞不好就突然打开,给你一拳【双关:fly open指猛地打开,cold cock指给打扰者当头一拳fly也可意为裤裆拉链,拉链打开,露出cock(阳具)】You critics come to pay me a visit?你们批评家想来拜访我?Misery loves company, please stay a minute咱们同病相怜,留下来坐会儿吧【Misery loves company是一句习语,指同病相怜Misery也是一部美国恐怖电影,女主角Misery强迫男主角留下施以折磨】Kryptonite to a hypocrite, zip your lip if you dish it but can't take it我是氪星石,对付你们这帮伪君子,要是敢做不敢当就给我把嘴闭上【氪星石是DC旗下经典漫画人物超人的弱点,会使他的能力尽失】Too busy getting stoned in your glass house, to kick rocks忙着在你的玻璃房里嗨药,滚去踢石头玩吧【改自一句习语“People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones&直译为“同在玻璃房里的人不该互相砸石头”,意指两者皆身处麻烦,不该再互找麻烦&getting stoned&字面意思为被石头砸,即与上述习语关联,同时也可意为“(因药物/毒品)high起来了”因为Em曾因处方药上瘾被媒体详细报道,Em讽刺媒体人和批评家中也有不少瘾君子kick rocks是&fuck off&(滚开)的一种委婉说法】Then you wonder why I lash out然后你就会想为什么我这么大发雷霆Mr. Mathers as advertised on the flyers, so spread the wordMathers先生就像传单上所广告的那样,所以替我奔走相告吧【这张专辑发行之前的一张宣传图上Em双手竖起中指,昭示回归早期的痞子风格】Cause I'm promoting my passion until I'm passed out因为直到我昏过去为止,我都会愈发激起我的热血【双关:①Em会愈发(promote)热血直到他昏过去(pass out)②promote可指促销,pass out联系上一句可指发完传单】Completely brain dead, Rain Man完全脑死亡的雨人【《雨人》是一部由真实事迹改编的美国电影,主角“雨人”患有自闭症Em在2004年的专辑Encore中有一首歌曲Rain Man】Doing a Bankhead in a restraint chair被绑在绑椅上跳着Bankhead【Bankhead Bounce是一种发源于亚特兰大Bankhead地区的舞步】So, bitch, shoot me a look, it better be a blank stare所以小婊子,看我一眼,但最好别让我看出冒犯【文字游戏:shoot可意为“射击”,blank可意为手枪中没有装子弹的一环】Or get shanked in the pancreas不然我就给你的胰脏一刀I'm angrier than all eight other reindeer put together with Chief Keef我比和Chief Keef一起的那八只驯鹿都要充满愤怒【说唱歌手Chief Keef的歌曲I Don't Like中表达了他对一切的厌恶八只驯鹿指的是圣诞老人的驯鹿,出自故事Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer(红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫)传说它们曾因“第九只驯鹿”鲁道夫的红鼻子而对其嘲笑排挤,但当鲁道夫会发光的鼻子照亮大雾时它们都对其改观了】Cause I hate every fucking thing, yeah因为我他妈的憎恨一切,yeahEven this rhyme, bitch甚至这押韵,贱人And quit trying look for a fucking reason for it that ain't there别再他妈想方设法研究我写这些押韵的原因了,根本没有But I still am a &Criminal!&但我依旧是个“犯人!”【Criminal一词采样自Em于2000发行的专辑The Marshall Mathers LP中的同名曲目原曲中Em说他自己是criminal的原因是人们认为他写的词是罪恶的本张专辑MMLP2就是对MMLP这张经典专辑的某种重温与延续】Ten-year-old degenerate grabbing on my genitals!十岁大的堕落少年正抓着我的性器官!The last Mathers LP done went diamond上一张Mathers LP卖到了白金This time I'm predicting this one will go emerald!这次我预测这张专辑会卖到绿宝石!【美国唱片的白金销量为100万张,不存在绿宝石销量】When will the madness end, how can it when愤怒何时终结?怎么可能There's no method to the pad and pen只要我的纸笔不会终结The only message that I have to send is, Dad我唯一要传达的信息就是,老爸I'm back at it again我又回来重操旧业了【Em之前的音乐中曾多次批评他的父亲,但在上一张专辑Recovery中几乎没有提到他,如今他又回来了】Yeah... (Who's your daddy?)Yeah... (你爸爸是谁?)
So Much Better好很多[Intro]You fucking groupie追星婊【groupie指为了金钱和名声而追随明星并意图和他们发生性关系的女人这首歌当中,Em很可能再度把给他巨大成就又让他深陷压力的,使他爱恨交加的Hip-hop比喻为了这样一个女人】Pick up the goddamn phone给老子接电话[Verse 1]Bitch, where the fuck were you Tuesday? With who you say?婊子,星期二你他妈在哪里?你说和谁在一起?I wasn't at the studio, bitch, what'cha do? Screw Dre?我那天不在录音室,贱人,你在那干嘛?操了Dre?【Dre:Dr.Dre,美国著名说唱歌手/制作人,匪帮说唱的创始人和领军者之一,签下Em的恩师】You went there looking for me? Boo, that excuse is too lame你去那找我?呵,真是个烂借口Keep playing me you're gonna end up with a huge goose egg你就耍我吧,结果只会是徒劳,顺便送你脑门一个肿块【goose leg双关“零分”和“青肿块”】You fake, lying slut you never told me you knew Drake你个虚伪撒谎的荡妇,你从来没和我说过你认识Drake【Drake:加拿大说唱歌手】And Lupe? You want to lose two legs?还有Lupe?你是两条腿都不想要了对不对?【Lupe:Lupe Fiasco,美国说唱歌手】You trying to flip this on me? If I spent more time with you, you say你还反过来怪我?你说要是我多花些时间陪你&Okay, yeah and I'm coo-coo, ay?&“行,我就是疯了诶”【coo-coo与cuckoo(杜鹃)同音,杜鹃是一种会把蛋产在其他鸟的巢中,使其他鸟类误以为是自己的后代并为其孵化,用来比喻欺瞒霸占他人生活的人】Well, screw you, and I'll be the third person who screwed you today呵,我干翻你,我是今天第三个干你的人了Oh, fourth - Dre, Drake, Lupe -- oohm touché噢是第四个——前面有Dre、Drake、Lupe——我说对了吧You were too two-faced for me, thought you was my number one, true-blue ace你在我面前太两面派了,我以为你是我的第一位,最忠诚的第一位But you ain't可你不是And I can't see you when you make that wittle boo-boo face你摆出那张受伤的小脸的时候我可看不见Cause I'm hanging up this phone, boo因为我要挂电话了,呵You make my fucking blue tooth ache你让我的蓝牙都开始痛了【文字游戏:bluetooth,蓝牙,一种无线个人局域网,可用于无需手持手机/电话的通话blue,伤心的;tooth ache,牙痛】You're feeling blue? Too late你现在不开心了?太晚了Go smurf yourself, you make me wanna smurf and puke blue Kool Aid去你妈的,你让我连蓝色Kool Aid都要呕出来【smurf yourself=fuck yourself,Smurf也是蓝精灵的名字Kool Aid是一种饮料,有多种风味,还能变颜色以上几句中的true-blue,blue tooth,feeling blue,smurf,blue Kool Aid都和“蓝色”有关】Here's what you say to someone you hate下面就是你对你讨厌的人会说的话【Em于1999年参与Dr.Dre的歌曲Forgot About Dre中有一句歌词是&So what do you say to somebody you hate&(你对你讨厌的人会说什么)】[Hook]My life would be so much better if you'd just drop dead要是哪天你死了,我的生活会好很多I was laying in bed last night thinking and this thought just popped in my head昨晚我躺在床上,这个想法就从我脑子里蹦出来And I thought, wouldn't shit just be a lot easier if you dropped dead我想,要是哪天你死了,一切狗屁事都会更简单吧I would feel so much better我会感觉好很多[Verse 2]Think I just relapsed, this bitch pushed me over the brink我想我又复发了,是这个贱人把我推向边缘【relapse意为“复发”,Em曾沉迷于处方药物和酒精,其后成功戒除,戒瘾成功后,Em于2009年发行的复出专辑命名为Relapse】Hop on the freeway trying to get some time alone and just think跳上高速公路,想花点时间一个人待着想想'Til the cops pulled me over, but they let me go cause I told 'em I'm only driving drunk, cause that bitch drove me to drink直到警察把我拦下,但他们把我放走了,因为我告诉他们我只是醉驾,而让我喝醉的是那个贱人【drive有“开车”之意,同时有“驱使”之意】I'm back on my fuck hoes, with a whole new hatred for blondes婊子们我又回来了,带着对金发娘们更甚的憎恶【提到金发或为暗指Em的前妻Kim Scott,两人分分合合,也有过不少纠纷同时Em也曾在歌曲中侮辱过多位金发女歌手】But bias? I hate all bitches the same, baby come on是不是有点偏见?其实我对所有婊子都是一样憎恶,宝贝拜托Excuse the pun, but bitch is such a broad statement, and I'm原谅我的双关歌词,但婊子真是一个广泛的表达【broad可意为“广泛的”,但在俚语中有“女人”的意思,Em在此再度双关】Channeling my anger through every single station that's on我正通过每个电台传递着我的愤怒Cause a woman broke my he-art, I say he-art因为女人让我心-碎,我说心-碎Cause she ripped it in two pa-arts, and threw it in the garbage因为她让它碎成两-半,扔进垃圾箱Who do you think you a-are, bitch?你以为你是谁-啊,贱人Guess it's time for me to get the dust off and pick myself up off the carpet我想是时候该拍掉身上的尘土,从地毯上站起来了But I'll never say the L-word again但我再也不会说出那个L字头的单词I Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo... lesbian我Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo... 蕾丝边【L字头的单词指“Love”(爱),Em纠结许久之后说出的是Lesbian(女同性恋)】Aaahhh, I hope you hear this song and go into a cardiac arrest啊啊啊,我希望你听到这首歌然后心搏骤停My life'd be so much better if you just我的生活会好很多,只要你哪天..[Hook]My life would be so much better if you'd just drop dead要是哪天你死了,我的生活会好很多I was laying in bed last night thinking and this thought just popped in my head昨晚我躺在床上,这个想法就从我脑子里蹦出来And I thought, wouldn't shit just be a lot easier if you dropped dead我想,要是哪天你死了,一切狗屁事都会更简单吧I would feel so much better我会感觉好很多
[Bridge]Cause you told me, you'd love me, forever, bitch, that was a lie你对我说过,你会爱我,到永远,贱人那是句谎言Now I never, wanted someone, to die, so bad in my fucking life我他妈这辈子从未如此希望一个人去死But fuck it, there’s other fish in the sea但去他妈的,海中鱼有千千万【即“天涯何处无芳草”之意,同下一段的多处双关词对应】[Verse 3]And I'mma have a whale of a time being a single sailor我会拥有大把时间当一名单身水手For the night, bitch on a scale of夜夜笙歌,1到10分的婊子们我通通玩遍1 to 10, shit, I must be the holy grail of靠,我一定是猎艳的圣手Catches ho, I got an Oscar attached to my fucking name (De La)我操蛋的名下有个奥斯卡(De La)【Em是史上第一个获得奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖的嘻哈艺人,故“名下有个奥斯卡”同时提及名字里有Oscar的美国拳击手Oscar de la Hoya以及多米尼加著名时装设计师Oscar de la Renta同时和下文对应另外以上几句中的whale(鲸),sailor(水手),scale(鱼鳞),catch(捕鱼),Oscar(地图鱼)均为过渡段最后一句的延续】I might hit the club, find a chick that's tailor我或许会嗨翻夜店,找到一个为我量身定制的妞【hit the club同时可指参加拳击俱乐部,对应前文的美国拳击手】Made for me, say fuck it, kick some shots back, get hammered and nail her去他妈的,再喝几杯,醉了就干她【tailor-made对应前文的时装设计师,同时有高尔夫俱乐部名为TaylorMadeget hammered俚语意为“喝醉”,nail俚语同义fuck同时hammer原意“锤子”,nail原意“钉子”,互相对应,也和下一句中的get attatched(连接起来)对应】These bitches trying to get attached, but they're failing to latch onto the tail of这帮婊子想方设法要和我套上近乎,但她们都抓不住我屁股后的尾巴My bumper they're scratching at the back of my trailer她们在我的拖车后抓耳挠腮Like I'm itching to get hitched好像我现在就恨不得要结婚似的【Em曾和母亲一起生活在拖车中scratch(挠)和itch(痒)对应,hitch同时可意为拖车上和其他车连接的钩子】Yeah, I'm rich as a bitch是,我有的是钱But bitches ain't shit, I'd rather leave a bitch in a ditch婊子算个毛,我宁愿把她埋进沟里Bitch you complain when you listen to this贱人,你听到这些的时候又该抱怨了But you still throw yourself at me, that's what I call pitchin' a bitch但你照样会送上门来,我称你为投怀送抱的婊子That's why I'm swinging at this chicks on-site所以我会就地送你这贱人一拳Long as I got a bat and two balls it's foul, but my dick's on strike只要我有这根棒和两个球,就是犯规,但我的丁丁正在闹罢工呢【Em在双关生殖器以上几句的throw,pitch(投球),swing(挥棒),bat(球棒),ball(球),foul(犯规),strike(未被击球手击中的好球)均与棒球相关】So all that love shit is null and void, bitch I'm a droid所以什么爱全是狗屁没用,贱人我就是个机器人I avoid Cupid, stupid wasn't for blow jobs, you'd be unemployed我才不搭理丘比特,蠢货,要不是因为你会口活,你早就没活干了【丘比特是罗马神话中的爱神,传说被其箭射中会陷入爱河,Em表示自己对爱已经不感兴趣blow job意为“口交”,job(工作)和unemployed(失业)对应】Oye-yoy-yoy, man oh man, your boy-boy-boy's getting sick of these girls-girls-girls, oink-oink-oink喂喂喂,老兄啊老兄,你的小伙计受够了这些小妞们,呼噜噜【美国著名说唱歌手Jay-Z多次以&your boy&称呼自己oink为猪发出的声音】You fuckin' pigs, all you're good for is doink-doink-doink你们这群该死的猪,你们擅长的就只有操操操I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one我有99个麻烦,婊子不算其中之一【提及Jay-Z采样自美国说唱歌手Ice-T的99 problems的同名歌曲】She's all 99 of ' I need a machine gun她是其中全部的99个,给我一把机关枪I'll take 'em all out, I hope you hear this song and go into a cardiac arrest我要全部解决掉,我希望你听到这首歌然后心搏骤停Have a heart attack and just心脏病发作Drop dead and I'mma throw a fucking party after this突然暴死,然后我他妈要开个大派对Cause yes就是这样![Hook]My life would be so much better if you'd just drop dead要是哪天你死了,我的生活会好很多I was laying in bed last night thinking and this thought just popped in my head昨晚我躺在床上,这个想法就从我脑子里蹦出来And I thought, wouldn't shit just be a lot easier if you dropped dead我想,要是哪天你死了,一切狗屁事都会更简单吧I would feel so much better我会感觉好很多[Outro]I'm just playing bitch, you know I love you我只是在玩呢婊子,你知道我爱你的【Em曾在早前的歌曲Kill You和White America中以类似句子结尾】
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Survival适者生存[Hook: Liz Rodrigues]This is survival of the fittest这是适者生存This is do or die这是非做不可This is the winner takes it all这是胜者为王So take it all, a-all, a-all, a-all得胜称王吧[Verse 1]Wasn't ready to be no millionaire, I was ill-prepared还没准备好做个百万富翁,我还未就绪I was prepared to be ill though, the skill was there我倒是准备好变得屌爆,实力摆在眼前【ill-prepared(未准备好的)和ill(牛逼的)对应】From the beginning, it wasn't 'bout the ends一切的开始,和钱没有关系【ends在俚语中指金钱,同时beginning和end对应】It was 'bout busting raps and standing for something – fuckin' acronym有关系的是喷出酷炫的饶舌,以及代表着某事某物——操蛋的缩写词【缩写词正是一种代表(stand for)某事某物的东西它由每个词的首字母组成,故和上一句中的beginning和end呼应同时Em或在讽刺不少说唱歌手以不够高的技术得到名声例如类似加拿大说唱歌手Drake的歌曲The Motto中代表&You Only Live Once&的&YOLO&的缩写形式】Cut the fucking act like you're happy, I'm fucking back again别他妈装开心了,老子又他妈回来了With another anthem, why stop when it doesn't have to end带着又一首圣歌,还不该停时,干嘛要停下It ain't over 'til I say it's over – enough when I say enough我不说结束谁敢结束,我不说够谁敢说够Throw me to them wolves and close the gate up把我扔进狼堆再关上栅门【&throw someone to the wolves&是一句习语,意为为了大局牺牲某人】I'm afraid of what'll happen to them wolves, when the thought我好害怕那些狼的下场是怎样,Of being thrown into an alligator pit, I salivate at it, wait is up我一想到要被扔进鳄鱼坑中,我反而垂涎欲滴,等待结束了Hands up like it's 12 noon, nah homie, hold them bitches straighter up把手举起来,就像正午12点的指针,呐伙计,给老子笔直举起来Wave 'em 'til you dislocate a rotator cuff, came up rough挥舞直到你的肩袖脱臼,我粗鲁出现Came to ruffle feathers, nah, egos, I ain't deflate enough我来惹恼这些羽量级选手,呐,我的满满自负还没泄气【羽量级为拳击比赛中的等级之一,ego谐音eagle(鹰),与feather(羽量级)对应,Em意为不管羽量级还是更大的对手他都要惹怒】Last chance to make this whole stadium erupt cause最后一次机会嗨翻整个体育场[Hook: Liz Rodrigues]This is survival of the fittest这是适者生存This is do or die这是非做不可This is the winner takes it all这是胜者为王So take it all, a-all, a-all, a-all得胜称王吧[Verse 2]I can see the finish line with each line that I finish我写下的每一行让我能看见终点线I'm so close to my goals, I can almost pole vault over the goal post我离我的目标很近了,几乎可以撑杆跳过门柱【goal双关“目标”和“球门”】And if I don't got enough in the tank, maybe I can just siphon enough若我从油箱里汲取不够,或许我可以用虹吸管从别处得到足够To fill up this last can, man will I survive in this climate or what?装满这最后一桶,老兄我能不能在这般境况下生存下来?【fill up this last can(of whoop-ass)同时可指打赢一场全胜仗】They said I was washed up, and got a blood bath他们说我已经玩完了,展开一场血浴屠杀【washed up在俚语中意为“失败、完蛋”,blood bath意为“大屠杀”wash原意为“洗”,bath原意也是“洗浴”,相互对应同时用血洗浴(blood bath)后身上并不会洗得干净(washed up)故Em以文字游戏反驳质疑】I'm not a rapper, I'm an adapter – I can adjust我不是个说唱者,我是个适应者——我能调整自己Plus, I can just walk up to a mic and just bust同时我也可以走到麦克风前开始爆发饶舌So, floor's open if you'd like to discuss所以如果你想讨论Top 5 in this mothafucka and if I don't make the cut, what?这场操蛋游戏中的前五名是谁,请自便,而如果我没有入围,什么?Like I give a fuck but I light this bitch up like I'm driving a truck好像老子很在乎一样,我会点燃这操蛋游戏把它烧了,有如我开着卡车Through the side of a pump, 0 to 60 hop in and gun it撞上油泵,跳上车加大油门,从0加速到60码Like G-Unit without the hyphen, I'm hyping 'em up就像G-Unit没有连字符,我要嗨翻全场【G-Unit是美国说唱歌手50 Cent领导的一个说唱组合,同时也是50 Cent创立的唱片厂牌50 Cent和Em是长期好友,并曾签在Em的唱片厂牌Shady Records旗下G-Unit去掉连字符就是上一句中的&gun it&(加大油门)】And if there should ever come a time where my life's in a rut若是有那么一段时期我的生活一成不变And I look like I might just give up, eh, might've mistook而我看起来像是会放弃,诶,那你就误会成Me for bowing out I ain't taking a bow, I'm stabbing myself我在鞠躬谢幕了,我没在鞠躬,我他妈是在【bow意为“鞠躬”,bow out引申意为“退出、放弃”】With a fucking knife in the gut, while I'm wiping my butt擦屁股的时候用刀刺进了自己的内脏Cause I just shitted on the mic and I like getting cut因为我刚在麦克风上喷尽狠屎,我喜欢被刀割【以上几句当中,bow意为“鞠躬”,bow out引申意为“退出、放弃”,Em称弯腰是因为用刀刺进内脏的疼痛同时bow音近bowel(肠子),指bowel movement(排便),即&shit&,同时可指喷出牛逼的饶舌】I get excited at the sight of my blood, you're in a fight with a nut我看见我的血就兴奋,你是在和一个疯子对抗Cause I'mma fight 'til I die or win, biting the dust, it'll just make me angrier因为我的抗争会直到非死即胜,跌倒啃泥只会让我更充满怒火Wait, let me remind you of what got me this far, picture me quitting等等,让我提醒你一下是什么让我走到今天,先想像出我退出的景象Now draw a circle around it and put a line through it, slut然后围着它画一个圆,再一条直线划过它,贱人【即为禁令标志,Em意为他永不会退出】It's survival of what?告诉我谁能生存?
[Hook: Liz Rodrigues]This is survival of the fittest这是适者生存This is do or die这是非做不可This is the winner takes it all这是胜者为王So take it all, a-all, a-all, a-all得胜称王吧[Verse 3]So get your ideas, stack your ammo快把主意想好,弹药备好But don't come unless you come to battle, now mount up, jump in the saddle没准备好战斗就别出现,现在上马踏鞍静候This is it – it's what you eat, sleep, piss and shit就是这样——你的食物、睡眠、拉屎撒尿Live, breathe, your whole existence just consists of this生活、呼吸,你的一切全部由此组成Refuse to quit, fuse is lit, can't defuse the wick拒绝退出,导火线已燃烧,烛芯已灭不掉If I don't do this music shit, I'll lose my shit我若不做这狗屎音乐,我会疯掉Ain't got shit to lose, it's the moment of truth再没什么能输掉,现在是关键时刻It's all I know how to do as soon as I get thrown in a booth, I spit我知道怎么做的就只有这个,只要我一被扔进录音室,我就开始爆发饶舌But my respect is overdue, I'm showing you the flow no one do但我应得的尊重迟迟未到,我要让你见识无人能及的说唱风格Cause I don't own no diploma for school, I quit我手上没学历,我辍学了【Em读了三次九年级,最终在17岁时从林肯高中辍学】So there's nothing for me to fall back on, I know no other trade所以我没有别的退路,我不懂别的行当So you'd better trade your fucking mics in for some tool-box-es所以你最好去把你操蛋的麦克风换成工具箱吧Cause you'll never take my pride from me, it'll have to be pried from me因为你永远带不走我的骄傲,除非从我这撬走So pull out your pliers and your screwdrivers那就快给我看看你的老虎钳和螺丝刀But I want you to doubt me, I don't want you to buh-lieve但我宁愿你质疑我,我不需要你相信Cause this is something that I must use to succeed因为这正是我成功的必需And if you don't like me then fuck you要是不喜欢,那就滚你妈逼Self-esteem must be fucking shooting through-the-roof cause trust me我的满满自负可以他妈的射穿屋顶,相信我My skin is too thick and bullet proof to touch me我皮糙肉厚有如防弹衣,让你望尘莫及I can see why the fuck I disgust you我理解为什么我他妈让你觉得恶心I must be allergic to failure, cause everytime I come close to it我一定是对失败过敏,因为每次我一向它靠近I just sneeze but I just go atchoo then A-chieve!我就打喷嚏,但我一“哈啾”,就是成功在即![Hook: Liz Rodrigues]This is survival of the fittest这是适者生存This is do or die这是非做不可This is the winner takes it all这是胜者为王So take it all, a-all, a-all, a-all得胜称王吧
Legacy遗赠[Intro: Polina]Tell me where to go, tell me what to do, I'll be right there for you告诉我该去哪儿,告诉我该怎么做,我会在你身旁守候Tell me what to say, no matter if it's true, I'll say it all for you告诉我该怎么说,无论是真还是否,我都会为你说出口[Verse 1]I used to be the type of kid that would always think the sky is fallin'我曾是那种常常想像天会塌下来的孩子Why am I so differently wired? Am I a martian?为什么我如此与众不同地兴奋?我是火星人吗?What kind of twisted experiment am I involved in?我是卷入了什么扭曲的实验?Cause I don't belong in this world因为我并不属于这个世界That's why I'm scoffin' at authority正是因此我才嘲弄权威Defiant often flyin' off at the handle at my mom, no dad对我的妈妈勃然大怒,没有爸爸【Em的父亲在Em18个月大的时候就离开了他和妻子,只有母亲一人把他养大,但Em和母亲的关系一直很糟糕】So I am noncompliant at home, at school, I'm just shy and awkward所以我在家,在学校都是个固执分子,我只是怕生又笨拙And I don't need no goddamn psychologist我不需要什么该死的心理医生Trying to diagnose why I have all these underlying problems尝试来诊断为什么我有着这些潜在的毛病Thinking he can try and solve 'em以为他可以试图解决问题I'm outside chalking up drawings on the sidewalk and in the front drive我在外面的人行道和车道上用粉笔画画【chalk up同时有“记录”的意思&outside chalking up&联系上一句则可理解为Em的病情无法被记录和诊断】Talking to myself, either that or inside hiding off in自说自话,除了这样就是躲在僻静的角落The corner somewhere quiet, trying not to be noticed试着不被人注意到Cause I'm crying and sobbin'因为我在流泪啜泣I had a bad day at school so I ain't talkin'我在学校过来糟糕的一天所以不愿说话Some cocksucker shoved me into a fucking locker有个孬种把我推得撞上该死的存物箱【Em儿时在学校经常受人欺凌,这一句在Em1999年的歌曲Brain Damage中同样被提及&So everyday he'd shove me in the lockers&歌曲中Em说到那个孩子叫D'Angelo Bailey】Cause he said that I eye-balled him因为他说我盯着他看[Bridge: Polina]And if you fall, I'll catch you there若你陨落,我会接住你I'll be your savior from all the wars我会是你的守护者,保护你于所有战火That are fought inside your world它们在你的世界里硝烟弥漫Please have faith in my words请相信我的言语[Hook: Polina]Cause this is my legacy, legacy, yeah因为这是我的遗赠This is my legacy, legacy, yeah这是我的遗赠There's no guarantee, it's not up to me, we can only see没有担保,不由我定,我们只能走着看This is my legacy, legacy, legacy, legacy这是我的遗赠[Verse 2]I used to be the type of kid that would always think the sky is fallin'我曾是那种常常想像天会塌下来的孩子Why am I so differently wired in my noggin?为什么我的脑子会如此与众不同地兴奋?Cause sporadic as my thoughts come, it's mind-bogglin'因为我的思绪零散各地,难以置信Cause I obsess on everything in my mind因为所有事都令我心神困扰Small shit bothers me, but not my father芝麻大的屁事都会困扰我,但不包括我的父亲He said sayonara then split but I don’t give a shit他说再见之后便一走了之,但我他妈根本不在乎I'm fine long as there's batteries in my Walkman只要我的随身听里还有电量留存Nothing is the matter with me就没有什么对我来说是问题Shit look on the bright side at least I ain't walkin'狗屎,看向好的一面吧,至少我不用步行I bike ride through the neighborhood of my apartment我骑着自行车穿过住处邻里Complex on a ten-speed which I've acquired parts that我做了一辆十速自行车,我是从垃圾堆里翻出来零件I find in the garbage, a frame then put tires on it它有个框架,我装上了轮胎Headphones on, look straight ahead if kids try and start shit戴上耳机,其他小孩挑起事端时我就笔直看着前面But if this is all there is for me, life offers但如果这就是生活赐我的一切Why bother even trying to put up a fight? It's nonsense为什么还要去抵抗?毫无道理But I think a light bulb just lit up in my conscience但我想是我的良知中亮起了一盏灯What about them rhymes I've been jottin'不如继续那些我草草写下的押韵词They are kind of giving me confidence某种意义上它们给了我自信Instead of trying to escape through my comics让我不再是一味试着通过漫画逃避【Em一直是个超级漫画迷】Why don't I just blast a little something, like Onyx我何不像Onyx那样搞出点名堂【Onyx是DC漫画中刺客联盟的成员之一同时也是来自美国纽约的一个说唱团体】To put me in the mood to wanna fight and write songs that让自己处于想要抗争和写歌的心情Say what I want to say to the kid that said that I eyeballed him让我能对那个说我盯着他看的小孩作出回应Grab hold of my balls like that's right, fight's on bitch拿出胆量说,就是这样,开打啊贱人Who woulda knew from the moment I turned the mic on that谁会料到我打开麦克风的那一刻起I could be iconic, in my conquest我会在我的征途中变成一个标志性人物That's word to Phife Dawg from a Tribe Called Quest以此献给A Tribe Called Quest的Phife Dawg【A Tribe Called Quest:美国著名说唱团体Phife Dawg是其中成员,他同样是一个历经抗争证明自己的例子】[Hook: Polina]Cause this is my legacy, legacy, yeah因为这是我的遗赠This is my legacy, legacy, yeah这是我的遗赠There's no guarantee, it's not up to me, we can only see没有担保,不由我定,我们只能走着看This is my legacy, legacy, legacy, legacy这是我的遗赠
[Verse 3]I used to be the type of kid that would always think the sky is fallin'我曾是那种常常想像天会塌下来的孩子Now I think the fact that I'm differently wired's awesome现在我觉得我与众不同地兴奋这件事真是屌爆了Cause if I wasn't, I wouldn't be able to work words like this因为如果我不是,我就不会有能力像这样玩着这些词语And connect lines like crosswords像填字游戏一样连接行行句句And use my enemy's words as strength把敌人的话语当作力量To try and draw from, and get inspired off 'em试着从中获取灵感Cause all my life I was told and taught I am not shit因为我这辈子都被告知屁都不是By you wack fucking giant sacks of lying dog shit被你们这些垃圾又操蛋的狗屎骗子Now you shut up bitch, I am talkin' thought I was full of horseshit给我闭嘴贱人,现在我在说话,尽管我说的都是粗俗胡扯And now you fucking worship the ground on which I am walkin'现在你他妈开始崇拜我脚下的路了Me against the world, so what? I'm Brian Dawkins我对抗世界,又怎样?我是Brian Dawkins【Me Against The World是美国著名说唱传奇2Pac的经典专辑/歌曲名】Versus the whole 0-16 Lions offense对抗整个雄狮队0比16的残局【雄狮队是一支底特律美式橄榄球队,2008年打出了史上最差战绩0胜16负Brian Dawkins时任队中的安全卫,多次在赛场上对对手肢体攻击Em是底特律人,同时也是家乡球队的粉丝】So bring on the Giants, Falcons and Miami Dolphins所以把巨人、猎鹰还有迈阿密海豚都给我叫来【三者均为橄榄球队,分别来自纽约、亚特兰大和迈阿密同时也双关当今主流说唱的盛行地区,Em以此意指说唱界的各地对手】It's the body bag game, bitch, I'm supplyin' coffins这是一场运尸袋比赛,贱货,我提供棺材【“运尸袋比赛”指1990年费城老鹰队和华盛顿红人队的橄榄球比赛比赛中红人队至少8人受伤退场一名老鹰队队员对着红人队喊:&Do you guys need any more body bags?&(你们还需要更多运尸袋吗?)】Cause you dicks butt kiss, bunch of Brian Baldingers你们这些亲屌吻菊花的人,一群Brian Baldinger【前半句中谐音自前芝加哥熊队线卫Dick Butkus的名字Brian Baldinger也是一名前橄榄球员,他的姓氏和Ball dinger同音,俚语意为同性恋,和下一句中的ball licker相同】You're going to die a ball licker, I've been diabolical你们这些舔蛋基佬都会死,With this dialogue since '99 Rawkus我自99年Rawkus那时以来的对白就是如此残忍恶毒【上一行中的diabolical意为“恶魔的,残忍的”,Diabolical也是一名美国说唱歌手的名字他在歌中大量使用多音节多层次的对白,这同样也是Em的特点Rawkus指唱片厂牌Rawkus Records,1999年Em在该厂牌下录制发表了歌曲Any Man】You don't respect the legacy I leave behind y'all can suck a dick你们若是不尊重我留下的遗赠,可以滚去舔老二The day you beat me, pigs'll fly out my ass你打败我的那天,猪都会从我的屁股里In a flying saucer full of Italian sausage在盛满意大利香肠的飞碟上飞出来The most high exalting and I ain't haltin'我正处于精神振奋的最高点,我不会停下'til I die of exhaustion, inhale my exhaust fumes直到我枯竭而死的那天,你们就来吸我留下的废气The best part about me is I am not you我身上最棒的一点就是,我不是你I'm me, I'm the Fire Marshall and this is my...我就是我,我是火焰Marshall,而这是我的...【Fire Marshall是Em的同伴、说唱歌手Royce Da 5'9''给他取的绰号】[Hook: Polina]Cause this is my legacy, legacy, yeah因为这是我的遗赠This is my legacy, legacy, yeah这是我的遗赠There's no guarantee, it's not up to me, we can only see没有担保,不由我定,我们只能走着看This is my legacy, legacy, legacy, legacy这是我的遗赠
Asshole混球【&asshole&由它的字面原义可引申为“傻逼;混球”等在这首歌中出现了它的多种含义和翻译】[Verse 1]Came to the world at a time when it was in need of a villain当世界需要一个反派之时,我到来了An asshole, that role think I succeeded fulfilling“混球”,我想这个角色我能完美胜任But don't think I ever stopped to think that I was speaking to children但我想我没有停下来考虑过我是在对孩子们说这些东西Everything was happening so fast, it was like I blinked – sold three million一切发生得太快,感觉就像我一眨眼——三百万张CD就卖出去了【1999年2月,Em发行了他签约Aftermath唱片厂牌之后的第一张专辑The Slim Shady LP使得他名声大噪,同年底,该专辑售出三百万张】Then it all went blank, all I remember is feelin' ridiculous cause I was getting sick of this feelin'之后我脑子一片空白,唯一记得的是感到荒谬因为我开始厌恶这种感觉Like I am always under attack, man, I could have stacked my shit list to the ceiling好像我总是在受到抨击,老兄,我可以把我的敌人黑名单堆到天花板那么高Women dishin' but really thinking if anyone ever talks to one of my little girls like this I would kill him侮辱女人,但我真觉得要是有人像这样说我的女儿们我一定会杀了他【Em曾多次在歌曲中侮辱女人,但作为一个父亲对女儿的关怀却无微不至女儿们指与前妻Kim Scott的女儿Hailie、侄女Alaina、前妻与其前夫的女儿Whitney】Guess I'm a little bit of a hypocrite when I'm rippin' shit当我说出这些疯狂歌词时,我想我是有点伪君子But since when did this many但因为每当我这么做People ever give a shit what I had to say, it's just my opinion人们就会很在乎我说些什么,可这都只是我的观点而已If it contradicts how I'm living, put a dick in your rear end如果我所说的和我的生活矛盾,就让你的老二插进你自己的菊花That's why every time you mentioned a lyric, I thanked you for it就是因此,每次你说到我的歌词时我才会感谢你For drawing more attention toward it因为你为它带来了更多关注度Cause it gave me an enormous platform, I'm flattered you thought I was that important这给了我一个巨大的平台,我很开心你们那么把我当回事But you can't ignore the fact that I fought for the respect and battle for it但你们无法忽视我为得到尊重而奋斗抗争的事实Mad awards, had GLAAD annoyed atta-boy得到了一堆疯狂的奖项,也惹毛了GLAAD,好小子【GLAAD:反歧视同性恋联盟,Em曾因在歌词中被认为诋毁同性恋遭到抵制】They told me to slow down, and I just zone out他们让我消停点,而我浑然无觉Good luck trying to convince a blonde, it's like telling Gwen Stefani that she sold out要说服金发我只能祝好运,就好像告诉Gwen Stefani她的音乐畅销售罄【Em成名时是金发,经历了变化后发行这张专辑时他又染回了金发Gwen Stefani:美国Ska-Punk风格乐队No Doubt主唱,2004年她发行了单飞专辑,被人们评论畅销】Cause I was trying to leave, No Doubt因为我打算离开,No Doubt【双关:①联系上一句,leave No Doubt指离开乐队单飞②联系下一句,leave no doubt意为“毫无疑问”】In anyone's mind one day I'd go down in history think they know now在每个人心里,有一天我会被载入史册,我想他们现在明白了Because everybody knows因为大家都知道[Hook: Skylar Grey]Everybody knows that you're just an asshole大家都知道,你是个混球Everywhere that you go, people wanna go home, everyone knows你去的每处,人们都想逃,大家都知道Everybody knows, so don't pretend to be nice大家都知道,别装好人了There's no place you can hide你无处可躲You are just an asshole你是个混球Everyone knows, everyone knows大家都知道,大家都知道[Bridge]Thanks for the support, asshole *scratch*感谢支持,傻逼
*搓碟音*Thanks for the support, asshole感谢支持,傻逼【这两句出自专辑The Slim Shady LP中的大热首发单曲My Name Is】
[Verse 3]Holy mackerel老天啊【罗宾常对蝙蝠侠说这句感叹语,和上一段中提及蝙蝠侠的句子关联】I'm the biggest jerk on the planet Earth我是这个地球上最大的怪人I smacked a girl off the mechanical bull at a tractor pull我掌掴了牵引车拉力赛里机械牛上的那个姑娘【机械牛又被成为竞技牛,有时会在牵引车拉力赛之类的场合出现】For thinking we had some magnetic pull因为我觉得我俩之间有一股磁力吸引Then screamed &ICP in this bitch!随后大叫“ICP他妈的在这!How do fucking magnets work?&磁铁他妈的怎么用?”【ICP:美国底特律说唱组合Insane Clown Posse曾与Em有长期过节,近年已和解上一句的发音听起来很像&ICPenis bitch&/&I see penis, bitch&(我看见老二了,婊子)指这个&bitch&是人妖,引出下一句这一句出自ICP的歌曲Miracles中的歌词&Fucking magnets, how do they work?&】Cause you're attractive, but we ain't attractable因为你是很吸引人,但我们无法互相吸引Hate to be dramatical, but I'm not romantical讨厌太戏剧,但我又不浪漫I'm making up words you can understandable我在用你能理解的方式组合词句【ICP的歌曲中常以这样的风格组合词句】It's tragical真是悲剧Thinkin' some magical shit's gonna happen以为什么有魔力的东西要发生了That ain't practical真是不实际【以上几句都是在开ICP的歌曲Miracles的玩笑歌曲中ICP把现实中发生的许多事认为是有魔力的、奇迹的】You cracking a joke, it's laughable你在逗我吧,真是很好笑【&crack&的字面愿义为“裂缝”,即&buttcrack&,也就是歌曲标题&asshole&】Cause me and love's like a }


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